Revival Road

Chapter 213 Investigation Team 5

Chapter 213 Investigation Team Five
Zhang Aiying's non-cooperation was just an episode.The work of Qin Haitao and Li Yaodong's two groups was going on normally. A group of people was recruited to wait in the designated room, and then they were brought into the room of the two group leaders by the people from the organization department, where they were questioned and then left.

Lu Qi thought that she would definitely be summoned, but she didn't.Today is the day to sign the relocation agreement. Around 08:30 in the morning, Coste was waiting downstairs in Building No. 10. She saw Fan Yongcheng got into the car with his newly bought brown briefcase, and Zhu Ning was waiting in the car while smoking a cigarette. car front. Ten minutes later, she saw Tao Tang coming out with Qi Jianmin, followed by director Yuan of the group and others, and Yu Weiguo, director of the company's political research office, was also among them.But no one went to the Ministry of Regulations.She knew who was going to draft the agreement today. It was Lao Fan who told her that Lao Fan had received the notification, but she had not received it, which meant that she would not participate.The Development and Planning Department took the lead in completing all the calculations and drafting the plan, but it was "abandoned" in the final stage.

Maybe it's because I'm going to have a conversation today.Duan Hui and Gao Jiming were both called yesterday, but she was not called.Duan Hui came back before get off work and said, I will definitely find you tomorrow, so you should be ready.

Lu Qi thought she would definitely be called.Lu Qi knew what to talk about.The day before yesterday afternoon when she got off work, she met Xu Deyu who was waiting for her. She did not expect that Xu Deyu was also interviewed.Xu Deyu "tipped off the news" to her and told her about the content of the interview.As expected, the person surnamed Li actually asked about his relationship with Tao Tang!Xu Deyu reminded her that someone was probably chewing their tongues behind their backs, jealous.She didn't say how to answer, but Lu Qi knew that Xu Deyu was "on" her side, and would not say anything that was not good for her.

The point is that I have nothing worth investigating!
At that moment, Lu Qi's heart was really chilled.She grieves for herself and also for Tao Tang.In the past, I heard an old leader she respected talk about the principle that bad money drives out good money, thinking that the system always punishes those who do things but don’t know how to make connections.At that time, she was still a sub-subject, and she really didn't understand anything.But now she seems to understand.At that moment, in addition to sadness, there was also fatigue.What is the meaning of this Director Lao Shizi?
The long-awaited phone call finally came, and it was from Organization Director Peng Jie himself, "Director Lu, President Li of the Group wants to know something from you. Put down your work and come to the second floor of Xiaozhao."

Lu Qi habitually took the notebook and immediately went to Xiaozhao.On the way, she explained why Tao Tang didn't take her to the city to draft and sign the agreement today - because she had to be consulted by the group's discipline inspection team leader.

"Comrade Lu Qi, please sit down." Li Yaodong looked at Lu Qi, she was indeed a graceful and beautiful woman, "I want to know something about you, and I hope you can cooperate."

"I will tell you everything." Lu Qi glanced at another man who was sitting in the distance with his head lowered and buried in the record.

"What year did you join the factory?"

"In 1992. I joined the factory after graduating from university."

"Oh, are you a factory boy? Are you a party member? What year did you join the party?" Li Yaodong asked the first question.

"Yes, my parents are both employees of Red Star. I am a party member and I joined the party in April 1998."

"Oh, how old are you this year? Which year did you get promoted to the middle class?"


"Oh, you're considered a veteran." Li Yaodong nodded, "Which business did you manage?"

"Mainly business management..."

"Okay, let's get to the point..." Li Yaodong finished his opening remarks, "Red Star Company has continuously encountered corruption problems. What do you think about this? What do you think of the company's current anti-corruption situation? It doesn't matter. You can talk about it casually, and we will respond to it." What you say is absolutely confidential."

"First of all, I think the situation is much better... at least much better than before Mr. Tao came."

"Why do you say that? I mean what proof do you have?"

"First of all, Mr. Tao has strict requirements on himself. State-owned enterprises are like this. The top leaders follow the rules, and the subordinates dare not mess around."

"Can you be more specific?"

"There are many examples. Let's talk about our unit. Mr. Tao is very concerned about the system and process. After he came, he sorted out and revised the company's system process, especially the system process in key areas..."

"Sorry to interrupt, which fields?"

"It's the so-called high-risk areas, such as personnel, finance, procurement, infrastructure, etc..."

"Oh, you went on to say, is the effect of the revision obvious?"

"Obviously. If it weren't for the system and execution of the clean-up project construction, I am afraid it would not have led to the exposure of my predecessor."

"Just now you said that Comrade Tao Tang has strict requirements on himself, combined with the system process you mentioned?"

"Well, I think he is the one who pays the most attention to the system and process among all the leaders I serve. When I report work, he always asks, how is the system stipulated? He will not approve requests for instructions that do not comply with the system and process. On the contrary, he respects the views of the vice president and the department."

"What about other aspects? Please understand that we pay more attention to the main leaders..."

"He's also the most disciplined."

"Can you talk about specifics?"

"Let me tell you what I experienced personally. Before Mr. Tao came to the factory, the company arranged for me to assist the factory office in preparing for his personal life..."

"What personal life?"

"It's food, clothing, housing and transportation... He is single. The factory office once bought some clothes for him, but he paid for them. You can check with Jia Jianxin, the deputy director of the factory office."

"Why did you ask you to do this? Isn't this the business of the Development and Regulations Department?"

"Secretary Zhao found out that I was Mr. Tao's high school classmate, and thought I knew about him. In fact, I haven't seen him since graduation."

"Haven't seen it since graduation?"

"Yes. I assure the party that what I say is true."

"Okay. Just now you talked about your predecessor, do you think the problem happened because of the lack of institutions?"

"No. The system has not been implemented. Some supervision links are out of control..."

"So what's the point of revising the system? I listen to you, the system still exists."

"The revision lies in the content. Mr. Tao thinks that our system is too cumbersome, does not fit the reality, and the content is lengthy. I can't read it below, and I can't remember it..."

"Got it. So you think things are really better now?"

"Yes. At least it's much better in the regulatory department. Everyone knows what to do."

"What to do? So what did you do?"

"It is done according to the system. For example, project management involves a wide range of areas. It used to be chaotic, and more people listened to the leadership. Now it is done according to the system, especially the process, and the efficiency is much higher. Comrade Duan Hui is in charge of project construction. Yes, you can find out from him."

"Okay. Then do you think that the main leaders of the company, not only Comrade Tao Tang, have not implemented the system?"

"After Liu Xinjun's accident, Mr. Tao was directly in charge of the Department of Regulations. I didn't find a case where the system was not implemented. On the contrary, we endured his criticism because we omitted some links, such as the reform of property management. The system stipulated that there should be an employee representative meeting or an employee representative team leader meeting, but it was indeed ignored at the time, and it was he who reminded him.”

"Oh. There is one thing I want to know, um, just to know. Actually, this matter has nothing to do with Comrade Tao Tang directly. His nephew got married on the National Day this year, right? Some people reported that Comrade Tao Tang took the opportunity to make money ,What do you think?"

"It's slander."

"Did you attend the wedding reception?"

"Participated. He did tell me before that he didn't think I had any friendship with his brother, so he didn't allow me to go. But on the day of the wedding, my classmates insisted on calling me. Red Star is like this. The etiquette is more complicated, so I can't refuse. , I went. Mr. Tao refunded my gift money afterwards. As far as I know, he refunded all the middle-level gift money for attending the wedding banquet that day..."


Qi Jianmin returned to the factory late that night, and he attended a banquet in the city.After returning, Qin Haitao had a private discussion with Qi Jianmin. At about ten o'clock, Qi Jianmin called Li Yaodong and asked him if he had slept.So Li Yaodong went to Qi Jianmin's room and saw Qin Haitao was there.

"Comrade Yaodong," Qi Jianmin seemed very excited after drinking, "my business is over and the agreement has been formally signed. Director Feng is very satisfied. How is your situation here? Let's talk about it."

Obviously, Qin Haitao had already communicated with Qi Jianmin.

"Everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed... only the members of the team are left, and some accounts have also been checked. Some clues have been initially verified. How should I put it, it basically does not exist. The marriage of Comrade Tao Tang's nephew is related to He doesn't have much to do with him, and several things have proved that he has done a good job on this issue, which I would say is pretty good. As for his style of life, I think it's something out of thin air. I met the lesbian in the morning and talked It’s very good. Comrade Lu Qi’s qualifications and abilities are good, and her reputation is very good. There is no abnormality in her promotion..."

"Oh, your attitude has changed 180 degrees..."

"When did I have an attitude? Mr. Qi, you can't say that. Our discipline inspection is based on facts. According to the work of the past three days, Comrade Tao Tang has done a good job. If you want me to say, In the case of Comrade Tao Tang, there may not be many cliques. This comrade has a strong sense of discipline, and he is very tough in some very small places, such as using a car. Several comrades have confirmed that he has never used a public car for private affairs! This point can be promoted as a typical example. For example, there are several people in the group who are like him, and I don’t think there is anyone who pays for the meal except him.”

"The little things don't tell the story...I mean let's leave the little things behind and focus on the big things."

"The details of life are not trivial. I disagree with you. The problems of leading cadres often start from the details. As for major events, they are nothing more than projects, procurement, infrastructure, etc. In addition to project construction, the Red Star Factory has There is no major infrastructure project. From what I know, it is consistent that Comrade Tao Tang never interferes with the normal work of the deputy and the department..."

"So, you still found Jiao Yulu?" Qi Jianmin joked, "I'm just kidding. The group had audited him in Shengdong Company back then, and found no problems. It may be really good in this respect. But Mr. Qin There are some situations that do not reflect his violation of discipline, but the problem of work style... Mr. Qin, please tell me, we just meet up, and we will meet with the team members tomorrow, and there must be a meeting... I have to talk to Tao Tang alone Let’s talk, at least he has serious egoism.”

"Okay, let me just say..."

(End of this chapter)

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