Revival Road

Chapter 99 Controlling the Situation 1

Chapter 99
Tao Tang, Li Luo and his party did not return to the factory until the 23rd. After they went out, they temporarily changed their itinerary and took a detour to inspect Red Star's foreign investment projects in Anzhou.

The group audit team pointed out that Red Star Company has serious hidden losses. Apart from the headquarters, the most serious one is the Anzhou project.This project was officially approved by the group in 2010. At that time, the national investment of 4 trillion yuan had just taken effect, and the heavy vehicle market was extremely hot, so a joint venture project with Anzhou Heavy Truck was established, hoping to use Anzhou Heavy Truck The advanced market and technology can not only step into the field of heavy vehicles and critical parts, but also drive the growth of Red Star's vehicle parts sector.The total investment of the project is 12 billion, and Anhong Vehicle Co., Ltd. with independent legal personality was established, with 50% equity ratio.The chairman is concurrently held by Song Yue (Luo Chong was approved by the headquarters to act as the chairman after Song Yue's accident), the general manager was sent by Anzhou Heavy Truck, and the financial director was sent by Red Star.The estimated construction time of the project is 24 months (Anzhou mainly contributes with land, plant equipment and technology), but up to now, the time has been postponed for one year and two months, and the project has not yet been completed, mainly due to the limitation of the project budget. At the end of 2012, Anhong Company submitted an application for an additional budget. The total investment increased from 12 billion to 16.5 billion. The Anhong Company’s board of directors approved the budget, but it was stuck by the Brilliant headquarters and Feng Shizhao, the new leader of the Brilliant Group. There, this project was originally questioned by Feng Shizhao, and the market evolution also confirmed Feng Shizhao's foresight that he was not optimistic about the heavy vehicle market, but Red Star Company has been in trouble so far.After negotiations between the headquarters of Brilliant Group and Anzhou, the scale of the project has been reduced, and the total budget has been reduced to 13.8 billion. According to the originally agreed equity ratio, Red Star Company needs to invest an additional 0.9 million yuan.At that time, the operation of Red Star was already very difficult. Song Yue hoped that the headquarters would pay the money, but the headquarters did not. It was difficult to implement the loan for a while, so it froze there.Not long after, Yang Wenhuan and Song Yue had accidents one after another. Luo Chong, who was ordered to act as the interim chairman, only went to Anzhou twice, and only held an unsuccessful board meeting once, without solving any problems.

This time, Tao Tang turned to Anzhou on a business trip, inspected Anhong Company, which has been partially put into production, listened to the report of Anhong Company, and held talks with the top management of Anzhou Heavy Truck, which is regarded as restarting the project.But what puzzled Li Luo was that if Tao Tang inspected An Hong on a temporary basis, it would prove that he, as the top leader, had no success in doing things and was seriously inconsistent with his status.If there is a plan, why not bring Luo Chong and the company's personnel in charge of the project?Tao Tang's conversation at Anhong Company and the content of the meeting with Anzhou Heavy Truck proved that he had his own considerations for this project, and it didn't seem like a temporary motion.So, what does it mean to let go of Luo Chong?Li Luo felt difficult to understand.

This business trip was a full communication between Li Luo, the executive vice president, and Tao Tang, the chairman and general manager. One night, the two even talked in Tao Tang's room at 01:30 in the morning.There was an excellent atmosphere of communication on the current market situation and subsequent development of Red Star Company, and both parties felt happy.Originally, Li Luo had some opinions on some of Tao Tang's accompanying people (mainly the personnel from the marketing department), but because of the smooth communication, Li Luo's unhappiness subsided.

After Tao Tang returned to the factory, Xiaozhao and Zhao Qingmin got through the phone call. That night, a team meeting was held in the conference room on the third floor of Building No. [-]. The top executives of the main management departments attended the meeting.

Tao Tang presided over the meeting and first listened to Ma Guangming's report on this month's production situation.Now the situation has become clear. It is not a big problem to complete the output value of 6 million yuan this month, and there may be a slight surplus.However, according to the sub-item analysis, the mining machinery sector is definitely overfulfilled, the agricultural machinery sector can also be completed, and the vehicle parts sector failed to complete the monthly operation order, mainly due to the gearbox.

"What is the main reason why vehicle parts cannot be completed as planned?" In fact, Tao Tang has been paying attention to production and operation. During the market visit and research, he regularly called the production department every day to inquire about the production progress.

"This responsibility is not in the production port, nor in the purchase, but in my place." Chief engineer Jiang Shangyun adjusted his glasses, and said slowly, "This month, two batches of boxes were found to have quality problems, which was delayed for about six days. It was me. Notified to suspend production."

"I heard about the situation. At first it was judged to be a material problem, but later it was not. What is the reason?" Tao Tang asked.

"The material is basically qualified. However, there is an overall lower limit problem. Mr. Qiu has already processed the last batch of materials, and the other party agreed to replace them. The main problem lies in the casting of the fourth branch factory, but it has been resolved..."

"Understood. There is no delay in the supply, right?" Tao Tangwang asked Liu Shulin who was present at the meeting.

"It doesn't affect the supply, Mr. Tao."

"That's good." Tao Tang nodded. "Comrades, everyone worked together this month to achieve 4.08 million and basically completed the goal we set. This is very good. Whether it is marketing, procurement, or production command departments They all played their due subjective initiative, especially the excellent work of the marketing and purchasing department laid the foundation for the completion of the production task. As of yesterday, the marketing department received a total of 65 million yuan, of which cash accounted for 2900%. According to Mr. Li's judgment , In the next two days, it is estimated that about 60 million yuan will be returned. Mr. Qiu’s work is also very good. He used about [-]% of the budget to guarantee the materials used for production, and made a contribution. The same goes for the production department Yes, procurement, production and marketing are the number one contributors to the completion of this month's production tasks. I suggest rewarding the meritorious units. I ask Mr. Ma to take the lead to come up with an opinion, discuss it with everyone and report it to me, and give it together when the wages are paid. Cash in. As for the quality problems that arise during production, Mr. Jiang, please take the lead in sorting out and verifying carefully. The punishment for the punishment and the reward for the reward should not cover up the flaws, but you can't cover up the problem just because the task is basically completed. I said that the Quality Department's assessment of quality issues is soft, and we must pay attention to correcting deviations in this month's assessment...Comrade Liu Xinjun, have the results of this month's assessment come out?"

Tao Tang believes that Jiang Shangyun's shortcoming is that his management is soft, but this old boss who is more than ten years older than himself has a high prestige in Red Star.

"Not yet... the detailed data will not be reported until around the 10th of next month. Mr. Tao, our salary and assessment are carried out in different months. Now the salary for May is paid, and the assessment results for April are used... "Liu Xinjun, who was also present at the meeting, replied.

"Well, there's no way around it. The practices of all factories are the same. But we must pay attention to the assessment in May and tighten it."


"Comrades, Mr. Li and I went out for a few days this time. We went to two provinces and three cities. It was very stressful and rewarding. In addition to the mining machine market, the main market for agricultural machinery and vehicle accessories was rough. Once again, let me, a newcomer, have a more intuitive understanding of the market we operate, and I have also met the main person in charge of the partner... The general feeling is that our Red Star still has strength, and the other party pays more attention to it, especially the vehicle parts market , I feel that there is a great potential for growth. The comrades of the research institute also went with us this time, and got some new product research and development agreements. We still need to study in detail how to do it, but we need to be fast. For partners, I The attitude is both positive and prudent. I feel that we have an urgent need to adjust the product structure, but we can’t do it blindly. For a stall as big as our Red Star, the current product varieties are already quite a lot. Before the business trip, I asked Mr. Li and the production department asked for some figures. There are many kinds of our products. There are more than 2000 kinds of products. The larger ones, I mean, have a unit price of tens of thousands of yuan. There are as many as 500 kinds. But there are only 100 kinds of relatively stable orders. Left and right, this is where the necessity of structural adjustment lies. I have plenty of time outside, and after hearing Mr. Li make a more in-depth analysis, he believes that the current product varieties are too messy, and most of the products with unknown market demand should be gradually withdrawn. In principle, I agree with Mr. Li's judgment. Looking at successful companies at home and abroad, they all have clear business priorities. Without focus, they will not form advantages and dominate the market. If you catch fleas with ten fingers, I am afraid that none of them will be able to catch them. .Everyone knows that diversification rarely succeeds.”

Tao Tang took a sip of tea and looked at Xu Deyu who was sitting in the corner and buried his head in recording. This poor woman was always seen in recent meetings, but they never spoke to each other again.

Li Luo listened to Tao Tang calmly assigning work, and felt envious.He has "coveted" that chair for a long time, thinking that he is qualified to sit on it in terms of ability and qualifications.But good fortune tricks people, and it is always a step or two short.After Tao Tang took office, Li Luo once talked about this matter with his "eyeliner" at the headquarters. The other party definitely wanted him to improve. There is no doubt about this, but the other party believed that it was the fight between Li Luo and Song Yue that ruined the opportunity. .He didn't want to admit this conclusion, but he still accepted it in his heart.While he spared no effort to criticize Song Yue, Song Yue must also be slandering him and ruining his easy-to-get future.Therefore, that close friend said, don't make similar mistakes this time. Based on the understanding of Tao, he will never be content with that position. He has greater ambitions. Instead of attacking directly, it is better to save the country with a curve .

Li Luo fully understands the friend's "advice".During this period of time, he was indeed reflecting on himself, and his style of work was also quietly changing.It would be insulting to say that Li Luo was eyeing that position to make money like Song Yue. What Li Luo wanted was power, the power to control others.From the perspective of the lower level who don't know the inside story, the executive deputy general manager is close to the peak, but Li Luo knows that the difference brought about by this step is huge, just like now, Tao Tang, a newcomer, can freely comment on the country , but if some words are spoken by oneself, it is arrogance.

The conversation on the phone was not short. The other party talked about the employment of people under the system, "It is generally said that we appoint people as good people, but the common people criticize people as relatives. In fact, it is not right. The number one cadre line is neither appointing people on merit. , It’s not nepotism, but nepotism. Arrange whoever your superior wants you to arrange, otherwise your superior will be unhappy, and your seat will not be secure.”

Li Luo understood that this was a friend advising him not to go against the organization, "You're right, I understand."

"The second is to allow people to help you. These days, how can you do without a few good friends? Those who work alone are fools, and they will definitely not go far. The third is to let people work for money. Compared with relationships, money must be reliable There are many, isn't it? Whoever can bring economic benefits to oneself can be employed. The most pro-friend can be ranked fourth. In my opinion, 'pro' is the most unreliable..."

Li Luo recalled his thoughts, and glanced at Tao Tang who was still talking freely.Which one is he?It's definitely not worth talking about making money, but it's not easy to say now, 'It takes three days to warm up a jade test, and it takes seven years to identify it', it's too early to say.But it can't be seen that he obeys the principle of appointing others to help, this guy is still young after all, and his style of work in the past month seems to be blooming everywhere and making enemies everywhere...

Tao Tang is still talking, "Now it seems that, apart from the mining machine, which is the old housekeeping product of Red Star, the gearbox is probably the product with the most potential. Because of its high technical content, high added value, and large profit margin. These few days The domestic auto market grew extremely fast in 2000, and it is already the largest market in the world. The total production and sales of various vehicles exceeded [-] million units, which gave us a stage to fully display. The next step, we will analyze in detail The prospects and profitability of each sector are discussed, and we should be as scientific and objective as possible, because we cannot make mistakes. So I discussed with Mr. Li that this time we really want to set up a group to study this matter, and I will do it The team leader, Secretary Zhao, Mr. Li and Mr. Luo will be the deputy team leaders, and other company leaders, leaders of relevant departments and key personnel will join in, organize a capable team, and try to come up with an overall plan for product structure adjustment in a month or two. Opinions come out... This result should be included in the mid-term evaluation report of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" to make some necessary preparations for the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan". We are not dealing with the above, but a real adjustment. This adjustment , must be based on reality. Let’s put it another way, and we must answer our stall, how to eat, and what conditions are needed for development. Before there is no better market and products, the existing things cannot be easily thrown away. Therefore, the production in June still has to be full, and I feel the upsurge of production, and I can't let it go, Mr. Ma, June is the last month of the second quarter, how much have you arranged?"

"6.8 million." Ma Guangming replied, "This plan is based on the plan for the second quarter, and the marketing department has been consulted."

He said the marketing department, not Li Luo.Although the discord between Ma Guangming and Li Luo is not as serious as that of Han Zhiyong, it is not a secret among the Red Star executives.Sure enough, Li Luo snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

"So, Mr. Luo, what is the concept of the second quarter plan after the 6.8 million is paid out?"

"It still can't be completed." Luo Chong said, "The formulation of the plan for the second quarter itself is unreasonable, but after five or six months of surprise, coupled with the gradual increase in secondary income, we expect to complete 33 billion yuan in the first half of the year." Strong. If the momentum can be maintained in the second half of the year, it is expected to achieve 85-90 billion for the whole year.”

Due to the characteristics of some products of Red Star, especially mining machine products, the output value in the second half of the year is generally higher than that in the working year. This is already a rule, so Ma Guangming has such a judgment. Otherwise, the output value in the first half of the year will be about 30 billion. Doubling in the second half is a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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