Cutting 1719

Chapter 223 Eight Banner Warriors

Chapter 223 Eight Banners Warriors
The second garrison division actually has a good foundation. Compared with the fourth, fifth and sixth garrison divisions organized later, its combat effectiveness is indeed much stronger. I really can't stand it, at least it's impossible to stick to it for such a long time.

Dong Yulin, as the head of the third regiment of the second garrison division, is naturally not a simple person. He was originally a monk in a temple.Later, I couldn't eat enough in the temple, so I returned to the customs and went down the mountain. Later, I joined the army in Changsha, which can be regarded as a relatively early group of soldiers of the Fuhan Army.

In the subsequent battles, Dong Yulin also accumulated meritorious service and was promoted to the deputy head of the main division. However, his personality was rough and domineering, so there were many sinners. Later, he came to the Second Defense Division after a twist and a turn, and became a leader with a lack of strength. The head of the group did not receive too much attention from Uji Kei.

But now it’s time to turn around. The second garrison division shoulders the important task of guarding Liantan Town. Dong Yulin also has the opportunity to show his skills. Therefore, seeing the Qing army’s massive attack, Dong Yulin did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he took the initiative to lead people out of the trench. , Fighting with the Qing army.

E Hai felt a little uncomfortable. He originally planned to fire a few rounds of guns with the Fuhan army from a distance, and then fight hand-to-hand. .

But right now it’s not going to work, E Hai is also biting his head and leading people to fight with swords and guns. After all, Emperor Kangxi is watching from behind. No matter what, there is only a bloody battle. If anyone dares to retreat at this juncture, I am afraid that Kangxi will cut off his head immediately, as a warning to others.

Thousands of people started a bloody fight on this small battlefield, and the artillery of both sides were not idle, bombarding each other's rear positions, hoping to block the positions and give the frontline soldiers more room for advantage.

It's just that in this kind of hand-to-hand combat, it is difficult for most of the Qing army to gain an advantage. After all, many officers of the Fuhan army are equipped with hand guns, and they still have an advantage in real fights. As soon as the gun rang, some Qing soldiers fell to the ground, dying.

Since the Eight Banners soldiers were the main force in this battle, even though the scene was not good, everyone held on and did not turn around and run away like the green battalion. The Warriors of the Eight Banners have all recorded it, and of course this result is slightly exaggerated:
"Ming ceremony, Manchuria inlaid with yellow flags. In the 54th year of Kangxi, the champion of Wu Jinshi was awarded the title of first-class bodyguard. In the 56th year of Kangxi, he was promoted to the deputy commander of the Eight Banners Frontier Battalion. After a fierce attack, he failed again and again, so he led the crowd to fight endlessly with guns and guns, beheading more than a hundred thieves. After fighting for a long time, he died at the exhaustion of his strength. He once shouted, "I wish I could kill the head of the thieves myself!"

"Dormu, Mongolia Xianglan Banner, Wu Jinshi in the 48th year of Kangxi, and later awarded the third-class bodyguard. In the 58th year of Kangxi, he was promoted to the Eight Banners Guarding Battalion Hu Military Academy. On the 61th day of the first month of the 76st year of Kangxi, he fought against Chu Ni in Liantan Town. The thief. The army was powerful and the firearms were very powerful. Dormu wounded more than a dozen places on his body, beheaded [-] thieves, and died facing the south by cursing."

No matter how much water there is in these records, it can't conceal Kangxi's satisfaction at this time, even if it was the Eight Banners powerhouse back then, it was nothing more than that.Although the fight was pretty miserable on the scene, at any rate, he also played the strength and courage of the Eight Banners!
"Huh, the Great Qing Dynasty still has to point to our Eight Banners warriors. If the Han people have half the bravery of the Eight Banners warriors, how can this Chu Ni have a bright future?"

It's just that the people in the camp heard this, but they were somewhat subtle. The Manchu and Mongolian ministers naturally had complacent expressions on their faces, but the Hanchens were a little subtle. Everyone knew how much the Emperor Kangxi tolerated the Han people. It's getting lower and lower, but this is obviously an expression of anger.

If the Han people really can't do it, then the Fuhan army who won consecutive battles on the battlefield is not Han people?

Kangxi spoke more and more vigorously, and he didn't know whether it was because he was old or angry, and he even opened his mouth to curse: "Chu Ni is gaining power as fast as San Francisco, and the reason for this has never been without the credit of the Han people." "Yue Lingfeng and Xu Mingyuan back then, together with Qian Ying and those green battalion soldiers who surrendered, did they ever remember the kindness of the Qing Dynasty in their hearts?"

Seeing that these words were getting more and more outrageous, Zhang Tingyu knew that he had to say a few words to save Kangxi's heart, otherwise, if the Hanchens really quit and the big guys put down the picks together, they would be the ones who would be unlucky at that time The so-called Eight Banners Warriors.

"Your Majesty, this servant dares to say that the vast majority of Han officials are loyal to the Emperor and the Qing Dynasty, which is different from those treacherous people."

Talk three minutes, click to the end.Kangxi also came to his senses at this time, and he knew in his heart that at this critical moment, people's hearts should not be disturbed, so he said softly: "The situation in the Qing Dynasty is now difficult and dangerous, and it is necessary for you to work together. Great job."

After stopping this topic, Kangxi began to chatter again, bringing the topic back to the current battlefield situation.

"The fight is still going well right now. I think it will take up to three days before the army can occupy Liantan Town. At that time, they will attack Anqing City in one fell swoop and cut off the retreat of the Han army."

Everyone thought it was true, but in the next few days, people continued to attack Liantan Town, not to mention the fierce attack in the north, and sent thousands of people to attack the west. They also knew that there were few Fuhan soldiers on the opposite side. Therefore, they deliberately took advantage of the night to attack.

The Qing army still had more than 7 horses, so they had enough troops to fight. A large number of green battalion soldiers were incorporated into the coolie camp to resist the muskets and artillery of the Fuhan army. It also became the battalion with the highest casualty rate. The soldiers of the Fuhan Army followed behind, and launched another attack on the defense line of the Fuhan Army.

Facing such a fierce offensive, the second garrison division could only clean up the few remaining artillery shells, especially the twenty mortars, which were originally shotgun shells, and the fragmentary iron nails inside During the explosion, the lethality was even more astonishing, so the Qing army's offensive was blocked many times, allowing the Fuhan army to continue to hold on.

In just three days, the defense line in front of the Fuhan army was already covered with the corpses of the Qing army. These people included the green camp and the Eight Banners soldiers. The dried blood turned brown in the cold wind, which looked extremely miserable.

Yue Lingfeng's body was covered with a thick layer of gauze. He was hit by fragments of the Qing army's artillery on the position yesterday. Fortunately, he missed the vital point, but he still bled all over the place, so he was lying in the town all the time. yard.There has now been specially opened up by Uji King as a medical hall, which is specially used to store injured soldiers.

Yu Zhijing only visited him once during the battle, and then rushed to the front line again, but before he left, he said mysteriously to Yue Lingfeng: "Great Governor, there is news now!"

"Oh? Where is the governor at this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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