Cutting 1719

Chapter 123 Introspection

Chapter 123 Introspection
Hunan is a very magical place. 40 years ago, Wu Sangui dispatched troops from the three nobles and attacked Changde, Changsha, Lizhou and Yuezhou in Hunan. However, the Qing army gathered in Jingzhou, Wuchang and Yichang, but they dared not cross the river.

At that time, Wu Sangui was full of ambitions. At that time, in April of the 15th year of Kangxi, the war continued to expand. Sun Yanling rebelled in Guangxi, Geng Jingzhong rebelled in Fujian, and even Luo Sen, Zheng Jiaolin, and Wu Zhimao rebelled in Sichuan.Of course, Taiwan's Zheng Jing also took the opportunity to cross the sea and marched into Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Fujian, and Chaozhou, Guangdong. Even the admiral Wang Fuchen of Shaanxi also rebelled against Ning and Qiang, killing Shaanxi Jinglue Moluo. The Qing court at that time was crumbling.

But in just two years, the Qing army and the Wu army repeatedly strangled in this place in Hunan. The situation finally changed. Wang Fuchen was defeated and surrendered to Pingliang.

Hunan also became Wu Sangui's final dream land. In the 17th year of Kangxi, Wu Sangui was 74 years old at that time, and he proclaimed himself emperor in Hengzhou, and the country was named Dazhou.At this time, Wu Sangui's proclaiming the emperor is more like a compromise with fate, even if he is only the emperor for a day?

Ning Yu is now in the position of Wu Sangui at that time. If he can advance, he will have a brighter future. If he retreats, he may die without a place to bury his life.

The way of heaven is a furnace, and man is an ant.Even a high-ranking emperor is vulnerable in the face of the general trend.

Therefore, for Ning Yu, what he has to do is to break the momentum created by Kangxi, first flatten Hunan, and then go east to Jiangxi, forcing the Qing army to return to help Jiangnan. At that time, the general situation will be in his own hands up.To achieve this, Ning Yu knew that what he had to face was the [-] Qing troops from Guangdong, Guangxi.

On May 24, after six days of traveling, 8000 troops led by Ning Yu finally arrived at the city of Changsha. After a short rest, they immediately launched a siege.There were not many Qing troops in Changsha City, and after only a few shellings, the people inside opened the city gate and surrendered.

Since Ning Yu's soldiers and horses were indeed a little closer, and the Fuhan Army's marching efficiency and speed were faster, they seized the opportunity to capture Changsha.The 4 Liangguang Qing troops only arrived in Zhuzhou, and could only sit and watch Changsha be occupied.

On May 25, Ning Zhongyi's second division arrived in Ningxiang, only a day away from Changsha. This made Ning Yu extremely excited, because with two main divisions, it would not be difficult to fight against the 120 Qing army on the opposite side .Because in terms of the strength of the artillery fire, there should not be too much disparity. The two main divisions of the Fuhan Army have two artillery regiments, with a total of [-] cannons, plus some artillery from each regiment, and the total artillery fire is close to [-]. up.

As for the Qing army on the opposite side, since it is a green battalion itself, the equipment is simple, except for the [-] bird spearmen, the combined cannons and Weiyuan cannons are no more than a hundred pieces, and the quality is so different that it is completely incomparable.This is also the reason why Ning Yu dared to fight a big battle under the city of Changsha.

However, before the war, Ning Yu needs to summarize the battle of Yuezhou. The first point is the construction of the intelligence system. The first battle was fought beautifully.However, wars cannot be left to chance every time, and professional intelligence agencies targeting the military system need to be further improved.

At present, the changes in personnel and military situation of the Qing army are all handled by the shadow, so there will be a problem, the information transmission on many battlefields is not timely enough, and there will be many omissions, resulting in a gap in the intelligence work, so Ning Yu urgently needs to set up a separate military intelligence department to fill this part of the military intelligence work.

Today's shadow structure is Ning Yu's imitation of the intelligence department of later generations, with single-line as the main line and multiple lines connected in parallel, so as long as the person who controls the bus does not have an accident, the loss of a single line will not affect the life and death of the entire shadow.The person in charge of the shadow is naturally Ning Yu, and there are also some branch leaders below.

Ning Yu directly transferred Ning Qianqiu from the shadow, together with a group of capable generals from the original shadow, he began to prepare for the establishment of a new military intelligence department. This department will be directly subordinate to the General Staff Office and be directly responsible to the General Staff.At that time, the Military Intelligence Department will be responsible for the reconnaissance and collection of battlefield intelligence, and will also coordinate the construction of the entire battlefield intelligence system.

At this point, Ning Yu has initially completed the adjustment of intelligence work, and established two intelligence departments, namely the shadow and the military intelligence department.The shadow is mainly responsible for internal and external personnel intelligence, as well as the placement and distribution of all spies. As for the military intelligence department, it is responsible for spying and collecting battlefield intelligence, and the new shadow will also be assumed by Ning Luoyuan, another junior of the Ning family.

After all this was completed, the Qing army also arrived at the city of Changsha at this time, and Ning Zhongyi's second division was also stationed on Yuelu Mountain at this time, forming an arch guard.The war was about to break out, but Ning Yu's heart was peaceful.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Qing army was not ready to attack, Ning Yu and his personal guard camp came to Yuelu Mountain quietly at night. This trip was not only to inspect the position, but also to communicate with Ning Zhongyi about the tactics.

The Yuelu Mountain at night is very quiet, and the slightly moist river wind blows on people's faces, as if it is gentle care.Ning Yu wrapped her windbreaker tightly, and walked with Ning Zhongyi in the mountains, followed by more than a dozen guards, flickering under the cover of the night.

Ning Yu sighed slightly, looked at the fourth uncle who had always been taciturn, and said what was in his heart, "Since I started the army last year, I have never talked with a few uncles. I wonder if the uncles have ever blamed the nephew in their hearts Son?"

In the final analysis, since the Ning family raised an army, seven or eight Ning family children have been sacrificed. Of course, there are collateral children among these people, but there are also direct ones. The reason for the current results is that at least half of Ning Yu reason.

Ning Zhongyi chuckled, and looked at his proud nephew with a face of relief, "You have contributed to the Ning family to this day, and as for blaming it, it's just a child's talk. Why did the Qing court treat me like this?" Han people see it as human beings? Even if you are an official of the green battalion, how can you be happy?"

"Now the Ning family has won many battles. When we finish this battle, the second elder brother should be crowned king. This is an honor that my Ning family has never had in many years? Even if the ancestors knew about it, they wouldn't blame him. Our children and grandchildren."

Ning Yu laughed, swept away the dispirited look on his face, and said with a smile: "If you think about coming down the mountain, the Qing army will not allow our army to build a position. I am afraid they will launch an attack on the mountain. Will fourth uncle have a good plan then?"

Ning Zhongyi squinted his eyes slightly, staring at the Qing army at the foot of the mountain, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, obviously disdainful.But it's no wonder that after many battles, this brave general who lacks in wit and bravery has finally become as sophisticated as Ning Zhongyuan.

"If it's attacking the mountain, I'll show them some color."

(End of this chapter)

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