Cutting 1719

Chapter 250

Chapter 250
On February 61, the 27st year of Kangxi, the Fu Han army fought fiercely with the Qing army, and it rained heavily.The two sides have exhausted their cards and are only waiting to use their flesh and blood to win this battle.

"Attack the bayonet! Come with me!"

Li Shihu held a long flintlock gun in his hand, with military thorns fixed on it, and let out a roar.


Thousands of soldiers of the Fuhan army fixed the military thorns hanging from their waists on the spearheads, rushed up against the rain, and strangled with the Qing army.

Although the red military uniforms were already soaked, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army did not have any scruples. Their footsteps became more and more dense, but they almost covered the sound of the rain. The military thorns were dark red like rust. , that is the blood stain that has been soaked all year round, and it looks like it has been washed away by the rain.

The Fuhan army is not afraid of hand-to-hand combat, because even in the previous day's battle, it still ended in hand-to-hand combat, and the Fuhan army still won a big victory.Everyone knows that the Qing army's firearms are not good, let alone hand-to-hand combat.

The bayonet and the long knife made a loud noise when they collided, and people on both sides fell to the ground one after another. The bright red blood was flowing in the rain, but in the end, the entire battlefield was stained with blood.

Everyone can no longer distinguish the scene in front of them, only the opponent's weapon and chest, either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy. The cruel battlefield scene also makes people unable to tell whether the blood on the soldier's face is their own. of the enemy.

Hundreds of thousands of people gathered together, and almost all the corpses had piled up into a mountain. The most terrifying thing was that there might be people roaring vigorously in front, but there was no sound at the back, only the sound of weapons colliding and tearing flesh.

Zuo Gui, the head of Qianfeng camp with yellow flags and blue wings, studied and practiced martial arts since childhood, and his father taught him to be a master. In the 51st year of Kangxi, he was a high school martial artist. He was proficient in swords, guns, swords and bows. A low blue plume appeared.

now the opportunity finally came
Zuo Gui had no expression on his face, but his heart was full of turmoil. Now, as long as he cut off a few heads of the Fu Han army, he would be promoted to the rank of assistant leader, and there are hundreds of taels of silver, which is really exciting.At that time, not to mention getting promoted and getting rich, maybe there is a chance to go back and marry the daughter of the old Zhao family next door, that is a beauty.

Wu Tanhua, who was thinking of good things, couldn't bear it any longer. He rushed into the enemy's formation with a big knife in his hand. , but nothing was cut.

Three soldiers of the Fu Han army surrounded him, but they easily stabbed the bayonet into Zuo Gui's chest.He limply and slowly fell to the ground, with bright red blood flowing from his chest, but there was still some confusion in his desperate eyes.

It doesn't matter if you can't win with firearms, why are you no longer an opponent in hand-to-hand combat?
Not only Zuo Gui discovered this, but also the bigwigs of the Qing court who watched the battle. Their faces were gloomy, and they were quite happy at first, but now they have cursed in their hearts, a bunch of trash.

In fact, only Naersu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, understood in his heart that the reason why the Qing army could last for a long time in the hand-to-hand fight yesterday was entirely because of the tiger-clothed rattan soldiers and the forward battalion guard battalion. Rarely, yesterday's battle was basically reimbursed, and today he fought again, and naturally he was beaten up.

Kangxi didn't say anything, he just felt a huge stone, which seemed to be pressing on his chest, making him more or less out of breath.

The greatest pain in this world is to give you hope when you are most desperate.But when you really open up your hope, you realize that this is actually leading you into greater despair.

"The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are really useless"

Kangxi sighed softly, he already understood that the rain only helped him to see clearly, even without guns and artillery, the Qing army was still no match for the Fuhan army, from beginning to end, it was still a problem with people.

The Qing army on the ground had gradually found it difficult to hold on. They began to retreat, while the Fuhan army rushed up with bayonets. They cooperated with each other tacitly and their assassination skills were powerful. Many soldiers fell in front of them.

Prince Ping Naersu sighed. He was wearing armor, knelt on one knee and clasped his fists.

"Your Majesty, let the servants lead the soldiers from the Xiaoqi Battalion to charge!"

Looking at his beloved general, Kangxi finally showed a smile. If there is anything he can trust at this time, it is probably the soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion.

In the current combat system of the Qing army, the horse army is mainly divided into two layers when fighting. The first layer is the cavalry of the Eight Banners Xiaoqi Battalion who are proficient in riding and shooting. They use bows and arrows as their main weapons, and the other layer is the most elite Eight Banners. Guard cavalry, these people are equipped with spears, which have a very powerful impact.

Of course, in today's heavy rain, bows and arrows have no effect, so Naersu did the opposite, putting the most elite guard cavalry in front, and behind them were the cavalry of the Xiaoqi Battalion. Equipped with a long knife, he intends to harvest after breaking the formation of the Fuhan army.

Tens of thousands of cavalry gathered together. Of course, the most elite guard cavalry was only 2000, and the rest were the Xiao cavalry cavalry with long knives. This was already the last chip in Kangxi's hand, but it could not be easily taken out. .

But on the battlefield at this time, the Fuhan army was like a red wave, and began to sweep and devour the queue of the Qing army. The soldiers of the Fuhan army with bayonets in their hands moved towards the direction where Kangxi and others were with great courage. Walking forward step by step, they only have the bright yellow canopy in their eyes.

"Nersu, you can see that I can only give you one hour at most. I will wait for you to return in victory."

The subtext of this sentence is naturally that if the Fuhan army cannot be crushed within an hour, then the Fuhan army will press all the way up, and Kangxi will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

Neersu took a deep breath, put on his helmet, and his face was filled with determination.

"The slave would rather die than break through the enemy's formation, otherwise, he will have no face to face the emperor again."

Tens of thousands of cavalry formed a continuous horizontal formation, ready to detour to the side of the Fuhan army. The continuous cavalry was like flowing water, converging from the stream into a river, and then converging from the river into the sea.

The footsteps of the dense cavalry will not be covered by the rain. Almost everyone is looking at the shocking scene in front of them. Tens of thousands of horses start to detour and run beside the formation, and the cavalry guards at the front, With a spear in his hand, he began to accelerate gradually, and the muddy water splashed by the horse's hoof flew and circled in the air
A piercing whistle sounded from the Fuhan army, which represented the most urgent warning of the Fuhan army, and also represented the imminent danger.

Ning Yu looked at the cavalry all over the mountains and plains, without the slightest fear on his face, he just waved his arms.Thousands of grenadier battalion soldiers, wearing iron armor and carrying a heavy saber, began to come out from behind the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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