Cutting 1719

Chapter 103

Chapter 103
The warm sun in the early spring had just risen, and it was still a little hot on people's bodies. Ning Zhongyuan and the others also gradually got tired from walking during the inspection. They saw a teahouse in front of the road, and they sat in together.

At this time, there were people coming and going in the teahouse. Many people had their braids cut and their hair was disheveled, and some people just shaved their hair clean, looking like a monk.Although many people still wear braids, it can be felt that this trend is getting stronger and stronger.

There is a desk in the middle of the lobby, and behind the desk is a storyteller, who is talking about Grandpa Yue with joy at this time, which would be a serious crime that would be beheaded in the past, but the storyteller is not at all worried at this moment.

"Hey, in Wuchang City, there is really a grandpa Yue now! Who is it? That is our governor, who beat the Tartars in the first battle of Xiangyang! It just so happens that the eldest son of Grandpa Yue can be called a heroic boy. General Ning Shao didn't give in too much!"

Then someone asked, "This Young General Ning is only seventeen or eighteen years old this year, what prestige can he have?"

The storyteller looked at this man with contempt, "You haven't even heard of General Ning? That's a general from the sky! He fought Daye to flatten Huangzhou, and Xiantao Town even used one battalion to block ten thousand! The Manta general was killed by shelling!"

When everyone heard this, they were immediately in awe, but Ning Zhongyuan and others heard that it was not the case at all. It is reasonable to fight Daye and Huangzhou Mansion, but it is not Ning Yu who became famous in Xiantao Town. It was Dong Ce. As for the death of General Manchu with a cannonball, it is even more fictional.

The storyteller saw that the atmosphere was getting more and more heated, and immediately slapped the Xingmu in his hand on the table, making a sound, but focused everyone's eyes again.

"To say that General Ning is really courageous, the present-day Qing Dynasty is no different from the troubled times of the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Kangxi of the Tartar Chieftain had hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but why did General Ning want to raise troops?"

Everyone in the audience shook their heads one after another. If Ning Zhongyuan was replaced by them, they would really not be able to raise troops. Even if their families were ruined, it would be difficult for them to come up with such an idea.

"If you want to know this point, today I have to listen to the old man talk about the ten days in Yangzhou." The storyteller's tone suddenly became serious.

"Seventy-five years ago, after Manchuria entered the customs, there were repeated massacres in our land of Shenzhou. Yangzhou was slaughtered by Qing soldiers for ten days. There are only dozens of soldiers and civilians left."

"That day, the Qing soldiers all over the city drove away women and children like dogs and sheep. If they didn't move forward, they would beat them up or kill them immediately. These blood and tears soaked the entire city of Yangzhou!"

The storyteller finally couldn't bear it, and said in grief and indignation: "My grandfather and father escaped from Yangzhou City. His old man couldn't forget that scene for a while. Now the governor of the capital raised troops to fight against the Qing Dynasty, which is just doing justice for the heavens!"

More and more people gathered in the teahouse. Hearing this scene, he couldn't help but shudder, every word smelt of blood.

Ning Zhongyuan didn't interrupt Mr. Storyteller, but quietly retreated with a group of people. This man who has seen everything on the battlefield, his eyes are a little red today.

"The act of defeating the Qing is at the moment."

These eight words are heavy, as if pressing a big rock in everyone's heart.

During the whole first month, the Fuhan army had a rare experience of peace. Although it was said that it was because of the weather that they could not use their troops normally, so they had to stop for a while, but it was also an opportunity for the Fuhan army to sort out internally.

At this time, in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, all the important members of the Political Affairs Hall and the Privy Council have arrived, and even Ning Yu temporarily entrusted the Jingzhou camp to Cheng Zhien, mainly because this meeting will be related to the next direction of the Ning family.

The current government affairs hall has made new moves in terms of personnel adjustment and planning, especially with the expansion of the area under its jurisdiction, there is still a very large gap for officials in the current Dudufu. As for some traditional scholars in Hubei, they still hold The idea of ​​being loyal to the emperor and patriotism, and unwilling to serve as an official in the Fuhan Army, in desperation, Ning Yu also moved out the Fuhan Army version of the university and lecture hall.

"According to the new plan, our army will change the current method of appointing officials in the future, and will establish a Fuhan University of Government Affairs, which is specially used to train officials who handle affairs. In addition, new adjustments will be made to the division of officials and officials. .”

Ning Yu talked eloquently in the political affairs hall, he can't limit his influence to the military, it is still necessary to intervene in political affairs, so as to better consolidate his authority.

However, at this time, some important members of the Political Affairs Hall expressed their puzzlement about this new measure, and someone immediately asked: "Major General, please clarify."

"The so-called Fuhan Government Affairs University does not study the so-called Confucian sacred words, but only learns the method of doing things. The schooling period is one year. You can apply for the exam by yourself or recommend it. There will be assessments in the middle and the end of the year, and those who pass the assessment will be awarded directly. It is the compilation of the eighth grade."

This stunned everyone. Although it is true that they should get their own table now that they are rebelling, isn't this too deviant?Do not learn Confucian holy words?Just learn how to do things?There is no reason for this.

Immediately, someone refuted it. This person was Cheng Yuanzhi, the director of the Overwatch Council. Although he didn't interfere in political affairs very much on weekdays, he had already assumed the role of the director of the Overwatch Council, but he had no choice but to speak up at this time.

"Major General, now that I am planning to make such a big move in the Han army, will I be too anxious?" Although the words are more euphemistic, the big guy can understand the subtext. Is it not taking the people of the world too seriously to start reforming the system?What's more, all the people in the world are apprentices of Confucius and Mencius. You don't want to teach Confucius and Mencius, but you still expect others to support you?

Ning Yu said with a wry smile: "Dean Cheng, this time is definitely not my whim, and I don't teach Confucius and Mencius, and I don't mean to publicize it, but now I am in urgent need of practical talents to restore the Han army, so naturally this University of Political Affairs should also use hard work. Mainly, as for the compilation of the eighth grade awarded by the successful assessment, it is not a real job."

"Wait until these eight grades are compiled in the central and local states and counties for a year, and then they will be distributed to the counties and townships according to the assessment results. Starting from a county magistrate or master book, they will be in charge of a county's grain and horses, tax collection, Household registration, patrolling and other affairs will not be further selected until they are familiar with government affairs."

The so-called county magistrates are all the dirty and tiresome work that scholars with official backgrounds are unwilling to do. Simply put, they are more money and less scapegoat. They are not valued at all, and even in many counties there are no counties at all. The post of Cheng.

When everyone heard that the students from Laoshizi's Political Affairs University can only be a small county magistrate for a year, and it may be as difficult to get promoted, and it will not affect everyone's interests. put it down.

Only Cui Wancai had a smile on his face, he already understood the key point of what he, a good student, did.

(End of this chapter)

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