Cutting 1719

Chapter 138

Chapter 138
"Looking at the rise of Chu Ni, there have been several battles, from Hanyang and Wuchang to the entire Huguang. Its soldiers are strong and brave, which is rare. Ning Zhongyuan, Ning Yu, and Cui Wancai are all outstanding people."

Gao Qiwei didn't seem to be worried about anything, and said all the obstacles in his heart, "On the other hand, my green battalion generals have been lazy for a long time. Once the war goes well, they will scramble for the first. If the war goes well, they will collapse without fighting. Jiangxi, where do you want to escape?"

Speaking of this moment, Gao Qiwei blushed, and he knelt down on the ground regardless of his boss. He cupped his fists and saluted and said: "Master Taiwan, if you believe that the veteran still has more courage, give the veteran [-] green battalion, and go and stop Ning Yu!"

Chapina was a little hesitant. It wasn't that he was reluctant to part with the 3 Green Battalion. It was because the combat power of the former Han army was astonishing. With [-] fighting against [-], they were able to defeat the [-] Qing army. So what if the [-] people were buried again?What are you going to do to keep fighting?

It's just that these things didn't allow him to think carefully, the situation at this time was not good for Cha Bina, Cha Bina made a decision and made a decision.

"Forty thousand green battalion, I will give you [-] green battalion, I don't ask you to defeat Chu Ni in Jiangxi, as long as you can hold it back! If you can hold on, I will immediately lead the whole army to attack Wuchang."

"Yes! If you can't win, the veteran will also be shrouded in horse leather!"

Although this reconciliation between generals and generals was always a bit off-putting, it was still effective after all. Chapina left the troubles in the south to Gao Qiwei. No matter whether he wins or loses, Chapina doesn't need to bear the burden. As for the responsibility, Gao Qiwei is responsible for all the scapegoats.

For Gao Qiwei, this battle is also an opportunity for him. If he can win, this battle will definitely fall into Kangxi's eyes. At that time, the position of governor is not far away. The governor of Huguang and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi It's all empty now.

With the statement made by the two of them, the biggest trouble within the green battalion was temporarily eliminated, and [-] green battalion soldiers went all the way south along the Ganjiang River, heading straight for Yuanzhou.Of course, this news did not hide the truth from the Fuhan army that was being repaired in Yichun.

After getting the news, Ning Yu felt no pressure, but was a little bit more pleasantly surprised, because it showed that the previous plan had finally worked, and the [-] Green Battalion would be mobilized south because of his existence, instead of attacking Wuchang , This will be good news for the Fuhan Army in the direction of Wuchang.

But this is not enough, Ning Yu's idea is to turn the south upside down, let Cha Bina and the [-] Qing army be completely dragged in Jiangxi, so that the pressure on Wuchang will be much easier, because according to the latest situation of the Fuhan army The situation shows that Kangxi's [-] soldiers and horses finally arrived in Guide Mansion, Henan.

In addition, the Green Battalion in the north has also begun to march towards Henan. Their primary target is the White Lotus Sect, but if the situation changes, they may join the Huguang battlefield.

After Ning Yu heard the news, he felt a little worried. The Qing army stepped up their pace one after another, and the pressure on the Fuhan army suddenly increased. In terms of the current military strength in Wuchang, the number is just over 6.In addition, there are only 8 city defense regiments in various places, and half of them have very simple weapons, all of which are shotguns, long knives and spears captured by the Qing army, and they have not undergone much training. big.

"According to the current situation of our army, if we want to mobilize the Qing army in Jiangxi, we can't continue to stalemate with them in Jiangxi. We need to speed up our pace and rush to Linjiang Mansion!"

"In addition, taking advantage of this opportunity, the Solitary Division hastened its pace, captured Hengzhou and Chenzhou, and then turned its guns and went straight to Gannan!"

Ning Yu frowned, and cast his eyes on Hengzhou, Chenzhou, Yichun, Nanchang and other places. The [-] Qing troops who went straight down from Nanchang would definitely take the line of Linjiang. Detours are not only far away, but also impractical.In other words, as long as you only need to guard the main road of Linjiang, you will definitely have to fight head-to-head in the future.

Dong Ce and the others also nodded their heads. Only Qian Ying, who had just joined the Fuhan Army, looked hesitant. Although he understood the strength of the Fuhan Army, it was difficult no matter how he thought about it.

"Governor, if you want to fight in Linjiang Mansion, why not wait for the sole division to come to support? At that time, our army will have more than 2 people, and we can repeat the battle of Changsha against [-] Qing troops!"

Ning Yu smiled faintly, and he pointed to Nanchang, "Our army needs to create a certain amount of pressure here, and this pressure needs to be well controlled. It won't work if it's too little, and it won't work if it's too much. If we really let the only one division come together, I'm afraid Chapina felt uneasy, and when 10 people came together, it would be too much."

"Now that Gao Qiwei thinks highly of himself, with [-] against us and [-], he must have come here with the idea of ​​capturing someone from Ning alive, so let's give him a surprise!"

On the fifth day of July, Ning Yu took 3000 people from the first division and the second division and began to march towards Linjiang Mansion. At the same time, other information about the Fuhan Army was also passed on. Divided into three routes, began to recover the entire territory of Hunan, and the only division also surrounded Hengzhou, preparing to launch an attack in the next few days.

In addition, the news is not so good. Nian Gengyao's 1 soldiers and horses officially entered Yunyang, and the [-] Shaanxi soldiers fought a bloody battle with the fourth garrison division of the Fuhan Army with less than [-] people. Some time ago, the Fuhan Army was more effective in governing in Yunyang, and many people expressed their support for the Fuhan Army. Therefore, after several days of fighting, the Fuhan Army reluctantly came to a stalemate with Nian Gengyao in Yunxi.

During the war, the commander of the fourth garrison division at that time was Ning Zhongyuan's younger brother Ning Zhonghai. Although he was quite young, he was full of courage. Driven down from the top of the city, Yunyang could not fall down in the chaos of war.

However, in view of the crisis situation ahead, the Chu Palace did not come up with countermeasures at all. The cement originally developed under Ning Yu's order was sent to the front line of Yunyang in large quantities. The city wall made of this material was indestructible. Effectively resisted the artillery bombardment of the Qing army, large and small, which also eased the rhythm of the battle.

Nian Gengyao's expression was gloomy. He originally thought that the Fuhan army was nothing more than that, and that they were hiding in the bastard's shell. Sooner or later, they would show up one day, but after several days of bloody battles, they found that the city had become more and more serious. Nian Gengyao was even more dissatisfied that he could only attack the city with a little bit of gnawing.

When Gengyao's [-] Shaanxi soldiers stopped at Yunyang Mansion, and the [-] Qing troops in Chabina to the east did not make any progress, Kangxi was furious. It can be said that at this time, the original attack from all sides Her plan had almost gone bankrupt, and at this time, just in time for the meeting, Yang Lin's booklet finally arrived in front of Yujia.

(End of this chapter)

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