Revival Road

Chapter 98 An Zhongliang's Request

Chapter 98 An Zhongliang's Request
"What problem did you find?" Zhao Qingmin tried his best to look calm.

"According to the regulations, all the waste from each unit must be handed over to the procurement department," Guo Tao drank, "but we found that the waste sold by the procurement department is far from the quota calculation, not a little bit, at least three to four times as much. The Purchasing Department reported that some branches did not pay the quota according to the quota. The second is that the waste sales of the Purchasing Department did not strictly follow the company’s relevant systems. We checked the accounts and auction data of the Purchasing Department for the past three years and found In one quarter, there were two quarters in 2010, and three quarters in 2011 where they directly contacted the next house to sell without auction, and there was no one in the first quarter of this year.

"That's still a management issue..."

"No," Guo Tao said solemnly, "the price is not right. For example, last year, the price of steel products did not fluctuate sharply, but the price of waste disposal was lowered too much..."

"Didn't they have a quarter last year that went through an open bidding auction? Is it a big problem in comparison?"

"The difference is not that big... But some people reported that the public bidding was also fake, and they just made up some money. Compared with the market price, their selling price was 220 yuan lower per ton on average. Considering the total amount, this is a big deal. A huge sum of money... Secretary Zhao, I have received a report letter about waste recycling, I wonder if you have received it?"

"I haven't received it yet...Didn't Mr. Han go with you? What's his opinion?"

"Old Han excused himself to be busy with work, but he just showed his face on the first day, and he didn't go there after that."

Slick!Zhao Qingmin cursed secretly, "Old Guo, let's not talk about waste, the procurement department must be the hardest hit area, investigating and punishing Yang Wenhuan may not reveal all the problems... What about other aspects?"

"There are a lot of problems. Inconsistencies between the accounts and facts are very common. The handling of surplus and deficit is very random, or it is not dealt with at all. There are too many ridiculous things. The custodian of the 12th branch has the private seal of the deputy director in charge. The distribution of materials was completely out of control. Also, the marketing department printed 4 brochures at once, which is the amount normally used for 15 years. They were all piled up in the warehouse, and half of them were moldy. Liu Shulin even said that he had no idea , if it wasn’t for the inspection of the warehouse, I’m afraid no one would know about it… I asked the Supervision Department to sort out and summarize many problems.”

"Let's not talk about other units, let's talk about the purchasing department. What did An Zhongliang say? Has the situation been reported to Qiu Lin? Has it been reported to Mr. Tao?" Blossom, let's target the already rotten purchasing department.

"I haven't notified Qiu Lin yet, and the summary has not been completed. Of course, I haven't reported to Mr. Tao. What can An Zhongliang say? The waste disposal business of the procurement department is in charge of Ji Liqiang, and it will be over with a push on Ji Liqiang. Zhao Secretary, what do you think about this matter? Will you report the truth to Mr. Tao?"

Zhao Qingmin was surprised that Guo Tao asked such a question. Could it be that he also felt uncomfortable?After thinking about it, "President Tao arranged the inventory of the secondary warehouse. Can you not report it? But how to report it still needs to be considered. Now how many companies are left in your investigation team?"

"It's only half of the investigation, it's early. The marketing department alone is struggling. Their stalls are bigger, and more than half of them are in the market. They can't get off at all within a month. My talents have checked the warehouse of the marketing department in the factory area. "

"President Tao's original intention of arranging to check the secondary warehouses of each unit is to relieve financial pressure, not to investigate corruption. Has there been any progress in this regard?"

"The branch factory has just started to investigate, and it will definitely clear out some usable things for production, but it can't help much. The purchasing department actually doesn't have a secondary warehouse. Their warehouses are all first-level warehouses. Han Zhiyong first attacked the purchasing department. I suspect the old Han had planned it long ago, and now it’s all over, a dozen or so people know that there is a problem with waste recycling, and their goals have all shifted to this aspect.”

"You can't lose the general direction! Clearing warehouses is the main purpose. Let's talk about the purchasing department. Although I haven't received any relevant reports, there are rumors. Yang Wenhuan and Ji Liqiang are really bastards. Who bought the scrap?"

Guo Taoxin said that he didn't know what to ask?Don't you know that the Ren family took care of waste recycling? "It's a company called Mingdao. Its legal representative is named Ren Ming, who is Ren Dao's younger brother."

"I think so. You can call Mr. Tao and report the problems you find truthfully. As for me, I also have a few things to discuss with him. By the way, I will talk about this matter. My personal attitude is still to investigate. I can't know Don’t ask if you have any questions. The current situation is clear to everyone. Whoever is famous is responsible. What can be done? But we must pay attention to the method and strictly distinguish the nature, so as not to affect the stability of the company, let alone paralyze the purchasing department. Production and management is always the overall situation. By the way, you can talk to Lao Han and Lao Qiu and listen to their opinions."

"Okay." Guo Tao knew Zhao Qingmin's character, and it was impossible for him to organize and coordinate in person.

That night, Tao Tang, who was in the field, received a call from Guo Tao, "I know the situation. Since the secretary, Mr. Han and Mr. Qiu all agree to investigate clearly, let's investigate. How to do it will be discussed after Mr. Li and I go back." One will move again. Don’t stop your investigation team, continue the investigation according to the plan drawn up last time. You talk to the comrades in the investigation team about discipline, what shouldn’t be said, don’t talk nonsense, whoever violates discipline, who should be held accountable You are the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, so you can be stricter with your words."

"Okay, I understand, follow your instructions." Guo Tao suddenly felt relieved.Tao Tang said that he was asked to start a special investigation of the purchasing department after he came back, which was tantamount to taking the responsibility on himself, which moved Guo Tao.For so many years, Red Star has never taken the initiative to investigate corruption.

That night, a guest came to Han Ruilin's house, An Zhongliang, branch secretary and acting director of the supply department.An Zhongliang didn't come empty-handed, he brought a bag and put it in the corner of the aisle when he entered.

"What are you doing?" Han Ruilin, who participated in the second-level inventory inventory team, guessed An Zhongliang's intentions.

"Isn't a little tobacco and alcohol enough to be a bribe?" An Zhongliang said with a worried look on his face, "Old Han, although we are not very good friends, we have worked together for a long time. I am here to ask you to help me It's an idea, you know, the purchasing department sucks, there are a lot of open and hidden problems, just like what you found out this time, what can I do? Even in front of Mr. Tao, I dare to do this Said. Who doesn’t know what kind of virtue Yang Wenhuan is? I, a branch secretary who doesn’t care about anything, is really unlucky..."

The director of the Purchasing Department is Xie Yicai. He was diagnosed with gastric cancer a few years ago and was diagnosed at an advanced stage. He is still dying in Beiyang Tumor Hospital.Therefore, Ji Liqiang did not mention this director Xie during the investigation, nor did he organize it.But Red Star's management knew that Ji Liqiang, with Yang Wenhuan's support, emptied Xie Yicai, let alone An Zhongliang, the nominal second-in-command.

"Old An," Han Ruilin looked at the dejected An Zhongliang with a smile, and said to himself, if you hadn't reached the end of the mountain, where would you go to Lao Tzu's door with cigarettes and alcohol? What's more, it's a small person like me. What's the matter with you looking for me?"

"Old Han, everyone knows that you and Tao are always friends..."

"You can't talk about friends, you want to call out the purchasing department?" Han Ruilin's heart moved.

"I'm not a fool, how can I make such a request now. Even if you are in my seat, I'm afraid you can't say it? Of course, if you let me leave this tiger and wolf den, I can call you grandpa. An Zhongliang smiled wryly, "I just want to find an opportunity to report to Mr. Tao alone."

"What's so difficult about this?" Han Ruilin asked in surprise, "Boss Tao is not the head of the Central Committee."

An Zhongliang was full of contempt in his heart, "Of course it's not difficult for you, but for an unlucky person like me who has attracted the attention of thousands of people, it is very difficult." He guessed that Han Ruilin, who had never worked in a key department, would not really understand What he meant was, "Old Han, I can't go to the office building to report, even going to Xiaozhao is not appropriate. You may not believe it, whoever goes to Xiaozhao to find Mr. Tao, someone will know right away..."

"There is such a thing?" Han Ruilin was taken aback, "Someone is monitoring Mr. Tao, it's not bad!"

What a mallet!An Zhongliang seriously looked down on the other party, "You can't call it surveillance. The outside of the small trick is the company's public event place. There are people coming and going. It can't be called surveillance if you see some things, right? But I really need to report something to Mr. Tao alone. Condition."

"I understand," Han Ruilin said coldly, "I can tell Boss Tao, but you must take back what you brought back intact! Don't hurt me!"

"Old Han, you worry too much!" An Zhongliang smiled, "There must be more than one person in the procurement department, but I can guarantee that I am clean. If you don't believe me, let's use time to prove it. I am a timid person, and I am no better than others. Hei, so you don't have to worry. Speaking of which, even if what I just said is completely nonsense, it won't hurt you because of a little tobacco and alcohol, right?"

"Why didn't you find Qiu Lin, Guo Tao or Zhao Qingmin?"

"Because I can't trust them. Is it okay to say that?" An Zhongliang stood up, "Don't disturb my brother's rest, and leave."

Han Ruilin was in a daze and forgot to see off the guest.

"Why don't you send it off?" Shui Jiao came out of the bedroom.

"Ah..." Han Ruilin hurriedly took the bag and opened it. Inside were two pieces of Zhonghua, two bottles of Moutai and two cans of Taiping Houkui.

"Oh, the courtesy is not light. Just for a chance to report?" He weighed the monkey leader who weighed half a catty, "It just so happened that I ran out of tea in the office."

"You're a senior." Shui Jiao snatched the tea leaves with her hands, "Put them all away for me, are you going to give them away again?"

Han Ruilin became happy.His wife hadn't spoken to him in that tone since that incident.

"Okay, okay, follow your instructions. Put it all away."

Seeing Han Ruilin going to bed and stuffing the things An Zhongliang brought into the top compartment of the wardrobe in the corner, Shui Jiao, who was leaning on the bed and reading a magazine, snorted, "Let me make it clear to you, don't let people catch you as a corrupt criminal."

"Is this something considered corruption? If this is also a problem, the matter of Red Star is easy..."

"Let me tell you, there's a lot of talk in the office building."

Han Ruilin jumped out of bed, "What are you talking about?"

"It is said that the affairs of the purchasing department are not over yet! Mr. Tao's arrangement for Chairman Guo to inspect the warehouse management is just an excuse. You should avoid dealing with people in the purchasing department, and don't say I didn't remind you when the time comes."

After that incident, Shuijiao's cold war with Han Ruilin hadn't completely ended, and it was the first time that she took the initiative to chat with Han Ruilin like this. Han Ruilin was a little flattered. He sat down by the bed and took away the "Reader" from his wife, "Jiaojiao , to discuss something with you."

"Go and discuss it with your sweetheart." Shui Jiao turned her face away.

"Honey, I've sworn to you, I never did anything wrong to you! This matter is very important, I have no one to discuss..."

"Where did the money go? Did you get it back?" Shui Jiao was angry again.

"I told you already, I was cheated by Mu Jianhua..." Anyway, Mu Jianhua got into the trap, and it was two years after I figured it out, Han Ruilin completely pushed Mu Jianhua's head.

"Who are you lying to? Think I'm a fool?" Shui Jiao didn't believe it at all.

"Jiaojiao, tell me, how about I take this opportunity to ask Mr. Tao to go to the purchasing department?" The matter could only get darker and darker, Han Ruilin decisively changed the subject.Sure enough, Shuijiao turned her face back, "Are you going to the purchasing department?"

"Isn't it good? Didn't you say that staying in the law is useless? It's really boring. How can you go to a real power department and do business for a few years?"

"Boss Tao can agree?" Shui Jiao seemed to have forgotten the unpleasant topic just now.

"I guess you heard what An Zhongliang said just now. No matter what the investigation is this time, I think the team of the purchasing department will be adjusted. Why can't I go? Even if I can't be the leader, can I be a secretary? That's ten thousand What about the difference of 1 yuan, how many pieces can you buy with this money back to buy clothes for you? You are always envious of Lu Qi's ability to wear clothes, and you spend an extra [-] yuan a year on clothing, I don't believe you can't compare to her."

"Why should I compare myself to my sister-in-law?" But Shuijiao still seemed happy, "President Tao agrees to you?"

"Try it, ask for three-point profit, even if you beat me, do you still owe me a favor?"

"Beautiful thinking. Who do you think you are? If someone refuses you, they owe you a favor? A mouse goes to the scale and praises itself."

(End of this chapter)

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