Cutting 1719

Chapter 262

Chapter 262
It is impossible for the news of Kangxi's death to be concealed in the palace. Everyone is crying, but this does not prevent them from passing the news to the outside.
When everyone was in a mess, Xun Zhu, the Minister of Security in charge of ceremonies, quickly rushed over with his people. He was wearing a neat cotton armor, with a long knife hanging on his waist, and a team of people followed behind him. The soldiers guarding the barracks surrounded the entire palace.

The guard camp is composed of young, strong and skilled people selected from the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia. Under each leader, 17 people are selected. There were originally more than 5000 people.But after following Kangxi's southern expedition, there were less than [-] soldiers left in the guard barracks, and some of them were in the capital.

At this time, there were only more than 100 people in the guard camp of the palace, including more than [-] people from the Manmeng Guard Military Academy. Strictly speaking, there are several ministers in the bodyguards, plus the first-class, second-class and third-class bodyguards. They are not convinced by Xun Zhu, the minister of ceremonial guards. .

Seeing that Xun Zhu led people to surround the palace, Yin De, the minister of guards on duty today, was not to be outdone, and led hundreds of guards to resist in front.He looked at Xunzhu, but he was not timid at all, but reprimanded him.

"Master Xunzhu, what exactly do you want to do with the guards and battalion around the palace? Could it be that you want to plot rebellion?"

However, Xun Zhu sneered and said: "My lord is a first-ranker anyway, but you are only a first-ranker, how dare you speak in such a tone? Yin De, the emperor passed away today, the cause of death is suspicious, and you are all guilty. This general sealed off the palace. Wait for the cabinet ministers to come and investigate them one by one."

Yin De has a pure and honest personality. He was born in Zhengbai Banner, Manchuria, and was the son of Ebilong. Later, he was appreciated by Kangxi, and he was promoted from the capital to be a minister of the bodyguard.Therefore, he is not a member of the Eighth Master Party, nor has he trusted any princes, and has always been loyal to Kangxi himself, so naturally he would not buy into the Eighth Master Party.

Now that Kangxi is dead, Yin De will naturally not tolerate some youngsters trying to plot wrongdoing again. He led the guards to guard the palace gate firmly, and would never let Xunzhu's guard barracks in. The two sides stood facing each other here, but Xunzhu He didn't dare to do anything about it, otherwise no matter what he said at that time, he wouldn't be able to justify it.

However, Xunzhu has already sent someone to gather all the ministers near the palace together, all of them blocked the news, and then sent his confidants to look for the eighth elder brother, and wait for him to come to preside over the overall situation, but after all this is done, Xun Zhu was still a little anxious in his heart, because the longer the time now, the worse it would be for Brother Ba.

Time passed by little by little, and as the night got darker, the atmosphere in the crowd did not relax at all, and even became more tense, and the smell of gunpowder between the two sides became stronger and stronger.

When it was time for Zizheng, Xun Zhu felt that this could not go on, otherwise when the army arrived, everything would be beyond his control.Thinking of this, a hint of viciousness appeared on his face, and he was about to lead his guard camp directly into the palace, and if the guards dared to stop him, he would kill him.

As the saying goes, the success of the king and the defeat of the bandits, how much blood and rain there is, is such a cruel thing.As for how to deal with the aftermath, that is not up to anyone to say, of course it is alive, not dead.

Hundreds of guard soldiers who were bewitched by Xunzhu started to move forward step by step with the long knives in their hands, but the nervousness on their faces couldn't be concealed. The big guys seemed to feel that there was nothing tonight so simple.
Yin De's face darkened, he took the lead and pulled out his saber, took a step forward and stood in front.And the guards behind him also pulled out their sabers and stood with Yin De, with resolute expressions on their faces.

"Anyone who dares to step forward will be killed without mercy!"

Just when the two sides were about to fight, there was a rush of footsteps from outside. Thousands of soldiers rushed in, but surrounded Xunzhu and others. The leader was Prince Yong's disciple Ertai .

It turned out that before Kangxi passed away, the imperial doctor placed by Mr. Wu had already passed the news to Li Wei, so that Prince Yong could prepare early. He had already mentioned in his words that something big would happen tonight.

Li Wei also quickly passed the news back to Prince Yong's mansion. After Yinzhen learned the news, he immediately sent his confidant Ertai to second a battalion of soldiers and horses from the nine-door admiral Long Kedo, holding Yong The prince's warrant to take over the bodyguard office, although this move is somewhat against the law, but at this moment, Yinzhen can't care much about it.

Under the protection of a group of Qing soldiers, Ertai took a few steps forward and said in a loud voice: "Under the order of Prince Yong Yinzhen, the minister of the bodyguard, I will take over the defense affairs of the palace, and the idlers will retreat quickly. Down!"

As soon as he heard that it was Prince Yong Yinzhen's warrant, Xunzhu panicked a little. He complained in his heart to Eighth Brother and the others. Their actions were too slow. The other party sent people, but they still didn't arrive.But complaining is nothing but complaining, and Xun Zhu has to find ways to get through the current difficulty.

"You said you have Prince Yong's warrant, would you like to show it to me?"

Xun Zhu narrowed his eyes, but quietly put his hand on the handle of the knife. He planned to wait for the other party to come over, first coerce this person down, and then wait for the eighth elder brother and others to come.

Ertai has been an official for decades at any rate, and he is by no means such a young man. He sneered, and held up the warrant, but he stopped paying attention to the post, and turned to face the soldiers guarding the barracks. He shouted loudly: "You guys have let go of your serious crimes by encircling the palace today. But I am willing to give you a way to survive. Now put down your weapons and go back to the barracks. Don't go out, otherwise you will be killed without mercy!"

The Qing soldiers below were completely confused. They were not so clear about the reasons for some of the things that happened tonight. Some of the smart green camp soldiers felt vaguely in their hearts that they were betrayed by Xun Zhu. After falling, some Qing soldiers began to show shaken expressions on their faces, and some even put their weapons on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Xunzhu didn't struggle any more, just sighed, and then dropped the weapon in his hand. He already understood that there was only one reason why the eighth elder brother and the others hadn't arrived yet, and that was The tide is over now.

Ertai concentrated and blocked all the soldiers guarding the barracks in the barracks, and then handed over the warrant to Yin De, the minister of the guard, and when Yin De was about to hand over the military power of the guard in his hand, Ertai cupped his hands and said with a smile "Lord Yin, Prince Yong ordered the subordinates to come here to help Lord Yin seal off the palace and never allow outsiders to enter or leave. Now that the siege has been lifted, the subordinates will just lead people to station outside."

Yin De nodded in satisfaction. Prince Yong really has rules and regulations. It is just right to retreat to advance. If he really takes over the palace directly, he will be suspected of being under the melon field. Now the palace is still in charge of the neutral Yin De, not only It is more beneficial to Prince Yong's reputation, and it also gives Yin De a little bit of a bad face invisibly.

At this time, Prince Yong's mansion was already brightly lit, and the news of Kangxi's death had already reached Yinzhen's ears, but this news was obtained by Li Wei from the spies of the palace, but it was not publicized.

Yinzhen knelt quietly in front of the Buddha statue, his face was as still as still water, and he was rubbing a string of ancient charm beads in his hand.

"My lord, there was news from the palace that Xunzhu brought the guard camp to break into the palace. Fortunately, Mr. Yin led the guards to fight to the death, and then insisted on reaching the source of Ertai's troops. Now the guard camp has been controlled. Live, Xun Zhu was secretly imprisoned in the palace."

Wu Sidao said softly, but when he looked at Yinzhen's indifferent expression at this time, his heart gradually trembled. The hardest thing in this world is the heart of an emperor, but now Yinzhen has practiced it.

"Mr. Wu has worked hard. Now that Huang Ama has passed away, my mind is in a mess. I have to rely on Mr. Wu for major and minor matters."

A trace of apology flashed across Yinzhen's face, "This king has already sent Li Wei to look for Thirteenth Brother with a warrant, and asked Thirteenth Brother to take over Fengtai Camp with my golden arrow. As long as he holds Fengtai Camp, the rest It's Zhang Tingyu and Ma Qi."

Wu Sidao stroked his beard, with a strange smile on his face, and said softly: "Zhang Tingyu has closed the door, but no one has disappeared. On the contrary, it was Ma Qi who delivered a message to the servant, saying that the emperor's last order, he Naturally, I will not and dare not violate it, let the prince rest assured."

"Well, what do you think of Mr. Wu?" Yin Zhen's face was calm.

Wu Sidao sighed softly: "Zhang Tingyu should not be underestimated. This person is a pillar of talent, and he knows more about the three tastes of an official. He once said to others that 'everything is worthwhile, it is better to be silent'. The servant thought that this person is now behind closed doors. It is for the prince's consideration."

Yinzhen knew Zhang Tingyu quite well, nodded, and said, "What Hengchen did was to prove to the world that the succession of this king is the will of Emperor Daxing, and it is indeed the destiny. On the contrary, it is Ma Qi ,snort!"

For Yinzhen, Ma Qi is really an out-and-out bureaucrat, who is used to being able to get his way, especially in this battle for the heir apparent, there is even more suspicion of two ends of the snake.

At Yinzheng, several young eunuchs hurriedly knocked on the door of Prince Yong's mansion, and the housekeeper hurried to the door of the study room, knocked on the door a few times, and then said softly: "My lord, there are people coming from the palace. gone."

Hearing this, Yinzhen and Wu Sidao were startled at the same time, and they looked at each other in unison.

"It's finally here."

The Fengtai camp was brightly lit at this time, and a row of Qing troops had already put on cotton armor, carrying shotguns on their shoulders, and they were gathering under the leadership of the generals, and the atmosphere was extremely chilling.

Admiral Cheng Wenyun was pacing back and forth in the tent with a slightly anxious expression on his face. Several Eight Banners general Zuo Zheng stood behind him, as if they were waiting for something.

Although everyone didn't speak, they already had some points in their hearts. I am afraid that something big will happen today, and if something happens, the soldiers of Fengtai Camp will be the magic weapon for victory.Without soldiers, nothing will work.

At this time, there were more than [-] soldiers in the entire Fengtai camp, and these people belonged to Fengtai Admiral Cheng Wenyun, but even if Cheng Wenyun wanted to transfer troops, he had to have the emperor's order.

And the generals in the camp at the moment are all members of the Eight Lord Party. They each hold an army under their hands, and there are more than 5000 people in total. They are really a force that cannot be underestimated.Cheng Wenyun gathered them here tonight, and what he did was naturally to participate in the battle for the heir apparent.

"Lao Liu Yang, go and have a look. Is the tenth master coming soon? We really need to hurry up now!"

Yang Laoliu is a soldier of the Eight Banners Firearms Battalion of the Han Army. He had no chance to participate in the Southern Expedition, but he escaped. Now in the Fengtai Camp, their Firearms Battalion is more powerful .

"Yes, my lord."

Everyone watched Yang Laoliu leave the tent with a torch, and then disappeared into the night, but they couldn't see where he went, so they could only wait anxiously.

However, after an unknown amount of time, the camp tent was opened again, and a group of guards came in from the outside, everyone holding knives in their hands, but what surprised the generals was that the leader was a slightly braided man. The gray middle-aged man, with a cold expression on his face and a hint of arrogance, is none other than the thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang.

Cheng Wenyun took a few glances at the man, and then he hurriedly came over and knelt down to salute, the generals behind him also knew that he was coming, so they knelt down on the ground one by one.

"Slave Fengtai Admiral Cheng Wenyun, I have met Lord Thirteen!"

"Let's kneel down."

"Cha." Cheng Wenyun felt a little angry in his heart, even an idle Baylor who had been circled, dared to play tricks like this, and waited for the new king to take the throne to see if I didn't take a good look at you!
"Hey, the thirteenth master is here, but I don't know what to do?" Cheng Wenyun's words became eccentric, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

But Yin Xiang ignored the remark, took out a golden arrow token from his chest, raised it high with his hand, and said loudly: "I came to ask you under the order of Prince Yong, where is Cheng Wenyun, the admiral of Fengtai Daying?"

Prince Yong Yinzhen is the prince of Jianguo who is serious and honest. It can be said that except for the title of prince, he has everything else he should have. He, the little admiral of Fengtai, can't stop him.

"The slave is here." Cheng Wenyun's heart began to sink slowly, and he already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

"As the admiral of Fengtai Camp, why are you using your swords at this time? What do you want?" Yinxiang's voice became more and more severe.

"Slave. The slave is afraid of chaos in the capital." Cheng Wenyun felt that he didn't know what he was talking about, and this reason was almost a lie.

"Hmph, even if there is chaos, it should be the matter of the nine admirals, what has it to do with you?" Yinxiang looked at Cheng Wenyun, who was sweating profusely, "Come on, take Cheng Wenyun into custody temporarily, and wait for this matter." , re-trial!"


Several guards tied up Cheng Wenyun Wuhuada, and then took them down. At this time, Yinxiang looked around at the generals in the camp, and said sharply: "By the order of Prince Yong, the Fengtai camp is completely sealed off, and all soldiers are not allowed to go out. All business affairs are handled by Ben Baylor”

"Anyone who dares to go out will not be pardoned!"


 Here I would like to recommend a great book called "I want to be an old man". It is still a seedling, but the writing and plot are excellent!


(End of this chapter)

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