Cutting 1719

Chapter 257 The Battle for Inheritance

Chapter 257 The Battle for Inheritance
Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao walked through the long corridor, and finally entered Kangxi's bedroom, but this is a palace after all, and Kangxi rarely came here to stay here, so the facilities are very simple and low-key. In the dark palace, there were only a few long candles, and there were also some court ladies and eunuchs kneeling aside.

After entering the dormitory, Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao did not see the emperor either, because in front of them, a bright yellow curtain divided the whole dormitory into two worlds, but there was no movement at all inside, which made Ma Qi feel very sad. It feels a little bad. It seems that this battle has dealt too much blow to Kangxi.

But it's normal to say that after fighting like this for more than a year, not to mention how many governors and governors were folded in, even the Minister of the Ministry of War has folded in two, one Bai Huang died in prison, and the other Tong Fahai committed suicide.In addition, there were also two ministers who led the guards. Alsuna in the front committed suicide and died for his country. After the end of the war, Puzhao who fled to Daguanli was surrounded by the Han army. Seeing no hope of fleeing, he also committed suicide directly. .

After more than a year of fighting back and forth, there was a total of 20 troops, and now there are only [-] remnant troops left. It can be called the worst defeat since the founding of the Qing Dynasty. More than [-] banner soldiers have died in the battle. On the battlefield of Huguang, the rest of those who were all deputy commanders, admirals and generals of the green battalion, the dead in battle are hard to describe.

What concept is this?
Not to mention the Jingzhou Eight Banners, Jiangning Eight Banners, and Hangzhou Eight Banners, even in the capital at this time, every family has filial piety, and every household criticizes hemp, crying loudly, turning this good-looking capital into a big Filial piety hall.

But no matter what, it is not a problem that the emperor has been hiding in the palace. After Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao knelt down and saluted, they directly said: "The emperor is now returning to Beijing. It is simple, but it makes the emperor feel wronged, and this servant is waiting for the emperor to return to the palace as soon as possible, so as to stabilize the hearts of the people in the world."

There was silence in the curtain, Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao didn't dare to say more, they could only kneel on the ground and wait quietly.After an unknown amount of time, Kangxi's voice came from the curtain.

"I'm fine, you can step back first."

"Hey! The servant will leave."

Both Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao were a little weird, but they didn't dare to disobey Kangxi's wishes, so they retreated disconcertedly.Although he didn't see Kangxi, he heard Kangxi's voice anyway, so he didn't know nothing about it, and he could be considered as a business man when he went out.

The two of them walked out of the palace gate side by side, but they were silent all the time, because the palace is located and there are many eyes and ears, so what they said would inevitably be leaked, and secondly, they really had nothing to say.

The ministers who had been waiting outside the palace gate for a long time saw Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao coming out side by side, and immediately rushed to them, surrounded them, asking all the way: "What's the matter with the emperor? When will I be able to return to Beijing? "

Ma Qi gave a wry smile, bowed and said: "My fellows, the emperor is fine now, but needs to rest more, we don't gather here, if disturb the emperor's rest, it is my fault."

Seeing what Ma Qi said, the ministers had no choice but to see Kangxi, except for these two people, no one else had any qualifications, so they did not continue to gather together, but dispersed in a swarm.

But at the stall where everyone was facing outside, there was one exception. He had been watching everyone quietly with a warm smile on his face, and this person was Zhang Tingyu.

"Heng Chen, last time we had a hasty farewell, and seeing you now seems like a world away." Ma Qi walked towards Zhang Tingyu with a smile on his face, "I see you today, Heng Chen, are you okay?"

Xiao Yongzao on the side also changed his bad temper at this time, he was not as rude to other ministers, but looked at Zhang Tingyu with a smile on his face, showing a lot of protection in his expression.If other people see this, they probably won't believe their own eyes. Can this Xiao Yongzao put a smile on his face?

It turned out that Xiao Yongzao and Zhang Tingyu's father, Zhang Ying, had been good friends for many years. The two had similar interests and were very close friends.It is also because of this that Xiao Yongzao also has blue eyes on Zhang Tingyu, treating him as a nephew and taking care of him in every possible way.Seeing that Zhang Tingyu has become a pillar of the imperial court now, I feel very comforted.

When Zhang Tingyu saw these two people, the smile on his face became more and more intense: "Greetings to Lord Ma Qi and Lord Xiao, the last time we had a farewell in Anqing, I was really emotional. Now that the lord is still in style, the lower officials are also overjoyed Victory." Although the words were very polite, there was not much intimacy.

Ma Qi was an old-hearted thief, seeing Zhang Tingyu staying here, he didn't seem to be waiting for the two of them, it was obvious that Emperor Kangxi had a secret order to let him go to see him.Although he really wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in Kangxi's gourd, but at the moment he also knew that the timing was wrong, so he had to forcefully endure his inner curiosity.

"Hehe, Hengchen, looking at you, the emperor must have something to explain. There is no further delay today. Will Hengchen be willing to come to my house as a guest in a few days?"

Ma Qi had a smile on his face, but he glanced lightly at Xiao Yongzao, but found that there was nothing unusual on Xiao Yongzao's face, so he was slightly relieved.At this critical moment, he can't guarantee what Xiao Yongzao's plan is, but as long as he knows Xiao Yongzao's movements, he won't be particularly worried.

Zhang Tingyu bowed and saluted at this, and said with emotion: "Master Ma Qi's request, how dare I refuse to obey? It's just that the emperor's order is in my body now, but it's not easy to accompany the two adults to talk too much. I will definitely visit you sometime. "

Xiao Yongzao had a smile on his face. He was really, really kind to this nephew. He lowered his head on purpose and whispered in his ear: "I won't say any more polite words to you. I just hope you understand One thing, no matter what you do right now, you must think carefully and don't act recklessly."

Ma Qi was already waiting in front, and seeing that Xiao Yongzao had settled the matter in words, he said loudly: "Hehe, although Jinghai County is located in a remote place, it is not difficult to find one or two restaurants, Master Xiao, you How about the two of us find a secluded place and have a long talk?"

Xiao Yongzao was all right, so he nodded and agreed, and the two of them sent people to a nearby restaurant to book a table of good food and wine, planning to chat while eating.

After the two old ministers left, Zhang Tingyu didn't dare to be negligent any longer. He tidied up his clothes, put the braids behind his neck, and fixed them with his collar. emperor.

Coincidentally, it was Wei Zhu who came to meet Zhang Tingyu again. With a smile on his face, he said with a flattering smile: "Master Zhang is here, the emperor is urging the old slave to call Master Zhang!"

Zhang Tingyu hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed, with a look of guilt showing on his face, "The action of the lower official has caused the father-in-law to wait here for a long time, so I will go to the emperor to plead guilty, and I hope the father-in-law will forgive me."

Wei Zhu has always been a person with a red top and a white head. Since the journey to the south, he has also seen Emperor Kangxi's attitude towards his ministers. He is sure that Zhang Tingyu's future will be limitless, so he intends to win over him a few more times, and his words are full of affection: "Yo , Mr. Zhang is too polite, this old slave can’t bear it.” After finishing speaking, he was a bit mysterious, “After the emperor woke up, although he summoned a few people, when he just woke up, he wanted to I will be the first to summon you!"

Zhang Tingyu entered Kangxi's bedroom together with Wei Zhu, knelt down on the ground after entering, put his head on the ground, and said in a loud voice: "The servant pays homage to the emperor, the emperor's body is intact, and the servant's heart is settled. "

The bright yellow curtain was slowly opened, but Kangxi stood up, his face became paler and coughed from time to time, seeing Zhang Tingyu kneeling on the ground, he said softly: "Hengchen, do you know Why did I call you here?"

Hearing Kangxi's voice, Zhang Tingyu didn't dare to look up at Shengyan, and lay obediently on the ground, "This slave is dull and doesn't know what the emperor intends."

"Blunt. Hmph, it's right to be stupid, these people are just too smart!" A dark cloud appeared on Kangxi's face, but when he was talking, he coughed a few times.

These words are quite embarrassing. Zhang Tingyu probably understands what is going on in his heart, but at the moment, he dare not say more about this topic. No matter what he says, it will be easily associated with other aspects. When the time comes But it really caught fire.

Fortunately, Kangxi didn't continue to embarrass him, but just muttered softly: "Since I was in a coma, although I can't speak or move, I can hear your words, you are so courageous!"

Zhang Tingyu was shocked when he heard that, he now somewhat believes the so-called rumors, that is, Kangxi was not in a coma at all, but used this coma to avoid his embarrassment, and by the way, use this opportunity to check the status of the ministers loyalty.Judging from these words, it is quite credible.

"The slave can't relieve the emperor's worries, he really deserves death!"

"You all say that you deserve death, but if you really want to die, what will happen to the Qing Dynasty?" Kangxi snorted softly.

Kangxi paused for a moment, and then said: "Since this coma, I have understood in my heart that I am afraid that my life will not be long, but I am really not at ease in this great Qing Dynasty."

It's fine to say this kind of words normally, but it seems a bit outrageous to say it at this time.But before Zhang Tingyu could think about what to say, Kangxi said again: "Hengchen, I want to ask you, among the current princes, who is the most worthy of the big job?"

Faced with this question suddenly thrown by Kangxi, Zhang Tingyu appeared calm and at ease, but his heart was already overwhelmed. Whether it was for his family or for himself, he could not answer this question wrongly, otherwise he would definitely not be the only one who would be affected in the future. .

"Slaves dare not spy on the establishment of the Royal Crown Prince, let alone talk nonsense, and look to the emperor for enlightenment." Sweat oozes from Zhang Tingyu's forehead.

"Huh, the establishment of a reserve in the Qing Dynasty is pending. Isn't this related to the safety of our country in the Qing Dynasty? Why don't you dare to speak up?"

Kangxi looked at Zhang Tingyu with deep eyes, but his face was quite stern. The older the old emperor became, the more weird his temper appeared.

Zhang Tingyu took a deep breath, and pressed his forehead on the cold ground, "This servant thinks that the matter of setting up the crown prince is decided by the emperor's sacred heart. This servant is short-sighted, so he never dares to talk too much about this matter. The emperor clearly learned from it." !"

Kangxi didn't speak any more at this time, he just stared at Zhang Tingyu for a while, and then sighed: "You go down first, today's matter must not fall into the ears of others, otherwise I will definitely kill you."

Naturally, Zhang Tingyu swore again and again, and then walked towards the door, but when he just stepped through the palace gate, he couldn't help touching his sleeves, a large part of which was already soaked, he didn't know whether it was sweat or fright.

It is said that when Zhang Tingyu was lucky enough to pass the test, Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao were drinking in a restaurant in Jinghai County. Of course, the two of them were in that extremely secret place, but their words were full of cleverness.

In fact, the relationship between Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao is also very deep. As early as more than ten years ago, both of them were members of the Baye Party. Man Duhu, Wu Erzhan, the princes of the clan, as well as Tong Guowei, Elundai, Kui Xu, Wang Hongxu, Ma Qi, He Zhuo, Xiao Yongzao and other ministers, are all members of the Baye Party.

How powerful is it?That is, today, more than ten years after the Baye Party was liquidated by Kangxi, there are still many Baye Party members. These people almost have their shadows from the clan to the court, from the palace to the army, and it is precisely because Only in this way did Kangxi feel more and more jealous.

Xiao Yongzao dipped his chopsticks in the wine, wrote the word "妈" on the table, then wiped it off, looked at Ma Qi meaningfully, and said in a low voice: "Master Ma Qi, Hengchen is afraid that he will soon Come out, maybe the emperor asked him to come over because of this matter."

Ma Qi chuckled, he is the Eighth Master’s party, but it doesn’t mean that he can abandon his family and career for the Eighth Master’s sake. For Kangxi, it might be a good opportunity to clean up a group of veterans. If he jumps out and becomes a This early bird, I'm afraid the end will be more uncomfortable.

"What is the meaning of Mr. Xiao's words? Could it be that he is thinking of the credits that are waiting for him? Just to forgive the old man, I am afraid that the Sacred Heart has already been decided."

"Hmph! How is it settled? You, Ma Qi, are not greedy for life and afraid of death, so you deliberately make excuses!" Xiao Yongzao's temper is indeed not very good, and he can almost be regarded as the kind that can be blown up by lighting a fire. Now seeing that Ma Qi is deliberately making excuses, he is full The face stared angrily at Marzie.

Ma Qi himself had a hard time, but he knew Emperor Kangxi too well. The emperor was very tolerant on the surface, but if he really touched the dragon scale, it would not be a joke.

"Lord Xiao, this matter is definitely not something that you and I can decide here. Now the emperor seems to be in good health. If there is any rash action, it will ruin the big thing! What's more, when the time comes, the eighth and tenth brothers Four, that's something to fight for!"

Ma Qi's words can be regarded as tearing apart the current status quo of the Baye Party. It seems to be powerful, but it has already been torn apart. Si Geng is favored by Kangxi, and it will be more beneficial to support the old fourteen at that time, even the old eight himself thinks it should be so.

Xiao Yongzao sighed, and looked at Ma Qi with burning eyes, "No matter who it is, if he ascends to a high position in the future, we will be indispensable, but if it is that cold-faced king, we will be a beggar in the future." Skeletons, even if it’s not bad!”

Ma Qi nodded slightly, with a smile on his face: "Isn't that Zhang Hengchen a very good chess player now? If my guess is correct, if there is a big change in the future, this person will be able to decide the situation direction!"

(End of this chapter)

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