Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 372 Phoenix Chicken Soup Promotion Success

Chapter 372 Phoenix Chicken Soup Promotion Success
After a banquet, Qingshan Agricultural Enterprise's Phoenix Chicken Breeding Base reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Xinxing Building, and at the same time, determined its own promotion and business model.

Zhao Qingshan's Phoenix Chicken business model is rather peculiar. He does not simply promote Phoenix Chicken, but promotes three major dishes to hotels above four stars.

Moreover, these three big dishes don't have to be prepared by other restaurants.

After full consideration, Zhao Qingshan decided to arrange a Phoenix chicken sales point and a processing and customization center for three dishes in every county and urban area where he planned to open up the market.

Of course, the road has to be taken step by step. Now Zhao Qingshan has no plans to promote this practice nationwide immediately. He wants to conduct an experiment in Luzhong City first.

Through the relationship with the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, Zhao Qingshan’s Phoenix Chicken was successfully placed on the menu of the Xinxing Building Hotel, and then, Zhao Qingshan used Zhang Chao, Ma Weimin, and Zhao Ping’s friends at the government level to successfully put the Phoenix Chicken into the menu. Chicken entered the menus of Yumanlou and Yanbinlou, and then entered the menu of Nifu Seafood City through friends Liu Wendong knew on Tainan Road.

In this way, it took Zhao Qingshan less than a week to arrange all three stews of his Phoenix Chicken to four high-end hotels in Laigang County.

At the same time, on the other hand, Zhao Qingshan spent 100 million to buy a one-year advertisement broadcasting right at Qilu TV Station, spent [-] yuan to buy a one-year advertising broadcasting right at Luzhong City TV station, and spent [-] yuan to buy a one-year advertising broadcasting right at Laigang County TV Station. right to broadcast the ad.

At noon on the third day after the broadcast by TV stations at all levels, Liu Liang began to receive order calls from four high-end hotels one after another.

In order to increase the enthusiasm of the Lu Cuisine Master he invited from the imperial capital, Zhao Qingshan directly signed a contract with the Lu Cuisine Master. Every time a Phoenix Chicken Soup is sold, the master will receive a commission of [-] yuan, and the salary will be calculated separately.

Another month passed, and at the end of July, people in four high-end hotels in Laigang County ordered Phoenix Chicken Soup every day.

Even one day, Liu Liang sold [-] Phoenix chickens in one day.

Thirty pieces of Phoenix chicken soup, the wholesale price is 600, and the sales volume is 18000 yuan.

And if the cost of advertising is not counted, the actual cost of their Phoenix chicken is only 300 yuan. 300 yuan.

It can be said bluntly that Zhao Qingshan's promotion of Nanpo high-quality chicken breeding has been successful.

The next thing Zhao Qingshan has to do is to expand the breeding scale of Nanshan Phoenix Chicken, and then expand the scale of promotion.

Zhao Qingshan is targeting high-end consumer groups, and there are not a few people in Laigang County with this spending power.

Before promoting Phoenix Chicken, Zhao Qingshan conducted related surveys. In the entire Laigang County, there are about 2000 tables that spend more than [-] yuan for one table of food every day.Among the [-] tables, there can be five tables in the Xinxing Building. The main consumers here are the bosses of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, and they usually hold banquets for important guests here.Luzhong Iron and Steel Works has more than a dozen branch factories, and the leaders of each branch factory have their own important customers. When ordinary customers come, it is necessary to set up a table in the Xinxing Building.Then there is usually a table of high-end banquets in the banquet building every day. This is the government hospitality hotel of the Laigang County Government. Although this hotel does not receive many important guests every day, there will be a table every day.Then the remaining Yumanlou and Nifu Seafood City are more oriented to the nouveau riche in Laigang County.

In Laigang County, there is a large iron and steel enterprise called Luzhong Iron and Steel Works, and there are many steel traders on both sides of National Highway 205. There are many local tyrants worth over ten million by selling steel.These local tyrants usually choose Yumanlou and Nifu Seafood City for their treats.These two drinkers, there will be a dozen tables of local tyrants to treat them every day.

In other words, Zhao Qingshan's subordinate Liu Liang sold thirty phoenix chicken soup in one day, and basically all the bosses and senior officials who invited guests that day ordered this dish.

Zhao Qingshan knew in his heart that 30 phoenix chickens a day would amount to [-] phoenix chickens a year.

Of course, it may be said that everyone thought it was fresh at the beginning, and the advertising effect was good. Everyone ordered this dish. After a long time, maybe the entire Laigang County can maintain a delivery speed of more than ten chickens a day. , even if it is a success.

A dozen or so chickens are sold a day, and three to four thousand chickens are sold a year. The chickens raised by Liu Liang on Nanshan can definitely maintain the sales in Laigang County, but it has hindered the promotion in other places.

If Laigang County sells 90 phoenix chickens a year, one chicken can earn 110 yuan, and then it can earn [-] yuan.In fact, in the first year of promoting Phoenix Chicken, Zhao Qingshan's advertising investment was only [-] million.

The advertisements invested in Qilu Province and Luzhong City are not only effective in Laigang County, but also in other places.

Therefore, Zhao Qingshan's top priority is to seize the time to expand the scale of Phoenix chicken breeding.Therefore, Zhao Qingshan recruited 200 breeders within Laigang County, and then raised another [-] chicks on the entire Nanshan Mountain at once.

At the same time, Zhao Qingshan arranged for people to go to other counties and cities in Qilu Province to do market research. The content of the survey included the number and scale of local four-star hotels and above, as well as the consumption of high-end local banquets.

There are a total of 140 counties and cities in Qilu Province, and then Zhao Qingshan sent two people to each county and city to do the investigation. The 280 people were also under the management and control of Liu Liang.

Then, Zhao Qingshan recruited 140 newly graduated chefs from the New Oriental Chef School to learn the three-course phoenix soup recipe from Master Song who was invited from the imperial capital.

These operations of Zhao Qingshan cost a lot. There are 620 newly recruited employees, and the salary of these newly recruited employees is 1200 yuan during the half-year internship period, and then it becomes 1500 yuan after the internship period ends.

In this way, in the next year, Zhao Qingshan's salary alone will increase by 1000 million.

However, Zhao Qingshan knew that this 1000 million investment would bring huge profits.

Starting next year, 60.00 Phoenix chickens, even if calculated based on a 300% survival rate, can produce 440 chickens, and the profit of one chicken is [-] yuan. A profit of [-] million.

The cost of the chicken calculated by Zhao Qingshan includes the wages of the workers, that is to say, the 440 million yuan is pure profit, and there is no need to deduct 1000 million wages.

Zhao Qingshan is very happy. Next year, Nanshan will start contributing profits.

(End of this chapter)

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