Cutting 1719

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Kangxi's chariot set off from Luzhou all the way, and it has been marching for many days, but the soldiers did not stay in Luzhou too much, so morale still seemed a little low, especially for the green battalion soldiers, they simply received some straw bags, He lit a fire to keep warm during the day, but the jacket on his body still looked thin and cold.

"Heng Chen, this letter has been delivered for a few days, but there has been no movement. But if there is any news, counting the journey, it will be almost today."

Emperor Kangxi was holding a book, leaning on the chariot, with a thick blanket on his body, he seemed to be in better spirits, but he was old and frail after all, coupled with the travels these days, The energy of the whole person is somewhat lacking.

Zhang Tingyu replied in a low voice: "My Majesty, the weather has not been good for the past few days. Perhaps the Fuhan army has received the letter, but this reply is still on the way. I will send someone to ask for it."

Kangxi struggled to sit up, and the eunuch at the side quickly tried to help him up, but after moving for a while, Kangxi coughed continuously, and an abnormal blush appeared on his face, but this scene scared Zhang Tingyu and eunuch.

"Your Majesty, the dragon body is more important. I'll send the imperial physician in."

Zhang Tingyu knelt on the ground with sweat on his face. He didn't know whether he was frightened by Emperor Kangxi or because of the heater in the industry, but he felt a little more scared in his heart, and remembered Tian Wenjing's incident again. The remarks.

Anyone with a discerning eye can already see that Kangxi is close to the end of the lamp, but now it is all supported by the inner spirit. If this battle is won, Kangxi may be able to turn around a little bit. If you lose this battle, you may die soon.If it is true that after Emperor Kangxi rides the crane, I am afraid that the entire Qing Dynasty will become precarious.

This is why Kangxi has persisted until now. If he really can't persist, who else on the front line can entrust him with important tasks?Kangxi has now sent all the manpower he can send to the Huguang battlefield, but there are no more ministers who can trust him.

"No need." Kangxi waved his hand weakly, panting heavily with his mouth open, staring blankly at the top of the line, and then smiled wryly: "I know my physical condition, I can't make up for it, I can only take it slowly." Rest and recuperate the body, and now the imperial doctor is called, that's all I can do."

Zhang Tingyu was shocked, the emperor's physical condition was a top secret in the empire, but now Kangxi didn't seem to want to hide it anymore, and spoke out about his situation, which really made Zhang Tingyu feel that he wanted to close it immediately Close your ears, it's fine if you can't hear a word.

The two monarchs and ministers were relatively silent, and I don't know how long it had passed. News came from the outside. A young eunuch came in and presented a box, which was also sealed with beeswax. On it was the seal of the Admiral of Anhui. Yue Zhongqi's secret book has arrived.

Regardless of his weakness, Emperor Kangxi grabbed it in a hurry, then cut open the box with a silver knife, took out the secret folder inside, and began to look at it carefully. Secret Zhe even fell directly from his hand.

Zhang Tingyu knelt on the ground and didn't dare to look up, but he felt a little uncomfortable. The more he knew about this kind of mountain-heavy secret, the worse it would be for his family, but Kangxi didn't let him go, so he didn't dare He left at will, so he had no choice but to stick his forehead to the ground, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

In this secret letter, Yue Zhongqi recounted Ning Yu's reply verbatim, without bringing any personal opinion. In this matter, he knew his position, and he definitely could not easily promise any conditions. People, so everything is for Kangxi to decide.

But through this secret letter, Kangxi still read the meaning of the other party, that is, he wanted to ask for peace. Now these conditions are far from enough. At least Jiangnan must be surrendered, and the two sides will rule the river before they can continue to negotiate.

However, this condition is something that Kangxi cannot afford, because the Qing Dynasty is not the Qing Dynasty of Kangxi alone, but the Qing Dynasty of all the Eight Banners. If he gives such a condition, it will be a betrayal of the entire Qing Dynasty. Speaking of other people, I am afraid that his sons will rise up to rebel against him.

Kangxi let out a soft sigh, and then leaned on the chariot, "Actually, I understand in my heart that seeking peace is not mature now, and it is impossible for me, the Qing Dynasty, to give more conditions, and the thief Ning will never Satisfied with the current results, it's just that I still have a bit of luck in my heart."

"Looking at this battle right now, it seems that it must be fought. It's just that I still hope that the bandit Ning can stop and let me achieve a holy name for the rest of my life. It's just that what happens in the future is also a question for people to consider later. gone."

Kangxi's face showed a bit of misery. He even regarded Zhang Tingyu as his opponent, Ning Zhongyuan, no, it should be Ning Yu, the young man who was under the city of Anqing and wanted to fight him to the death. people.

Why bother?Why so aggressive?Are you thinking about fighting me to the death on the battlefield?
You, Ning Yu, are only under 20 years old. Even if you want to pursue a great cause, you don't have to be in such a hurry. You can wait until I die, and after my holy name in this life is complete, it will not be too late to make progress.

As for the extent to which the successor of the Qing Dynasty can do it, that is his own problem.At that time, Kangxi was no longer alive, so naturally he didn't have to worry about these things anymore. Sometimes Kangxi even felt that the whole world didn't understand his intentions.

I just want to win a posthumous name. Is it too much to ask for such a little?
However, regardless of whether it is excessive or not, the road to peace has basically been blocked, and the rest is naturally face to face, fist to fist.It's just that the current Qing Dynasty is compared with the Fuhan Army, just like Emperor Kangxi is compared with Ning Yu. The former is very old, while the latter is as dazzling as the newborn sun.

"Let's fight, send an order, speed up the march, and make sure to arrive in Anqing before December [-]!"

When Kangxi was still thinking about whether to fight or not, Ning Yu had already put all the chips on the table. This battle was basically inevitable.

"Everyone, this battle is of great significance, I think everyone should understand."

Ning Yu stood in the tent, with the sand table of Anqing City and the surrounding areas in front of him, and Cheng Ming, Cheng Zhien, Qian Ying, Dong Ce and others were sitting in front of him. .

Everyone looked at Huangshiji, which had been taken down, with excitement on their faces. Judging from the current overall terrain and environment, if Anqing City only relied on its own [-] green battalion, it would probably take half a month at most before being defeated by the Han army. Beat it down.

"The most important thing at the moment is not the 2 people in Anqing City, but the 10 Kangxi army that is about to come to support them. Only when these [-] people are dealt with, the rest will come naturally."

"Everyone, have the knives been sharpened?"

(End of this chapter)

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