Revival Road

Chapter 138 Business Analysis Meeting for the First Half of the Year 2

Chapter 138 First Half Operation Analysis Meeting II

The participants immediately pricked up their ears, and sure enough, Tao Tang said what they were more concerned about.

"Let me say a few words that have nothing to do with the main purpose of today's meeting. Although it has nothing to do with the grand purpose of today's business analysis meeting, it has a direct and profound relationship with the company's development. After thinking about it, I think it's better to talk about it...

"Recently, some things have happened in the company, and some things have been done. These things may be more directly related to the interests of some people, but these people must be a minority. These things, you may not talk about them in public, but you must discuss them in private It’s normal. It’s not right to not care or discuss. The first thing is to clean up and leave the post, which directly involves nearly 500 people, and there are more indirect ones...can’t count. Why clean up and leave the post? Because it’s a bleeding of Red Star Point, how big is it? According to the statistics of the Human Resources Department, at least 2000 million a year..."

The venue immediately buzzed.Obviously, this number surprised many people.

"This is only to restore the economic loss, and more importantly, to awaken people's hearts and morale. The company's leadership firmly believes that it must stand on the side of the vast majority of employees in the company. Thousands of people have fought for their interests. Now I want to report to you, first, this work is basically over. Among the off-duty personnel, some have returned to work, some have been suspended without pay according to the regulations, and a very small part will be dismissed Handling. During the whole process, we did not make any exceptions, no matter who was involved, we treated them equally. During the period, the relevant leaders and departments of the company withstood various pressures and did not repeat the previous mistakes, which is worthy of recognition.

"This is not a very easy thing to handle, but I think the human resources department is doing a good job. But then there is an issue of leadership responsibility, and the company has dealt with it. Yesterday's joint meeting of the party and government has made a final decision. No It is so perfect, because there are differences at the company level, which is also normal, and there is no need to make a fuss. I think it is reasonable to advocate strict treatment, and it is reasonable to advocate lenient treatment with an eye to the future. Use respect It is in line with organizational principles to make processing decisions in the form of majority opinion.

"For a matter that involves the whole company, it would be strange if everyone spoke at the team meeting. But there were still some strange phenomena. Soon someone found out what was going on at the team meeting, which meant that some people in the meeting did not Confidentiality, revealed the content that should not be disclosed, whether it was an unintentional mistake or intentional, I can't judge. But," Tao Tang suddenly increased his tone, "the company's determination to fight against unhealthy trends and promote righteousness has undoubtedly been demonstrated , there are no exceptions on the issue of leaving posts, this is the biggest achievement! As for dealing with comrades with leadership responsibilities, it is a matter of scale. This incident caused conflicts among the team, which is even more delusional. I warn this person who may not exist, don’t hope that the company will be chaotic. Chaos will not do you any good. The ancients said that if the skin does not exist, the hair will not be attached? Red Star Company is Everyone, everyone should cherish our company and the rising righteousness of the company. Don’t do stupid things like relatives hurting enemies. Don’t think that you have done bad things and no one will know, that’s impossible. There is a quantitative change in philosophy. As a rule, if you do too many bad things, you will definitely be unlucky.

"The second thing is the problem of Yang Kaihe's disappearance. So far, we have served as the director of the mobile department for seven years. I can't say that he is a comrade. I haven't found him yet. But I believe we will find him. It’s different now, it’s more difficult to hide yourself now, because your whereabouts can be exposed everywhere, I don’t think Yang Kaihe is that smart, but it’s just causing us a little trouble. Yang Kaihe doesn’t show up, his problem It’s hard to define it, but there is no doubt that there is a problem, otherwise why can’t it be found? Up to now, no evidence of someone coercing him has been found, so I dare to say that there is something wrong with this person. How big is the problem? Of course we have to speak according to the results of the investigation. But if he is fine, why bribe me?"

In less than ten hours, almost all the middle management knew about the news that Wang Dabin was demoted and transferred out of the hotel, and naturally there was a reason behind it.However, Tao Tang's direct speaking at such a meeting still shocked the middle-level cadres.The thing is like this, we talk about corruption every day, but when the problem happens around us, the feeling is completely different.

"Our Red Star company has such a scandal, shouldn't we reflect on our management? You don't have to doubt that if Yang Kaihe has serious violations of discipline, such as corruption in the economy, it will be difficult for him to achieve his goals alone. It is a question of timidity, but a serious lack of system and management. Is there only one Yang Kaihe in Red Star Company? Or is there only a lack of management in the mobile department? I don’t think so. It is not easy to train a cadre organizationally. The organization never wants any cadre to have problems, but the organization does not unprincipledly protect any cadre who violates discipline! Therefore, everyone should cherish their own efforts, cherish their positions and the trust of the organization, and do not do anything that will deceive the organization. This is a shameful thing. If anyone here thinks that the salary offered by the company is too low, you can resign and leave, I will never stop it. But as long as you are in a two-level leadership position, you must have the only income, that is, in addition to the salary provided by the company. In addition to the salary you pay, you can’t get a penny through any channels. If you take it, it is a violation of discipline. In this regard, the company will issue a series of regulations one after another. The implementation effect inspection, this work is led by the Ministry of Development and Regulations, with the cooperation of finance, supervision and other departments, and it will take three months to thoroughly carry out it. Let me make it clear to everyone that this is not to punish people, but to save people. I think it is now Some cadres are very confused, can't see the situation clearly, don't pay attention to learning, have poor self-cultivation, have unclear concepts of right and wrong, unclear policy boundaries, and lax self-discipline, and take some violations of discipline for granted. Construction and special inspections to help them improve their understanding and level, especially to develop the habit of obeying rules and doing things according to procedures... I just mentioned the only income, I still want to say a few more words. Most of the people here are middle-level leaders, department-level All of the above are based on performance, and there are post allowances at the department level, as well as telephone subsidies. Let’s talk about department-level cadres. I looked at the cashing of the Human Resources Department last year. The less received 10,000 to 2500, and the more was [-]+ , this does not include the advance salary you receive every month. Is this amount high? It depends on who you compare it with. I think a reasonable comparison object is the employees. The salary is only about [-], which is about [-] a year. Considering the subsidy of the team leader, section chief and other positions, many employees can’t get [-]. As a deputy director, I get more than [-] a year I don’t think the salary is too low! If he still complains in this situation, and still uses crooked ideas to make money, he is ignorant of his conscience! It is a crime against the entire factory staff! No loan!

"The third thing is the activation of Comrade Liao Junwei. First of all, I would like to declare that I have not heard any unpleasant voices about this matter, but considering that some people may have an alternative interpretation of this, I still want to say a few words here.

"It has been many years since cadres have been able to call up and down, but it is actually very difficult to do so. I think one of the main reasons for this situation is that cadres are always either one or the other, either Kong Fansen or Wang Baosen. What is the actual situation? , the vast majority, including me, are neither Kong Fansen nor Wang Baosen. Cadres who make mistakes should be dealt with, including demotion and dismissal, which are normal organizational processing. Similarly, cadres who have been punished by the organization are not without reorganization. Opportunity to take up a leadership position. In this regard, what is the situation of Red Star Company? I have not done a special investigation and have no right to speak. But in the Shengdong Company where I worked, dozens of middle-level cadres were demoted due to various mistakes. More than six layers of them took up posts later, and some of them joined the leadership of the company. The cadres of Shengdong Company have basically adapted to this kind of management, which can be regarded as the new normal. Comrade Liao Junwei’s work-related injuries exposed I think it is right to be dismissed for the vacancy of personnel management, and he should take that responsibility! But the comrade did not get depressed because of this, even though the organization gave him half a month's vacation, oh, it was a reward for him working overtime on weekdays A little compensation, but he only went to work after two days of rest. He worked as an ordinary employee, where he needed to go, and even went to bed. I think this performance is very good, showing a party leader The quality that a cadre should have is an extremely excellent quality. Comrades, people can only show their true side in adversity. Whether it is gold or tiles, it must be proved in the fire. I think Comrade Liao Junwei has proved it with his actions Myself, so the team researched and sent him to take over the steel pipe factory taken over from Donghu Machinery as the top leader. Comrade Liao Junwei is definitely not perfect. His mistakes in the second branch factory did not wrong him, but the organization still has confidence in sending him to a new position. Yes, I believe he can do well in his new position and achieve great results!
"Compared to Comrade Liao Junwei, some people are worse. It is said that there are those who cry, those who swear, and those who are ready to resign and leave Red Star... What I want to say is that your attitude determines how the organization treats you. Attitude, I hope that all of our comrades here can learn from Comrade Liao Junwei. If nothing else, just learn from his attitude towards adversity. I can guarantee that there will be people who will be punished by the organization due to work mistakes. I would like to see more Liao Junwei, so that cadres can go up and down in Red Star has become the new normal."

Zhao Qingmin took the lead in applauding, and the venue remembered the warm applause.

Liao Junwei was at the venue.Yesterday afternoon, Ma Guangming and Peng Jie had already talked to him and announced his new appointment.To be honest, he didn't expect Tao Tang to use him so quickly.Or he has given up any hope of becoming an "official".When Tao Tang talked to him at the beginning, he was not so convinced in his heart, feeling that he was more wronged than Dou E.Out of character, he did not say excessive words.Just avoid it, who will let the handle of the knife be in other people's hands.The wife complained that he was using the woman who had a work-related injury to comfort his wife and himself.That woman was disabled because of this, and I deserved to be punished for it. Who made me feel soft-hearted and didn't implement the company's regulations?
The reason why he didn't want to leave the second branch factory was because he had feelings for the branch factory that others didn't think much of. Where did he grow up? He had worked there for more than 3000 years and was familiar with every piece of equipment there. one person.But he really didn't expect Tao Tang to risk his prestige and re-enable him.Ma Guangming clearly told him that Mr. Tao proposed your appointment, which surprised him even more.He knew the situation of the steel pipe factory. It was an independent company with more than [-] people and an annual income of nearly [-] million. Compared with the second branch factory, it had greater responsibility and more power. This showed how much Tao Tang valued him.Last night, friends and colleagues who heard the news called one after another, and even ran to his home to congratulate him. Some people said that this is the victory of justice and the victory of people's hearts. You were wronged in the first place.Liao Junwei didn't say much, but he was full of gratitude to Tao Tang in his heart, really, it was gratitude.He is also a senior middle-level official, he thought, if he were sitting on Tao Tang's chair, he would never do this.Even if you are wrong, it is a matter of prestige, but you must stick to it.But people are higher than their own level, open-minded, can not but be convinced.The key point is that I have never had anything to do with others, and I didn't even say a few words. I thought I was done for now, and I just waited to die, but I didn't expect that there was a chance to come out again...

Tao Tang on the stage looked at his watch, "Finally, I want to talk about personnel management. After the phenomenon of leaving the post is basically resolved, the company will start the 'three fixed' work, focusing on the huge temporary workforce and redundant staff. Squeeze out the temporary workers who should not be used without mercy, and solve the redundant staff of the organization to the greatest extent. This matter is no less difficult than cleaning up and leaving posts, but as long as we work together, it can be done. The reason why I am here to tell everyone The purpose of blowing the wind is to let everyone have a psychological preparation, fully realize the harm to the cause of the overstaffing of the government, do work in multiple aspects, and more fully establish channels for dredging personnel placement...well, that's all I'll say. "

Xu Deyu was sitting in the back row this time, next to Lu Qi.She heard Lu Qi muttering something, as if she was going to attack the agency... Then she realized that solving the redundant staff of the agency was not a word, as if no one had dared to poke this hornet's nest before.She didn't hear what Li Luo, who presided over the meeting, said, and the meeting broke up.

(End of this chapter)

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