Cutting 1719

Chapter 107 Xunyang Mansion

Chapter 107 Xunyang Mansion

In the eyes of the Qing court, Yunyang Mansion, no matter in the past or now, has always been a big trouble and a powder keg.This gunpowder barrel did not only appear in the Qing Dynasty, but has appeared since the Yuan Dynasty.

As early as the Yuan Dynasty to the Zhengzheng period, refugees in Yunyang had already gathered here. If it was just that, it would be fine, but the geographical situation here is very complicated. It starts from the end of Zhongnanshan Mountain in the west, Tongbai Mountain and Dabie Mountain in the southeast, and Funiu Mountain in the northeast. , to Jingshan in the south, the mountains are continuous, and the river is deep in the forest. As long as the refugees hide in the mountains, the government basically has no good way.

Therefore, the government at that time regarded this generation as a closed area, and did not allow people to move in. In the Ming Dynasty, the policy of banning was still implemented. Deng Yu, the Duke of Wei, was sent to Fang County to clean up the land. ".

However, since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, due to reasons such as land annexation and successive years of disasters, a large number of farmers went bankrupt and became refugees. At that time, batches of farmers left their homes and fled everywhere. Gathering place, refugees from Hubei, Henan, and Shaanxi provinces gather here, with a total number of more than 150 million people.

These refugees who had no land launched two Jingxiang refugee uprisings in order to survive. Liu Tong who launched the first uprising claimed to be the "King of Han". The number of rebels reached tens of thousands, and the momentum was almost unprecedented. It was suppressed, and then the refugees launched an uprising for the second time, this time on a larger scale than the previous one, with millions of refugees responding, and the whole world was shocked by it.

After being suppressed this time, the Ming court finally began to look for other ways to solve the refugee problem. In the 12th year of Chenghua, the Xunyang Mansion was established, and the refugees were allowed to attach themselves to the people in the mountainous area, reclaim wasteland, and make it their own business forever.But is this problem completely solved?Still not, the Xunyang Mansion during the Ming and Qing Dynasties was still in an unstable state.

At present, the Fuhan Army has won the Xunyang Mansion, and it also needs to face such a complicated problem.And this time Ning Yu went to Xunyang Mansion, on the one hand, to recruit the brave Xunyang soldiers, and on the other hand, to find a way out for Xunyang Mansion, so shortly after the wedding, he hurriedly started the tour .

The road from Wuchang to Xunyang Mansion is very long, and the road is not stable, so Ning Yu and the troops from the guard battalion walked back and forth for several days. Although the early spring scenery along the way is very pleasant, but The anxiety in Ning Yu's heart is a little more, the reason is very simple, since passing through Xiangyang Mansion, the scene along the way can be described in one word: poor.

Different from the poverty in Yunmeng County, the poverty in Xunyang Mansion is a little more helpless. The terrain itself is between mountains, and the amount of arable land is naturally limited. Many families open up fields directly from the mountains, and the output is extremely meager. .

After arriving in Xunyang Mansion, Ning Yu discovered that there was a group of officials waiting here at the border, and the leader of them was the prefect of Xunyang officially appointed by the Fuhan Army not long ago.

The magistrate of Xunyang didn't dress very luxuriously, just a simple coarse cloth shirt, cleanly starched, clean-shaven hair, with a layer of bruised scalp, and wrinkles on his face. Looking a bit more bitter, he walked over quickly and gave Ning Yu a deep bow.

"Guo Chong, the magistrate of Xunyang, the next official, has seen the Major General!"

Hearing the name Guo Chong, Ning Yu quickly searched for this person from his memory, and was a little surprised at the moment, because according to the information of the Fuhan Army, Guo Chong was originally a son of a wealthy family in Xunyang Mansion, but this son of a wealthy family Now it looks more like an old farmer working in the field.Before the Fuhan Army marched into Xunyang Mansion, Guo Chong led the crowd to revolt and voted for the Fuhan Army, so he was appointed as the prefect of Xunyang in order to stabilize the situation.

Ning Yu couldn't help but wonder a little more in his heart, could this person be putting on airs in front of me?

Seeing the difference in Shangguan's expression, Guo Chong shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "Xiaguan's dressing up is definitely not disrespectful to the major general, it's because Xiaguan has been used to dressing like this since he was a child, and now he has no scruples about it." The official status is really because Xun Yang is too poor."

As soon as this remark came out, Ning Yu felt a little more fond of him. He was able to realize the current situation under his rule, and he was still a very good shepherd. There are more people in the world who don't work hard. Nerd Officer.

"During the Yuan Dynasty, Xunyang was poor, and it was still poor in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Now in the hands of my Fuhan Army, this situation must be changed." Ning Yu said firmly, this is very difficult, but it must be done, only Only by solving Xunyang's big trouble can it be transformed into Faqing's help.

Guo Chong nodded lightly, "I'm from Xunyang, and I'm deeply distressed by this situation. It's just that my lord has come all the way, and I must have seen it before. I, Xunyang, have no land, minerals, or business travel. , there is nothing else but a brave man."

This is true. The Xunyang people have always been good at fighting. Even in the Qing Dynasty, there were people who rebelled against the Qing Dynasty. Hao Yaoqi used this area to fight against the Qing army. After a few decades, Sichuan The beginning of the Chubailian Sect uprising also originated from Xunyang, forming a chaos that swept across Chuanchu and other places.

Thinking of this, Ning Yu went straight to the point: "Now our army is in a critical stage of development, and we also need a large number of young and strong soldiers to join the army, with a monthly allowance of five taels of silver, and land will be awarded after meritorious service, and land will also be granted after death in battle. .”

"Really? How many people do you need?" Guo Chong was naturally overjoyed. If he could send all the young people in Xunyang to serve as soldiers, it would not only be able to feed countless people in Xunyang, but also reduce many factors of instability. Naturally, I strongly support it.

Ning Yu nodded slightly, "Of course this is true, but before conscription, I want to visit the counties below Xunyang to see the real situation there."

If he wants to stabilize the development of Xunyang Mansion, Ning Yu can only have a look at it in person. The matter of conscription is not so important at this time, so let's let it go later.

On the contrary, Guo Chong hesitated, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it all the time.

Ning Yu was not interested in guessing any riddles with him, and immediately said bluntly: "If you have any difficulties, you can bring them up now. I came to Xunyang this time to solve the problem."

Guo Chong didn't know how many times he had sighed today. He gritted his teeth and said, "After all, our Xunyang Mansion is just the capital. Although Yun County and Yunxi have initially recovered, other places are still in chaos. If someone offends Major General Huwei, the lower officials can't bear it."

However, Ning Yu took a deep look at Guo Chong and said, "I brought a guard battalion this time. The ordinary Qing army can hardly hurt me, let alone the refugees and bandits everywhere? As for the reception, there is no need for Guo Chong to worry about it. Our army has prepared dry rations for this patrol, and will not take a penny from the place."

This last sentence made Mr. Guo Chong blush. He is the kind of capable official who really considers the people, so he was afraid that Ning Yu and his party would go to Dasuo. A little ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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