Cutting 1719

Chapter 130

Chapter 130
On the way from Changsha to Wuchang, the messengers who reported the letter came across villages or market towns along the way, and they publicized the news of the victory of the Han army. There were even two blood-red banners on the back of the horses. The top helmets of the generals of the green battalion were very ostentatious along the way.

"Great victory on the front line! Great victory on the front line! The major general wiped out [-] Green Battalion troops in one battle!"

"Great victory, Yang Lin, the commander of the Qing army, fled in a hurry, and all the invading Qing soldiers died under the city of Changsha!"

The news of the great victory along the way made the common people come out one after another. They are now under the banner of the Fuhan Army, and not everyone is convinced. His face was ashen.

"My God, this is great, the court soldiers are too helpless!"

Of course, the farther you go to Hubei, the more and more people support the governor of the Fuhan Dynasty. Everyone rejoices and encourages each other when they go out to look at each other. Put it up, and the atmosphere was very warm for a while.

After entering Wuchang City, almost all the people in the city went out to see. Many people even wanted to see if there were any officers and soldiers who had returned from victory. After all, many of the soldiers who followed Ningyu to the south were from the vicinity of Wuchang.

At the beginning, although everyone had confidence in the Fuhan Army, as the army went south, it was inevitable that there would be a bit of entanglement in their hearts. Not to mention these ordinary people, even Ning Zhongyuan, the high-ranking governor, never Had a good night's sleep?
At this time, the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is brightly lit. With the gradual gathering of the Qing army, a very difficult decisive battle will soon be ushered in.Everyone hardly had a good rest. From Ning Zhongyuan to Ning Zhongjing and others, they have been busy preparing for the battle, and almost everyone has gray hair on their heads.

In addition, Ning Yu led the attack on Hunan every five days, and Ning Zhongyuan also knew that Ning Yu had made a choice at this time, which was to defeat the [-] Qing army head-on. Difficult choice, but no one knows what the result will be.

A bean-sized drop of ink dripped from the brush, staining the rice paper black, but it woke Ning Zhongyuan from his contemplation. He sighed slightly and looked at the night in the distance. The worry could no longer be tolerated.

"Mr. Cui, I don't know how far this battle has progressed. I'm really worried!"

Ning Zhongyuan stared at Cui Wancai with burning eyes, hoping to get an answer, at least to make him feel at ease at this moment.

Cui Wancai also sighed, he is not Zhuge Kongming, how could he know about this far away in Changsha?It's just that Cui Wancai is not so worried because of his understanding of Ning Yu.

Ever since he took Ning Yu as his apprentice and then became his son-in-law, Cui Wancai found that he had really underestimated Ning Yu's growth rate. In his heart, he always hoped that Ning Yu could create more miracles.

Anxiety seemed to be contagious, everyone felt the worry in Ning Zhongyuan's heart, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.Although the combat power of the Green Battalion is weak, there are [-] soldiers after all, and no one dares to say that they will win.

The uneasiness in everyone's hearts seemed to turn into substance, making everyone a little breathless.After a long time, Ning Zhongyuan sighed softly. He realized that if he couldn't boost the morale of the army, it might be very unfavorable for the next battle. He said with a wry smile, "Let's go first, Mr. Cui, we still need it later."

But before he finished speaking, a messenger rushed in from the door, but he stumbled, screaming in a hoarse voice while crawling.

"Great victory! Great victory for our army!"

"The major general wiped out [-] Green Battalion troops in one battle!"

This suddenly stunned everyone present. They looked at the messenger, and they couldn't believe it. They couldn't help but gathered around one after another. They were at a loss as to what to do, and they brought all the things on the table and chairs down.

Ning Zhongyuan was also very excited in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he helped up the chair he had brought down, then waved his hand lightly, pretending to be calm and said lightly: "I'm a big thief, everyone, rest early. "As soon as the words fell, he quickly walked out of the political affairs hall, leaving everyone staring at each other, shaking their heads and smiling wryly.

The next day, the news of Ning Yu's great victory in Changsha City was spread all over Wuchang City, especially under the secret promotion of the Governor's Mansion, many storytellers began to make up "Ning Shaoshuai broke the Qing soldiers" into jokes. Invisibly further pulling the influence of the Dudu Mansion.

The Governor's Mansion is also full of joy, and the officials who come in and out have news on their faces. After all, the more powerful the Dudu Mansion is, the greater the benefits they will be able to share in the future, and the better they will do things. upset.

Cui Wancai and Ning Zhongjing stood together in the lobby of the Governor's Mansion, reporting to Ning Zhongyuan the situation of the war in Changsha, especially Ning Yu's memorandum of thousands of words, which was repeated over and over again, not the words How beautiful, but the terms and conditions involved in it all hit the point at hand.

"Governor, this time the battle is successful, and there is no opponent in the south. The next step is to go south or east to mobilize the attention of the Qing army. Our chess piece in Wuchang will survive."

Cui Wancai was a little excited. He really didn't expect Ning Yu to be so decisive. He took the initiative to attack 2 people with 4 people, and after a day of bloody battle, he forcibly destroyed the [-] green battalion!
The result of this battle really exceeded everyone's expectations, but for the Fuhan army, it will also usher in a huge opportunity!

Ning Zhongyuan also had a smile on his face, and said: "The victory of this battle is not only due to the merits of the frontline soldiers, but also the hard work of everyone in the rear. If you hadn't kept transporting military supplies day and night, this battle might not have such a result. , You are also meritorious ministers!" Cui Wancai and Ning Zhongjing were a little moved by these words, because the transfer of military supplies this time was really not easy.

Speaking of modern warfare, the demand for military needs has been further expanded. The supply of iron, copper, gunpowder, saltpeter and other materials involved is a very large number, and the Fuhan Army has just mastered a province at present, supplying [-] It is very difficult for a large army to fight outside.

Especially Ning Zhongjing, who is mainly in charge of the logistics, is almost graying his hair because of the irritability and triviality of the logistics affairs. It's just that these things have never been known to others. Quite sentimental.

"However, the threat of the Qing army has not been completely eliminated at the moment. Do you have a good plan?" Ning Zhongyuan smiled warmly. He has always respected Cui Wancai.

Cui Wancai pondered for a while, "If we say that the original 20 army of the Qing court was like a huge mountain, and people couldn't breathe under it, but now it seems that the green camp may have decayed."

"Governor, the most important thing right now is to use the power of the major general to establish a kingship!"

(End of this chapter)

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