Cutting 1719

Chapter 147

Chapter 147
What Guan Yuanzhong said is not unusual. Yang Zongren had already thought about this when he thought of this method, but Yang Zongren's character is different from others. He is not only a capable minister, but also has a certain reputation in history. desire.

In Yang Zongren's subconscious mind, as long as he is serving the country and the people, even death is glorious and worthy of a special book in history. Of course, this does not mean that Yang Zongren is an official, but that someone else is an official. It is money and secular power, but he is doing it for fame and history, which seems to be more noble, but in fact the selfishness in his bones is the same.

Out of such a starting point, Yang Zongren didn't take what Guan Yuanzhong said to heart, but he still wanted to pull Guan Yuanzhong into a boat, no matter what the purpose was.

"Brother Guan, why don't I know what you mean? It's just that now that Guangdong and Guangxi are at stake, and the subordinate officials have never taken their own wealth and life to heart. Even if the world insults and slanders me, what's the matter? As long as the emperor understands my loyalty No matter what the outcome is, I will be willing to eradicate Chu Ni for the Qing Dynasty."

Yang Zongren stood up, saluted, and sighed: "Although I don't have the courage to fight for the country like Master Yang, I am still a scholar after all. This kind of righteousness of monarchs and ministers is still clear in my heart."

Guan Yuanzhong didn't make a sound at the moment, and he didn't talk speculatively, so he could only choose to serve tea to see off the guests.

Seeing that Guan Yuanzhong wanted to stay out of the matter, Yang Zongren had no choice but to let out a long sigh, but Yang Zongren had made up his mind at this time, even if he wanted to be the governor of these two provinces, he still had to do something.

To do something, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, you need to do it in order to be seen by the world.

The establishment of the group training is Yang Zongren's ruthless move. Of course, this is undoubtedly a bet.The bet was not on Kangxi's thoughts, or even on the thoughts of the entire imperial court, but on the changing situation of the world.

The reason why I say this is that in the current Qing Dynasty, not only the Eight Banners can participate in this chess game, but also a group of people, that is, the landlords and gentry hidden behind countless people. It is impossible for the kings not to see it, including Kangxi today and Qianlong later.

Under such circumstances, Ning Yuqi actually relied on the landlords and squires, that is, Ning, Cheng, Zheng and other big clans in Chu and other small families to coerce such a big trend.Of course, he snatched the land of other squires loyal to the Qing Dynasty, also out of consideration for these big clans. At present, he has only allocated part of the land to the heroes, and more interests are still controlled by the big clans.

Conquering the world is not about acting on your own will, nor is it about killing decisively, but about uniting more people and more strength. If you just blindly kill, then Ning Yu will not be far from death.

Therefore, Ning Yu was able to make use of the great clans to achieve success, and Yang Zongren naturally wanted to use the strength of these places to send them to achieve success. The purpose of advocating group training was to show the local powerful forces all over the world. He was telling these people that if they support him, they will have sugar.

Under the dim light, Yang Zongren wrote vigorously. The weather in July now makes his forehead covered with sweat, but this can't stop his inner excitement.

".The Cantonese regiment has more than enough volunteers and bravery, but they are scattered without discipline. They are afraid that if something happens, the jade and stone will not be separated, and it will be difficult to deal with it. Although the Chu rebellion today has the strength of its generals, military strength, strong ships and guns, it is far from comparable to the rebellion of the San Francisco. Take precautions, the host and the guest are in different situations, with a well-trained battalion as the main soldier, and with the support of allied regiments from various townships, it may not be enough to hold each other.”

Yang Zongren thought for a while, and then wrote: "I implore the emperor to send officials from Guangdong to preside over the group affairs, to use the hope of the people of Guangdong to serve the people of Guangdong, and to extend the visit sincerely, so that the officials and gentry One breath, solidifying people's hearts, can eliminate foreign troubles in the future, and it should be able to stimulate the will of the people, and share the same hatred."

This piece of text was written heartily and vividly. After Yang Zongren finished writing it, he repeated it several times, changed a few words in it, and put it in the memorial book, and then began to write the thank you book. However, this letter is much easier to write. The words of a wonderful brocade of raw flowers were quickly written, wrapped in yellow silk, and sent to the front line of Huguang.

At this time, the Huguang border has become a mess, and the Qing army's offensive is not going smoothly. Seeing that after more than ten days of effort, they have only roughly broken a few small forts of the Fuhan army, but the defense line in the rear remains still. It is extremely strong, and I am afraid that it will not be able to conquer it in a short time.

This made Kangxi hold his breath all the time. He wanted the army to go straight to Wuchang, but he didn't expect to be caught by Xinyang. But it brought good news.

"Reporting to the Emperor, Nian Gengyao sent an urgent letter, claiming that he has conquered Qingtong Pass, captured more than a thousand people from Chu Ni, and is now attacking Yun County. I think we will be able to achieve another great victory in the near future!"

Zhang Tingyu's face was a little excited. He hadn't heard such good news for a long time, and his voice was trembling.

Ma Qi, Bai Huang, Alana, Qi Lide and others were also very happy, they knelt down together and touched the ground with their foreheads.

"Congratulations to the emperor, this great victory is really caused by the emperor's heavenly power, and this servant congratulates the emperor."

After all, Kangxi was used to flattery. Although he was happy when he heard these flattery, he said calmly, "Nian Gengyao is diligent and capable. Belts, purple bridles, etc., to reward great achievements with kindness."

This award stunned everyone present. Although Nian Gengyao had made great achievements, it was not a world-shattering achievement after all. Such a reward was indeed thicker, which made everyone a little confused.

But it's not that everyone didn't think about it, at least Ma Qi had some guesses in his heart, and it was nothing more than something to do with Fourth Master.Whether it was to win over Fourth Master, or to drive apart the relationship between Fourth Master and Nian Gengyao, this move was very mysterious, and it was also a reward in face, so that Fourth Master had no choice but to make a fuss.

Of course, those who are slaves have the awareness to be slaves, so naturally they will not jump out to object at this time, and everyone is going along with the flow, boasting that Gengyao was a famous general at that time, saying that only when the Mingjun is in power can he be a famous general. These nonsense of Feng Mang made Kangxi very happy.

It's just that God doesn't seem to want Kangxi to live a comfortable life. Before this happy time, Guan Yuanzhong and Yang Zongren's books arrived at the imperial tent one after the other, and Kangxi's face darkened.

When he first listened to Guan Yuanzhong's book, Kangxi's expression was gloomy, but he didn't make a clear statement, but when he heard Yang Zongren's group practice book, Kangxi seemed to have been punched by someone, and his expression changed His chest became flushed, of course it was not from happiness, but from anger.

"Come here! Come, let me arrest this traitor! Go!"

Emperor Kangxi couldn't hold back Zhang Tingyu's reading, the whole person was like a madman, he pointed at the book with his finger, and roared: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I actually raised such a wolf-hearted thing!"

"What group training, it's all a scam of these villains conspiring to usurp the throne!"

The ministers present knelt on the ground at the same time, panicked, especially the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Tuolai, whose face was even more ashen. Just sent someone to arrest Yang Lin, but I didn't expect that there was such a rampant Yang Zongren in Guangzhou. It is unforgivable!

At that moment, Tuolai knelt down and came out of the queue, and said loudly: "Please rest assured, the emperor, the slave will definitely send someone to arrest Yang Zongren for the emperor to send."

Only then did Kangxi slowly calm down, but the original excitement was gone, not only because of the book itself, but because of the things behind it, which made Kangxi both fearful and hated.

(End of this chapter)

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