Cutting 1719

Chapter 122 Game

Chapter 122 Game
The Battle of Yuezhou City lasted for a long time. A large part of the Qing army was wiped out in this battle. The remaining Qing army also became prisoners of the Fuhan Army. The captured by the Han army, as for the captured food, grass, gunpowder and shotguns, there are countless. These materials were originally prepared for the reinforcements of Guangdong and Guangxi, but now they are all cheaper to restore the Han army.

After annihilating the Qing army in the south, Ning Yu took a short rest, and when the morale of the army recovered slightly, he set off for Luo Xiaoshan. The morale was high along the way, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

At this time, there were only more than 7000 Qing troops in Luoxiao Mountain, and they were blocked by the Fuhan army on the mountain. Especially after repeated attacks failed, the morale of the Qing army on the mountain dropped sharply. Many people began to sneak down the mountain and surrendered to the Fuhan army. .

Under such circumstances, the reinforcements had not arrived for a long time, and Wang Xuan's heart began to waver. If he voted for the Fuhan Army at this time, the opponent would not be too embarrassing for himself.

As for being loyal to the Qing Dynasty and the emperor, can it be compared to his own life?

However, Wang Xuan has also read the books of sages. If he voluntarily surrendered, he would feel a little embarrassed about it. He was thinking in his heart, whether he should send his cronies to contact him to discuss the conditions of surrender, and then make three requests and three concessions. In this way, he pretended to be forced to surrender by his subordinates, and he lost face.

But before Wang Xuan sent people down the mountain, Ning Yu planted Zhang Changen's governor's banner at the foot of the mountain, but this time he completely shocked Wang Xuan. What does the governor's banner indicate?Explaining their retreat, Zhang Changen was also taken down by a nest.

How long did it take?Wang Xuan was a little horrified, he no longer cared about his dignity, and summoned all the generals of the green battalion.

"Everyone, our army has become a lone army and is trapped on Luoxiao Mountain. What countermeasures can we take?" Wang Xuan said calmly while looking at the expressions of the generals in the battalion.

At this time, everyone also knew that their back road was cut off, and their hearts were extremely panicked, their faces were gloomy, and then someone said: "Please show me the general, give us a way to survive."

Wang Xuan thought the same in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to sigh, and even felt a little distraught, "If there is a glimmer of life, I will do my best to protect you, but there is no way out right now."

All the generals opened their mouths together and said: "General, it's not because of our lack of strength in this battle. The Fuhan army is really powerful. The defeat of our army is no longer a general. The main thing is to protect our army. It is better to negotiate a peace with the Fuhan army." Bar."

The so-called peace negotiation, everyone knows in their hearts, it's just a surrender to change the term, for these green camp generals, there is no psychological burden at all, the big guys are all from Huguang, and the fellow villagers will naturally not embarrass the fellow villagers.

Out of this consideration, Wang Xuan also sent someone to contact the Fuhan Army, expressing his intention to surrender.

After Ning Yu heard the news, he was also very happy, expressing his willingness to accept Wang Xuan's surrender, and he would not be embarrassed about surrendering troops and generals, as long as they were reorganized, they would be allowed to lead troops at that time.

For this result, Wang Xuan dared not think about it. It is completely whimsical to want to preserve his military power under such circumstances, but at this time Ning Yu is willing to give him such hope, and naturally he is doing his best.

In fact, in this battle, the number of officers and soldiers of the green battalion who surrendered was quite a lot, at least 2000 in total, and the number of green battalion soldiers who actually died on the battlefield was only more than [-], and some of them ran away by themselves.

As for the generals of the green battalion who surrendered over a thousand, there were as many as dozens of them. How to deal with these people will directly affect the perception of the later green battalion army towards the Fuhan army.Yue Lingfeng and Xu Mingyuan were an example. Without these two men as examples, these green battalion officers and soldiers would not have surrendered so smoothly.

To put it bluntly, fighting the world is also a process of fighting for people's hearts. Ning Yu's attitude towards the generals of the green battalion is always based on Huairou. war.

Ning Yu is going to send these generals to the Fuhan Army Lecture Hall to study. As for the green battalion soldiers under his command, some of them will be executed for the heinous crimes to cheer up the hearts of the people. They are all eliminated and turned to other uses. As for the remaining elite forces, they will be sent to the new barracks to restart training and complete ideological education courses.

These new recruits will also be broken up to replenish the divisions, so as to prevent them from forming a group. After such an operation, the green battalion generals will know what is good or bad, and naturally they will never be half-hearted again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After the Battle of Yuezhou, Ning Yu also began to station and repair in Yuezhou. At this time, news from other directions also came, which made Ning Yu's brow stretch and wrinkle suddenly.

The first is Ning Zhongyi's second main force division. There were no Qing troops to stop them along the way. They had already led troops to capture Changde, and were about to continue southward and sweep the entire Hunan.But at the same time, the [-] Green Battalion of the Qing army's reinforcements from Guangdong and Guangxi had already arrived in Hengzhou, and they would arrive in Changsha soon.

In addition, what worries Ning Yu most is that, according to the news from the spies, the Green Battalion of Chapina's four provinces has a total of [-] Qing troops, and they are rapidly gathering. They will leave Nanchang and attack Jiujiang by July at the latest.And Nian Gengyao's [-] Shaanxi soldiers were also gathering in Xing'an Mansion, making an appearance of approaching Yunyang.

This is the 15 Green Battalion, not to mention the 4 and Eight Banners soldiers and horses from the Xishan Camp of the Beijing Normal University. If they are all gathered together, this will be a 20 army. If you add [-] troops from Liangguang, this is There are actually [-] troops.

Ning Yu believes that at this time, his father and Mr. Cui are also trying to expand their military strength to resist the attack of the Qing army on three sides, but they have to play tricks along the way. Disable the Qing soldiers in Guangdong and Guangxi, otherwise they will be threatened by the enemy.The second is to hurry up and send the more than 1 captured soldiers back to Wuchang for reorganization. At that time, the strength of the current Fuhan army can be strengthened. The last is to go east to Jiangxi and threaten Jiangnan after all worries are relieved.

On May 60th of the 8000th year of Kangxi, Ning Yu arranged for Xue Cheng, the head of the second regiment, to lead the troops to send the [-] green battalion soldiers back to Wuchang to make changes. He led the remaining [-] people from the first division and left Xiangyin from Yuezhou to threaten Changsha. .In addition, Ning Yu also sent an order to Ning Zhongyi to lead his army out of Yiyang from Changde to form a pincer attack on Changsha.

It can be said that the current Fuhan army is competing with the Qing army for time. Whoever can occupy Changsha first will take the initiative in the battle. Yuezhou, Changde, and Hengzhou are conducting a life-and-death game around Changsha.

(End of this chapter)

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