Cutting 1719

Chapter 194

Chapter 194
Since ancient times, defending a city has never been a simple defense of an isolated city. In that case, it is actually easy to be breached. The real defensive tactics have always centered on the city and built a large number of positions on the outer positions to achieve both offense and defense. This is how to defend the city. Fang has a chance.

For a battle-tested veteran like Yue Zhongqi, he is even more aware of this truth. Not only did he lay down heavy troops inside the city, but he also arranged soldiers to guard Huangshiji, Shipai Town and Changfengling. Relying on it, blocking positions were built layer by layer to achieve the purpose of delaying the Ning army's offensive.

If you want to attack Anqing City, the location of Huangshiji is very important. Li Guangcai, the green battalion guard here, was originally a native of Anhui. He has been stationed here, with more than 800 people under his command. Fan, but it was just an inspection, and the rest were completely ignored.

That day Li Guangcai arrived at Huangshiji with a box, and when many scattered soldiers from the Green Battalion saw him, they honestly called out to you, but Li Guangcai looked preoccupied and refused to answer him at all.

Until a slightly shorter soldier saw Li Guangcai, he got up from the ground a little excitedly, shouted a brother, and then graciously untied some food brought by Li Guangcai, saying: "Brother, these There seems to be more wine and meat brought by the days."

Li Guangcai wiped his hands, then glanced at the rest of the soldiers, and then carefully said: "I heard that the Fuhan army is coming, so the adults above gave us some sweets, you can eat and drink it." .”

"When the time comes, the battle will start, and you should run quickly. If you don't hear it, you will surrender if you can't do it. But don't dare to tell others about this, as long as you know it yourself."

When the short soldier heard it, he responded, and then opened the food box, saying that it was a gift of good wine and meat, but it was actually a pot of muddy rice wine, plus some meat that he didn't know what it was. , But it also made the soldiers eat their mouths full of oil.

After seeing this scene, the other soldiers on the battlefield watched from a distance and swallowed silently. They didn't even eat meat and drink, and they didn't even have enough rice soup. Some people even went out to plunder the passing merchants. and passers-by.

In fact, most of the officers and soldiers of the green battalion stationed on Huangshiji are locals from Anqing, and they do not want to oppress the village. However, since the First World War in Jiujiang, thousands of soldiers have come back from Jiujiang, plus some soldiers from Zhejiang. However, it is difficult for the nearly 2 people to get sufficient logistical support, and soldiers often starve to death.

Because of this, the officers and soldiers of the green battalion on Huangshiji are not polite, and they don't care about the so-called fathers and villagers. If they have nothing to eat, they will go down the mountain to plunder, kill, kill and set fire. They are not so much soldiers as bandits.

This is the case in Huangshiji, not to mention other places. Since the Battle of Jiujiang, thousands of defeated soldiers have fled all the way to Anqing along the Yangtze River waterway. Due to the shortage and the relaxation of military discipline, Yue Zhongqi had no good solution, so he could only use it while being careful, and let the local soldiers guard the outer defense line, and let the non-local soldiers guard the city to achieve mutual checks and balances.

Yue Zhongqi's plan can't be wrong, but in the process of realizing it, she found that it has changed again and again, at least many of the original plans have now been ruined.As a result, the morale of the army was in turmoil. Strictly speaking, before Yue Zhongqi came, many targets knew their situation very well, and even had no fighting spirit in their hearts.

Li Guangcai watched the short soldiers eating, and sighed: "We don't know if we can survive this battle, as long as one of you and my brothers survives, it will be profitable. At that time, our mother will have to rely on living." Those who came down took care of it. If both of us die, then our mother will have no hope."

"No matter what, at least one of our brothers must survive, or we will be ashamed of our ancestors."

The short soldier gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice: "Brother, don't worry, if there is a fight, I will protect you even if I die. You are indispensable in my family."

While the two brothers were discussing, they heard a rush of horseshoes sounding, and getting closer, a green battalion soldier ran in directly, out of breath, and shouted loudly: "Master Shou Rong, come back!" The Han Army, the Fu Han Army is here!"

This news shocked the short soldier, and the bowl in his hand fell to the ground. This news was too bad, but it made people feel a little overwhelmed.

Li Guangcai hurriedly said, "Has the Fuhan army arrived? How many miles are there?"

"About less than five miles." The green battalion soldier who sent the message was also quite flustered, and he stuttered when he answered, but after a while, his heart gradually calmed down.

Hearing this, Li Guangcai felt relieved at first, and then became nervous again. There are still ten miles to go, and he should have enough time if he thinks about it.However, Li Guangcai knew in his heart that relying on his own hundreds of people might not even make a splash. He had no other choice but to ask An Qing for help.

As for sticking to it for a few days, maybe one day, maybe two days, maybe a week, maybe forever.

Thinking of this, Li Guangcai sent his younger brother to Anqing City. Even if he couldn't see Yue Zhongqi, he had to let other people send reinforcements to stabilize the situation first. However, the other party still had ten miles away, so it should be enough time.If there really wasn't any reinforcements coming, then it would be considered pretty good for my younger brother to be able to escape.

But after doing all this, Li Guangcai began to worry again. The possibility of these people being regarded as abandoned children is still very high. If Yue Zhongqi doesn't dispatch soldiers in time, the chances will be really slim.

Fights and fights have always come very quickly, making it too late for people to react.In just an hour, the Fuhan army arrived at Huangshiji and surrounded all the Qing soldiers.

At this time, battles have already begun on Huangshiji. Since neither side has invested heavily, strictly speaking, it is only a part of the vanguard to make an outpost. Both sides understand each other's situation, so there is not too much Nonsense, there was a burst of gunfire for a while.

With the roar of artillery fire, dozens of Fu Han soldiers raised their bayonets and attacked the Qing soldiers. The cold light from the bayonets made people feel cold when they looked at them.

Li Guangcai glanced at his younger brother, finally sighed helplessly, and led his soldiers to meet him, but under the bayonets of the Han army, the Qing army seemed so powerless, they fell one by one under the bayonets, And more people continue to charge forward.

The Battle of Anqing City, which started with Huangshiji, officially broke out, but the result of this battle is very crucial, directly determining the mutual fate of the Qing court and the Fuhan army.

Both sides are waiting, waiting for the arrival of that critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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