Cutting 1719

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
This meeting has actually been held for a very long time. For Ning Yu, there are many things he wants to express, but because of the limitations of this era, he can't move them all at once, otherwise the abnormal person will become himself up.Everyone can accept a genius who surpasses half a step, but he will not accept a madman who surpasses the entire era.

However, this meeting also finally determined Ning Yu's status, that is, to become the successor of the Fuhan Army. If the situation changes, he will replace Ning Zhongyuan as the commander of the Fuhan Army. Yu's new problem came out, that is, he currently has no offspring.This is a very serious problem for traditional society.

Having no descendants not only means being a widowed old man, but more importantly, after his death, the people under him will not have a new object of support, and splitting will become inevitable at that time, so any mature leader will not let himself The group is in such a predicament.

Naturally, Ning Yu officially bid farewell to her single life on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the 60th year of Kangxi, and married Cui Si, daughter of teacher Cui Wancai, as his wife. The two have experienced life and death on the battlefield during this period. Emotional basis, but not annoying.

For the Fuhan army, the marriage of their major general is naturally a gratifying event. The entire Wuchang city is decorated with joy, with red silk fluttering and colorful lights hanging around. Some common people can also feel this joy. , It actually inspired the entire Fuhan Army's control area, and gradually recovered from the chaos.

Ning Zhongyuan and Cui Wancai are now in-laws, and they are even more happy. They took advantage of the wine to talk about the past in the main seat, toasting each other from time to time, and the atmosphere seemed quite lively for a while.

"Old Cui, now that my son has become your son-in-law, I can no longer hide my secrets from now on. If there is a lesson to be learned, he must be taught a lesson. No matter how great this kid is, he is still your son-in-law!"

Ning Zhongyuan blushed, his spirits were extremely high, he half-jokingly said.

Cui Wancai smiled slightly. After all, he is a scholar, and he is quite restrained in drinking, so his face is still very flat, and he said with a smile: "You don't know Ning Yu yet, he is much better than us old guys now, I can teach him everything. It has already been taught, and in the future, it really depends on these young people."

Everyone also laughed, but Ning Zhongyuan sighed again, pointed at Ning Yu who was toasting at the banquet, and said with a wry smile: "Speaking of which, this kid is too capable, and I haven't spent much time What about my addiction!"

This swearing made everyone at the banquet burst into laughter. The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves for a while, but as it got late, they all dispersed.

Although Ning Yu also drank some wine at this time, he was always worried about things, but he didn't dare to let himself get too drunk. At this time, with a slightly drunk face on his face, he swayed into the bridal chamber .

Cui Si sat quietly on the bed, the red cloth covering her head trembling slightly, showing the entanglement in her master's heart.

Ning Yu didn't lift the red cloth directly and roughly, but just lay quietly beside the girl, except for the girl's slight breathing, she couldn't hear anything else.

"Are you happy?"

Suddenly, Ning Yu uttered such a dry sentence, but he didn't understand it in his heart. Now that they are married, what's the point of asking this again?

After much deliberation, it was still the small thoughts of the previous life that were at work, after all, it was a bit of a beautiful fantasy about the relationship, and now they are married suddenly, but they seem a bit uncomfortable.

Cui Si didn't respond, she seemed to be thinking about this question, and finally sighed slightly.

"If it was my original plan, I would get in touch with you slowly until you are willing to do it in your heart. It is better than the current situation. It seems that I am forcing you. I am extremely unwilling."

Ning Yu said word by word, "Now no matter what, you and I will always be a married couple. I will treat you well and not let you be wronged."

"En." Cui Si finally responded, without seeming to have much emotion in it.

Ning Yu finally let go of the block in his heart, and lifted the red cloth off Cui Si's face with a pole, revealing a picturesque jade face with a bit of blushing.

"I'm hungry, can you go get me some chicken legs?"

In the early morning of the next day, after Ning Yu got up and washed, he brought Cui Si to serve tea to Ning Zhongyuan and Cheng Shi, and even kowtowed to the old matriarch.

In the study room, Ning Zhongyuan looked at Ning Yu with a smile, as if Ning Yu at this moment was more in line with the mature image in his heart, and said softly: "In the past few days, you should spend good time with your wife. Your fourth uncle and I are watching, so don't worry too much."

Ning Yu smiled wryly and said, "I don't want to worry about this. Although it is difficult for the Qing army to launch a large-scale offensive before April, it will definitely be 10,000+ Green Battalion to attack, and there may be the Northwest Cavalry and the Eight Banners of the Beijing Division. , this time it's not as simple as last time."

When the attention of the Qing court began to focus on the Fuhan army, it would naturally not give the Fuhan army any chance, and the offensive launched would be unmatched before.In Ning Yu's eyes, the current Han army still has a long way to go if it wants to be truly invincible to the Qing army.

Not only the cultivation of talents and the updating of weapons, but also a certain change in thinking is required, that is, to learn to take the initiative to attack and expand the battlefield to several provinces in the south, in order to truly create a storm and set off the current trend.

Thinking of this, Ning Yu not only had a headache, but said seriously: "Father, if our army wants to win the next victory, we need more preparations."

Ning Zhongyuan also nodded, his face became a little more solemn, and said: "After the beginning of spring, when the road thaws, our army will go down along the Dongting Lake and go straight to Hunan. As long as we collect the manpower and material resources of the entire Huguang, our army will There is a fight."

As the saying goes, "Only Chu has talent", there is no shortage of talents in Hubei and Hunan today. Even a wealthy family like the Ning family can gather some talented people in a short time, and it will be like a blowout in later generations.

Ning Yu said in a low voice: "Father, our army can't sit still now. If we all gather in Huguang, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist the Qing army's offensive. I have an idea, that is, my father will lead people to guard Huguang, and I will take part of the troops to go down the Yangtze River. Go straight to the Jiangning area to slow down the actions of the Qing army. Only by muddying the water will our army have a chance to fish in troubled waters."

"Oh? Then how are you going to muddy the water under the Qing army's heavy troops?" Ning Zhongyuan became somewhat interested. He seemed to feel that this plan was somewhat feasible, at least it could guarantee the current development of Huguang.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we pursue, when the enemy camps, we harass, and when the enemy is tired, we attack." Ning Yu was full of confidence at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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