Revival Road

Chapter 140 Marketing 2

Chapter 140 Marketing II

Cui Jian said to Xu Deyu, "You know the importance of this follow Mr. Tao and pay attention to write down Mr. Tao's speech at the group meeting." Xu Deyu had no choice but to stare at Tao Tang. Zhao Qingmin and Li Luo chatted a few words on the stage, and then they left the conference room. She took her things, held up an umbrella, and covered Tao Tang from a distance—the three giants of Tao, Zhao, and Guo were not identified by Li Luo. Assign the discussion group, if she doesn't want to search next to each other, she has to keep up with Tao Tang.

Xu Deyu followed Tao Tang to the third floor of the big move, found a corner to sit, and saw that this group was the vehicle parts group, and the overseas salesmen were in charge of vehicle parts. Category.

Tao, Zhao and Li were talking about Li Luo's disclosed annual income target.Tao Tang was a little displeased with Li Luo's revision of the minimum goal just set, but he did not correct Li Luo's speech at the meeting.

After the team meeting yesterday afternoon, Tao Tang and Zhao Qingmin talked with Li Luo, Han Zhiyong, and Luo Chong about the target for this year. 100 billion is the target that must be completed this year, and it is also the group's minimum requirement for Red Star.Li Luo immediately said that 100 billion is impossible, and 90 billion is about the same.He believes that the goal of 90 billion has been greatly improved and can be explained.So he ignored Tao Tang's request and threw this goal at the meeting.I probably realized that something was wrong, so I added a sentence to strive to achieve 95 billion.

But after the adjournment, Tao Tang stopped Li Luo and pointed out that the marketing target announced by Li Luo was not in line with the big goal set by the company. It is not necessary to correct it now, at least by the end of the third quarter, the target must be corrected. Therefore, the indicators for each department of the marketing department must pay attention to leaving a margin.

In Zhao Qingmin's view, Tao Tang gave Li Luo enough face.objective?What is objective?Why did the superiors ever consider being objective when they put us under such a burden?In addition, the figure just set yesterday has been revised by 10 billion today, and on this occasion, Li Luo is indeed a bit over the top.Therefore, Zhao Qingmin stopped Li Luo's defense, "I think the second method Mr. Tao said is better. But the goal of 100 billion cannot be shaken. If you break down 100 billion to the lower level, they may complete 90 billion. You set them 90 billion, they dare to spend 85 billion to fool us."

Zhao Qingmin was a little worried that Li Luo and Tao Tang had messed up at the meeting, so before Li Luo could speak, "I don't think we should discuss this, let's split up and go to each group to listen to everyone's opinions."

So the three went to three branch venues separately.

On the third floor of the guest house, it was Liu Shulin who presided over the discussion of the vehicle accessories group.After taking his seat, Tao Tang made a request that all the salesmen sit in front of the long oval table, "Today you are the protagonists, and we are here to serve you. Everyone can say whatever is on their minds. This is a rare opportunity. Then, he asked the name of the salesman and the market he was in charge of one by one, and wrote them down in his notebook.

Xu Deyu sat behind Tao Tang.This is a bit like a group discussion at the workers' congress, Xu Deyu thought, it's just going through the motions, and the speeches of the salesmen will not have new ideas.

Sure enough, starting from Zhang Xian, the chief of the second section of the marketing department, the speeches were all in the expected way. He fully agreed with Mr. Li's report, and will work harder to do a good job in marketing in the future... There is no substantive content, and it is basically a big talk.

After the three people had spoken, Tao Tang couldn't help interjecting, "Comrades, it seems that everyone doesn't understand why this marketing conference is held. The company sacrificed everyone's rest time and recalled everyone from outside Come on, I’m not listening to you making empty statements! I want to hear two aspects. The first is the judgment and analysis of the market. How big is the market you operate? Where are the potential growth points? Question? How strong are our competitors? How can we defeat them? Let’s use an analogy, you are the soldiers who are expanding the frontier, what is the enemy’s situation, what is our logistics support, you have to speak out without hesitation. Although I have never done marketing, I still understand this truth. Behind the order is the real competition of price, quality, and delivery time! If these three elements are not well grasped, the battle will not be won! Today we will talk about development, The leaders of production, quality and other departments are all there, so don’t worry about it, just point out what is not doing well! What are you afraid of? Everyone is sitting on the big ship of Red Star, and the fundamental goals and interests are the same. .”

Chief engineer Jiang Shangyun, who participated in the discussion in this group, went on to say, "President Tao supports everyone, and he must point out opinions on product development, technology, and quality unceremoniously so that we can improve."

Next, a salesman named Ma Jianglin changed the tone of his speech, "Mr. Tao, leaders, thank you very much for giving us such an opportunity... My name is Ma Jianglin, and I am in charge of the Huzhou market. I have summed up my feelings and have three fears. The first is that I am afraid that the company’s products will have quality problems. It is too uncomfortable to be held accountable and fined. Two months ago, there was a problem with the instrument panel, and it was two millimeters away from being installed in the car. They insisted that it was us. I contacted the factory and hoped to get an answer immediately. After all, we don’t understand technology, but the factory has been arguing all the time. The technical department said that there is no problem, but the branch factory said that there may be problems after changing the mold. I request to send someone to come quickly It took a long time to deal with it. Corey issued another instruction and must deal with it well, neither losing the market nor being fined..."

"Zhang Xian, what are you doing?" Seeing Zhang Xian winking, Tao Tang said displeased, "We recruited the first-line salesman back to listen to everyone's difficulties. You are winking there because you don't want him to talk. .Are you going to block me? Let me ask you, is what Xiao Ma is telling the truth?"

"Basically the truth..." Under Tao Tang's pressure, Zhang Xian quickly stood up, a little flustered.

"That's good. Pony, what's the end result?"

"The last batch of products was returned, for which Cory deducted my points..."

Tao Tang asked Liu Shulin who was sitting diagonally opposite, "What do you mean by point deduction?"

"It's the deduction of points in the internal assessment. The assessment points are linked to their income."

"You are responsible for the implementation of this matter and tell me the result. If Comrade Xiao Ma is telling the truth, I personally feel that the assessment is unreasonable. Comrades, the problems reported by Xiao Ma are quite real, and I think it is representative. It is to Is this a complaint? I don’t think so. If the report is true, at least three deficiencies in our internal management have been exposed. The result of concealment can only magnify the deficiencies, but exposure may prompt the problem to be resolved. Very good, Comrade Xiao Ma, I interrupted you, don’t you still have three fears? This is one, please continue.”

Ma Jianglin, who was encouraged by the top leader, was a little excited, "The second is that I am afraid that the supply will not be delivered in time..."

Tao Tang nodded, "I understand this. Is the problem serious?"

"Not serious..."

"That's still there. Let's put it this way, have you encountered it this year?"

"Meeted once. In February, before you came."

"What result?"

"The result is that a new opponent is squeezed in, and 10% of our share is taken away..."

"Is this not serious?" Tao Tang shook his head, "How did you deal with this matter, Section Chief Zhang?"

"The factory delayed the supply of raw materials because of the untimely supply of raw materials. Who can we deal with?"

"Your attitude is very problematic." Tao Tang closed the notebook, "I don't think you are as enlightened as Xiao Ma, he is afraid, as the section chief in charge of this business, how can you use helplessness? Prevarication? Is the regulatory department here?"

Liu Xinjun is not in this group.Tao Tang also didn't see the leader of the Ministry of Development and Regulations.

"Xiao Li," Tao Tang confessed to Li Zhibin, "Tell Lu Qi, let her check the February responsibility system assessment for me." Then he said to Zhang Xian, "The production progress is not under your control, but you are responsible. Report to the superior. If Xiao Ma did not report the inventory of the secondary warehouse in time, the responsibility lies with Xiao Ma. If Xiao Ma reported it, you should check the progress. If there is indeed a delay in supply, you should report to Liu Shulin or even Li Luo. Urge your superiors to coordinate and solve it. You can even go directly to Jiang Yansheng and Ma Guangming. Have you done this?"

"Report to Mr. Tao, we have done everything, and there is a written report as evidence." Zhang Xian stood up again and answered.

"That's good. Sit down. I'm not holding you accountable, but I'm dissatisfied with your attitude. Because that's not a responsible attitude. Just now I used war as an analogy. In fact, market competition is a war without gunpowder smoke! No Blood is shed, but what is lost is our jobs and the blood and sweat of our employees! Xiao Ma’s case is more representative, as you have seen, because one of our supply was not timely, resulting in a loss of 10% of the share! This is the market economy! Xiaoma, go ahead and tell me your third fear."

"The third thing is that we hope that the company will relatively fix our jobs. We don't want to be transferred all the time. We just took a piece of the market, and when we get to know each other well, we just turn around and then transfer away... I think it's not good for work."

"Huh? What's going on here? Assistant Liu, please explain." Tao Tang looked at Liu Shulin, who looked like an old society.

"It's done in accordance with regulations. Transfers generally don't cross departments. Of course, it's to strengthen the management of personnel and prevent violations of discipline...and other possible problems..."

"I understand." Tao Tang nodded, "I have read the materials you reported, but my memory is not good. I don't remember. What is the total number of overseas salesmen in the Marketing Department?"

"A total of 109 people in three departments..." Liu Shulin heard Tao Tang's sarcasm, and said to himself, do you still have a bad memory?Remember the things you want to remember.

"So, in the past two years, how high is the transfer rate of front-line salespeople?"

"About 30%..."

"That is to say, 70% of the salesmen have never been transferred. How many traitors are there?"

"Four have changed jobs, no, it's five. Recently, there is one in one subject, and she hasn't shown up for a month."

"Xiaozhu left because of a job transfer, and he once approached the department." Qi Guangfu, the deputy director of the marketing department sitting diagonally across from Liu Shulin, suddenly fired, "If his position is not transferred, I don't think he may leave. "

Liu Shulin didn't expect Qi Guangfu to fire a horizontal cannon.

Tao Tang waved his hand, "Let's count it as 5, but it looks like 4~5%. It's not high. Today, due to time constraints, I won't delve into this issue that makes the salesmen feel uncomfortable. I personally prefer pony, I think relatively fixed positions are more conducive to work. However, it is necessary for the marketing department to strengthen the supervision and assessment of front-line personnel. Please understand this. Because you work outside and shoulder heavy responsibilities. What I am dissatisfied with is the method of assessment , How to improve the loyalty of overseas salesmen is a topic worthy of in-depth study. I think every company is studying this issue. I won’t talk about it in depth today. I can do special research when I have the opportunity. Xiao Ma’s three opinions Very good, very general. Let's keep talking, like ponies, and say what's on your mind."

(End of this chapter)

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