Cutting 1719

Chapter 102 Blood for Iron

Chapter 102 Blood for Iron
The sentence that Ning Yu said that Kangxi did not have 60 years is certainly a joke, but it also reflects that in Ning Yu's heart, he has no fear of this seemingly huge Qing Dynasty.

The reason is simple. The sentence "Hulu has no luck for a hundred years" has gradually become true. Why did the San Francisco Rebellion 40 years ago go so smoothly?In the early days, it was almost difficult to meet opponents. Apart from the fact that the Green Battalion soldiers under the San Francisco were indeed battle-hardened and stronger than the soldiers of the imperial court, a large part of the reason was the support of the people.

In the eyes of many people, Manchuria's stay in the Central Plains was a bit of a fluke, and the Han people were not convinced. What's more, the order to shave their hair in a book forced countless Han people to turn against them.In this case, although San Francisco's background is not glorious, there are still many people who support San Francisco. Therefore, in the early stage of the war, San Francisco was able to attack several provinces in a short period of time.

Compared with San Francisco, today's Fuhan Army is facing no major changes in the current situation. Of course, Taiwan cannot be regarded as Austrian aid, but there is still a plan in the northwest, not to mention that the White Lotus Sect seems to have The trend of raising troops, when the time comes, one south and one north, one Fuhan army and one Bailian sect, Kangxi will face the situation at the end of Ming Dynasty.

It can be said that the locks tied to the head of the Ning family have been loosened a lot, especially after the Battle of Xiangyang, Ning Zhongyuan led the second division back to defend Wuchang, and the [-] soldiers and horses of Hunan Governor Zhang Changen were firmly guarded. Huang Fengshan's garrison team withstood the attack regardless of sacrifice, and after Ning Zhongyuan joined forces, they attacked on both sides. Zhang Changen lost more than [-] people and retreated to Yuezhou. Sooner or later he would become a prisoner of the Fuhan Army .

In this context, the position of Jingzhou can be said to be very critical. The Metropolitan Governor’s Office sent an order to let Ning Yu set up the Jingzhou camp, Ning Yu served as the general manager of the camp, and Cheng Zhien served as the deputy director of the camp. After a short repair, he went straight to Yichang and Jingmen State, and the original Third Division, led by Cheng Ming, was responsible for conquering Yunyang Mansion.

However, just as the Fuhan army was developing and growing, the problem Ning Yu faced was not just winning on the battlefield, it was not enough to win, but also needed to appease the people.Only by uniting people's hearts can we develop further.

At this time, Wuchang City was full of jubilation. At the beginning of the war, many ordinary people did not support the Fuhan Army, or did not dare to support it. Few even took the initiative to cut their braids, but now it is different. Some people in the city still drew close to the Fuhan army and twisted their braids.

After all, people are human, and they all have the consciousness of avoiding danger. The original Fuhan army was just a rebel army, and it would be wiped out by the Qing army mobilized at any time. But after these few battles, the common people discovered the Qing army's identity Weak, there are not many men who really dare to fight. The Qing army like this, let alone tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, is just a piece of loose sand.

Therefore, the Fuhan Army, which won victory on the battlefield, also won victory among the people. Many people began to cooperate with the Fuhan Army. The Fuhan Army also gathered many people at recruitment points in various places. Anyone who voted for the Han army was given ten acres of land, but he had to serve for 20 years or die in battle.

This suddenly caused many poor people who could not survive to twist their braids and joined the Fuhan Army, but where did the Fuhan Army get so many fields?The reason is simple. In Jingzhou, only 30 mu of flag fields were confiscated, and more than 700 million taels of silver were confiscated. In addition, the land and property of those uncooperative gentry and landlords were confiscated. The Han army is really full, and it has the strength to expand its army.

Ning Zhongyuan originally took Cui Wancai and others out of the Dudu's Mansion to check the people's sentiments. Now when he saw the long queue at the conscription point, his face became a little more happy. The more the battle was fought, the better he looked. It's getting better too.

Cui Wancai pointed at the recruiting men, stroked his beard and smiled and said, "This time, my Fuhan army may be able to recruit 3 horses, and the original sum may be a full 5 people. This is also what the governor fought on the battlefield. Prestige! With these people, the next encirclement and suppression by the Qing army will be nothing to worry about."

Ning Zhongyuan was slightly worried, "Although our army won a big victory on the battlefield this time, it still relied on the advantages of guns and guns. Although there are a large number of young and strong people joining our army, after all, there are insufficient equipment. force."

This is still an old problem of the Fuhan Army, because since the mode of modern warfare, the requirements for logistics have been getting higher and higher, and the current Fuhan Army has only been raised for half a year, and its foundation is seriously insufficient. Qing old-fashioned shotguns and swords, which also severely limited the strength of the Fuhan army.

For example, on Mount Huangfeng, Zhang Changen's [-] Qing soldiers almost broke through the garrison. Fortunately, the artillery fire was strong, and the Qing army's fighting spirit was not strong, which stabilized the battlefield situation and persisted until Ning Zhongyuan , but even so, the casualties of the garrison regiment were as many as a thousand.

Cui Wancai laughed and said: "The governor should not worry, the major general has brought back the 800-odd bannermen, except for some who died on the way, there are still [-] people who can go to Daye to dig iron ore. At that time, our army's mining speed will be greatly accelerated! The speed of iron smelting will naturally be able to keep up with the demand."

Cui Wancai actually refrained from saying a word, because among the opinions Ning Yu gave to the Zhengshitang, regarding the way of using the bannerman, the key is to increase production.In other words, all bannermen must go to the mine, and it must be the most dangerous place. As for the work intensity, as long as you are not exhausted, you can continue to work!
Ning Yu even added a sentence after the suggestion, "Be sure to increase production first. It is feasible to exchange blood for iron in a short period of time. More captives will be sent in the near future." Those who cooperate will be sent to the Daye Iron Mine at that time to contribute to the future of the Fuhan Army. As for how many people died, this is not the key.

"In addition, according to the major general, a new iron factory and a gun factory will be opened in Hanyang soon, and the names have been decided, called Hanyang Iron Factory and Hubei Gun Factory, plus our Daye Iron Factory. Mine, the manufacturing speed of this gun can also keep up with the development rhythm of our army."

Ning Zhongyuan smiled and said: "This brat has not forgotten his roots! Our army started in Hanyang, so the iron ore and gun factory should naturally be located in Hanyang. As for the name, it is a bit vulgar." This green battalion veteran who came from the battlefield , but now he has begun to be vassalized and elegant, and he has a bit of disdain for his son's taste.

If Ning Yu knew what Ning Zhongyuan was thinking, he might be dumbfounded. The so-called Hanyang Iron Factory and Hubei Gun Factory were originally the masterpieces of Zhang Zhidong, but now he just followed the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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