Cutting 1719

Chapter 261

Chapter 261
After Kangxi finished these things, he no longer coughed and panted, and he seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.He squinted at Ma Qi and Zhang Tingyu who were kneeling on the ground, but said a meaningful sentence.

"The edict is in the hands of the two of you. I'm relieved. It's just that the fourteenth son of the emperor asked the edict to return to Beijing. What do you think? What do you think?"

When Kangxi's question was asked, Ma Qi felt cold sweat pouring out of his back for a split second, and his whole body was trembling. He didn't think that Kangxi was going to die so he could be fooled. He is smarter than anyone else in such a big matter.

Just before Yinzhen was appointed as the minister of the guards, and later he challenged the old fourteen's problem, Ma Qi had already fully understood in his heart, and the reason why he and Zhang Tingyu were called today is to completely dispel the idea of ​​the Baye Party , so that the government can be stable and transitional.

Ma Qi thought of this, and immediately knelt on the ground and shouted: "The slaves think that General Fuyuan is now in Shaanxi and Gansu, and he should use this to coerce Chu Ni, so as to prevent Chu Ni from entering Shaanxi and Gansu from the northwest and threatening the Central Plains. "Whether he is sincere or false now, he has basically followed Kangxi's meaning.

Sure enough, Kangxi was very satisfied when he heard this, he closed his eyes, "Draft an edict and don't wrong the old fourteen."

Ma Qi gave a wry smile in his heart, he already understood that this master is really a perfect person, he did all this good work by himself, but in the end all the scapegoats were his servants' fault, even he was treating himself The sons are all exactly the same.

Zhang Tingyu naturally understood all this in his heart, and he truly admired Kangxi's skills. Today's Baye Party is still powerful, but with the deaths of Arsuna, Puzhao, Chapina and others, The remaining Baye Party is headed by Ma Qi and Xiao Yongzao.

Xiao Yongzao has a weird personality, mean and unkind, so he is completely unpopular in the court, and naturally he will not be looked down upon by Kangxi, but only the chief scholar of the Manchurian University, Ma Qi, has become eighth in both ability and popularity. The well-deserved leader of the Ye Party, Ma Qi could only choose to obey after this suppression.

It's just that before Ma Qi left, he secretly glanced at Kangxi who was lying on the sickbed. His not strong body had become weaker now, but no one dared to offend his tiger prestige.

When the two left the palace gate, it was already getting late, but they couldn't just leave like this, after all, the fact of the will was too crucial, so they returned to the capital all the way, followed by Wei Zhu and Ouchi's guards .

After the two return to the capital, they need to seal the edict in the secret cabinet of the cabinet. If the emperor dies unfortunately, the two will unseal it together under the witness of the ministers, and it will be confirmed by corresponding with another edict beside the emperor.

The carriage was bumpy along the way, but Zhang Tingyu and Ma Qi didn't notice it, because they were thinking about their own things after getting into the carriage, and even when they were approaching the capital, Ma Qi woke up like a dream.

"Hengchen, remember to keep today's matter a secret. But it must not be known by anyone."

Zhang Tingyu arched his hands and said, "Your official should strictly abide by the integrity of his ministers, and will never reveal a single word." His face was as calm as water, as if he didn't take those thrills into his heart at all, and he became more and more calm.

Ma Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Zhang Tingyu in front of him, but didn't speak any more.

After the two returned to the capital, they immediately summoned the princes and ministers, read out the emperor's imperial edict, and then sealed the edict in the cabinet secret box in front of Wei Zhu.

For the elder brother below, everyone's expressions were completely different, especially when Zhang Tingyu announced the "Minister of the Guards of Prince Yong", it seemed that a bomb was dropped below. But it seems to be hiding something.

Prince Yong Yinzhen didn't have any expression on his face, he wasn't even agitated at all, he received the order to thank him very calmly, and his eyelids didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

On the other hand, some of the characters in the Eighth Master Party, at this time, everyone is mourning. The eighth elder brother's face is dull, and there is a little despair in his eyes, while the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother have not concealed their inner feelings at this time. Disappointed, they looked at everything angrily, including Prince Yong Yinzhen.

After the announcement of the imperial decree, the entire Qing Dynasty seemed to have become much quieter on the surface, but the dark tide under the water was raging, and an extremely terrifying wave was brewing. Except for the people in the situation, almost no one could perceive the horror hidden in it. .

"Huang Ama is so eccentric!"

After returning to the eighth elder brother's mansion, the ninth elder brother Yinzhen finally couldn't bear it anymore, he threw a piece of jade ring in his hand to the ground hard, the fragments flew everywhere, and the fine pieces of jade refracted Looking at Brother Jiu's distorted face.

The tenth elder brother Yin's face was gloomy, and he looked at the eighth elder brother who was sitting aside with sullen head: "Huang Ama's situation is getting worse and worse, if the fourth brother is allowed to control the guards, we will never have another A chance!"

The eighth elder brother Yinhu's face was extremely pale, and the confidence he had worked up with great difficulty disappeared at this time, and he said desolately: "I don't care why Huang Ama is here, but the old fourteen is still in Shaanxi, and he is not allowed to come back. , It really chills my heart!"

The ninth elder brother Yinzhen and the tenth elder brother Yin looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding in their hearts. The current battle for the heir apparent has reached the most intense time, and it will be difficult if they don't make up their minds!
The two of them knelt in front of the eighth brother at the same time, ignoring the surprise on the eighth elder brother's face, and said in a concentrated voice: "Mynah, we have to fight now, we can no longer be at the mercy of others like this."

The eighth elder brother Yinhu smiled bitterly and said: "Even so, what can we do now? The fourth child has already led the guards and ministers, and the guard barracks will only listen to his nine-door admiral Long Kedo, that dog slave. He is already the fourth child."

Ninth brother Yinzhen sneered, "Although the fourth child is now the minister of the guards, he doesn't dare to leave the capital to go to Jinghai, that is to say, the current guard camp is still in the hands of Xunzhu, so I will sneak out of the city right now." Find him, when the time comes, we will act first!"

The eighth elder brother Yinhu shuddered, all he had been thinking about was how to let Kangxi pass the throne to him, but Kangxi's attitude towards him had already made him completely desperate, and his heart became more and more cold and severe.

Since you are unkind!Just don't let me not talk about the relationship between father and son!
"That's not enough. You've seen that old fox Ma Qi. He's not an easy-going lamp. It's not enough just to master the palace. We have to get the will!"

The eighth elder brother Yinhu bit his cheek, and said word by word: "Tenth brother, once there is a major accident, you immediately go to the Fengtai camp to find the admiral Cheng Wenyun, take over the military power of the army, and seal off the inside and outside of the capital!"

"As long as the capital and the palace are completely cut off, and the emperor's will is obtained, great things will naturally come true!"

The night is getting darker, but the capital tonight is not destined to be peaceful.

In Prince Yong's mansion, Yinzhen and Wu Sidao are playing chess in the study room, and the scent of Buddha is floating in the whole room. It turns out that the side of the study room is enshrining a Buddha statue, and three top-quality sandalwood incense is burning.

Yinzhen kept frowning tightly, holding the chess piece in his hand, but he couldn't play it for a long time, finally sighed, and put the chess piece in his hand aside.

"Mr. Wu is very determined now, but this king can't make up his mind. Today's emperor's decree seems to be a great thing for me, but when I look back, it also put me on the brazier to roast !"

Wu Sidao laughed slightly, "But I think the heart of the lord's cultivation of Buddhism these years is not strong enough after all. Now this chess is about to reach the official stage, so the lord can't play anymore?"

"With today's incident, Lao Ba and the others will definitely not let it go, and will definitely step up planning, but although this king is now in charge of the guards and internal ministers, it is impossible to go to the palace now. For this king, it is actually a nameless empty head! "

But Wu Sidao laughed loudly, "If the prince really cares about it, he will be in chaos. It's not certain whether he is short or not!"

"Please enlighten me, sir!" There was a hint of doubt on Yinzhen's face.

"My lord, please wait carefully. The palace is not the key to the current situation. If there is any change, the lord can send his cronies and lead a battalion of cronies with a warrant to take over the palace. No matter what tricks they make in the palace, After all, it’s not worthy of righteousness. At this time, it’s better to be late than early, if you go early, I’m afraid the emperor will be suspicious instead.”

This is quite true, even if he is now a minister in charge of the guards, it is not good to replace all the guards around the emperor immediately, otherwise, what will Kangxi think?So impatient?

Thinking of this, Yin Zhen couldn't help but nodded, he naturally understood this truth.

Wu Sidao went on to say: "The most important thing is the will. This edict must not fall into the hands of the eighth elder brother, otherwise it will become a big hidden danger in the future."

Things like this are not without criminal record. For example, Prince Fusu was killed by a deliberately tampered edict.If it really comes to a critical moment, Ma Qi or the gang of Baye gangsters jump over the wall in a hurry, and really tamper with the imperial edict at that time, it will be really troublesome.

"I'm going to find Zhang Hengchen on this side. The matter of the will has nothing to do with it. As long as he doesn't fall to the Eight Lord Party, we don't need to worry too much."

When Wu Sidao said this, he finally sighed, "It's just that there is one more thing to pay attention to. These days, my lord must be sure of the nine-door admiral Longkodo. This man is cunning by nature, so we can't fully trust him!"

A storm seemed to have enveloped the sky above the capital, with faint thunder flashing in it, and in the palace in Jinghai County, Kangxi had been coughing non-stop, his face was extremely red, and his whole figure was haggard.

"Damn Chu Ni, I'm going to kill you. Cough, come here."

A group of little eunuchs and maids were kneeling on the ground at this time, but no one answered.

Wei Zhu was anxious like ants on a frying pan, but just outside the door, dozens of imperial physicians were pestering each other endlessly, and one of them was actually a foreigner.

"The emperor's viscera are weak, yang qi is weakened, yang deficiency qi is trapped, unable to lift up, and pulse qi is agitated weakly, so the pulse is deep and weak. This time, it is obvious that the disease is stagnant inside, and the qi and blood are trapped inside."

"Nonsense, Imperial Physician Li, you also know that the emperor suffered from the poison of dampness during his southern expedition, so we should focus on removing dampness first, how can we then make up for it?"

"The emperor's dragon body is weak now, how can he use medicine at will? Are you people trying to murder the emperor?"

The people were arguing endlessly, some said that the medicine needed to be taken slowly, and some said that it was necessary to use strong prescriptions for emergencies, and if the delay continued like this, the living would also die.

But this time, the anxious Wei Zhu turned blue. Now he is the only person in charge here. If the emperor has something good or bad, it is impossible for him to die quickly. He looked at these apricot grove masters and said loudly : "You big players, you have to come up with a solution quickly, you can quarrel anytime, but now you must not delay!"

The foreigner Lu Yidao looked at this scene at this time, wanted to interrupt but didn't know where to start, he couldn't understand what these colleagues were saying, but he understood that if this continues, the emperor will really have nothing to say. saved.
"You guys, listen to me. Your Majesty the Great Emperor, it's because your body hasn't recuperated well. As long as you recuperate and rest well, you'll be fine." Lu Yidao clumsily tried to express his thoughts, but his voice was drowned out by the disputes among the crowd. middle.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, Wei Zhu couldn't bear it any longer. He pointed viciously at the noses of the imperial doctors, "Da Qing provides you with delicious food and drink every day, and asks you to take so much money, but it's a shame. Now it's time to use you, you are all wolf-hearted things, and you have no idea until now, if the emperor has something to do, you will all lose your heads!"

When there was endless quarreling outside, Kangxi also felt that his brain was fighting repeatedly. The severe pain made him feel like he was in an illusion, and he could no longer tell what was real and what was false.

The memories of the first half of his life were constantly washing over his mind. From succeeding to the throne at a young age to upholding state affairs, from destroying the San Francisco to recovering Taiwan, a series of achievements seemed to become a picture scroll, appearing in his mind in turn. .

Maybe everyone saw something different before they died. All the scenes in front of Kangxi seemed so real. He even felt that he had become the only god in the sky and the earth. become a beautiful thing
Until a shadow appeared, the face of that shadow became more and more clear. It was a boy, a boy holding a long musket. He leveled the musket in his hand, walked towards Kangxi step by step, and then smiled. Smiling, he pulled the trigger in his hand.

An extremely painful voice came from the bedroom. This voice contained too much pain and unwillingness, as well as yearning for the world.

Everyone turned pale instantly, and they quickly thought of the most terrifying thing, Wei Zhu ran in like crazy, he even took off his boots, just after he went in, after a while, There was an earth-shattering cry from inside.

On March 61, 29 years of Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty died in the palace of Jinghai County
(End of this chapter)

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