Cutting 1719

Chapter 245 Secret Weapon

Chapter 245 Secret Weapon
The dense horseshoes stepped on the ground, making a rumbling sound, and more than tens of thousands of cavalry had appeared on the edge of the battlefield, and they were naturally the Xiaoqi Battalion led by Neersu.

Everyone on the battlefield seemed to have discovered this scene, which boosted the morale of the Qing army. The Qing army, which had been suffering heavy casualties, no longer gradually retreated. Instead, it had the courage to launch an active attack on the Fuhan army. .

They finally waited for the rescuers they thought they had, and thought that there was hope for this battle!

Seeing that the morale of the Qing army gradually improved, Cheng Ming became a little anxious. As the commander of the third division, he had never been ordered to fight, so he was a little anxious right now.

"Great governor, now that the Qing army's Xiaoqi battalion has arrived, if you have any secret weapons, hurry up and take them out!"

On the battlefield at this time, the Qing army and the Fuhan army returned to their anxious state. They fought together again on the battlefield where projectiles were flying across the battlefield. It started to grow slowly.At the same time, the cavalry of the Qing army also made preparations and seemed to be about to charge.

Ning Yu watched this scene with a slight look of relief on his face, and said: "Don't forget, I said that I prepared an unexpected surprise for Kangxi, but it is the most suitable for playing the cavalry." After finishing speaking , Ning Yu didn't care about the surprised people, and walked directly to the rear of the army.

Everyone looked amazed, although they felt that under the power of today's artillery, the cavalry of the Qing army would destroy at most two or three regiments. After all, under the current firepower of the Fuhan army, it must be impossible to achieve more Impossible, but seeing that Ning Yu is so confident, he is also a little curious at the moment.

Behind the camp of the Chinese army, there are hundreds of people wearing red military uniforms, playing with something, which looks like a rocket from the Ming Dynasty, which makes everyone a little curious, what is the use of this thing until now?
Dong Ce had doubts in his heart, and always asked Ning Yu directly, "Governor, is this your secret weapon? It is said that the army of General Qi, the famous anti-Japanese war in the Ming Dynasty, was equipped with a large number of rockets, and the power is quite extraordinary."

Cheng Ming stepped forward to touch it, and said with some doubts: "The governor, the general also has read military books. According to the general, there was a kind of rocket in the Ming Dynasty, called 'Shenhuo Flying Crow', which looked like a crow Generally, it is made of thin bamboo or reed, filled with gunpowder inside, and two cartridges are installed on each side of the crow’s body. The bottom of the cartridge is connected with the gunpowder in the crow’s body. Once ignited, it can shoot hundreds of feet away, which is just what I saw today. , but quite differently.”

Ning Yu chuckled, the things he took out were not those old antiques, Dang even said with a smile: "The actual power of the rockets you mentioned is not very powerful. If they are placed on today's battlefield, they will be a piece of cake at best. But what the governor prepared for Kangxi is a big dish! He Yuanyi!"

However, at some point, a man emerged from the red-clothed soldiers, wearing a red military uniform, but his age was over 40 years old. You must know that this is extremely rare in the current Fu-Han army. Most of them are over [-] years old. The veterans over forty were sent to Wuchang by Ning Yu.

"I would like to report to the Governor, He Yuanyi is here, and I would like to ask the Governor to give you an order."

Ning Yu smiled and said: "When I was in Wuchang, I told your master Lei Tuozi about some things about the Fuhan rocket, but there were fewer people at that time, and there was no result until a few days ago. Yes, can you use it?"

He Yuanyi bowed and said, "I would like to report to the Commander-in-Chief, this time I brought a total of [-] rockets. They are fully prepared and can be used for combat at any time." He Yuanyi led everyone to the side of the rocket, I saw that those rockets were three feet long, and they were fitted with a wooden pole more than one foot three feet long, which looked extraordinary.

In fact, this kind of rocket was made by Ning Yu based on the principle of Congreve's rocket in his previous life, and he found Lei Tuozi to make it. This kind of rocket is quite powerful, especially after repeated improvements, the range can reach more than five miles. Like those rockets with a relatively large charge, the range can even reach seven or eight miles.

In fact, apart from its great power, it is not difficult to make this kind of rocket, because the Congreve rocket itself is modeled after the rocket of the Song Dynasty in China. Later, this rocket technology was introduced to India in the Yuan Dynasty or Ming Dynasty, and soon It was imitated and improved by the Indians. After hundreds of years of research, the power and range of the rocket have been greatly increased. It was already an excellent military rocket at that time.

Later, when the British Empire conquered India, rockets also played a great role. Mysore Sultan Dibo Sabu also specially formed a rocket force, which caused heavy casualties to the British army, and then the British brought the rockets. Going back, and improving it, it was eventually named the Congreve Rocket.

However, in this day and age, the Congreve rocket has not yet come out, and Ning Yu just used the memory of his previous life to restore it according to this principle, but let alone, Lei Tuozi is indeed a genius in this regard , It didn't take long to make a similar rocket.

Now that the cavalry of the Qing army has begun to charge, this kind of rocket will have a chance to play a role.

It has to be said that the Qing army occupying the north has really put in some effort on the cavalry, and the battlefield here is relatively wide. In the eyes of many Qing troops, this time's big victory is no longer a suspense. up.

"Everyone, the emperor is watching, we have to charge together and kill the Chu Ni rebels!"

Neersu let out a roar, but just as he was about to swing his whip, Fu Shan grabbed his reins and said anxiously, "General, let me lead the boys up first!"

As soon as this remark came out, it made Na Ersu's mind clearer. After all, he has not been in charge of the cavalry for a long time, and he still doesn't know many twists and turns in the cavalry. Order.

Today's fighting method of the Qing cavalry is not to blindly attack the opponent's phalanx, but to bite the opponent's bulky formation through repeated maneuvers, mainly riding and shooting, and then wait until the enemy is completely exhausted before attacking , Only then can we make contributions in one fell swoop.

In addition, a large part of the role of the cavalry is not to trample on the enemy, but to cover the way for the army. That is to say, when the army is unfavorable in combat, it has to cover the retreat of the army, otherwise it is easy to be dumped.If all the cavalry were allowed to rush out, it would be really difficult to get them back.

"Fu Shan, Hai Liyang, the two of you first lead the attack with [-] cavalry from the headquarters, in order to test and involve the enemy."

Ne Ersu was as good as he was, and soon issued a new order, but the result of this order made him somewhat unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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