Cutting 1719

Chapter 148 Succeed Qingjiang

Chapter 148 Succeed Qingjiang
"Admiral Gao Qi, the governor of the south of the Yangtze River, should conquer the Qingjiang River as soon as possible, and should not be postponed for a long time, lest Chu go against the south and flee to other provinces and slaughter the living people"

A eunuch stood in the big tent of the military camp, and read out one by one.

"The slave takes orders."

Gao Qiwei struggled to get up from the ground, and it was really inconvenient for people in their 70s to kneel, but when he stood up, a smile began to appear on his face. A jade pendant passed by.

"Eunuch Li traveled all the way from the front line, and it's really hard work. I hope that Eunuch Li will not dislike the hard work."

The eunuch didn't even look at the jade pendant, stuffed it into his cuff, and said with a smile: "A few days ago, Mr. Gao fought against that Chu Ni? Why didn't he continue to attack?"

Gao Qiwei is not a good general who loves his soldiers. He chose to give up because he himself felt that he could not be defeated by force. However, he could not say these words directly, so the explanations given to the emperor and Chapina were all different. It is because the casualties are too heavy to continue, so the storm should be changed into a siege.

Due to the previous reasons, Gao Qiwei could only smile wryly at the moment: "My father-in-law doesn't know, this Chu Ni guns are very powerful, and the training is quite good, so if our army attacks by force, it will suffer heavy losses, and the siege strategy is more secure. , will definitely be able to wipe out these rebels.”

The eunuch nodded lightly, sighed and said: "You know, the general, the situation on the northern front is good now. Governor Nian has already reached Yunxian County. If he conquers this city again, he will go all the way to Wuchang. The emperor's side is even more dispatched." Tens of thousands of green battalions, once Xinyang is captured, Chu Ni will never recover."

Of course Gao Qiwei understood what the other party meant, if at that time, you Gao Qiwei and Cha Bina were still fighting with the Fu Han army going south, it would be none other than yourself, brother!
Hearing this, Gao Qiwei couldn't help but wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said humbly: "Please also report to the emperor, the slave has not understood the emperor's true intentions, the slave deserves to die, and the slave will definitely take this Qingjiang City."

Tai listened to these words, but only nodded slightly, and left in a hurry without even taking a bite of the food.

The key to this matter is the trouble caused by the Fuhan army that went south, that is, the Independent First Division. It was precisely because they went south to Ganzhou that they posed a serious threat to other provinces, which led to the participation in Zha Bi Na There are more and more books related to high positions.

Many ministers participated in the vegetarian meal of Cha Bina and Gao Qiwei's corpse, and some even thought that Cha Bina held an army of [-], but he was unwilling to go west, and he had the heart of disobedience. Although these words were not mainstream, they were also It can be seen that the two are currently in a lot of trouble.

For this matter, even Cha Bina brought a letter to Gao Qiwei, and his words were not too polite, and he even said, "Lian Po is old, and he can still wear armor to fight, how about you?" 'In this case, Gao Qiwei felt deeply ashamed.

Now both inside and outside the court are urging Gao Qiwei to quickly capture Qingjiang City, which has made it impossible for Gao Qiwei to sit firmly on the high platform. He quickly summoned his generals to prepare for a new round of siege.

Since he already had the experience of siege last time, Gao Qiwei also had some confidence in his heart, and he also improved the current siege methods, but when Gao Qiwei saw the small city that seemed not very strong , but still felt a bit trembling.

At the end of July, the siege battle that had been suspended for more than half a month started again. For Ning Yu, it was good news, indicating that the previous methods seemed to be effective in advance.

Originally, Ning Yu wanted to wait until the Independent First Division took Ganzhou, then go all the way north to conquer Fuzhou, and then cut off Gao Qiwei's back road, forcing Chabina to lead his troops south, thus completely removing the threat from the Fuhan Army to the east.

But what Ning Yu didn't expect was that the Qing army in Guangzhou couldn't sit still just because the independent division conquered Ganzhou Mansion. Under Guan Yuanzhong's overreaction, when it was transmitted to Kangxi, it became another The appearance, coupled with the influence of running a group training, made Kangxi suspicious of the minister's intentions.

Under such circumstances, Cha Bina and Gao Qiwei could not defend themselves at all. The best way to defend themselves was to quickly take down Chu Ni on the opposite side, so as to prove to Emperor Kangxi that they were still good courtiers.

Watching the Qing army gathering under the city, and then began to attack the city wall, Ning Yu clearly felt that the morale of the Qing army was not as good as before.

The situation on the battlefield sounds very mysterious, but it is actually very simple. The key lies in the fact that the first division led by Ning Yu fought countless tough battles and won every battle. The momentum is very high, and the battle is also full of confidence.

Although it is easy to fall into the trap of arrogant soldiers being defeated in this way, as long as the commander can maintain a clear mind, he can transform this aura into combat power, thereby boosting the increase of combat power.

But the Qing army is different. Since they fought against the Fuhan army, they have hardly taken advantage of it. When the Fuhan army's guns rang, many people even wanted to run back. Under such circumstances , it is impossible to have too high combat effectiveness.

The situation on the entire battlefield was almost the same as before. The Thunder Cannon above Qingjiang City roared, mixed with the sound of platooning guns. The two sounds intertwined here constituted the cruelest scene.

Many soldiers of the Qing army could not get close to the city wall at all, and were directly beaten to death under the city wall. At this time, the counterattack of the Qing army's mother and child artillery and the Weiyuan artillery seemed a little weak, except for some iron bullets that just fell on the top of the city. There were almost no other casualties.

Thick gunpowder smoke covered the entire wall, whether it was on the city wall or under the city wall, it was covered with thick smoke, except for the sound of guns and guns in the ears, there was nothing else, but the cruelty of war would not be because of this. made easy.

Batch after batch of green battalion officers and soldiers were sent to the top of the city, and then they were driven down. During this process, there were countless floating corpses, and many Qing soldiers wanted to escape, but they were chopped down by the supervisory team assigned by Gao Qiwei. The head was hung on the flagpole.

"Advance leads to life, retreat leads to death." This was an order issued by Gao Qiwei before the war, without negotiation or compromise.

However, this method of fighting regardless of casualties did not really cause too many casualties to the Fuhan army, nor did it allow the Qing army's position to move into the city. Groups of Qing troops were thrown into the city and then swallowed. Dropped without a trace.

Once Gao Qiwei made up his mind, he would not regret it in the slightest. Seeing the increasing casualties of his own family, he felt more at ease.

"In this battle, we will advance and never retreat. Although Chu Ni's guns are fierce, they are not without flaws."

Gao Qiwei said in a concentrated voice, but the generals of the green battalion behind him felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts. This man is really crazy. If he can take down Chu Ni, he might send everyone to death. His eyebrows frowned. Not even a wrinkle.

"The key to this battle is underground."

(End of this chapter)

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