Cutting 1719

Chapter 185 Anqing

Chapter 185 Anqing
"The throat of the Yangtze River is closed, and the first prefecture is divided between Wu and Chu. This Anqing City is indeed a good place!"

A general of the Qing army in his 30s stood on the city wall, looking at the Yangtze River rolling away in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This person is Yue Zhongqi, who was valued by Kangxi very much. Now his new official position is Admiral of Anhui, who shoulders the entire Anqing's important task of city defense can be described as a high position.

"My lord, the riverside is windy and cold, so we can't stay for long." Ding Yueshan, who was on the side, said cautiously. He was brought out by Yue Zhongqi from Sichuan, and he was the son of the family who raised him in the house since he was a child. Therefore, he has been responsible for serving Yue Zhongqi's daily life.

"Well, let's go." Yue Zhongqi left the city wall without looking back, but when she got down to the city wall, she couldn't help but glanced at the west wall and sighed softly.

That direction is the Fuhan Army, Ning Yu, maybe the other side is also looking at the Yangtze River.

Back in the official office in the city, Yue Zhongqi was looking at the secret letter in his hand in the study. As Kangxi's trusted and important minister, he had the right to report some of the current situation to Emperor Kangxi, but Yue Zhongqi was a little confused about how to write this memorial. The headache is really because the current situation is really bad, and it is not easy to explain to Kangxi at all.

In the eyes of Emperor Kangxi today, Fu Erdan and Yue Zhongqi are the two most powerful sharp blades in his hands, but Fu Erdan has now fallen under the city of Wuchang. For Yue Zhongqi, it is unavoidable that he is different from Fu Erdan's recklessness and bravery , I was more or less cautious and self-aware in my heart, and I didn't dare to speak brazenly in front of Kangxi.

The Fuhan army is not easy to deal with!Ning Yu should not be underestimated!At least in Yue Zhongqi's eyes, he thinks that he is not very sure of winning against Ning Yu, especially after studying Ning Yu's past battles, Yue Zhongqi is more firm in this idea, the problem is not mainly command factors, but It is the quality of the armies of the two sides, which is really different.

Yue Zhongqi has studied the previous battles. In every battle, the Qing army will expose a very obvious problem, that is, it cannot fight for a long time. Whether it is using muskets or hand-to-hand combat, the morale of the Qing army is prone to collapse, and the morale of the green camp is the worst. , followed by the Eight Banners, and the morale of the Fuhan Army, whether it is the main division or the garrison division, is higher than that of the Qing Army.

On the zhezi, Yue Zhongqi is still more cautious about this issue, mainly because she understands in her heart that this matter will be more sensitive, so the zhezi is more aimed at utensils, whether it is shotguns or artillery. They are far inferior to the Fuhan army. This is also a major problem that the Qing army mainly reflects on at present, and it is not taboo.

As for the current issue of guarding Anqing, Yue Zhongqi did not hide the current problem. Since Yongjina's army retreated too thoroughly and the losses were too heavy, the number of defeated soldiers in Anqing was only a few thousand, plus the urgent rush from Zhejiang The total number of green camps who came here was only in the early [-]s.

Not to mention that the equipment and training of the [-] Green Battalion are very backward, and even the morale is at its lowest point. Every day, people want to escape from Anqing. After Yue Zhongqi decisively beheaded a group of people, this kind of rout was stopped. However, The bigger problem is that under such circumstances, there is no way for such a group of people to go to the battlefield.

In the end, Yue Zhongqi also briefly reported to Kangxi her battle strategy, that is, stick to it and wait for reinforcements, and strive to wait until Kangxi's [-] troops arrive, and then they can defeat the [-] Fuhan army by cooperating internally and externally.In Yue Zhongqi's view, the Fuhan army would definitely not wait until next year's spring to advance eastward, compared to as long as they were prepared, they would attack Anqing in winter.

Yes, Yue Zhongqi's expectation for this battle is only to defeat the [-] Fuhan army that is about to advance eastward.As for the complete annihilation of the Fuhan army, it is not feasible in the short term in Yue Zhongqi's view. Of course, he also tactfully persuaded the Fuhan army after the memorial. Not in a hurry for a decisive battle.

After Yue Zhongqi finished writing the memorial, she let out a long sigh in her heart, wrapped the memorial in yellow silk cloth, and then sent someone to Kangxi's army, hoping that Anqing's current situation would be understood by Kangxi.

The distance from Yiyang Sanguan to Anqing is not far away, so the memorial was delivered to Kangxi very quickly.At this time, Kangxi had basically given up the attack on the three passes of Yiyang, mainly because the terrain was too dangerous, and there were not enough practical siege cannons. Pass reinforced by cement.

In addition, the strategic pressure of the Fuhan Army in other areas has become smaller, and the guards at the three passes of Yiyang have been strengthened. The original third garrison division has reached the three passes, with 2 people and dozens of artillery pieces. , coupled with a large number of grenades, has completely made Kangxi give up the idea of ​​using flesh and blood to force the three passes of Yiyang.

In this situation, Kangxi had no choice but to withdraw his troops, and his withdrawal direction was in the direction of Lu'an and Luzhou, and he planned to rectify and rest in Lu'an and Luzhou, and began to march when the weather got warmer Anqing, so as to achieve the purpose of blocking the Fuhan army in Anqing.

This actually does not coincide with Ning Yu's analysis. It is because the Qing army's expenditure is too large at the moment. These 10,000+ people are floating outside, plus the nearly [-] Qing troops who died in the previous battle, They all still need pensions and burning and burying money. This huge expenditure is currently unaffordable in the Qing court's treasury.

In fact, in order to support this battle, Kangxi has reopened donations, sold a batch of lacking officials, and managed to get 300 million taels of silver, but it is difficult to want more, after all, lacking officials There are so many, as for those false titles that are bought and sold on weekdays, they are not worth a lot of money at all, but the 300 million taels of silver that they finally got, in this war, it seems like a drop in the bucket, which makes Kangxi wait for it. Not until this winter is completely over.

Therefore, after receiving Yue Zhongqi's memorial, Kangxi was very pleasantly surprised. He found that this person was indeed worthy of reuse. It was also recognized by Kangxi.

"Let Anhui Admiral Yue Zhongqi stick to Anqing, and when our army arrives, he will be the first to do it!"

Kangxi was a little excited, but when he saw Yue Zhongqi's last words, he felt a little pimple in his heart. He was absolutely unwilling to fight another battle of San Francisco, as long as Chu Ni could be calmed down in a short time. , no matter how high the price is, it is still within Kangxi's acceptance range.

Looking at the snowflakes gradually falling from the sky, Kangxi couldn't help coughing twice, his face flushed instantly, maybe he can survive another year, and give future generations a safe and stable Qing Dynasty.
(End of this chapter)

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