Cutting 1719

Chapter 254 Yue Zhongqi's Ambition

Chapter 254 Yue Zhongqi's Ambition
"I got it!"

Ning Yu thought about it for a while, but he thought of a solution that was not a solution, and said: "Forget it if you borrow money, my old father can be regarded as knocking them off now, if you keep knocking, I'm afraid everyone will run away, we It has to be a win-win situation with them.”

"Win-win? How to win-win?" Li Fu looked skeptical, thinking that this was a new trick Ning Yu came up with to scratch the ground. If it's just a change of name, it can't cover up anything.

When it comes to conspiracies and tricks, Li Fu is confident that he will not lose to anyone. When it comes to poetry, books and economics, he is also full of knowledge, but when it comes to this aspect, he knows nothing.

Ning Yu picked up the teapot from the table, then refilled the teacup in front of Li Fu, and said with a smile: "Borrowing money is a business without money, and it all depends on the face of the Han army and the bayonet in his hand. But one must not be different, they are certainly afraid of us, but after a long time, no one wants to play with us."

"The key is that we have to set some rules for ourselves, so that they can rest assured to operate on our chassis, then we have to abide by these rules."

Li Fu didn't understand. He belongs to the kind of person who is more unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal. In his impression, Ning Yu should not be a person who pays attention to the so-called rules. Just look at the style of the Shadow Military Intelligence Department. The real ruthless will do everything.

When Ning Yu saw Li Fu's expression, he immediately knew that the other party had misunderstood him, and said with a wry smile: "Sir, in today's world, although the winners live in strength, but for the moment, no matter what you do, you need a lot of money." Only with sufficient money resources can we cross the threshold and be able to win."

Li Fu asked thoughtfully, "In the opinion of the governor, although these merchants are not engaged in production, they can exchange goods between the north and the south, and they can also gather money for my use?"

"Exactly. Right now, uniting with merchants will help our army conquer Jiangnan."

Naturally, Ning Yu would not tell him about the horrors of capital, not because he was afraid that he would not understand, but because he was afraid that the scholar-bureaucrats headed by Li Fu would express their opposition from the beginning. Whether it can still play its original role is really unclear.

What worries Ning Yu even more is that, in fact, this sign has already appeared in the current Fuhan Army.

The current Fuhan army is also a suture monster, stitching together various interest groups, and the fundamental support is the landlords and gentry in Huguang, that is, the three families of Ning, Cheng, and Zheng. People who have money give money and are capable, especially since the Ning family came to power, the other two families are also quite knowledgeable, and there is no drama of fighting for power and profit, and they have always been divided according to their duties.

Because of this, Ning Zhongyuan also attached great importance to the Cheng family and the Zheng family, and transferred some interests in the Fuhan army and the political affairs hall, which can be said to be sincere and united to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

Later, when Ning Yu became the governor, he led the army to conquer Huguang and Jiangxi, and now occupies a small half of Anhui. At this stage, the interests became a little complicated.In particular, the Jiangxi gentry group represented by Li Fu was quite cooperative with the Fuhan Army, so Li Fu became one of the core members of the Fuhan Army.

The problem is that in this way, the Huguang Chamber of Commerce, which was originally inside the Fuhan Army, also touched the interests of other big bosses, especially the Jiangxi gentry represented by Li Fu. The Chamber of Commerce is weak and it is difficult to compete with the Huguang Chamber of Commerce. It also caused the interests of the entire Jiangxi gentry to be unplugged invisibly.

In addition, there is another layer of trouble, that is, the Fuhan Army still uses Confucian scholars as officials, like the upcoming Spring Ceremony organized by the Chu Palace, which also selects Confucian scholars as officials.In this way, those scholars who have read the poems and books of saints are naturally dissatisfied with the power of the chamber of commerce.

Multiple interest entanglements made the current Huguang Chamber of Commerce's actions in the Fuhan Army somewhat difficult.Because of this, Ning Yu thought about giving the chamber of commerce more benefits on this basis, so as to expand the influence of the other party, and then support himself to win Jiangnan.

"My idea is actually very simple, that is, in the name of the Fuhan army's eastward march to the governor's mansion, and the land in the south of the Yangtze River as bait, to attract merchants to come and participate in order to support the foundation of my army's eastward advance."

Ning Yu said with a smile, and then further explained, "Although Jiangnan is not in my hands right now, I might as well treat the fields in Jiangnan as goods and sell them to those merchants. Of course, I don't sell land deeds directly, but land certificates. In the name of land coupons, those fields are first promised."

"Then when the war is over, we will redeem the land according to the land certificate. For example, how much the land certificate can sell at that time, we will add [-]% to the reverse redemption price on the basis of this price, and we can raise funds in advance. to a large fee."

Li Fu thought about it carefully, but his eyes lit up, and he said with great interest: "The governor is really a natural genius, but this method allows merchants to estimate the price by themselves. If they want to lower the price, then it will be nothing more than [-]% more Redemption is enough, the land is still our own, but if the price is too high, we will just sell those fields to them at that time. No matter how we calculate in the middle, we will make money but not lose."

There was also a flash of pride on Ning Yu's face. He also thought about this method for a long time, and said excitedly: "Not only that, but this batch of land is in the south of the Yangtze River, so whether they want land or money, they have to do everything possible. Support us to take Jiangnan, otherwise they will have nothing to lose."

"Then what if they suspect that we can't take Jiangnan down?" Li Fu followed Ning Yu's words and pointed out the last question.

Ning Yu stood up and stood with his hands behind his back, with a chic and broad appearance. He pointed to the distant battlefield where the gunpowder smoke had not completely dissipated.

"There is the military order we issued for them!"

Three days later, Li Fu went west along the Yangtze River by boat and went straight to Wuchang. As a representative of the Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce, he came to negotiate conditions with the Huguang Chamber of Commerce. The purpose is naturally to hope that the Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce and the Huguang Chamber of Commerce can be completely merged together and become the pillar force for the Fuhan Army to attack Jiangnan in the future.

After Ning Yu sent Li Fu back to Wuchang, he did not choose to stay any longer. Instead, he planned to return to Anqing and completely take down Anqing City. In the future, Anqing would be the backbone of the attack on Jiangnan.

As for Yue Zhongqi who was still struggling in Anqing City, Ning Yu no longer took him seriously, because no matter how much this person jumped around, it was already very difficult for him to do anything else.

In the previous life, Ning Yu was quite familiar with Yue Zhongqi's name, but in this era, he no longer feels that kind of importance. Perhaps this is an era when heroes have completely ended. The development of the technological revolution has made all the so-called Heroes have become desolate bones in the grave.

You know, there is still Fu Erdan locked up in Wuchang, who will be the so-called No. 1 general in the world in later generations, but in fact with [-] Eighth Banner soldiers, nothing can be changed in the end.

On March 61th of the [-]st year of Kangxi, Ning Yu led the Fuhan Army all the way southward, rounded up the second garrison division originally stationed in Liantan Town, and then came to the city of Anqing, and together with Qian Ying's sixth garrison division, Anqing The city is well guarded.

At this time, the strength of the Fuhan army had reached more than 3 people, while the green battalion soldiers in the city were only in the early 1s, and there were more than 1 young and strong soldiers who came to defend the city together. It seems that the number of people is not far apart. Moreover, the Qing army was still defending the city.

But everyone knows that the fighting power of the Fuhan army is not at the same level as that of the Qing army's green battalion. After all, in the duel that broke out not long ago, Ning Yu was forced to eat it with 3 people. Of Kangxi's [-] troops, less than [-] of the Qing army fled to Luzhou in the end, and even Kangxi fell into a coma.

Under such circumstances, the Qing soldiers were in a state of confusion, and many of them were already planning to sneak out of the city and surrender. Anyway, they were all out to serve as soldiers for their salary. Where could they eat?Those brothers from the green battalion who had joined the Fuhan army before, are now treated with ten acres of land for everyone!

Standing on the city wall, Yue Zhongqi looked at the camp of the Fu Han army gathered below, and couldn't help but sighed softly, her figure becoming more and more desolate.A gust of cold wind hit, Yue Zhongqi finally couldn't help coughing a few times.

Yue Shan was holding a big cloak in his hand, and put it on Yue Zhongqi. Looking at his thin face, he couldn't help persuading him: "Master, don't think about it anymore. Your body is important."

Yue Zhongqi tightened the cloak on her body, and said, "I heard that the emperor is in a coma. It seems that there are not many days left." The voice was long and desolate, and there was a sense of loneliness.

In fact, this rumor has already been spread well in the city. Of course, at this moment, the so-called rumors are all spread in the city by shadows and military intelligence. Go down to the whole city of Anqing.

Although Yue Zhongqi had already cleaned up the Military Intelligence Department in Anqing City, but after all, the roots were not cut, and the situation of the Qing army became more and more subtle, so the big clans in the city naturally reunited with the Military Intelligence Department. In this way, the whole The city of Anqing also became precarious.

At this time, Anqing really fulfilled Yue Zhongqi's wish and became a completely isolated city. After all, there were Kangxi's [-] troops outside supporting them. When the Qing army was holding on to Anqing City, they also had hope in their hearts. He could stick to it all the time, but now that Kangxi has run away, there will be no more reinforcements.

When Yue Zhongqi returned to the admiral's office, she found an unexpected visitor standing outside the door.

This person looked like a very ordinary middle-aged man, wearing a white gown, with an extremely ruddy complexion, and a melon cap on his head, looking at Yue Zhongqi who had returned with a smile on his face.

When Yue Shan saw this person, he felt vigilant immediately, secretly put his hand on the handle of the knife, and stood slightly sideways in front of Yue Zhongqi to prevent this person from doing anything wrong.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man was not surprised at all, but smiled and said: "Yue Junmen, I have never met each other, I really admire you!"

Yue Zhongqi gave the middle-aged man a cold look, but gently pushed away Yue Shan who was standing in front of him.

"Your Excellency must be the famous shopkeeper!"

"That's right. I am the shopkeeper." The middle-aged man smiled unabated.

Speaking of which, although Yue Zhongqi and this person have not met formally, they have fought against each other many times. It was the hands and feet of the Military Intelligence Department who planned Zhang Yuanqi's mutiny. However, it was unexpected that Yue Zhongqi was extremely vigilant, forcing the Military Intelligence Department to act in advance. Although Zhang Yuanqi's troops were taken away from Anqing, it also caused serious damage to the Military Intelligence Department in the entire Anqing City.

But among the people who were exposed at that time, there were only buddies and a dozen subordinates. The shopkeeper who really controlled the intelligence power of the entire Anqing City was not exposed, so he has been playing cat and mouse games with Yue Zhongqi in the city, but until today, The positions of the two seem to have been deflected.

Yue Zhongqi looked at the person in front of her with some annoyance, and snorted coldly: "You are so courageous! How dare you come to my Admiral's Yamen, then don't leave today." After finishing speaking, seven or eight Green Battalion soldiers from the Admiral's Yamen Pulling out his saber, he walked slowly towards Yue Zhongqi.

The shopkeeper didn't panic in the slightest, but just smiled and said, "I'm here to pay a visit to General Yue today, shouldn't I be honored as a guest and host?"

Yue Zhongqi stared at the shopkeeper for a long time, then burst out laughing, then sent the green battalion soldiers away, and then invited the shopkeeper to have a drink and talk with him.

Now Anqing City has been besieged for a long time, and its supplies are withered, so even Yue Zhongqi's admiral's office can rarely buy a table of good food and wine. There are only a plate of beef and a plate of fragrant beans on the small wine table. Outside is a pot of slightly cloudy rice wine, exuding a tempting aroma.

"Besieged by your army, it's rare for me, the admiral, to find some good things in the yamen, so please don't blame me for being rude to guests." Yue Zhongqi poured down a glass of rice wine, and sighed with emotion in a low voice while drinking.

The shopkeeper had a smile on his face, he ate the beef with great relish, and poured wine to drink with Yue Zhongqi from time to time.It's just that this made Yue Zhongqi even more suspicious.

"The shopkeeper took such a risk today to come to my admiral's office just for this table of food and drink?"

The shopkeeper stopped his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: "Although the food and wine are good, it is not a place to stay for a long time. I haven't lived enough. I am here today for you, General!"

"Hmph! For me? Then I would like to hear, how is it for me?"

"Can't the general understand the general trend of the world today? Even if the Qing Dynasty can temporarily divide the north and the south, there will be no chance in the future. In this world of great struggle, the general please think carefully."


Yue Zhongqi pulled out the long sword on the sword platform behind her, placed it on the shopkeeper's chest, and said coldly: "Based on your words now, I can kill you with one sword!"

The shopkeeper was not afraid at all, he took a step forward, and the blade was already pressed against his chest, only waiting for Yue Zhongqi's strength to pierce through the chest of the shopkeeper.

"I just want to ask General Yue, can the current Qing Dynasty allow you to become Yue Wumu?"

(End of this chapter)

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