Cutting 1719

Chapter 121 Life and Death

Chapter 121 Life and Death
Looking at the iron balls that were thrown down, Zhang Cheng felt a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart, but before he could issue an order, with a huge roar, Zhang Cheng and his guards were immediately blown to pieces. , was torn apart like a piece of rag.

Seeing that their chief officer was directly killed by the bombing, the Qing army behind was at a loss, but before they could react, the explosion was like a signal, starting the prelude to the attack of the Fuhan army.

Under the cover of night, countless Fuhan troops emerged from the fields and forests. They held flintlock guns in their hands, lined up, and started shooting at the long fire dragon. The artillery was also roaring at this time, and bullets kept flying into the formation of the Qing army, smashing the Qing army to pieces.

Some Qing army guards and Qian Zong tried to launch a counterattack, but in this dark night, the soldiers around them fell into chaos again, and could not form an effective attack at all, while the soldiers of the Fuhan army aimed at the fire dragon, but they would not With such a problem, more and more soldiers of the Fuhan Army emerged from hiding places, and began to form an encirclement trend.

With the roar of artillery and rows of gunshots, Qing soldiers fell to the ground continuously. They cried and knelt on the ground, and many people just lay down and never got up again. They dared to resist at this time The Qing army was already very few, and it was almost impossible to form an effective offensive.

"Boom" and "boom", after paying a very painful sacrifice, the artillery of the Qing army finally rang. They used the sub-cannon and the Weiyuan cannon to attack the Fuhan army in the distance, and bullets kept falling into the air. Among the crowd of Fuhan soldiers, there were casualties one after another.War at this time will appear extremely cruel, every life is fighting for its own existence.

However, the good times didn’t last long. The artillery carried by the Fuhan army had a relatively long range. After the concentrated firepower began to bombard the Qing army’s artillery array, Qing army artillery was directly destroyed, and the remaining Fuhan army took advantage of it. With this kind of opportunity, an assault was launched, which was bound to swallow up this wave of Qing troops.

The bullets shuttled wantonly under the cover of night, reaping the lives of the Qing soldiers. Ning Yu lay on the high platform, watching the Qing soldiers below gradually become fewer and fewer, and his heart became more and more stable.

The overall situation has stabilized!

Ning Yu no longer hesitated at the moment, and issued an order to the guards beside him, "Send the order to Li Shihu and Ma Ning, ready to launch a general attack! Today, we must eat up this Qing army, and then attack Yuezhou overnight!"

Eat this Qing army, and take advantage of the chaos to take Yuezhou. At that time, the Qing army in Luoxiao Mountain will be surrounded, and it will be defeated by itself.

At this time, the Qing army was like a loose sand. Except for a few thousand generals who were still fighting fiercely, the rest of the Qing army were like ants on a hot pot, running around. They were completely desperate for this battle. The only thing he wanted was to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible.

Li Shihu, the commander of the third regiment, and Ma Ning, the commander of the fourth regiment, who received the order, led the soldiers under their command, mounted their bayonets, and began to charge towards the Qing army. The shining bayonets shone coldly under the bleak moonlight.

Everyone in the world thinks that the Fuhan army was able to achieve such a situation only by relying on the advantage of guns. In fact, the bayonets of the Fuhan army were the most frightening existence of the Qing army!If the guns were fired from a distance, the Qing army would dare to compete with the Fuhan army, but if the Fuhan army put on their bayonets and prepared to fight hand-to-hand, they would often be defeated at the touch of a touch.

Sure enough, under the bayonets of the Fuhan army, some Qing troops who dared to continue to resist either fell under the sharp edge of the bayonet or fled away, but the soldiers of the Fuhan army killed heartily.

Zheng Tongen was leading his brothers at this time, and the Qing army he was chasing had no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth. He was originally a collateral descendant of the Zheng family and had never been taken seriously, but his surname was Zheng after all. He became a company commander, and later he gradually showed his talent in the army, and was promoted to battalion commander because of his meritorious service.

For the Qing army, Zheng Tongen can be said to have really gone through a stage from fear to contempt. At first he thought the Qing army was so powerful, but after the real war, after killing a few Qing troops with flintlock guns, he finally understood For a reason, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were also made of meat!

At this time, Zheng Tongen had infinite fantasies about the great cause of the anti-Qing Dynasty. He knew in his heart that as long as the Fuhan army did not degenerate, it would be too easy to fight against such a green camp.As long as the fight can continue like this, it will be too easy to occupy the entire south, and he will also have the opportunity to find opportunities to make contributions.

"Brothers, follow me, take down Yuezhou, rob money, rob food, rob women!" Zheng Tongen was a little unscrupulous, although his intention was to motivate the fighting spirit, but in fact the military discipline of the Fuhan Army was very strict, and it was strictly forbidden Do something that damages military discipline, so because of this sentence, Zheng Tongen was investigated by the Military Law Department after the war.

But this is a later story. With the death of generals such as Zhang Cheng, the remaining Qing army could not stop their effective activities at all, and their flesh was cut off by blunt knives. When the morning came, the battle was gradually announced. In the end, except for the soldiers of the Fuhan Army who were still making up their swords on the battlefield, there were no living people on the battlefield anymore.

In addition to the Qing army lying on the battlefield, there were also a large number of Qing army prisoners, many of whom were officers of the garrison and the commander-in-chief, and Ning Yu didn't care about it, leaving a battalion of troops to guard, and took them with him. Then the remaining Fuhan army began to rush to Yuezhou.

After the battle at night, although the soldiers of the Fuhan Army were a little tired, their morale was high. Not only did they wipe out [-] Qing troops cleanly and beautifully, but their own casualties were pitiful. There were more than two hundred soldiers, and there were no other casualties.

When the army rushed to Yuezhou, it was already early morning, and Ning Yu didn't care about other things, and directly ordered the army to attack the city. The cannons were set up on the artillery array, and the projectiles fired were bombarded on the city wall. Taking advantage of the fact that the Qing army in the city did not respond, some soldiers rushed under the city gate with explosives and began to plant explosives.

With a huge roar, the entire city gate, together with the soldiers of the Qing army on it, flew into the sky, and the remaining Fuhan army also began to rush into the city.

The sound of fighting resounded through the dawn, and also awakened Zhang Changen in his sleep. He had not slept soundly at first, but after all he had been busy for several days, after sending Zhang Cheng out, he felt a little more at ease. He actually slept very soundly, so after being woken up by the sound of fighting and explosions, except for a burst of heart palpitations, the whole person fell into a drowsy state.

"My lord, run for your life!" A bloody Qing army guard rushed in and knelt down in front of Zhang Changen with a look of despair on his face.

"Yuezhou, it's gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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