Cutting 1719

Chapter 189 Profit and Righteousness

Chapter 189 Profit and Righteousness

At the end of a military song, everyone's hearts were surging, looking at Ning Yu on the stage, quietly looking forward to it.

"From the Young Eagle Camp to the Fuhan Army, from Huangzhou Mansion to today's Jiujiang Mansion, you are not just numbers on the battlefield, you are all living people, and the wooden plaques hanging on your chests are The purpose of witnessing each of you's identities is nothing else, but to let the dead brothers return home."

Ning Yu was a little emotional. He thought of many people, even among the 200 people in the Eagle Battalion, more than 40 people died on the battlefield. It can be said that he can call out the names of these people, but the battlefield is cruel after all. Yes, those who sacrificed, those who are still fighting, will not regret it.

"Those brothers who died, we will never forget. I have already submitted to the king of Chu that a temple of loyalty and bravery will be built in Wuchang. All brothers who died will be enshrined in the temple. As long as I restore the Han army, they will live forever. Let’s enjoy the fireworks on earth!”

"In addition, all the families of those who died in war will be exempt from corvee for three years. If there are children in the family, those under the age of 14 can be sent to the Young Eagle Camp. In the future, the family will also have a good future!"

Ning Yu's words are very blatant, but the effect is also very good. Originally, he had land to take from the army, and now the war dead are not in vain. In addition to the normal pension, they will also enter the Zhongyong Shrine. Exemption from corvee at home is also a great grace , not to mention that the heirs can enter the Young Eagle Camp. Who doesn't know that today's Young Eagle Camp is simply the heart and soul of the Fuhan Army.

Now among the high-ranking members of the Fuhan Army, except for the three heirs of Ning, Cheng, and Zheng, most of the rest are from the Young Eagle Battalion, and each of them is either the chief of staff, or the division commander and deputy division commander. Aren't regimental commanders and battalion commanders much better than big-headed soldiers?
Stimulated by such good news, many people felt extremely excited. The team that was originally as neat as a forest was also a little messy. Such good things are usually not found, so everyone's eyes are even more eager.

It is not enough to have the bondage of interests, Ning Yu decided to add another fire, he looked at the people in the audience, and said loudly: "The way of heaven is orderly, and everything has its time. Since the Qing court entered the Central Plains, it has gone against the law and made people die. There was chaos, voices of resistance were heard endlessly, and now since I returned to the Han army to raise troops, there has been no disadvantages, which is exactly the original intention of the Dao."

"If you want to realize the Dao, I have to use my life, and you have to use your life. As long as we keep fighting, everyone of you can live a good life in the future!"

These remarks are actually building momentum and brainwashing the soldiers in the audience, but the effect is very significant. At least many people in the audience think so. After all, they fought all the way from Huguang to Jiangxi. To enter Anhui, almost every battle must be won, and the morale of the soldiers has almost reached its peak.

Everyone cheered under the stage, but just as the cheers fell, someone asked a question.

"Governor, are we going to fight all the way to the capital?"

"Great Governor, we are not afraid of death, nor are we afraid of failure. We just want to know what the road ahead looks like?"

I don't know who suddenly raised such a question in the crowd, but it was quickly recognized by everyone. They also have such doubts in their hearts. They are not afraid of death or sacrifice, but they are afraid that they will not see the future. It will be a pity.

Ning Yu didn't go into detail who raised it. Instead, he felt that these two questions were raised to the right point. In a sense, the Fuhan Army now has everything, but the only thing that needs to be given is In addition to rich material rewards for soldiers, it is also necessary to bring them hope and a future.

Don't underestimate hope and the future. The morale that can be stimulated by material things is only temporary, and it will pass slowly when time goes by. Hope and the future can make people persevere and fight hard. This is the real truth. The key.

Looking at the eager soldiers in the audience, Ning Yu let out a deep breath.

"What you want to know, I will tell you, Beijing, I, Ning Yu, will go, but not now!"

"As for our future path, I, Ning Yu, can tell you one thing. Overthrowing the Manchu Qing Dynasty is not our ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to build a Datong world where everyone has food and clothing. Every one of you People can use their own hands to earn a protected future for themselves.”

Ning Yu's eyes were slightly moist, and he said excitedly: "When that day comes, you will understand what I mean. I can't give you this kind of future now, but it doesn't mean that the future won't exist. Just rely on me, Ning Yu, and just rely on me. Relying on the Fuhan Army is not enough, it requires the efforts of all the people in the world, and you join the Fuhan Army to practice for this purpose!"

The morale of the army was completely detonated, and everyone cried bitterly. It was really such a day, which they dreamed of but could not get.You must know that in the entire Qing Dynasty, there are countless people who have been starved to death or frozen to death, and those who can join the Han Dynasty Army are almost all poor people who cannot survive. They feel the same deeply about this.

Now hearing Ning Yu's words, the entire Fuhan Army was shocked. Many of the original problems disappeared without a trace. The last shortcoming of the Fuhan Army was finally made up for. .

This is a long-planned battle ceremony, and Ning Yu's goal is naturally to retrain the Fuhan Army before the decisive battle with Kangxi, and after removing the few residues left in it, get The nature of nature is a sharp sword that is invincible.

Li Fu looked at this scene from the audience, feeling a little sluggish. He actually discovered the problems of the Fuhan army very early, but he didn't think it was a problem. After all, compared with the Qing army, it was hard to temper. Today's Fuhan army is almost like a sharp weapon, and the two are simply incomparable.

Because of this, after Ning Yu returned to Jiujiang, Li Fu did not raise this question, but he never expected that Ning Yu would solve this problem in such a clever way by making a pre-war sacrifice. It is said that it has reached the point of transformation.

No matter at any time, interest and righteousness are two sides of the same body. It is impossible for a person to have only interest without righteousness, otherwise he will be attacked by all people in the world, and no climate will be achieved. If there is only righteousness without interest, then the hearts of the people will not be able to gather together , will sooner or later be defeated by the external environment.

Today's Fuhan Army is a perfect combination of profit and righteousness, coupled with the restoration of the banner of the Han family, it is conceivable that after the recovery of the entire south, the Fuhan Army will use overwhelming strength , Completely defeated the Qing court.

"The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!" Li Fu exclaimed in his heart, and he was even more fortunate that he had already stood in the right position in this game of the general trend of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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