Cutting 1719

Chapter 222 tit for tat

Chapter 222 tit for tat
Since the Qing army surrounded Liantan Town, it has been more than ten days since the siege. They also thought of countless ways and killed and injured many soldiers, but they still stopped at Liantan Town. No matter how they fought this battle, there was no end in sight. , the key is that in the face of the tragic casualties, many people have even acted a little crazy.

After ten days of attack, the casualties of the Qing army from top to bottom reached more than 2 people, including nearly 3000 casualties in the Green Camp, and more than [-] people in the Eight Banners.The morale of the entire Qing army camp was bleak, and everyone looked earthy.Especially the green battalion, which is not looked down upon by the top leaders of the Eight Banners, has become a piece of loose sand, without a trace of fighting spirit.

The Qing army had a hard time fighting, but the Fuhan army was also having a hard time. Yu Zhijing and Yue Lingfeng also used their energy to feed themselves. After spending a lot of artillery bullets, today's Fuhan The Han army no longer used artillery to support every battle, and even the flintlock ammunition was not enough. When facing the Qing army's attack, they had to use bayonets and grenades to greet them.

However, the number of remaining grenades is not too much, but it makes Ujijing a little worried. If the Qing army continues to attack like this, the Fuhan army may not be able to resist it. Even when the preparations were relatively good, there were nearly 3000 casualties, most of which were consumed in hand-to-hand combat, which also brought some hope to the Qing army.

Under such circumstances, Uji King no longer played steadily, and began to think of some harmful tactics. For example, he specially selected a group of elite soldiers to execute some "beheading tactics" when the two sides were fighting. If they saw someone in the Qing army dressed in gorgeous clothes, they would go over together and shoot at the same time while the other party was not paying attention, so as to ensure that the enemy general was killed.

Also, when the Qing army was resting, Uji King would also order the artillery to bombard, and he would not fight many rounds, just to play a role in disturbing the enemy, so that the Qing army would be exhausted and exhausted quickly.If the Qing army ignored it, Uji Kei would also choose a time to send people out of the city to attack the Qing army's camp, anyway, to prevent the Qing army from having a good rest.

However, these small methods are indeed quite effective. At least invisibly, the Qing army has to be on guard all the time even if it is sleeping. In this way, the Qing army will naturally not be able to get a normal rest. The combat effectiveness of the army, so after seeing the effectiveness of this strategy, Uji King was very proud, and named it the strategy of exhausting soldiers.

The sound of cannons roared and the shouts resounded through the sky. The Qing army launched an attack again, but this time it seemed that they were serious. They dispatched a total of 3000 soldiers, all of whom were soldiers from the Eight Banners Pioneer Battalion and the Firearms Battalion. They are all very good, and they are all shotguns produced in the firearms battalion, and the quality is much better than that of the green battalion.

Uji King stood in front of the table, with a large sand table on it. There were more than a dozen small red flags inserted in the sand table. Those all represented the current guarding situation of the Fuhan Army. In addition to the small red flags, there were also several black flags. The ones represent the troops dispatched by the Qing army. The two sides are now intertwined, and the killing is inextricably linked.

At this time, the water glass on the table had faint water marks, as if there was a lot of movement.Ujikage knew in his heart that the artillery of the Qing army had been pulled up. When hundreds of cannons fired at the same time, although the sound was hoarse and low, the movement was not small, which also showed that the Qing army had already Began to fight desperately.

"Fighting has already started in the north, and the third regiment is guarding, and the pressure is very high." Yue Lingfeng walked in from the door, his face was a little stern, showing a chill.

Uji nodded. He naturally knew that the third regiment had just been deployed for defense at this time. It was originally a regiment with a relatively large proportion of recruits, and its combat effectiveness was not outstanding. Now, under the onslaught of the Qing army, it may be very difficult to hold on.

It's just that Uji King can't squeeze out any more troops at the moment. Apart from a guard battalion belonging to the division, he has no other reserve team, but anyone with a discerning eye knows that if this guard battalion is sent up casually , Then there is an emergency later on, there is really nothing to do.

This hole card, no matter what, can't be played like this.

There was no movement on Yu Zhijing's face, and he said in a deep voice: "The pressure in the north is great, I know, tell Dong Yulin, when I really can't hold it, I will naturally send people up. But it's not right now, good steel has to be ground out."

"I'm afraid the north is only the side attacked by the Qing army. We have to keep an eye on the west. In the past few days, that side has not been attacked by the Qing army, which has caused our thinking to change. When encountering a situation, It is very easy to subconsciously withdraw the defenders in the west, and I think this is not the negligence of the Qing army."

Yue Lingfeng's pupils shrank slightly, and he also thought of the seriousness of this point, "Now there are only two battalions in the west, and there are only a little over 1000 people. I have to keep an eye on them."

Uji nodded, but focused on the sand table again, but didn't put his mind on it, but was silently looking forward to the arrival of the news from the governor.

"Kill! Serve the emperor! Serve the Qing Dynasty!"

E Hai, the commander of the vanguard, personally led the brothers of the vanguard battalion, and rushed to the front. The rest of the vanguard battalion soldiers were also very excited, and rushed all the way towards the position of the Fuhan army.

As the elite of the Beijing Eight Banners, this army has always regarded itself very highly, thinking that when it comes to a strong army in this world, they must be on the list.Not only this group of people from the Eight Banners Army thought so, even the troublemakers in the capital also compared the soldiers of each banner and battalion, and in the end they came to a conclusion that bravery belongs to the forward.

But with such a brave and forward army, when faced with the artillery and muskets of the Fuhan army, it was still just a piece of paper-it would shatter with a poke.In the previous attacks, they were all defeated by the Fuhan army in various ways. If it was just guns and artillery, it would be fine, but the key is to fight hand-to-hand, and the men in the forward battalion also turned into Rufeng.

In the face of this situation, other people would be fine, but E Hai was anxious. He was originally the deputy capital of Zhenghuang Banner Mongolia, and later he was appreciated by Kangxi, and he became the forward commander of this forward battalion. Originally, he wanted to show off From then on, he will be promoted and won the title, and enjoy the glory and wealth.But what he never expected was that the Fuhan army was so difficult to deal with, but it made E Hai lose face day by day.

"Old and young masters, we Daqing must cheer up! Then why did Chu Ni win every battle and victory? Even if we are not afraid of death, we can't spare our lives now, no matter how much we spare our lives, the big guys will be ruined!"

E Hai's words were true, but he was forcing the big guys to die. He was upright, and naturally he didn't want to be the kind of person who just stood there and said nothing, so he took the lead in the attack and took the lead.

Seeing that the Qing army was boiling, Dong Yulin, the head of the third regiment, did not show any weakness. Now that he can become a leader of the Fuhan Army, it is not easy for anyone, and everyone is bloody. The one who came over immediately let out a roar.

"Soldiers of the three regiments, today is the time for us to die in battle! Those who retreat will be killed!"

(End of this chapter)

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