Cutting 1719

Chapter 129 Welcome the Great Victory

Chapter 129 Welcome the Great Victory
After a whole day of fierce fighting, the battle of Changsha gradually came to an end. The fierce offensive and defensive battle between the two sides under the city of Changsha directly determined the future direction of the Fuhan Army.

After the First World War, the Qing army completely collapsed, no matter how difficult it was to reorganize a counterattack, it was chased and killed by the Fuhan army, and they chased them all the way to Zhuzhou. The few remaining Qing troops stopped. After a while, about [-] people hid in the city of Zhuzhou, and the Fuhan army stopped.

After Ning Yu finished the battle, before he had time to rest, he continued to summarize the results of the battle. According to statistics, in this battle, the Fuhan Army wiped out more than 5000 people from the Qing Army, and captured a total of 5000 prisoners. People, and another [-] people either collapsed or fled, which is no longer a concern.The materials seized were even more surprising. There were more than [-] shotguns and more than [-] cannons. As for the gunpowder bullets, there were countless.

In addition, 50 taels of grain and grass were seized, and as much as 20 taels of silver. In addition to the Eight Banners seized when Changsha was captured and the assets of Manchu officials, the amount of silver was a million taels. There are hundreds of houses and mansions, and more than 50 acres of land, which have given the current Fuhan army a big meal, which is enough to support the next actions of the Fuhan army.

However, it is a pity that Yang Lin, the highest commander of the Qing army and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, also ran to Zhuzhou with the rebel army and was not captured on the spot. Otherwise, if the Qing court lost another governor, Kangxi might die of anger on the spot.

Of course, in this battle, the Fuhan Army also suffered heavy casualties. The first regiment of the first division and the third regiment of the second division were almost crippled. The regiment leader Uji Jing was seriously injured, and the entire army suffered more than [-] casualties. , This is also the largest casualty of the Fuhan Army since its founding.But no matter in the eyes of Ning Yu or Ning Zhongyi, this battle is very worthwhile. The reason is not only the tens of thousands of Qing troops, but also shows that from Hunan to Guangdong and Guangxi, the Qing army can no longer stop the Fuhan army from going south. .

The significance of this matter is even greater. What does it mean?If the Fuhan Army can control Huguang and the four provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi, it will further amplify its own war potential, and it also means that the strategic depth of the Fuhan Army will be greatly enhanced. If it can stabilize and concentrate on development for two years, it will advance eastward The Northern Expedition is just around the corner!
Ning Zhongyi was also very excited, and laughed loudly: "Yu'er, hurry up and send someone back to Wuchang to report the victory! With this battle, the second brother can feel at ease for two more days." It's more than two days of comfort, look at the faces of everyone It's all clear, after this battle is over, it's almost like the effect of breaking away the dark clouds, and the whole world is clearer.

"On the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, our army fought against the enemy under the city of Changsha. The battle lasted for one day, and we won a complete victory. We have completely wiped out the Guangdong and Guangxi Green Battalion under the city of Changsha. We have killed more than [-] enemies and captured more than [-] of them. The rest broke and fled, never to return."

Ning Yu wrote while writing, and his thoughts were running wildly. He continued: "Our army is hanging out alone, and it is necessary to make temporary changes. Therefore, a special level of guerrilla headquarters will be established. In the name of the headquarters, troops will be recruited in Changsha to supplement the establishment. , in order to achieve the strategic goal of our army." Thousands of words were eloquent, but they explained all the experience of this battle and the ideas for the future.

Two days after the end of the war, Ning Yu built a high platform in Changsha City, and in the name of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, proposed to behead the most heinous generation in the Qing army captured by the Qing army in order to reassure the people, and then spread the policy of restoring the Han army in Changsha city , and set up recruiting points throughout the city to recruit civilians into the army. Those who enlist will be given five taels of silver, and if they have served for more than ten years or died in battle, they will be given ten acres of land.

The most attractive point to the people in the city is that these fields can be paid in advance, that is to say, if you join the army, you will immediately get ten acres of fields. Unless you become a deserter in the future, the fields will always be there.Ten years later or after death in battle, the land deed will be given directly to the family, which gives the poor in the city hope to change their way out.

Of course, if it was the original Fuhan army, the land would be empty, but since paying more than 50 mu of land, this has given Ning Yu the capital to support his back, isn't it just ten acres of land, here it is!
However, the Fuhan army does not want everyone, at least a good family or a farmer of the right age, and an honest and responsible person, like those local ruffians will not want it, but even so, there are still an endless stream of people who sign up , after only about three days of recruitment, more than 1 young and strong were recruited in Changsha to join the army.

At the same time, Ning Yu also reorganized the current first and second divisions, and formed the Changsha Patrol Battalion for soldiers who were seriously injured or disabled after the battle, mainly responsible for the security of the entire Changsha city. On the other hand, Ning Yu did not treat these soldiers badly. Each of them directly got ten acres of land, which was enough to ensure a worry-free life.

After recruitment and reorganization, Ning Yu first filled the vacancies of the first and second divisions, and then ordered the formation of an independent first division as a privy envoy. This independent first division has a slightly smaller establishment of 8000 people. Compared with the formal division, the four regiments only lacked an independent artillery regiment and a grenadier battalion.

After the reorganization of the whole army was completed, Dong Ce, as the person in charge of the handling, was also very busy, but his face was full of smiles, and he looked excited.

"Private envoy, after this reorganization, the number of our army has reached more than [-], and the army is working hard to restore its strength. Shouldn't it be time to consider the next step?"

Ning Yu nodded slightly, "But before that, I plan to arrange two regiments to bring the more than 2 captive soldiers from the green battalion back to Wuchang. disaster."

It is true that the handling of captured soldiers has been considered a major problem in the past dynasties. Some generals had no choice but to kill them all to solve future troubles. But for Ning Yu, he was determined not to kill prisoners unless it was a last resort. That is really degrading. As long as the Fuhan army still wants to win the hearts of the people in the world, it has to be considered.

Only by being sent back to Wuchang, through ideological education, those who are useful among them are transformed into recruits, and then retrained and organized, they can become a part of the Fuhan Army. strength.

"I'll leave it to you to handle this matter, and I will go over to Captain Yu later to have a look. You should prepare and come up with a commendation plan. We can't let the heroes bleed and cry."

What he said made Dong Ce very emotional. It can be said that in the Fuhan Army at this time, Ning Yu's prestige has gradually surpassed that of his father Ning Zhongyuan, not only because of his command, but also because Ning Yu has always been a leader. Justice, especially the care for those who have meritorious service, so everyone in the Fuhan army respects him.

At this time, in Wuchang City, several messengers were driving the horses vigorously, waving command flags in their hands, their dry and cracked faces were full of smiles, and they shouted loudly.

"Great victory! Great victory!"

"The young general wiped out [-] Qing troops in one battle! Great victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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