Cutting 1719

Chapter 188

Chapter 188
Heavy snow fell, and the whole world became white. Only in the east of Jiujiang City stood a dense mass of people. They were wearing fiery red military uniforms, with flintlock guns on their shoulders, and their expressions were firm and dignified.

Hundreds of soldiers beat the war drums, and the mighty sound of the war drums echoed in the vast world, like winter thunder, awakening all sleeping creatures and clearing away the demonic atmosphere in the world.

A tall banner of the Fuhan Army fluttered in the wind, like a ball of flames, sweeping across the entire land, leaving only white and red in the world of the people. This is the longing of all the soldiers of the Fuhan Army.

It was under this fiery red flag that they put on strong and tenacity, conquered the city and conquered the land, and after a battle, they plundered all the glory and all the victories of the world, but many people have already fallen on the road.

"Don't you see, Han Junjun, the weak crown is a prisoner, please Changying."

The [-] young soldiers of the Young Eagle Battalion sang loudly in front of the formation. This is Ning Yu's copy of the military songs from the intellectual youths of later generations. Only slightly changed the details, but it will not affect the chanting in this era in the slightest.Just because this poem was so well written, it quickly spread throughout Huguang, and the Fuhan Army even composed this poem into a song and regarded it as a military song.

"Don't you see, Ban Dingyuan, Jueyu Qingqi urges Zhanyun!"

Many veterans of the Fu-Han Army listened to this military song, and recalled their own scenes on the battlefield, and especially those brothers who fought side by side. Some of them are still there, and some have been buried in the ground. There was a sourness in the heart, and some people even shed tears.

More soldiers joined in the chanting, and their voices became more and more uniform, "A man should be in danger, how can he let the Confucian crown miss his life? Besides, the country is in danger, and the battle of feathers will never stop!"

Ning Yu looked at the tens of thousands of people chanting chant from the high platform, and couldn't help but get hot from the corners of his eyes.Since the beginning of the war, he has never been so excited. His heart is like a furnace, wishing to scatter all his blood in the world to witness today's feat.

"Qi joins the army, cleans up the dust, and swears to sweep the slaves regardless of their own lives!"

The military songs are loud and clear, and the military soul is unparalleled. This is exactly what Ning Yu has dreamed of since he was reborn.

From the spring of Kangxi's 58th year to the winter of Kangxi's 60th year, Ning Yu has been in this world for three years without knowing it, and it has been more than a year since he even raised his army. Today, Ning Yu is not even twenty years old.

From the moment she cut off her braid, Ning Yu knew that she had no way out, and the Ning family had no way out. There was no other way but to keep moving forward. If there was no way out, only one would die.But because of the rise and fall of a family, so many people have to be dragged down, Ning Yu knew in his heart that he had to set up the ambition to restore the Han army, otherwise the people in the world would not accept it, and the people in the world would be unwilling.

This ambition is not just to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty, because no one is really willing to follow the Fuhan army all the way without profit.If you want to unite more people, you must not only use their anger, but also give them benefits and let them get sweets.

Of course, today's Fuhan army is also doing the same. Every soldier who joins the army will directly get ten acres of land first. Of course, there is only the right to use it. Only after serving for ten years or dying in battle can they really own the ten acres of land. In addition, there is a salary every month. Although it is not very high, it is enough for use.

As for the soldiers' food and clothing, those are all issues that Ning Yu is very concerned about. Not only does he often check the logistics, but he also arranges for the military justice department to participate. Although it cannot completely guarantee that the army is free from corruption, it at least ensures that every Every soldier can have enough food and clothing, which invisibly condenses the hearts of the Fuhan army.

Many people in the Qing court thought that the reason why the Fuhan Army was able to come to this day was all due to the benefits of guns. In fact, they only saw the appearance. Only Ning Yu understood how much effort he had put in to determine the system and implementation of the Fuhan Army. , These are by no means easier than developing guns. Fortunately, hard work pays off. Even if the Fuhan army does not have those advanced guns, its foundation is unmatched by the Qing army.

This is a gradually mature modern army, and it is also an ideal army in Ning Yu's heart. Of course, if he wants to become a truly unbeatable iron army, there is still one thing that is missing, and that is to give them hope.

"Since I started fighting on August 2th last year, it has been really difficult for me to return to the Han army. I have fought more than ten times, and there have been no less than a hundred small battles. I have spent almost every day in battle. The comrades who sacrificed for this have already There are no less than [-] people, and there are countless wounded, let me ask, among the veterans here today, which one of you is not injured?"

Ning Yu shouted loudly. There was a simple horn made of iron in front of him, so as to ensure that more people could hear his voice, but these words made the soldiers in the audience even more excited. Shout out loudly one by one.

"Shi Fei, the first battalion of the first regiment of the first division, has three stab wounds and one gunshot wound!"

"Gao Meng, the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment of the [-]rd Division, fought seven times, with five stab wounds and two gunshot wounds!"

"Governor, I, Li Shihu, have twelve stab wounds and three gunshot wounds. I am willing to wrap my body in horse leather!"

Everyone in the audience was extolling their scars, which had become synonymous with honor at this time, but it made those soldiers who had never been on the battlefield feel a surge of excitement, wishing they could go to the battlefield immediately and come back with a few scars Boasting of military achievements, but at this time, he can only watch others wantonly vent.

After everyone calmed down, Ning Yu continued to speak: "Ning Yu dare not forget every brother who sacrificed his life for our Han army. Their families have already obtained ten acres of fertile land, and they will be exempted for the first three years." Tax burden, but these are not enough, in my Ning Yu's opinion, it is far from enough!"

These words stunned everyone, how much is a life worth these days?In the eyes of everyone, there are different algorithms, but if you say that a life is worth ten acres of land, you will definitely be called a lunatic.

After all, in these years, the price of land in Huguang, Jiangxi and other places is quite high. At least one mu of land is worth twelve or thirty taels of silver. Some relatively fertile fields can be sold for a high price of seventeen or eight taels. go.

But an ordinary person earns seven or eight taels of silver at most throughout the year, and feeds and drinks for the whole family. In the end of the year, let alone saving money, he may have to owe a lot of foreign debts, even if he sells his sons and daughters. What a strange thing.Just like this, the Kangxi period was still touted as a prosperous age of peace in the world, but the bitterness in it is hard to say.

Therefore, the treatment of the Fuhan Army was very generous, and everyone had a steelyard in their hearts, but today when they heard Ning Yu say that it was not enough, everyone was a little surprised, and then there was a wave of warmth.

Many people murmured silently in their hearts, it was worth selling this life to the Fuhan Army!

(End of this chapter)

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