Cutting 1719

Chapter 253 The end of the war

Chapter 253 The end of the war
When Kangxi fainted, it meant that the battle was completely lost, and the rest was to recover the losses as much as possible. Under Tong Fahai's suggestion, Pingjun Wang Naersu could only choose to give up and continue to follow the recovery. The Han army fought, and began a difficult breakout with the remaining cavalry of the Xiaoqi Battalion.

Originally, there were about 1 cavalry led by Naersu, but after this charge, the casualties were very heavy. More than 3000 cavalry were lost, and [-] cavalry were surrounded by the Fuhan Army. , It is almost difficult to get out of the battlefield, and in this melee environment, it is also very difficult for cavalry who cannot run to get rid of the entanglement of infantry.

Na Ersu gritted his teeth fiercely, he already had several stab wounds on his arms and thighs, fortunately he was wearing a layer of inner armor besides the cotton armor, which surprised him He escaped from the crowd of the Fuhan army without any danger. Of course, after this battle, the guards around him were completely lost.

A large number of Qing army cavalry were constantly pursued by the Fuhan army. From time to time, someone was pulled off the horse by the Fuhan army soldiers, and then stabbed to death with a bayonet. Blood sprayed out like rain, making more and more Qing army cavalry At the beginning, he rushed out of the heavy obstacles of the Fuhan army in a panic, and withdrew towards the rear.

As the rain gradually stopped, the cavalry of the Qing army struggled forward in the muddy ground, and the soldiers of the Fuhan army also stopped chasing. After all, after a long fight, many people were so tired that they lay down in the mud to rest. , Let alone chasing the Qing army, even swinging a sword has become a very difficult thing.

Ning Yu's face was covered with mud and water, and his face was full of excitement and pride. This battle against the Han army can be said to be extremely exciting, even quite against the sky. camp.

They almost used their flesh and blood to delay the impact of the Qing army's cavalry. It was precisely because of this that they prevented the frontal Fuhan army from being impacted and preserved the overall advantage of this battle.But in this way, the casualties of the grenadier battalion can be said to be heavy, and there are not many people left who can really move.

Ning Yu quickly walked towards Gong Shucheng. The bloody bomb-throwing battalion flag was still standing in his arms. The white tiger on it seemed to let out a roar that shook the sky, and the corpses of Qing soldiers lying around , It is enough to show how many people Gong Shucheng encountered.

"We won this battle! Battalion Commander Gong, let's hold a celebration party together!"

While talking, Ning Yu reached out to support Gong Shucheng, but when his fingers touched his body, Ning Yu's face flashed a look of astonishment, and saw that just such a light touch, Gong Shucheng's whole body straightened. He fell to the ground, but upon looking at it again, his chest was covered with scars, and the blood seemed to be almost drained, but he had already lost his breath.

The surrounding soldiers of the Fuhan Army lowered their heads slightly, but their faces were filled with uncontrollable grief. They knew in their hearts that Gong Shucheng, the fourth battalion commander of the grenadier battalion, had died in battle, just like his previous three battalion commanders. , in order to protect the battalion flag of the grenadier battalion, died on the battlefield.

Ning Yu pursed his lips tightly, his dry lips were bloodshot, and his eyes were somewhat complicated. He remembered Gong Shucheng, but he didn't remember where he was from, and he didn't have a good chat with him, but it was really time to desperately , Gong Shucheng did not complain.

"Commander Gong, wrapped in horse leather, died in battle. He is a hero of our generation!"

Cheng Ming walked over slowly and sighed softly. He didn't know whether he felt sorry for Gong Shucheng or Ning Yu for losing such a general.

"Loyalty bones are buried everywhere in the green mountains, why return the body wrapped in horse leather."

Ning Yu read this unpublished poem, a trace of grief flashed across his face, but he quickly controlled his expression, and said quietly: "Chen Wu, Ma Yan, Gao Yunyi, Deng Fang, Xu Zhuo .And Gong Shucheng, my Fuhan army will forget them? It's just that there are more important things to do right now."

This more important thing is naturally to completely defeat the Qing army that is blocking the front.

The battle lasted for a long time, but the rain finally stopped completely, so the artillery of the Fuhan army was also pulled out. Amidst the roar, the morale of the soldiers of the Qing army was about to collapse, not because of the artillery's damage to the Qing army. How many casualties were suffered, but everyone knew in their hearts that the Qing army had lost its last comeback point.

In the camp of the Qing army, Naersu strode into the tent covered in blood, knelt down in front of Kangxi's couch, kowtowed several times, and when he raised his head, his face was already full of tears.

"Your Majesty, this slave is incompetent! This slave deserves death!"

After all, Na Ersu was only a man in his early thirties, and he was appreciated by Kangxi. Seeing Kangxi unconscious at this time, his heart felt as if a knife had been cut, and he was distraught. He wanted to pull him up, but Na Ersu broke free.

He slowly stood up straight, wiped away his tears with his sleeves, but stained his face with blood, he looked even more ferocious, turned around and stood in front of the ministers, his face was already black and blue , he slowly glanced around the ministers.

"My lords, I, Naersu, was incompetent and caused the horse army to be frustrated. I am willing to accept the death penalty. But now the emperor has fainted. If you don't take the emperor away quickly, what are you waiting here? Chu Ni's soldiers are less than five miles away from here. inside!"

But Tong Fahai took a step forward, sighed and said, "Prince Ping, this is an order boldly issued by this servant, to wait for King Ping to come back."

"What's the point?" Na Ersu took a step forward, but he had already put his hand on the handle of the knife.

Tong Fahai turned a blind eye, he just knelt down and kowtowed a few times in Kangxi's direction, then he stood up and said slowly: "The emperor's trip must be covered by cavalry, otherwise if he is dragged back by the Fuhan army, the consequences will be disastrous."

"As for Chu Ni, I, Tong Fahai, would like to go to the front of the battle to beat the drums to cheer up the morale, and to win a breathing space for the emperor and the Qing Dynasty."

After these words were spoken, Na Ersu gasped. He naturally understood that going to the front of the battle at this time was almost seeking his own death, because the thousands of Qing soldiers left on the front had already become abandoned sons, and they would never die again. No chance of survival.

The [-] Qing soldiers in front of the formation can be said to be the last force of the Vanguard Battalion and the Guard Battalion, but in this battle, more than a dozen Dutongs and Deputy Dutongs of the Vanguard Battalion have all died in front of the formation. Almost the entire army was wiped out, and those who remained were basically supported by their loyalty to the emperor and the Qing Dynasty.

On February 61, 28 years of Kangxi, the situation of the Qing army fell into a complete collapse. Emperor Kangxi fainted in front of the battle. Under the cover of the remnant Xiaoqi battalion in Naersu, the guard battalion led Kangxi and the ministers to evacuate northward in an emergency.

In order to stop the Fuhan army's pursuit, Tong Fahai, Minister of the Ministry of War, resolutely went to the front of the battle to boost morale and organized a large army to resist the Fuhan army's offensive. In a state of collapse, Tong Fahai committed suicide and died for the country, which can be regarded as fulfilling his fame.

It's just that Kangxi at this time, under the leadership of the Xiaoqi battalion and the guard battalion, has passed through the pass, chose to detour through the Beijiao pass, and retreated all the way to Luzhou by the trail.It's just that due to the complete cut off of logistics supplies and the detour through remote trails, the Qing army's horses were almost eaten up, and many Eight Banners soldiers died on the road.

Fortunately, there were less than [-] Qing troops at this time, so they barely managed to pass through the small path. If it was tens of thousands of horses, it would be difficult to pass, so it was very embarrassing to drag Kangxi back to Luzhou.

The Fu Han army did not pursue after the battle. After all, the enemy encountered this time is the essence of the entire Qing Dynasty. It is already very good to be able to eat it. If they pursue blindly, there will be things that should not appear. The loss was just that Kangxi was not captured or killed on the battlefield in the end, which made Ning Yu a little disappointed.

However, seeing the Qing army fled north in embarrassment, Ning Yu felt a little bit dark in his heart. If he really killed Kangxi on the battlefield and sacrificed himself to the Qing Dynasty, he might end up losing a sage. The name, on the contrary, made him cheaper.

In addition, Ning Yu also vaguely remembered that Kangxi was about to die soon, and now that he was beaten back like this, it could be regarded as severely cutting the face of the so-called sage, and it was not too bad.When the time comes, Kangxi doesn't care whether he dies or not, the current situation is enough to make him lose face and die of anger on the spot.

It’s just that Ning Yu respects Tong Fahai quite a lot. Regardless of his position, at least Tong Fahai can be regarded as loyal to the emperor and the country, and died in battle. fulfilled his loyalty.

In the next few days, Ning Yu was not idle, but even busier than before. After all, after the war, there were corpses everywhere. Disperse the battlefield, burn and bury the corpses, and in the future, the remains of the Fuhan army who died in battle will be brought back to their hometown.

However, after this battle, I don't know how long it took, but the local people changed the name of Lu Tingyi. It seems that in this battle, too many generals died in the battle. , They called this place the general's tomb.

Gossip less, Ning Yu's mood did not improve much after dealing with this matter, but worsened a little. The reason is very simple. After this battle, the entire Fuhan army almost wiped out their underpants.

"Although our army won a big victory in this battle, our losses were not small. First of all, the consumption of silver was as high as 350 million taels, iron was 30 catties, and gunpowder was more than [-] catties. This was due to the fact that it rained in the middle, otherwise we could have fought more. .”

Holding a stack of thick ledgers in his hands, Li Fu stroked his beard while chanting, but he pulled out his beard a lot before he finished reading.

"This is not over yet. We beheaded more than 800 people in this battle and captured more than [-] enemies, but our own deaths also reached more than [-] people. The money for burning and burying these people and the compensation for their families are not worth a fortune. The small amount of silver always adds up, and the old man is terrified when he sees it!"

"Mr. Li, tell Ben Du how much money is still in the account. Has my father allocated military expenses?"

Listening to Li Fu nagging in his ear, Ning Yu also felt a bit of a headache. He was only wearing a thin blue single, and he sighed while holding his forehead.

Seeing Ning Yu's appearance, Li Fu felt a little bad at the moment, so he carefully said his words: "Last month, the king of Chu specially allocated a sum of money, up to 300 million taels. It is said that the king of Chu and the gang Borrowed by a businessman who smells like copper, I'm afraid there is something wrong with it."

"What's wrong? In order to raise military expenses, Emperor Xiaojing allowed Zhou Yafu to borrow money from merchants. As long as he can win the war, it doesn't matter how much he borrows? Could it be that he was afraid that he would not be able to pay it back?"

Speaking of this, Ning Yu showed a sneer on his face, "If we are defeated, we don't know where our heads are hanging, what else do we need?"

Li Fu was stunned when he heard this. He thought he was extremely thick and black, but compared with this master, he was just like a simple white rabbit. Good guy, in the eyes of this master, It turns out that the money borrowed by ability does not have to be repaid!

"Continue, I haven't talked about the main point yet." Ning Yu was a little discouraged. He really didn't want to face these numbers, but if he didn't solve this problem, the time for the next expedition to the south of the Yangtze River would be affected. At that time, if the Qing court made any more tricks, it would not be fun.

Li Fu made up his mind and continued: "It turns out that there are more than 100 million taels of silver in the account, plus the 300 million taels allocated by the prince of Chu before, but it is still not enough. There is still about 50 taels short, especially now that Anqing has not taken it. This is another large sum of money!"

"Hiss" Now it's Ning Yu's turn to be a little restless. If it's really because of the money right now, it's not fun. In front of the money-burning machine, it can't last long.

Even if Anqing is captured at that time, and the city of Anqing is ruthlessly searched, it is estimated that one or two million taels of silver will be searched at most. With this money alone, it is not enough to win Jiangnan, but if this good opportunity is missed, then But I have to regret all my intestines.

After all, the foundation of the Fuhan Army is too weak. Since the formation of the army, there has been a series of battles, but there is no time to digest the results of the battle. This has led to today's situation, but it is nothing more than normal.

Even the Qing Dynasty, which is rich all over the world, has encountered the Fuhan Army, Zhu Yigui, and the long-standing Allah Butan one after another. , It can be regarded as taking out the last copper plate.

Li Fu looked at Ning Yu's frowning face, but he didn't know what was going on in his heart, so he quietly stepped forward and listened.

"How about we borrow some more money from the merchant?"

Of course, there is still half a sentence that I have kept in my heart, that is, it is impossible to pay back the money, and I will never pay back the money in this life.

But Ning Yu didn't think so in his heart. In the Huguang Chamber of Commerce in the early years, he had managed to cultivate a hen that could lay golden eggs. Now, if it is for these millions of taels of silver, he will eat the chicken. But a huge loss-making business.

It's just this money, where can I get it?
(End of this chapter)

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