Cutting 1719

Chapter 258

Chapter 258
On March 61, the 22st year of Kangxi, there was a sudden heavy fog in the capital. Everyone thought it was a vision coming, and there was an ominous omen.

For the people in the capital this year, it was quite an unsatisfactory year. Earlier, there were rumors in the capital that Emperor Kangxi died on the battlefield in Anqing. Some said that Kangxi was bombed to death on the battlefield. Some said that his head was beheaded, and some said that Kangxi died on the way back to Beijing, and now the body is parked in Baoding Mansion.

I don't know where these rumors came from, and I don't know who is spreading the rumors, but they are spread in the capital, and they are said with a nose and eyes, but they make people confused.

For the entire Qing Dynasty, it was much earlier in the morning when the court got the news, which also turned the current Tongzheng Shi Yamen into a vegetable market, and there was a lot of noise everywhere. Clan princes and princes gathered here, and everyone read every new memorial that was submitted, and many people came in and out from time to time, looking for every piece of news.

They already knew the news of the defeat of the Qing army, but it was not enough, because they only learned about one big aspect, and the details were not clear, but they knew one thing, that is, Emperor Kangxi was really in a coma past.It's just that there has been no news coming back.

It was not until later that the army passed the news to the capital. At that time, when Kangxi just woke up, the army had already arrived in Jinghai County, but it did not return to the capital. He and Xiao Yongzao called, but the others didn't notify, and didn't even reveal any information, which made everyone feel very puzzled.

Prince Yong Yinzhen's face was livid, he walked into the office of the Tongzheng Envoy all the way, and when he looked up, he saw the third elder brother Yinzhi, the eighth elder brother Yinhu, the ninth elder brother Yinyu, the tenth elder brother Yin, and others. Shi also sat on chairs, his face was a little ugly, and from time to time someone came over with a thick stack of memorials to read.

"Does Huang Ama have any other news now?" Prince Yong Yinzhen felt a little impatient when he saw the crowd making endless noise.

As soon as Prince Cheng Yinzhi saw the fourth brother coming, he didn't dare to neglect him immediately, he quickly got up and said, "fourth brother, you can count yourself here, cough, the gang of useless servants below are looking around, they don't know anything, now Huang Ama is stationed in Jinghai, you and I brothers, you might as well ride a fast horse to see what's going on."

Prince Yong Yinzhen's heart moved, but he shook his head and said: "But you can't do such nonsense, right now Huang Ama has not issued an order, and you and my brother can't leave the capital at will, otherwise how will you explain to Huang Ama in the future?"

These words were spoken in a polite and polite manner, but it made the elder brothers who were seated feel ashamed. Ninth elder brother Yinzhen had always been dissatisfied with Prince Yong, but now he said in a strange way: "Fourth brother, don't go and make it!" Anyway, the fourth brother is in charge of the errands of the Ministry of War now, and he still has the firearms battalion in his hand, so there is no need to go to this troublesome business. But my brothers don't have any errands now, so let's go see what happened to Huang Ama? It can be regarded as filial piety, isn't it!"

"Old Jiu, do you know what crime it is to leave the capital without asking for an order? What's more, now that Huang Ama is in Jinghai, for Huang Ama's safety, no one can rush out of the city! Long Kedo!"

A short and strong man got out of the crowd, and when he saw the elder brothers, he immediately felt a little bad, so he knelt down on the ground bravely.

"Reporting to Prince Yong, this servant is here."

"Longkodo, you are in charge of the errands of the nine admirals, but you have to know how to do it. From now on, as long as Huang Ama has not returned to the city, no one will be allowed to enter or leave the capital. Enforce curfew!"

Prince Yong Yinzhen's voice was as cold as iron, but he suffocated the elder brothers present until their faces turned blue, but everyone had no way to deal with it, because before this expedition, Kangxi had made sure that Prince Yong would supervise him. In China, theoretically speaking, he can indeed issue martial law throughout the city.

Prince Cheng Yinzhi is a literati, now that Prince Yong is so tough, he has no intention of being tough, and instead says haha, "The fourth brother is also thinking about our brothers, and we have to think about it, too. There is no rush to see Huang Ama, when Huang Ama's imperial decree arrives, we can naturally go to see Huang Ama."

The eighth elder brother Yinhu sneered at this time and said: "But none of us know what is going on with Huang Ama now. Who knows whether the news about Huang Ama in Jinghai County is true or not? Now the fourth brother makes me unable to wait. If you find out, then I naturally don't have to go, but the mouths of all living beings in this world, I'm afraid Fourth Brother won't be able to stop them."

These words were a bit vicious, pointing out that Prince Yong deliberately concealed the facts in order to usurp the throne.It's just that at the moment everyone is still in charge of political affairs, but some people listened and looked over quietly.On weekdays, the eighth elder brother Yinhu would still be concerned about the face of the court, but now he feels that his opportunity has come, and he is a little impatient.

Prince Cheng Yinzhi's face darkened, and he slapped the table hard, "Old Ba, why are you talking like that? You don't want the face of the court, the face of the royal family!"

Seeing these elder brothers sparring here, Prince Yong Yinzhen felt a burst of inner fatigue. Right now, there are external troubles and internal troubles, and Huang Ama's news is unknown, which really makes him feel a little bit overwhelmed.

"Third Brother, Eighth Brother, now is not the time to quarrel, my Qing Dynasty is already in danger, haven't you found out yet?"

"Now if the internal friction continues like this, my country in the Qing Dynasty will really be over. If you are angry, you can file a complaint when Huang Ama comes back. This king is willing to bear it all, but right now, don't blame me for not caring There's brotherhood."

"Hmph." The elder brothers stopped talking, but looked at the officials, big and small, in the Tongzhengsi with sullen faces, which made everyone tremble.

After such a dispute, Prince Yong didn't want to stay in the Tongzhengsi to waste time, so he immediately went back to the palace with a gloomy face, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the army was in his heart. Wu Sidao, his confidant, called over and informed him of the situation in the Department of General Affairs.

"Right now, only Tian Wenjing is in the army, but there is no news about him coming back. I am really worried. I would like to ask Mr. Wu for advice."

Wu Sidao pondered for a while before slowly opening his mouth and said: "What the lord did today is the right thing to do. You must not let Ba Ye and the others go to Jinghai County. It's just that the lord didn't do the more important part right now."

"How?" Prince Yong remained silent.

"At present, the imperial army is newly defeated, and rumors are circulating in the city, but it is harmful to people's hearts! The prince should immediately draw up an imperial edict with the Hanlin of the South Study Room, declaring that our army has won a great victory in Anqing, and that Wuchang will be captured in a short time!"

Prince Yong is a straightforward person. He usually only distinguishes between black and white. Seeing that Wu Sidao is going to turn the black into white, it makes him feel a little strange. At this time, calling this battle a great victory, isn't it fooling the people of the world?"

"Huh, my lord, what's wrong with this great victory? The emperor personally commanded the army to conquer Huguang in the south, and fought fiercely with Anqing for a long time, defeating Chu Ni's edge. Now the army is preparing to go west in Anqing, and it will take Wuchang in a few days. Your majesty has worked hard in the battle, and it's just that he sometimes feels cold. You must never expose your shortcomings."

Wu Sidao chuckled, "We have to treat the funeral as a happy event. Only when the hearts of the princes are stabilized can the prince be invincible. In the future, when the emperor finds out about this, he will only praise the prince for his ability."

"My master's lesson is that it's the king who made the appearance." Prince Yong's face was a little embarrassed, but he was much more upright in this respect.

"As for right now, the prince should be more worried about the Fourteenth Lord. He is now heading for Henan with an army of 15. If he knows the news of the emperor's defeat, he will then use the name of King Qin to lead the army to attack The capital, the prince must pay attention!"

Prince Yong's face was gloomy for a moment. The situation at this time was really not good for him. Although the emperor handed over the power of supervising the country to him before the personal conquest, it was just a name after all. The original Fengtai Camp The soldiers all followed Kangxi to the Southern Expedition, and now there are only more than 2 old and weak left. How can they resist?
Although there are still 5 people in Nian Gengyao's army in Shaanxi, these 5 people can't save the fire even if they are far away. It's really going to be a tough day, and Prince Yong can't expect the old fourteen to be a compatriot. let him go.

"Sir, do you have a good plan?" The expression on Prince Yong's face was somewhat unpredictable.

"At the moment, there is no other way but to divide power. It's just that the prince had better stabilize the Fourteenth Lord, and ask the emperor to let him enter the capital, so as to remove his military power."

Prince Yong had some hesitation on his face, "But if the old fourteenth returns to the capital, many ministers will support him, but it will not be good for me to succeed to the throne."

Wu Sidao said sadly: "The prince is too worried, now Longko is our man, he holds nine admirals in his hand, plus the firearms battalion led by the prince, if the fourteenth prince really Once you enter the capital, you will be completely thrown into a cage, and it will be easy to handle at that time. If you are afraid, he will bring an army of 15, and the prince will be very difficult to deal with."

"Where is Huang Ama?" Prince Yong had actually accepted this proposal in his heart, and he just asked this question on purpose.

Wu Sidao sighed softly, "We don't know much about the situation on the emperor's side at the moment, but Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao who were called over at the moment are both members of the Eight Lord Party. If we want to gain the initiative, we must We must find a reliable person in the center, and then we can guarantee the smooth succession of the prince."

"Center. Right now, there is only one Zhang Tingyu available. It's just that this person has a wise way of protecting himself. I'm afraid he won't stand by our side at critical times." Prince Yong thought for a long time, and finally sighed.

There was really no way for him to do this. In the early years, he had always been an image of a lone minister and a villain. There were not many ministers who interacted with him, let alone helped him ascend to the big position.Those ministers have always been turning on the prince and the eighth prince, so at this time, Prince Yong will appear to be more passive.

However, there was a trace of cruelty on Wu Sidao's face, he swung his hand down fiercely, "If something happens to the emperor, the prince will have to make up his mind at that time."

"If something happens to the emperor, the opening of the edict will fall on a few ministers who care about his fate, that is, Ma Qi and Zhang Tingyu! The prince should immediately issue an order immediately! Secretly monitor Ma Qi's mansion and Zhang Tingyu's mansion. If we can win over, we will try our best to win over, if we can't win over, we will bet on their family's wealth and life!"

"In addition, if there is a change at that time, the prince can send someone to contact Longkodo, and ask him to immediately lead the nine admirals to block the nine gates and never let anyone in or out!

"Next, the prince can send someone with a token to invite the Thirteenth Lord out, and then ask the Thirteenth Lord to go to Fengtai camp to dispatch troops quickly, and then the situation will be in my hands!"

A stern look appeared on Prince Yong's face. He told himself that only when he became emperor could he save the Qing Dynasty.

Tongguan, where tens of thousands of horses are passing slowly, saw a troop of cavalry passing by the army with a burst of whistling. A layer of sludge caused everyone to scold.

The group of cavalry didn't care about anything, and rushed all the way to the group of tents in front, and then the leader of them got off his horse in a hurry, and headed for the largest tent in the middle.

At this time, there was only one old man in iron armor in the camp. He had a hooked nose and was holding a silver knife in his hand. He was cutting the leg of lamb on the table, eating big pieces with great relish.

The cavalryman passed through the tents along the way, and then entered the big tent, knelt down and said: "My lord, there is an urgent report from the capital." Then he handed over the secret letter in his hand.

The old man didn't take it seriously at first, and just opened the secret letter for a glance, but when he saw the back, the more he looked, the happier he was. After seeing the back, he hissed, and directly inserted the silver knife in his hand into the sheep. on the legs.

"Hahahaha! Tong Fahai, this damn bastard is finally dead today!" The old man's face was full of joy, and after seeing the news of Tong Fahai's suicide, he was very energetic.

This old man was none other than Tong Fahai's older brother, Tong Guogang's eldest son Elundai.The relationship between Orondai and his younger brother Fahai was very bad. Because Fahai was born of Tong Guogang's humble servant girl, Orondai always looked down on Fahai. After Fahai's biological mother died, Orondai didn't even allow her to be buried in the In the ancestral grave, the brothers became enemies with each other.

Seeing that Fahai committed suicide and died for his country, Erlundai was not only not sad at all, but was very happy. He smiled, but spread the letter paper and continued to look down, but the more he looked down, the more dignified his expression became.

Soon, Erlundai did not continue to read, but immediately received the secret letter, and then went out of the tent to find the fourteenth elder brother Yinti. For him, the biggest opportunity now has come.

"The old man is going to die."

(End of this chapter)

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