Cutting 1719

Chapter 246 Iron Cavalry Charge

Chapter 246 Iron Cavalry Charge
Fu Shan and Hai Liyang rushed out with the [-] cavalry from the headquarters, and the horseshoes kicked out a lot of mud on the ground, which made people feel the ground shaking slightly.

Ning Yu has already led the people to turn around, looking at the galloping horses in front of them. Although everyone is ready, when they face the impact of the horses, the scene of pressing down like a mountain still makes people feel the pain in their hearts. a tight.

"When this horse army charges, it is indeed a magnificent sight in the world. It is really difficult for ordinary soldiers to stop alone."

Cheng Ming had a look of surprise on his face. He had fought in wars before, but he had never seen such a scene.However, it was also because he was born in Huguang, and there were very few horse troops in the Green Camp, so scenes like this large-scale charge of horse troops were really rare.

Ning Yu smiled, pointed at the one hundred rockets that had been placed in front of the third division, and sighed softly: "It's only about two or three thousand riders, and it would be a waste to use hundreds of rockets. "

He Yuanyi smiled and said: "Although the rockets are powerful, their accuracy is poor. You may not need a hundred, but you still need eighty. It is best to wait for the cavalry to enter within three miles, launch thirty first, and then wait for it to charge." After entering within two miles, the accuracy will be greatly enhanced at that time, and it is enough to fire another fifty rounds. If the governor can supplement the firepower with mortars, then the three thousand horses will not be a problem."

"Hehe, Lei Tuozi has taught someone talent."

Ning Yu smiled, and then gave an order, and dragged about twenty mortars over. These mortars were lined up one by one, but they were able to cover most of the range in front of the formation. The cavalry has begun to approach the third division's defense line.

Fu Shan galloped forward, but he was looking at the Fu Han army in front of him, still only lined up in a thin horizontal formation, which made him look a little disdainful.Not to mention such a thin horizontal formation, even a phalanx is hard to please in front of the cavalry. When the time comes, as long as you rush in, the victory will be established.

Seeing that the cavalry of the Qing army had entered a distance of one and a half miles, He Yuanyi gave the order to launch. The gunners supported the long rocket with their hands, and then lit the fuse with a torch. After a burst of burning, a full thirty A rocket shot straight into the air, and then flew to the front of the Qing cavalry.



A total of thirty rockets exploded among the cavalry of the Qing army, and many of the horses of the Qing army were directly blown to pieces. The series of explosions and the fire caused the cavalry of the Qing army to be completely messed up. Some frightened horses Running crazily, he threw the Eight Banners soldiers off the horse and turned them into meat.

Just 200 rockets caused more than [-] casualties in the cavalry of the Qing army. This is also because the cavalry of the Qing army was too concentrated. Every time a rocket exploded, several people would be killed. The resulting casualties already have this number.

Fu Shan was directly stunned by this series of explosions. He really didn't understand what those weapons were just now, but he also understood in his heart that the distance between the cavalry is only a short two miles. He can leap into the crowd with his horse and start killing wantonly.

But such a short two-mile road at the end became an insurmountable moat of death for the Qing cavalry.


Seeing that the Qing army had rushed into the distance of a mile, He Yuanyi ordered to ignite the fuse again, and a total of fifty rockets, with the sound of death, fell directly into the Qing army's cavalry, and the next thing was An earth-shattering explosion caused heavy casualties in the camp of the Qing army.

A large number of cavalry troops of the Qing army fell headfirst to the ground and couldn't get up again. This time, due to the closer distance, the accuracy was higher. Almost every rocket played its greatest role. After the explosion, all The resulting shards of iron spun into the human body or the horse's body at high speed, and a large amount of blood spurted out like a burst, looking like hell.

Fragments of a rocket bomb directly nailed Hailiyang, the commander of the Red Flag of the Xiaoqiying Camp, to the same spot. His horse stood alone on the spot, whining from time to time, but no one came to take a look, because in the Almost all the cavalry near Heiliyang fell to the ground.

The traditional tactics of the Qing army had almost no power to fight back in front of the rockets. They just endured and continued to attack forward. Just after the rockets this time, nearly five hundred riders died in the charge On the road, the corpses almost blocked the road ahead.

This scene made Fu Shan's eyes red. When did their Eight Banners Xiaoqi Battalion have such heavy casualties?But seeing that the soldiers of the Fuhan Army were ahead, if they gave up at this time, the dead Eight Banners soldiers would really have died in vain.

"Two hundred steps"

As the impact distance of the remaining Qing army cavalry got closer and closer, the mortars of the Fuhan army also began to send a large number of flowering bullets into the Qing army cavalry.


There were only [-] mortars in front of the Fuhan army, but these [-] mortars fired all explosive shells, and a large number of fragmented shrapnel were poured into the crowd, and the thick bloody smell enveloped the crowd, and it was not the same as the crowd. The smell of gunpowder smoke is mixed together, making people want to gag.

The cavalry of the Qing army was completely out of formation. Following a series of firepower strikes, many people had already started to retreat. Only a small number of cavalry continued to move forward. They grabbed the spears hanging from the saddle and began to fantasize He tried to stab the spear into the body of the Fu Han army, but the reality was extremely cruel.

A full three rows of soldiers of the Fuhan Army held their flintlock guns. After a burst of gunshots, hundreds of cavalry and horses were directly knocked down. There is no way to rush in.


Fu Shan was shot in the chest, his face was serious, he didn't seem to feel the pain in his chest, but he still maintained the posture of charging, and rode his horse for dozens of steps, only a few After ten steps, Fu Shan rolled down from the horse, his eyes were full of unwillingness and despair, and a lot of blood froth overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he died immediately.

He is not the first commander of the Eight Banners who died in this battle, nor is he the last commander of the Eight Banners to die.But his death announced the failure of the cavalry charge this time, and also announced the defeat of the Qing army.

"Withdraw—" A heart-piercing roar came from the Qing army's cavalry. They pulled up the reins one after another, turned their horses' heads and began to run backwards. A series of gunshots and cannon shots came from behind. Once again, it took the lives of many Qing soldiers.

With the arrival of the setting sun, the faint afterglow shone on the corpses piled up by the Qing army, and the white smoke composed of gunpowder smoke still did not dissipate, and it was destined that the Qing army would have a difficult night.

(End of this chapter)

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