Revival Road

Chapter 241

Chapter 241
Everyone at the banquet that night was happy.

Li Zhibin has long discovered that some leaders who are very clumsy in public are often able to speak witty words in private, which is hilarious, not to mention that those eloquences are already very good.This was the case at the banquet tonight, including the chief engineer Jiang Shangyun, who could laugh out loud at the jokes he said when he was half drunk.

Two tables were not full, seventeen people killed fifteen bottles of wine.

Li Zhibin observed carefully, the three people who drank the most tonight, Tao Tang must be one of them, because almost everyone toasted him, cheered him a dozen times, and then went down for half a catty, and then he returned the toast one by one, It's almost half a catty again, not to mention there are still several rounds of single training.The second one is Li Luo. Li Luo has let go of it. I don't know how much he drank, but he must have drunk too much.The third one is Lu Qi. She has the lowest position (except Zhu Ning and herself who is in charge of serving), but she is the only woman. When Liu Xiuyun said that her body is in a special period and cannot drink too much, Lu Qi becomes One point where the firepower is concentrated, but Director Lu is really a well-known man with a reputation, and he is really unambiguous.

Two and a half hours later, Li Zhibin sent Tao Tang back to Xiaozhao.After brewing strong tea, seeing that Tao Tang was all right, Li Zhibin came out.Walking out of the building door, I saw Lu Qi staggering towards me, "Xiao Li, did the leader not rest?"

"No... shall I go up with you?"

"No need, just a few words when I think of something..." Lu Qi hiccupped a few times and went upstairs.

Li Zhibin watched Lu Qi turn the corner of the stairs, changed his mind, and knocked on the door of the duty room.

After Li Zhibin left, Tao Tang heated the water and was about to take a bath, when the door was knocked again, he thought it was Li Zhibin who came back again, "I'm fine...Young, so nagging..." Muttering, Tao Tang When the door opened, it was Lu Qi.

"Hey, why is it you? Why don't you go home and rest?"

"Isn't even allowed to enter the door?"

"Come in, I haven't taken a sip of the freshly brewed tea... Wait, it's hot..."

"Aren't you feeling aggrieved?" Lu Qi sat on the sofa and looked at Tao Tang who was standing in the middle of the floor.

"Why are you aggrieved? Oh, you drank really hard tonight, aren't you a little silly? You can't even hear what people are saying to tease you..."

"You mean Han Zhiyong?" Lu Qi remembered that Han Zhiyong once toasted her to congratulate her on her upcoming promotion...

"That's right. He's teasing you, and you're foolishly toasting him."

"Didn't I not answer... Uh..."

"Drink some of this." Tao Tang took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, unscrewed it and handed it to Lu Qi, "I'm aggrieved, a little bit. You're still almost hot, you know, in my case The seat, if you don’t feel aggrieved someday, you will not be far from bad luck..."


"Yes, compromise. After working in Shengdong for a few years, I have learned to compromise. I didn't know it. At that time, I was a well-known thorn in the group's department..." After finishing speaking, Tao Tang seemed to think of something, and laughed .

"why are you laughing?"

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, everyone has selfish intentions, but they are all thinking about the company. I'm afraid it's hard to find a selfless person, but it's great to be selfless. Do you feel that the plan is discounted?"

"Why am I wronged? I am wronged for you." Lu Qi drank a gulp of cold mineral water, "Will it damage your prestige? Well, you proposed to eat tonight, do you want to redeem something?"

"What are you thinking in your head? Compromise will not damage my prestige. On the contrary, just the right compromise will achieve good results. Didn't I tell you? Set up four branches at once, I'm still a little worried about letting go of the power. Now it's just right, let's do a pilot first, and then see the effect... let's not talk about this, you are here to talk about this?"

"Can we talk about something else?"

"of course can."

"So, when are you going to solve your personal problems?"

"You don't care about this."

"I have to take care of it! Tao Tang, remember when you first came to the Donghu Guild Hall?"

"I don't really remember...what's the matter?"

"You said something, and I said something. I will never forget what you said to me that time...I read a book recently, the title of which is "Three Realms of Love"..."

"I never drink chicken soup for the soul."

"I definitely recommend you to take a look, you must take a look. Some questions that I couldn't figure out gave me the answer at once. Tao Tang, tell the truth, I am in your heart, oh no, you positioned me in Who is it?"

"Good friends." Tao Tang said without hesitation, "I don't have many friends, especially those who can speak my mind. You must be one of them."

"Me too. I hope we can be good friends for life. Some people say that there is no real friendship between a man and a woman, but I don't believe it. So, I am entitled to care about your personal affairs, right? You are all alone, and I I feel sad, I will feel relieved when you have a home and a companion..."

"Only weak people are lonely. Lu Qi, I am not lonely. Do you believe it?"

"I do not believe."

"Believe it or don't understand me, remarriage is not that simple."

"If possible, I'd like to take care of you for the rest of my life. But no, I can only be your friend. A good friend is also a friend, right?"

"Let's not talk about this, okay? I'll take you home."

"Why do you want to avoid this? You are only 43 years old, how can you live alone... Let's be honest, what do you think of Xu Deyu?"

"Xu Deyu? What do you mean?"

"Didn't they tell you?"

"Who? What did you say? How did you bring Xu Deyu into it?"

"Our classmates. They think Deyu is quite suitable for you... I said, don't you have a plan? How do you think about it?"

"Where is this going? Who is messing around?" Tao Tang shook his head and rubbed his face vigorously.

"At first I thought it was absurd. But after thinking about it recently, Deyu is really good, maybe she is the one that suits you best. You see, she is a good age match, right? She is three years younger than you. I know her personality, she is definitely good-natured The appearance, she is actually quite beautiful, but she doesn't dress herself up, she looks old..."

"Stop it, stop it." Tao Tang waved his hand, "It's getting more and more out of line."

"It's not out of line at all. I hope you will stay in Red Star for the rest of your life, and never go anywhere. You have the ability and wrist, and Red Star will definitely revive in your hands. This is your root, where else do you want to go? How long are you going to wander? Isn't it good to start a family in Hongxing? I think you are also very good to Deyu?"

"That's my guilt. You know? Guilt. I didn't expect her life to turn out like this, and she's pretty good at writing... Lu Qi, tell them, I guess it must be Yin Yutao, right? Don't worry about it. This is my private business. Understand? Private business."

"Then tell me the truth. Tao Tang, it's really hard to hear the truth now. Will you remarry?"

"should be."

"Then, do you like Fang Ke?"

"What is liking?"

"That's what you understand."

"I don't know. I've known her for a long time, I can say I watched her grow up."

"But Fang loves you, I can see that. You know, a woman's intuition is much more sensitive than a man's. Fang loves you, but she may not be suitable for you. For you, Xu Deyu must be one."

"Why do you say that? Am I difficult?"

"Yes. You are too good at hiding your inner world. If you compare me to a transparent glass bottle, you are a dark clay pot. I really want to know what is hidden in your heart and what you are going to do. But I can't do it. I don't think anyone can do it. The reason is, maybe you are a teenager, you are high and powerful, and your job has changed you... Don't interrupt me! So, you need a docile woman, an indifferent A powerful woman, a woman who is only satisfied with family life. Fang is not such a woman, even though I only met her once, I firmly believe that my observation is correct. Xu Deyu is, do you understand?"

"I don't understand. I don't agree with what you said. You think me too complicated. In fact, I am not as deep as you said. I am not that deep, including work. It's just that because of different positions, the methods of solving problems are different. Don't you feel that you are also changing? After you became the director of the Development and Regulations Department, your words and actions are different from the past. This is caused by work. I can't be the first to express my opinion on everything, it will be very troublesome, and I will suffer If you think about your brother again, do you think he has changed too?"

"Where did you divert the topic? I can't resist this trick. What are we talking about? Xu Deyu and Fang Ke, right?"

"You don't know Fang Ke, and I don't know Xu Deyu either."

"You can get to know her, and I can help you."

"You don't want to help me with this kind of help. The more you help, the more chaotic you will become. Just now you mentioned Xu Deyu's character. According to what you said, she has no leadership potential at all?"

"What do you mean? Are you going to be promoted?"

"Is she okay?"

"You want to take care of her, right?" Lu Qi was stunned. "I really want her to enter the rank of division. Her life is really hard, and she recently suffered from her cousin's illness..."

"I know that. But it's not because she's broke, really."

"Then are you going to be promoted on the spot?"

"I didn't think it through. But I know that if it goes to the meeting, there will be neither approval nor strong opposition. Right?"

"You're right. Yes, it should be like this. Then, the establishment of the Party-mass Work Department was a cover from the beginning, right?"

Tao Tang smiled and said nothing.

"You said you were simple. You are much more gloomy than Mr. Song."

"Do you think Xu Deyu is qualified to be the deputy director of the Propaganda Department?"

"I think she is qualified. As you said, she is very good at writing..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this... why don't you ask about the work of your old Fan?"

"Why should I ask?"

"That's right. It's useless to ask, right? In your eyes, I'm a black lacquered clay pot..." Tao Tang glanced at his watch, "It's time to go home. Lu Qi, don't drink so much in the future. You can't drink."

"I really want to fight you once, but I'm not convinced. Didn't you drink too much too? For example, at Tang Yikun's place?"

"I have a skill. I won't make the same mistake twice. Believe it or not?"

"Oh, let's brag, isn't that Yan Yuan?"

"I have carefully thought about what I have experienced. I dare not say anything about the small things, but I really have done the best in the big things!"

"Bragging! That's because you haven't met the real temptation!"

"Really? Let's see."

Tao Tang sent Lu Qi a small trick, turned around and went upstairs.He didn't expect his secretary to stay in the duty room and watch TV all the time, and recorded the time when Lu Qi entered and left.

(End of this chapter)

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