Cutting 1719

Chapter 251 Bomb battalion, all victories!

Chapter 251 Bomb battalion, all victories!

The rain seems to be gradually decreasing, but the road is still very slippery. In this weather, not only the artillery of the Fuhan army cannot be used, but also the combat power of the Qing army's cavalry has dropped by [-]%. At least they cannot charge wantonly. The small and large pits on the ground have become traps that the cavalry need to pay attention to.

The cavalry of the Qing army poured out from the flanks like a torrent, and went straight to the flanks of the infantry of the Fuhan army. The dense sound of horseshoes gathered together, as if it became a fine thunder, echoing in this empty land, gestating the final The shocking blow.

Naersu rode a horse and rushed to the front. He held a spear in his hand, and the rainwater flowed down the spear. He felt the cold touch of the spear, and there was no expression on his face. With the will to die, no matter what the outcome of this battle is, he will do his best for the Qing Dynasty and the emperor.

The sound of horseshoes has not completely stopped, and then another sound came out. It was the soldiers of the Fuhan Army Grenadier Battalion wearing plate armor, holding sabers in their hands, and several grenades hanging on their bodies, walking step by step. walk out.They watched the cavalry rushing forward in silence, but there was no fear on their faces.

Few people will know that the field salaries of the grenadier battalion soldiers are doubled. In addition to the higher requirements of the grenadier battalion soldiers, there is another very important reason, that is, the casualty rate of the grenadier battalion soldiers is also very high Yes, every time the grenadier battalion makes an attack, it almost hits the crowd with a small number, and even tears a bloody path under the heavy siege.

The most realistic point is the battalion commander of the grenadier battalion, and almost three people have changed. The current battalion commander Gong Shucheng was just an ordinary soldier at the beginning, but he is tall and mighty. Every battle must be on the front line, so after many battles, he was promoted step by step and became the fourth battalion commander.

The grenadier battalion soldiers all wore black iron helmets on their heads, revealing pairs of eyes. There was no anger, no anxiety, no bloodthirsty in them, only calmness, the kind of calmness used to seeing life and death.

Who is the trump card of the Fuhan army?They will say that they are not, but they think it can be and will definitely be the key hole card that lays the foundation for the overall situation.Wordless silence seemed to be the characteristic of this iron army. Those roars still echoed in everyone's ears, but they kept their mouths tightly shut because there was no need to shout.

The bright red military uniform and the black plate armor exuded a sense of dead silence, and the rain splashed on it, like a rock standing here, just holding the knife silently, facing the impact of the Qing army cavalry.

The cavalry of the Qing army rushing to the forefront quickly noticed the existence of this army. They didn't look very eye-catching and the scale was not large, but they just brought a sense of oppression, as if there were no people there. , but a city wall that traverses in front of everyone.

Naersu's face was a bit solemn, he waved the spear in his hand, the enemy facing him seemed to be more terrifying than yesterday's rockets, but the raging fighting spirit occupied his mind, and his mouth unconsciously let out There was a shout.


The short distance of a few hundred steps came in an instant, and the cavalry of the Xiaocai Battalion rushing to the front leveled the spears in their hands, and only waited for the horses to charge into the formation before handing them out fiercely, piercing the opponent's heart.They were breathing heavily, and the hands holding the spears were trembling slightly.

In the eyes of the grenadier battalion soldiers, the spears seemed to be getting closer, but no one chose to retreat, but took a step forward, holding the long saber with both hands, and their eyes became more determined.


Accompanied by this roar, the sharp horse-chopping knife slashed down in the air, and hundreds of Qing cavalry were split open with their horses and men, and a burst of blood rained on everyone in an instant. Covered with blood and debris, it looks like a demon god from hell.

But the scene in front of him seemed to have really arrived in hell, which made people feel a little nauseous looking at it.The blood spreading everywhere turned the entire battlefield into a slaughterhouse. Even when the Qing cavalry behind saw this scene, their eyes became straight, and their ambitions were forgotten. .

Of course, there was also a cavalry team of the Qing army that was not hit by the saber, but ran into the crowd of the Fuhan army with people and horses. After trampling on many people, they were also pulled down directly and killed on the spot with a knife. .Such an attack method did not seem to have much effect in front of the grenadier battalion of the Fuhan Army.

The following cavalry did not stop and could not stop. Their horses kept leading them forward, and the spears in their hands were ready, but before they could stab the spears, the second row of soldiers The soldiers of the Fuhan army took a step forward, and then slashed down the horse-chopping knife in their hands, and another hundred riders disappeared under the knife.

Naersu's heart felt cold for a while. The soldiers of the Fuhan army in front of him seemed to be no longer human beings, but gods and monsters. Otherwise, how dare they remain so shocked under the impact of the horse army? It's beyond imagination. Not too possible.

Then, without the slightest hesitation, the soldiers of the bomb-throwing battalion of the Fuhan Army took turns to take a step forward, and then drew their knives at a thousand steps, hacking at the approaching Qing army soldiers. The horse army of the Qing army was directly chopped in half, and a large amount of blood mist dyed everyone like a bloody man.

Following the impact of cavalry, a thousand grenadier battalion soldiers directly embedded themselves in the cavalry of the Qing army. A large number of the two sides fell to the ground and died in the collision. Gong Shucheng almost became a bloody man. Shooting the pistol left and right, this kind of pistol basically has no effect on rainy days, so with a few gunshots, several Qing soldiers fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, Gong Shucheng was also stabbed in the thigh by the Qing army's spear, and a hole was directly opened on the top, and blood sprayed out. He supported the battalion flag of the grenadier battalion with all his strength, and retreated while fighting, facing the guards. move closer.

It's just that the Qing cavalry in front of him was still moving forward, but Gong Shucheng didn't know where the strength came from. He half-kneeled on the ground with all his strength, and vigorously raised the blood-red battalion flag. The white tiger logo on it was extremely dazzling in the wind and rain.

"Bomb battalion, all wins!"

"Bomb battalion, all wins!"

All the soldiers of the grenadier battalion also roared for the first time, desperately delaying the impact of the Qing cavalry, but no matter how powerful their long knives are, after all, one is equal to ten, so it only takes a quarter of an hour to fall down. More than 300 people went down, and the rest fought with injuries, forming a scuffle with the Qing cavalry.

Seeing the grenadier battalion fall into a bitter battle, everyone in the Fuhan army camp sighed. They all understood that no matter what the outcome of this battle, the bomber battalion would probably lose [-]% of their success.

"The cavalry of the Qing army has lost all momentum! The third regiment of the first division and the fourth regiment of the fifth defensive division, attack with me!"

Ning Yu's face was very calm, but his voice trembled with excitement.

This opportunity was bought by all the soldiers in the grenadier battalion with their blood.

(End of this chapter)

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