Cutting 1719

Chapter 137 Shocking

Chapter 137 Shocking
Nanchang has always been known as the Three Rivers and the Five Lakes. The geographical situation is dangerous and it is also the key to controlling the south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, it has always been a battleground for military strategists.

Chabina was stationed here, and the [-] Qing troops under his command were stationed in the area of ​​Nanchang Mansion. If the original plan was followed, as long as the army was ready, they would attack Jiujiang by land and water, and then approach Wuchang.

However, after Ningyu entered Jiangxi, this plan basically failed. Judging from the record of the Fuhan army defeating the [-] green battalion with [-] people under the city of Changsha, at least [-] Qing troops were needed in Nanchang to ensure safety. Otherwise, if Chapina led his people to attack Jiujiang without hesitation, and Ning Yu came to attack Nanchang with a black tiger, then Chapina's [-] Qing troops would almost collapse without fighting when they cut off their backup.

Since ancient times, soldiers and horses have not moved, and food and grass have gone first.The Beijing camp led by Kangxi himself was only 8, and Nian Gengyao's 8 Shaanxi soldiers were only 20. For these [-] people, at least [-] civilian husbands were needed to supply them.Only this rich and prosperous Jiangnan can actually pull out a hundred thousand troops and guarantee its logistical preparations.

Although Chabina was able to pull out 10 Qing troops, without Nanchang, there was no way to guarantee the food and drink of these [-] people. Therefore, for him, Nanchang must not be lost. Forget it, but if Nanchang is lost, he will have to be with Yang Lin by then.

Judging from the current situation, if there is no transshipment in Nanchang, it will be the turn of Anqing, Hangzhou, Huizhou and other places to transship next, but in that case, the distance will be more than doubled, and the cost of food and grass in the middle will be more than doubled. The needs of an army of [-].

As the saying goes, if you attack the enemy, you must save them. The Qing government wanted to attack Wuchang, where the Han army was restored, but it had to prevent the Han army from attacking his idea of ​​Nanchang.Therefore, when Ning Yu's first division appeared in Yuanzhou Mansion, Chapina's hair was almost gray. He was not born in the army, so he also felt a headache at this time.

In desperation, Chapina convened the generals to discuss how to deal with it, but they were dispatched by green camp generals. In this matter, Chapina still didn't want to mess up the Eight Banners in this matter. As an official, he has a thorough grasp of Kangxi's thoughts, so he acts extremely cautiously.

Dozens of green battalion generals gathered together, a few admirals were lined up on the left and right, and the rest of the officers like lieutenants and generals could only stand aside. Everyone was wearing armor, which looked rather mighty.

A gray-haired veteran sits at the first place on the right. Although this person is quite old, his face is rosy and he looks dignified. The rest of the generals look at the old man with a look of fear on their faces. Three points more respectful than Chapina.

The old general was also unambiguous, and cupped his hands and said: "Master Zhitai, now that Chu Ni is rampant here, seeing that there is no one in our green battalion, he actually captured Yuanzhou Mansion under the nose of my [-] army, does Master Zhitai have a good plan? "

There seemed to be a hint of resentment in the veteran's words. Hearing Cha Bina's wry smile, he didn't dare to put on the governor's airs at will, and replied: "Brother Yi, this time Chu's rebellion is forcing Jiangxi, I'm just going to listen to Yi's words." Brother's opinion!"

"I'm old, I really don't dare to speak too much to harm the country." The old general said politely, but he didn't give face.

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the green battalion generals did not show the slightest dissatisfaction, not because they were so gentle, courteous and frugal, but because the old man's qualifications and achievements were too great.

This veteran is called Gao Qiwei, and his background is not simple. He was born as a slave for generations. His ancestor Gao Shangyi entered the customs from the dragon in Tieling in his early years, and won the second-class title of Adahafan. After that, his father Gao Tianjue was also very competitive. , belonged to Xiangbai Banner, and later became an official all the way to the prefect of Jianchang Prefecture in Jiangxi Province. Later, he served as the Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy and Wenyuange University Bachelor, so his official qualifications are quite deep.

Under such a family inheritance, Gao Qiwei was very high from the very beginning. He was awarded a pen and post in the early stage. When 2 people attacked Nanzhang, Gao Qiwei directly led [-] cavalry into Nanzhang, and defended the city with the Nanzhang defenders. As a result, the rebels could not get out of the siege for several days.

Later, the rebel general Tan Hong led 3 people to attack Xunyang. Gao Qiwei only brought a hundred people to garrison Yangxipu, and he held on for more than [-] days. With the support of Li Linlong, and then under the cooperation of inside and outside, Tan Hong was defeated, which can be described as a great military exploit.

Later, because of this, Gao Qiwei was trained as a school lieutenant by the firearms camp, and he also attacked his ancestor Gao Shangyi's second-class Adahaha Fan's nobleman. In Ulan Butong, he defeated Galdan's camel battalion, so he was promoted to be a leader. After decades of fighting, he served as the commander-in-chief and admiral of Xiangyang, and was finally promoted to the admiral of Jiangnan by Emperor Kangxi a few days ago.

If it's just that, it's fine, but the problem is that someone spread the news, claiming that when the former Governor of Liangjiang, Chang Nai, was ill, he planned to appoint Gao Qiwei to act as the governor of Liangjiang. Gao Qiwei heard it, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Until Chapina came to Liangjiang, the veteran in the green camp system was in charge. Although it didn't add any difficulties to Chapina, he didn't cooperate well. He took the initiative to dismiss the two powerful generals under Gao Qiwei.

But in this way, there will inevitably be some gaps between Cha Pina and Gao Qiwei, and now Cha Pina wants to use the courage of the green camp, but it is difficult to avoid the Jiangnan admiral, so he has no choice but to personally send someone to deliver the letter to the door , Only then did the green battalion general Zuo from Jiangnan be summoned.

Chabina harbored resentment in his heart, but he kept it hidden on his face, with a smile on his face, "Brother Yi, I have lived in the capital for a long time, and I have many misunderstandings in the military affairs, but Brother Yi has a long history of family history, and beat Zulong He was an army member when he entered the customs, and later his elder brother also joined the army in San Francisco, he can be called a famous general in the world, this time I need to ask brother Yi for advice, I hope brother Yi will not be stingy with advice!"

There is also a bit of threat in these polite words, "You have already joined the army in San Francisco" and "don't be stingy with advice", to put it bluntly, they are all pointing to a high-ranking background, you are a bag with a white flag Born as a slave, it is not bad to be able to get such a high position, don't be ignorant.

Gao Qiwei just used Chabina's words to vent a few words of resentment, now that he heard Chabina's words, he felt a little sad, and he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, so he sighed slightly and said shyly: "Your Excellency Governor is really polite, but although the old man has not confronted Chu Ni before the battle, but just reading those excerpts, I feel shocking!"

(End of this chapter)

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