Cutting 1719

Chapter 183 Do you mean it?

Chapter 183 Do you mean it?

Hearing Yinxiang's statement, Yinzhen's expression changed, the churning chess piece in his hand stopped, and then he said in a low voice: "Thirteen, don't you know how hot that seat is now?"

Yin Xiang hurriedly said: "Because of this, the fourth brother should be prepared in advance. If the overall situation changes, the fourth brother can also come out to help the country and protect our Qing Dynasty!"

Yinzhen was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "If such a day really comes, I will naturally share the worries for Huang Ama. How can a person who does great things only care about his own family's blessings."

"Thirteenth brother, if there is such a day, I still need to rely on you a lot!"

"Fourth brother, you and I are brothers, there is no need to say more."

The two chatted very happily, so they ordered the servants to remove the chessboard, and brought up some good dishes, paired with Shaoxing's old flower carvings, and began to drink together.

"Since the fourth brother took charge of the firearms battalion in the capital, it's not that he has gained nothing, at least he has found a few truly capable Westerners." Yinzhen's face was slightly smug.

"Nowadays there are some Westerners in the palace, such as Castiglione, who are quite knowledgeable, but it seems that this person who is good at guns has never heard of it." Yinxiang searched carefully in his mind, but found nothing. As a result, I couldn't help but feel a little more puzzled.

Yinzhen smiled, "This person was originally recommended by Li Wei to me. His name is Pahlavi. It is said that he is a Franji man. He was originally an officer in their country. It is said that he is quite familiar with guns and guns." , So after knowing this person, I invited him to the firearms camp with a lot of money to concentrate on the development of firearms, so as to create guns that are better than Chu Ni."

"If this is the case, Huang Ama will definitely be very happy, and the fourth brother can also show his talents." Yin Xiang also smiled on his face, and he has always admired this fourth brother.

While the two were laughing, a servant walked in from the door. His expression was a little dignified, and he looked at Yinxiang somewhat hesitantly.

Yinzhen waved his hand, "Let's talk, Thirteenth Brother, it's okay."

Then the servant said: "The news came from the south that Fu Erdan's attack was frustrated, and the emperor was very angry." By this time, the news that Fu Erdan's entire army had been wiped out had not yet reached the north.

"Why are you frustrated?" Yinzhen frowned. According to the previous spies, Fu Erdan had captured Xianning. At that time, he praised Fu Erdan, but he encountered such a situation in the blink of an eye.

"It is said that Chu Ni placed more than a dozen cannons on the city wall of Wuchang, which are quite powerful, but General Fu did not carry artillery, so that he suffered heavy losses in several attacks on the city, but Chu Ni did not suffer much casualties."

Yinzhen's face was a little ugly, and he murmured: "It's artillery again. Hi!" Then he turned his head and said seriously to Yinxiang: "Thirteenth brother, I have to go to the firearms camp again to see how the new artillery is now. What a scene."

Yinxiang nodded in agreement, and said in a low voice: "Then let's go and have a look together!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Qing court was desperate, and the Fuhan army was even more desperate.

After completely dispelling Fu Erdan's threat, Ning Yu did not stop at all. He understood that although the current elbow and armpit problems had been relieved, it did not mean that Wuchang could sit back and relax.

Kangxi's [-] troops hung over Wuchang's head like a sword. As long as they broke through the three passes of Yiyang, then for Wuchang, there was basically no danger to defend.At that time, if Wuchang is still alone, I am afraid that sooner or later it will be attacked and destroyed.

Ning Yu's plan for this is to continue to stick to the original countermeasures, return to the Jiujiang army, and then lead the army to break through Anqing, thus starting to threaten the Qing army's retreat. As long as Anqing is captured, Kangxi may panic in his heart.

After Ning Yu cleared up the battlefield, he settled many matters in Wuchang City, and then led more than 400 personal guards to prepare to return to the Jiujiang Army. Although the battle against Fu Erdan was clean and tidy, the casualties of the Fuhan Army also reached 300. People around, like Ning Yu's personal guards lost more than 70 people.

The current mode of war is like this. It is difficult to completely solve the Qing army with guns alone. In the end, it is inevitable that hand-to-hand combat will be needed to solve it. In the artillery, the number of flowering ammunition is still not too much, and more are solid ammunition, which will naturally be low in terms of killing efficiency.

The reason is also very simple. Compared with solid bullets, the technology of flowering bullets is not mature enough. It may be better than the Qing army, but not much stronger. Secondly, the cost and time to make flowering bullets are also high after all. , For these reasons, the Fuhan army was not equipped with too many flowering ammunition.

Ning Yu also took the time to inspect the Hanyang Gun Factory. At present, the entire Hanyang Gun Factory is very different from before. A large number of equipment and personnel have been moved in, and the normal production process has also started, and a new one has been added. A large number of craftsmen and laborers, many of whom were recruited from Hunan and Jiangxi, were sent here in the first place, thus greatly speeding up the production of guns.

Especially under the study of Lei Tuozi and some other great craftsmen, the production process of the entire gun has been greatly optimized, and the barrels produced are also more durable. dropped a lot.On the artillery, it prolongs its life and reduces the occurrence of some bombing accidents.

In addition to focusing on the direction of gun research and development, Ning Yu also began to list the mass production of plate armor on the charter. According to his experience, at present, the survival rate of soldiers wearing armor in hand-to-hand combat is greatly improved, and the plate armor itself The production is not complicated, especially since the current Fuhan Army has developed a batch of hydraulic forging hammers, the speed of manufacturing plate armor is still very fast.

According to the opinion of the General Staff of the Fuhan Army, as long as the current armor rate of the Fuhan Army can reach [-]%, then the current combat strength of the Fuhan Army can completely match the Qing Army by seven to eight times. The proportion is small, so it has also received strong support from many people in the military.

After listening to Ning Yu's idea, Lei Tuozi frowned a little, but he still agreed with a grin. If he doesn't agree, it won't work. After all, a steady stream of iron ore has been transported in, and there is still a large amount of manpower. Labor, this made Lei Tuozi embarrassed to say no.

After dealing with all this, Ning Yu bid farewell to his father Ning Zhongyuan again before leaving, but this time the faces of the father and son were relaxed, not so nervous. This is also Ning Yu's repeated battles. Winning, Ning Zhongyuan also began to believe Jiang Xingyi's words, and he would naturally be more happy in his heart.

Two days later, Ning Yu once again led his personal guards down the river and went straight to Jiujiang, but this time the speed was much faster, it took about two days to arrive, and his army was already on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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