Cutting 1719

Chapter 101 Kangxi has 6 years left?

Chapter 101 Kangxi has 60 years left?
Emperor Kangxi has experienced too many things. The two abolished princes have already exhausted Kangxi physically and mentally. Later, the Baye Party made Kangxi completely forget about the relationship between father and son, but now Yinzhen has caused Kangxi to fight again. Heart.

You can't take what I don't want to give!
"Yinzhen, haven't you always been in charge of the household department? Why are you so concerned about military matters?" Once Kangxi calms down, he will become a shrewd, capable and suspicious king again. This question naturally goes straight to the point where.

Yinzhen knelt down on the ground, tried to keep his forehead close to the cold ground, and replied loudly: "My son has always followed Huang Ama's teachings since he was a child. I, Manchuria, must not indulge in the prosperity of the Central Plains. Don't forget to ride Therefore, my son has always wanted to follow Huang Ama and fight in all directions."

"My son heard that Chu Ni's cannon fire is very powerful, so I paid special attention to it. It is said that there are many Western businessmen in Guangzhou, Macau and other places. Like the previous Fran cannons, they came from the West. If I can buy some Come back to equip, and Chu Ni will not be so arrogant."

Kangxi nodded slightly, even though he didn't like the fourth child's hand stretching too far, but this suggestion is good, "Well, you can arrange one or two first, but there is one thing, no matter how powerful this cannon is, it is enough to buy a few cannons." Yes, I still need to imitate it in the Qing Dynasty, so you should take the lead in the casting of firearms first."

Yinzhen was overjoyed, and hurriedly hit the rails while it was hot: "Huang Ama, is it feasible for my son to lead troops to defeat Chu Ni?" While talking, he looked at Kangxi from the corner of his eye.

Kangxi snorted softly, and said slowly: "I will deal with these things myself, you can go back and rest." These words were neither yin nor yang, and Yinzhen was confused when he heard them, and he didn't dare to say anything at the moment Argued, had to leave.

When Yinzhen returned to the mansion, before he summoned Wu Sidao to discuss, a eunuch came to deliver the decree.

"Prince Ziyong Yinzhen is diligent in state affairs, and I am very relieved to be the author and lead the artillery supervision."

After Yinzhen kowtowed to thank him, he gave a wry smile, and was not in the mood to go to Wu Sidao to negotiate, because this attitude was almost in front of him, and Kangxi did not want him to intervene in military affairs.

In fact, Kangxi at this time, after Yinzhen left, immediately summoned the Manchu and Han ministers who went to the study room to discuss the current situation in Hubei.

Regarding the current chaos, everyone is aware of it. Although it will not endanger the country of the Qing Dynasty, after all, it is difficult to control in one place. I am afraid that the imperial envoy will be dispatched later to cooperate with the provincial soldiers. The horses jointly attacked and suppressed, and the ministers were often appointed by the royal family.

As mentioned in the previous article, the defense strategy of the Qing Dynasty is very simple and practical, that is, through the Zhenwu Xuntang and other systems, the entire Green Camp military power is cut to pieces, just like Ning Zhongyuan before, as a From the guerrilla generals of the third rank, the soldiers and horses directly under their own direct control are only seven to eight hundred people. This system can effectively prevent generals from causing chaos.

The problem is that in the event of an accident, if the local green battalion can be extinguished immediately, that's all. Otherwise, it will burn like a fire, and the current Fuhan army has already had this sign.At least there is basically no one left in the current Hubei Green Camp.If you want to wipe out the Fuhan army, you need to cooperate with the green battalions of the provinces, but in this way, the general governors and ministers are not qualified to lead the army, and during the Kangxi period, the most suitable candidates for this status are you elder brothers.

Thinking of this, the ministers became a little taciturn. They have experienced the incidents of the Baye Party and other incidents. It is not a good thing to talk about elder brother leading the army at this time. If it falls into the eyes of Emperor Kangxi, I am afraid it will be hard and left.

Kangxi snorted coldly, and said: "Now that Chu Ni has decided to lay down Xiangyang in Jingzhou, the next step may be to go directly to Jiangning, or to go directly to Hunan. I wonder what everyone thinks?"

The ministers were silent, and Hubu Shang Shutian came out from Dian and said: "In the opinion of my humble ministers, now we should gather the green battalions from all provinces, lead the troops with the prince, and recruit them in parallel. With Jing Quangong, we may use the example of the San Francisco. "

Kangxi was always proud of destroying San Francisco when he was young. At that time, the foundation of the Qing Dynasty was unstable. Since the San Francisco uprising, it has shaken the whole world, and almost the entire south has been destroyed. But under such a difficult environment, Kangxi It is still a miraculous achievement to successfully destroy the San Francisco.

At present, the newly promoted Hubu Han Shangshu Tian Congdian played this right, which can be regarded as scratching Kangxi's itch. He immediately said: "Even if Chu Ni is rampant for a while, it can't last long. Why do you need the prince to lead the army? The minister of the guard, Al Song'a was the imperial envoy to suppress the rebellion, Gao Qiwei was the admiral of Jiangnan, Wei Jingguo was the admiral of Huguang, and cooperated with the green camps in the south of the Yangtze River, Huguang, Sichuan, and Shaanxi to suppress the rebels."

This arrangement stunned the ministers for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that it was natural. It is not a common practice for the prince to lead the army. Now it is normal to arrange for the Minister of Guards, Arsun, to go, not to mention that Arsun himself is also in charge of the firearms battalion. , Dealing with Chu Ni is justified.

Unexpectedly, Kangxi raised his eyes to look at the ministers, and then said slowly: "Prince Yong will take care of the casting of our army's guns and cannons. This time, the whole team is united, and it is easy to destroy the rebels."

Everyone had no choice but to thank En and leave. This time, Kangxi's behavior showed a bit of skill. Judging from the manpower arranged this time, the background is actually relatively simple. It is also used and guarded against Prince Yong, which inevitably makes the ministers Think a little more.

Could it be that the rumor is true?
No matter what the ministers think in their hearts, the 60th year of Kangxi has come. In the name of the 60th year of Yuji, Emperor Kangxi sent the fourth son Yinzhen, the emperor's twelfth son Yinzhen, and the eldest son Hongsheng to sacrifice to Yongling, Fuling and Zhaoling .

Sending the prince to pay homage to the suburban temple Sheji is not only for the purpose of offering sacrifices to the mausoleum, but also for the purpose of stabilizing people's hearts and telling the whole world that Emperor Kangxi is still alive!It has to be said that the prestige of Kangxi Yuji for 60 years is very great, and the hearts of the people in many places who were originally turbulent because of the war have begun to calm down.

But in Jingzhou at this time, in the newly established Jingzhou camp, Ning Yu looked at Kangxi's actions with disdain.

"Relying on Arson and the 10,000+ green battalion patched together, you want to send me back to the Han army? Isn't Kangxi's idea too good?"

Cheng Zhien, who had just been appointed as the deputy manager of the Jingzhou camp, also sighed slightly, "This Kangxi is also old now, otherwise he would be the one who came to recruit himself." There was a hint of rejoicing and a hint of disappointment in his tone.

It can be said that except for Ning Yu, who in the world was not raised by listening to the various feats of Emperor Kangxi?Even because of the difference between Manchu and Han, many people still fear the old emperor in their hearts.

"If Kangxi himself really came, I'm afraid there will be no such Kangxi for 60 years."

(End of this chapter)

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