Cutting 1719

Chapter 106 Guerrilla War

Chapter 106 Guerrilla War

"When the enemy advances, I retreat. The enemy retreats. I chase the enemy. I harass the enemy and I fight. It makes a lot of sense." Ning Zhongyuan's eyes lit up, but he couldn't help but read, and then asked: "Your tactics It's not bad, but if it's executed effectively, I'm afraid the Qing army really has nothing to do with you."

Ning Yu smiled slightly in his heart, joking, this has passed the test of a long war, and it is the essence of the theory of guerrilla warfare. If it is really used to deal with the encirclement and suppression of the Qing army, it will be perfect.

"However, to implement this method, one needs to understand one truth, that is, one must never stick to a city. It is the so-called truth of 'If you save land and lose people, all people will lose; if you save people and lose land, all people and land will survive'."

As Ning Yu eloquently explained, Ning Zhongyuan felt more and more weird. If such a quintessential theory of warfare, how could ordinary people understand this if he had spent many years on the battlefield?Although this Ning Yu has fought a few battles, but after all, his age is limited, where did he learn this trick?Could it be that there are really geniuses who are born and known in this world?

At this time, Ning Yu didn't notice the strange look in Ning Zhongyuan's expression, and continued to speak eloquently, "We will gather and annihilate the Qing army separately through mobile warfare, so that it will be impossible for the Qing army to concentrate on attacking us." Huguang, our army has the initiative on the battlefield. With the initiative, there will naturally be a good opportunity for development. When our army develops and grows, we can wait for the opportunity to fight a real decisive battle and capture the entire south in my Fuhan In the hands of the army."

Ning Zhongyuan asked: "What if the Qing army doesn't care about you and just attack Huguang with all its strength?" Actually, he is not ignorant of this consideration, but he just wants to test Ning Yu again.

Ning Yu laughed loudly, "If I attack Huguang with all my strength, I will naturally attack its heart. From Anqing to Jiangning, the world will be in chaos. As for me, Huguang, don't worry, I have invented a new thing, It's called cement, and as long as we use this material at that time, our defense line around Huguang will be safe."

The emergence of cement was made by craftsmen after Ning Yu thought for a long time. It was mainly through mining and crushing limestone mines, and transporting them to limestone warehouses through various methods. After crushing, it is blended in a certain proportion, ground and blended into a raw meal with suitable ingredients and uniform quality.

After the raw material is calcined in the kiln, and finally some gypsum is added, it can be made into a relatively elementary cement. Although the technical conditions are not as good as the cement of later generations, the effect of use is also very obvious. By using this This kind of cement can effectively bear the bombardment of artillery, which is especially beneficial for the defenders.

Because the whole process is not particularly complicated, Ning Yu also specially chose the deaf-mute people under the Fuhan Army to produce it, so that the secret can be better kept. The appearance of cement is actually of great significance to the war. At least for the defender, it is a great benefit.

At the end of the first month of the 60th year of Kangxi, Ning Yu took officials of the Privy Council, large and small, to the Hanyang Gun Factory to hold the groundbreaking ceremony. The number of workers is more than [-], and the scale can be regarded as first-class in the whole of Asia.

But the biggest problem is that the number of mature craftsmen under the command of the Fuhan Army is not enough at present, and there are only more than a thousand mature craftsmen after repeated searches. However, Ning Yu also has arrangements for this, that is, to send several craftsmen to each of these craftsmen. Helping apprentices, and promised that as long as each apprentice is brought out, he will be rewarded with ten taels of silver, so these craftsmen are more enthusiastic.

Lei Tuozi became the director of the new Hanyang Gun Factory, and his face was also full of joy at this time. He introduced to Ning Yu along the way: "I will report to the Major General that the Hanyang Gun Factory will be able to start the initial production of flint from next month." The guns have been launched, and as for the guns, it will take about two months, and the old gun workshops will undertake part of the production of guns."

"As for the full production of the entire gun factory, it is estimated that it will take about a year. At that time, both the equipment and the workers can basically meet the production requirements. By then, the annual planned production volume of our army can reach [-] guns. Guns and five hundred new cannons. If I were given three years, this amount could be increased by half."

While listening, Ning Yu wrote down with a pencil in a notebook that these data are very critical and will directly determine the subsequent military expansion plan and campaign plan, so there is no room for Ning Yu to be careless.

Regarding the current military equipment, Ning Yu is a little anxious. The reason is very simple. The current Qing army is still very good in terms of equipment. The proportion of firearms is increasing year by year. reduce.If the Fuhan army does not pay close attention to this aspect, it is very likely that it will be completely suppressed by the Qing army.

No matter how much stronger it is than the Qing army in terms of performance, the gap in quantity cannot be ignored, especially in this war era when teams are sent to shoot, sometimes it is more than who has more guns and whose cannons.Of course, Ning Yu also understood in his heart that there were serious problems with the production of firearms in the Manchu Qing Dynasty at this time. The firearms produced by the capital’s firearms camp were actually not as good as the muskets produced in some towns in the south, like the many shotguns in Guangzhou. It is obviously better than Jingshi made.

In addition, the corruption of the Qing army is also amazing. This also determines that the Qing army used high prices to make inferior products when making firearms. If they were more courageous, it was normal for the Qing army to collect 20 taels of silver for a gun. The muskets produced were not only poor in quality, but also extremely expensive, which resulted in a large amount of armament costs not being spent on actual use, so that the muskets that the green battalion soldiers carried at that time were actually not as good as a fire stick.

Although it is inevitable for the Fuhan army to have corruption, but after all, it is the start-up period, and many people's spirits are still very high, so there is no large-scale corruption. This also determines the cost and quality of firearms. The Fuhan army will win a lot.

In the new army organization plan, Ning Yu further subdivided the current main force and garrison army. Among them, the firearms used by the three main divisions are all the latest flintlock guns, and the guns are also the latest six-pound guns and eight-pound guns. Cannon, of course, this part of the army is currently only 5000 people, and will expand to 3 people by then, and each division will become a reorganized division of 1 people, capable of undertaking a single campaign goal in one direction.

As for the original three regiments of the garrison, they will also become three divisions after expansion. These three divisions will adopt the previous small division organization. Each division has only 6000 people and will be guarded in Jingzhou, Yichang and Wuchang respectively. Only some of the weapons of these three divisions are flintlock guns, and the rest are mainly shotguns captured by the Qing army, and will be mixed with certain knives, bows and arrows. In addition, each division will have ten cannons, so they are used for Defense is enough.

As for the remaining people, Ning Yu still plans to form an independent city defense regiment. These city defense regiments are basically cold weapons, and each regiment has no more than 500 people. Each prefecture will establish one. At present, the entire Fuhan Army occupies nine prefectures in Hubei, namely Wuchang Mansion, Hanyang Mansion, Huangzhou Mansion, Jingzhou Mansion, Xiangyang Mansion, Yunyang Mansion, Anlu Mansion, Dean Mansion and In Yichang Prefecture, there is also a Jingmen Prefecture.

In this way, the strength of the entire Fuhan Army will be divided into three levels, namely, the three divisions serving as the main field force with a total of 3 people, and the three divisions serving as the main defense force with a total of 8000 people. The ten regiments of the system have a total of 5000 people, and when added together, there are almost 3000 people. New requirements have been put forward for both logistics and weapons and equipment.

Only people, Ning Yu has plenty, because he is going to Yunyang Mansion soon.

(End of this chapter)

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