Cutting 1719

Chapter 136

Chapter 136
Although Yang Lin was already mentally prepared, when he knelt on the ground and listened to Kangxi's edict, he felt extremely desolate in his heart.

"The sinful minister accepts the order, but please tell the emperor, Chu Ni should not be underestimated!" As she spoke, Yang Lin took out a letter from her sleeve, "This is the sinful letter written by the guilty minister these days, please return it!" Submit to the Holy One."

In Yang Lin's note, she not only wrote her apology, but also offered her reflections and suggestions on this battle to Kangxi.

The Fu Han army suddenly rose too fast, and the Qing army was basically in a state of being beaten, and it was often one-sided. This made Yang Lin pay special attention to the Fu Han army from the beginning. Although the battle of Changsha failed, it also let Yang Lin realized the shortcomings of the current Qing army.

Whether it was out of loyalty to Kangxi or his own unwillingness, during this period of licking his wounds, Yang Lin made a big analysis of the current disadvantages of the green camp, and put forward the final suggestion, which is to eliminate the green camp. Only by training the new army of firearms can there be a way to win.Although Yang Lin still had some deeper things to say in her heart, she finally chose to give up out of various concerns.

Seeing the people escorting the prison cart away, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Qing Dynasty was escorted back to Beijing just like that, but this scene made people feel desolate and even more chilling.

Today's imperial court treats Hanchens even if they make a slight mistake, and punishes them severely. However, it treats the bannerman's relatives and ministers with great emphasis. Isn't that the case with the Manpi who died in Hubei earlier?She was defeated many times and did not receive any substantive punishment, and she still held the title of Governor of Huguang. However, Yang Lin was locked up and returned to Beijing for questioning when she encountered a big defeat for the first time.

After such a change, the green battalion soldiers, whose morale was very low, became frightened. Everyone was worried about their future situation, and many people even fled the camp in the dark.

When Yang Lin was locked up, most of the former confidants of the green battalion were also taken away, leaving only one guard, Qian Ying, who had no fighting spirit in his heart, and watched helplessly as the soldiers in the battalion continued to collapse. I was terrified.

Not to mention how the Qing army in Fengling was doing at this time, on June 28, the first division of Ningyu finally set off and came along Zhuzhou all the way to Fengling. The journey on this road is not far away, only about 200 Therefore, at the speed of the Fuhan army at this time, it will take about four days to arrive.

The Qing army in Fengling, who got the news, was also frightened by the news. If they retreated at this time, they would be in Jiangxi. However, this was not a good strategy for the Qing army in Guangdong and Guangxi. If they wantonly enter Jiangxi before their will, it will be a serious crime of treason.

In particular, the current Qing army has no leader, and it is so chaotic that it is impossible to take effective countermeasures. Qian Ying invited several prestige generals in the army at this time to ask for advice, but everyone was arguing endlessly. , Just spent several days in this way, until the Fuhan army surrounded Fengling City, there was no result.

Qian Ying was already desperate at this time, and she no longer discussed with the people, so she directly asked someone to open the gate of the city, and led the whole city of 3000 green battalion soldiers to join the Fuhan army.As for some of the stubborn ones, they were also eliminated by Qian Ying's various means, in exchange for the [-] people living.

Ning Yu has always been very kind to these surrendered soldiers, especially among the 3000 people, many of them are Guangxi wolf soldiers with considerable combat effectiveness, so he comforted Qian Ying in public and rewarded Qian Ying as the leader of the Second Independent Division The division commander then organized these thousands of green battalion soldiers into the second division. During the period, the reward of money and land was worthless, but it greatly won the hearts of everyone.

In fact, Ning Yu didn't have too much hope for these surrendered soldiers and generals. It would be fine if these people fought smoothly, but if they encountered some adversity, it would be good if they didn't turn against each other. I really couldn't believe it.However, Ning Yu's idea is also very simple. Buying horse bones from thousands of miles away is precisely because of the preferential treatment given to the generals of the green battalion before, in exchange for the situation of today's resignation.

It was a surprise that Fengling was captured without using swords. Ning Yu did not stop in Fengling, but directly took the troops of the First Division and the Second Division to the east, but this journey did not stop. I deliberately went to hide my tracks, but firstly, there are so many people who can't hide, secondly, this is because he wanted to show Chabina, my master broke into Jiangxi right under your nose, if you have the ability, you send someone to chase me !

Cha Bina, who got the news, really had a headache at this time. He was originally a Manchurian from the Zhenghuang Banner. After Na was promoted to governor of Liangjiang by Kangxi, he commanded the Qing soldiers in Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang provinces. He never had a good day.

Chapina came to Liangjiang for the first time, and hadn't tasted the prosperity of Jiangnan, so he needed to command the Qing soldiers from the four provinces to suppress Chuni. In addition to the 2 Green Battalion, there was also the [-] Eight Banners Army, which seemed to have a strong force, but The relationship is intricate and complicated, and it is simply unrealistic to sort it out.

Among the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, there are two high-ranking eight-banner garrison generals, Jiangning General Yongjina and Hangzhou General Duosiha. In terms of rank, they are both military officers of the first rank, and they are both from the upper three banners. In terms of status, it is not much different from Cha Bina. Even if Cha Bina came here with the emperor's order, there is nothing he can do to these two people. Therefore, it is related to the military affairs of the Jiangning Eight Banners and the Hangzhou Eight Banners, and there is no way around these two people. .

In addition to the Eight Banners, the green camp system is not simple. The green camp in the four provinces seems to have as many as 8 people, but after all, they are all soldiers from the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River. Compared with Huguang soldiers and Liangguang soldiers, they are slightly inferior. Above the [-] green battalion, there are several provincial governors, left and right inspectors, and admirals and other important officials. It is not easy to sort out in a short time.

That's why Chapina was still in a state of indifference when the Fuhan army attacked left and right. It wasn't that he wanted to stand by and watch, but he was really powerless.

Especially after the fall of Changsha City, Chapina already sensed that something was wrong, and originally pointed out that Yang Lin could delay for a while and wait for him to sort it out before marching into Wuchang, but both Chapina and Yang Lin underestimated The strength of the Han army caused the [-] Qing army to be defeated in one day.

Seeing that Yang Lin's [-] Green Battalion could not delay, Chapina no longer cared about it, and hastily invited Jiangning General Yong Jina and Hangzhou General Duo Siha to tell the truth one by one. , In the words, they also disregarded their identities and directly threatened the two of them. If they did not cooperate, they would go to the emperor to play a book, and then temporarily suppressed the two of them in the name of the governor of Liangjiang.

After unifying the military power of the Eight Banners in the south of the Yangtze River, Chabina began to use the Eight Banners to break the entangled Han forces in the Green Camp in the south of the Yangtze River, and directly dismissed two generals. Reach the level of the battlefield.

However, when Chabina raised his head from the mess, Ning Yu's first division had already arrived at Yuanzhou Mansion, and captured Pingxiang and Yichun one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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