Cutting 1719

Chapter 184 Fiscal Taxation

Chapter 184 Fiscal Taxation
The weather in November has already entered winter, and the cold wind blows the trees rustling. Ning Yu is wrapped in a thick windbreaker and walks off the boat. A group of senior members of the Fuhan Army are on the pier Waiting, there is a bit of awe in everyone's expression.

It's really because Ning Yu's move to Wuchang this time was too strong. In less than ten days, he completely wiped out Fu Erdan and captured him alive. This is rare in the past and has a great reputation. , has spread throughout several southern provinces.

During the ten days when Ning Yu returned to Wuchang, Cheng Ming was in charge of everything, and Cheng Zhien and Dong Ce assisted. After defeating Yongjina's 1 troops, the Fuhan Army also used the captured Qing troops The army shotguns were used to expand the troops, and some people were drawn from the original second garrison division to supplement the losses of the main division. In addition, about [-] troops were recruited separately.

Regarding the current military system, after Ning Yu returned to Jiujiang, he also made some adjustments, canceling the original establishment of independent divisions, disrupting the original independent first division, independent second division and second garrison division, and then The recruited 1 people were supplemented, and three garrison divisions were reorganized, namely the second garrison division, the fifth garrison division and the sixth garrison division.

Before the formation of these three divisions, Ning Yu had talked with the original green battalion generals. For example, Qian Ying was very cooperative with Ning Yu's actions, so she stayed and became the commander of the sixth defensive division. As for the other green battalion generals They were all sent to Wuchang to participate in the officer training camp. In this way, the original green battalion foundation was basically cleaned up.

In fact, Ning Yu was a little anxious about this step. In the original plan, the cleaning of the green battalion was to be put in the back, but after Ning Yu returned from Wuchang, he sensitively discovered a problem, that is, the combat effectiveness of the troops appeared. A certain decline, a large part of the reason is that the training of the green camp is not enough, which is a very big threat to the subsequent plan.

The reason why such a decision is made has a lot to do with the current situation Ning Yu is facing. The threat from the east has been gradually lifted, but Kangxi's [-] troops are still at the third pass of Yiyang. After leaving Anqing, I am afraid that Kangxi will not be able to sit still. At that time, the two sides will inevitably start a life-and-death struggle around Jiangning.

This life-and-death struggle can be described as a real decisive battle. Both sides have no way out, even Kangxi, because if he does not come to stop Ning Yu, the currently empty Jiangnan is determined to be unable to stop the pace of the Fuhan army. After entering the south of the Yangtze River, Kangxi's southern half of the country can completely declare goodbye, which is unbearable for Kangxi and even the entire Qing court.

At present, the main source of finance and taxation of the Qing court is land tax, and the current grain of the entire imperial court is about 400 million shi, and the two provinces of Jiangnan and Zhejiang account for more than half, plus Jiangxi, Shandong, Huguang and Henan provinces, the total amount of land tax converted into silver It is around 600 million taels, in addition to 270 million taels of salt tax and 200 million taels of tariffs. As for Dingyin, it is not very high.

According to the internal estimates of the Fuhan Army, if the Fuhan Army can successfully capture Jiangnan, the Qing court without Huguang and Jiangnan will lose at least [-]% of its financial resources. This is a very huge astronomical figure.Especially at present, under the premise that the Qing government has not yet completed a series of financial reforms such as dividing the income into the mu, this loss is extremely terrifying. It must be known that the treasury of Kangxi currently has less than one million taels of treasury silver.

In terms of expenditure, since the Fuhan army raised troops last year, the treasury and silver of the Qing court have flowed out like running water. Especially since Kangxi personally conquered Huguang this year, more than 30 troops have been mobilized. It is a green battalion, but it is still unaffordable by the weak finances of the Qing court. In this case, it is difficult for the Qing court to bear the long-term consumption.

On the contrary, the Fuhan army has already sorted out Huguang, and with Jiangxi just received, it is expected that next year's tax revenue will reach at least 400 million taels to 600 million taels of silver. This is part of the land tax, and the other part Even the industry and commerce that Ningyu is vigorously developing can also repatriate no less than 200 million taels of tax.

Adding this up, the Fuhan Army should be able to break through 600 million taels to 800 million taels in terms of taxation. At that time, with this kind of fiscal taxation, at least ten main divisions and fifteen garrison divisions can be expanded. With such a huge force, the problem of occupying the southern provinces is not a big problem. When the south is further digested, the Fuhan army can consider the Northern Expedition at that time.

Ning Yu knew in his heart that if he wanted to achieve this point, the current crucial decisive battle was indispensable. The Fu Han army could not afford it, and the Qing court couldn't afford it even more. In a sense, they have all succeeded. At least Fu Erdan had the opportunity to come to Wuchang, and Ning Yu also took Jiujiang, eliminated the threat from the east, and prepared to enter Anqing and Jiangning.

This collision will directly determine the current overall situation, and will also determine whether the Fuhan Army can take the initiative in the general trend of the world. This is not only the Qing Army and the Fuhan Army will focus on this, but neither will the White Lotus Sect and Zhu Yigui. Letting go of this opportunity, their current living space can only be obtained from the hands of the Qing army.If the Qing government loses or wins miserably, then the oppression of these two forces will also end.

In the following days, Ning Yu has been reorganizing troops in Jiujiang, promoting a large number of middle and low-level officers in previous wars, and the total strength of the Fuhan Army going south has reached 5000 for the first time. The establishment of the main division is still 1, and the remaining three garrison divisions have also reached 8000.As for the other 1000 people, Ning Yu selected and expanded the grenadier battalion from the whole army.

In the previous battles that Ning Yu experienced, the grenadier battalion often played a decisive role, and its power was quite good. Therefore, Ning Yu has always thought about expanding the grenadier battalion, but because the grenadier battalion members need good arm strength And the burly and strong figure, so there are not so many suitable potential soldiers to join, and the expansion has stopped.

However, after the new army expansion, through a series of screening, Ning Yu expanded the grenadier battalion to 1000 people, which can be regarded as honing the original sharp knife even stronger.

In addition to expanding the army, Ning Yu mobilized the entire Jiujiang and Huguang areas to prepare cotton clothes for the winter. After all, as the temperature gradually dropped, the impact on the soldiers was still very large. Ning Yu did not intend to just fight to the death with the Qing army. .

But for the Qing court, this winter seemed extremely long.

(End of this chapter)

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