Cutting 1719

Chapter 224 Bloody Battle in Tongcheng

Chapter 224 Bloody Battle in Tongcheng
Tongcheng, in the past, was just a small town north of Anqing, and ordinary people probably had never heard of its name, but now, it has become the focus of the Qing army and the Fuhan army.

On the 61th of the first month of the 24st year of Kangxi, Ning Yu led an entire army of [-] after joining Cheng Ming and others, and marched south to encircle Tongcheng. For a while, a raging wolf was ignited in Tongcheng. Dozens of Qing cavalry led the guard Al Song'a's request for help was memorized all the way, and sent to Kangxi's army non-stop.

The Fuhan army lined up under Tongcheng. Hundreds of cannons were lined up one by one. The dark barrels reflected dazzling light under the sunlight. There was a three-edged bayonet hanging from his waist, and there was a smile on his face, but there was a bit of excitement in his eyes looking at Tongcheng.

The battle is almost over!This is something that everyone is very clear about. Everyone understands that the current Qing army has been completely locked in a cage, and that [-] troops, together with Emperor Kangxi, will be completely buried in Anqing Mansion, and the Han people will rule the world. Coming soon!
Dong Ce felt a little uneasy about the optimistic atmosphere in the army. Since the beginning of the establishment of the army, he has always held a cautious and humble attitude, dealing with every battle and winning every battle.

It may be that the reputation of the king on the opposite side is so amazing that Dong Ce couldn't believe it. The Fuhan army copied the Qing army's retreat in this way, so that the Qing army didn't realize it until now. He found it with bewilderment. I asked Ning Yu, hoping to get an answer.

"The reason is very simple. The current Qing Dynasty is no longer the Qing Dynasty when it entered the customs. The current Kangxi is not the same as when the San Francisco was pacified 40 years ago. It gradually loses its sharpness, like a big tree, which still looks lush and green on the outside, but is empty inside."

Ning Yu sighed as he said this, and he stood with his hands behind his back, with mixed emotions on his face, "One day in the future, the Fuhan Army may also become like this, just like the former Daming today, and the present Daming Just like everything else, it gradually decays, and then it only needs a light blow from an external force, and it will collapse."

"Is there no way?" Dong Ce asked subconsciously.

"There is no immortal dynasty in the world. At the beginning, Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty never thought about the eternal lineage. He established a self-contained system for the descendants of Ming Dynasty, but the times are changing and manpower cannot match the general trend."

Ning Yu muttered, but in his heart, he was thinking about it. The Fuhan Army is already preparing to hold the first imperial examination in Wuchang, and the time is set for March this year. If all this can go smoothly, then It fully demonstrates that the gentry and common people in Huguang have fully accepted the rule of the Fuhan army.

The situation in Huguang has gradually changed from chaos to change. After all, the intensity of the original war was not too great, and the Qing army was completely wiped out in a short period of time. Therefore, the strength of Huguang has not been greatly affected. A large number of The gentry of the people found that under the banner of the Fuhan Army, it seemed that they were not worse than before. On the contrary, a lot of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes were reduced, and they could live on. Therefore, their support for the Fuhan Army gradually increased.

In addition, the Qing army's atmosphere in the south of the Yangtze River has also undergone some subtle changes. At least many people have planned to wait until the Fu Han army comes over, and immediately cut off their braids and revolt anyway, adding a handful of soil to the Qing cemetery.

On the territory ruled by the Qing Dynasty, although Jiangnan has always been an important place for money and food, it is also one of the places with the strongest anti-Qing thoughts. After all, many people still have fresh memories of the various tragedies since the Qing soldiers went south.The thinking of these people has not completely faded with the rule of the Qing Dynasty. If the rule of the Qing court continues for another 50 years, I am afraid that this situation will be reversed.

Because of this, in this era, we can still see anti-Qing scholars like Zeng Jing and doers like Zhu Yigui. The Hongmen that will appear in the future can only germinate under such soil.

"My Qing Dynasty is still in power, are you willing to follow me to defend the city to the death?"

Alsuna stood on the top of the Tongcheng wall, looking at the soldiers behind him, his face full of enthusiasm.It's just that this performance may win a lot of applause in front of Kangxi, but it can't move the hearts of the soldiers and common people in Tongcheng at this time.

Everyone looked at this high-ranking son of the Niu Gulu family, and they were not moved in the slightest. On the contrary, they felt a little bored. The reason was naturally because this noble man seemed to know everything about the battlefield from the storybook. Novel, but almost no actual combat experience.

Speaking of Arsun, his background is also scary. He was born in Manchuria with a yellow banner, and he was also the Niu Hulu clan. He inherited the title of the second-class duke, and at the age of 23, he became the minister of the guards and the firearms battalion. He can be described as a veritable senior official.

Later, with the rise of the Fuhan Army, Prince Yong took away the errands of the firearms battalion, so he could only bear the empty title of Minister of the Guards and followed Kangxi all the way south.But it's okay to dress up these greenhouse flowers that are grown in the capital in a bright and beautiful appearance for others to see. Now when it's really on the battlefield with real swords and guns, they can only shrink back.

Originally, this plan was not bad, but to Arsun'a's surprise, he stayed behind but was besieged by the main force of Fuhan. Apart from sending a messenger to ask for help, he was completely helpless.

Nowadays, all the bosses who followed Kangxi to the south have basically gone to the front line, except Arsun A and the Minister of War, Bai Huang, who are responsible for supervising military supplies in Tongcheng, so Arsong A naturally turned his attention to Bai Huang .

Bai Huang pretended to be calm. Although he was only promoted to the post of minister of the Ministry of War the year before last, he started as a magistrate along the way. He had experienced a lot of government affairs in his life, so he had no choice but to force himself to remain calm.

"Now there are [-] defenders in Tongcheng, of which [-] are from the Eight Banners Firearms Battalion, and [-] are from the Green Battalion. If the Fuhan army comes to attack, it will not be a problem for us to hold on for a few days."

The speed of siege in this era is very slow, and the whole process is very labor-intensive. The defenders have a relatively large advantage, so the city is often surrounded by siege, and there are very few examples of capturing a strong city in a short time. Huang didn't feel too flustered in his heart. Chu Ni was able to hold out for more than half a month under the siege of nearly 5000 troops. It would not be a problem for him to defend 3 with [-].
As soon as Arsunha heard this, he thought about it and felt that it was indeed the case. He felt a little happy in his heart, and began to imagine whether Kangxi could promote his title after the war, so as to give the family Fight for glory.
At this moment, hundreds of cannons of the Fuhan Army let out a thunderous roar, and hundreds of solid bullets and blooming bullets flew into the sky together, like blossoming flowers, blooming on the thin city wall of Tongcheng .

The Battle of Tongcheng officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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