Cutting 1719

Chapter 265 Super Mess

Chapter 265 Super Mess

Hearing the news of the final adaptation, Uji Jing and Qian Ying showed a bit of excitement on their faces. Among them, Uji Jing was nothing. He knew that his adaptation as the main division this time was basically a certainty, so he didn't get too excited. strangeness.Qian Ying was quite pleasantly surprised. In a sense, the Sixth Defense Division is the least qualified, and it is really lucky to be adapted.

Only Xu Mingyuan sighed slightly on his face. After all, he had to wait until the next batch, but he missed this Jiangnan battle, and he might lose a lot of military achievements by then, and the gap with other divisions will become farther and farther.

Ning Yu said loudly: "First announce the appointment of personnel. The commander of the Fourth Division will continue to be Yu Zhijing, the commander of the Second Defense Division, the chief of staff will be Yue Lingfeng, and Li Shihu will be the deputy commander of the Fourth Division. The commander of the Fifth Division will continue to be Qian Ying will be in charge, and the rest will remain unchanged for the time being.”

"In addition, for the current first batch of four divisions, a batch of weapons and military uniforms will be changed, and a batch of personnel and materials needed at that time will be directly transferred from Wuchang to make up the difference between the divisions. "

In other words, it has always been Ning Yu's dream to be able to standardize the firearms of the entire army, instead of being like now, some people hold flintlock guns in their hands, and some people hold shotguns captured by the Qing army, and even Some people held cold weapons such as swords and spears. The difference in equipment greatly affected the combat effectiveness of the Fuhan army, and forced Ning Yu to use the main force to fight every time.

Cheng Ming sighed, "Then what should we do with the replacement shotguns? They are still very delicate. It would be a pity if we just give up like this." Those who have suffered have some empathy.

Ning Yu laughed, "General Cheng, now I have negotiated with the Hanyang gun manufacturer. Now that the weapons in the army can be recycled and modified, all of them will be modified. As for some that are really unusable, they will be sold." It has been distributed to the garrison. As for you, all you will get in the future will be the latest flintlock guns."

When everyone heard what Ning Yu said, they immediately burst into smiles, but no one cared about the rags they used.

In fact, the reorganization plan mentioned by Ning Yu is even bigger than everyone imagined. In addition to the guns they mentioned, more than 100 artillery pieces need to be added. After all, the reorganization will be completed by then. , There will be four artillery regiments and one reinforced artillery regiment, with a total of more than two hundred artillery pieces.

In the next half month, the wharf in the south of Anqing City was almost completely submerged by the transported supplies. More than 100 flintlock guns were transported over, and more than [-] artillery pieces also arrived in Anqing on a large ship. It was received and distributed among the divisions, but it made everyone tired and happy.

Of course, at the same time, the first batch of supplementary recruits basically arrived in Anqing. After all, the combined Han army in Anqing now only has more than 3 people.Many of them are about to retire due to disability and disease, so more than 2 people came by boat intermittently from Wuchang.

At the same time, a very special group of people also arrived in Anqing. Rows of Fuhan army officers wearing red military uniforms and carrying guns around their waists, wearing black cowhide boots, slowly walked off the ship. It's just that when they came down, the impact on other people was very large, because almost all the logos on these people's shoulders were at the battalion level.

Dong Ce stood on the pier with several people, looking at the officers, with a faint smile on his face, and gently patted his thigh with the file bag in his hand.

The officers lined up neatly, walked up to Dong Ce, and gave him a military salute. One of them came out and said with a smile, "Instructor, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Dong Ce smiled and said: "Although I don't know your name, I remember you. You were a soldier I recruited when I was in Changsha. It seems that it is fate now. You can enter the first special training camp for officers, which shows that the battlefield The merits of God are not small!"

The man was only in his early twenties and looked older than Dong Ce, but he didn't dare to show his strength in front of him, and said with a smile: "Instructor, my name is Deng Ziyi, and I have made some contributions in Changsha and Jiujiang one after another. That's why I was promoted to the officer training camp!"

The so-called special training group for officers is actually a special measure launched by the Jiangwu Hall, that is, in addition to recruiting students from the Young Eagle Battalion and civilians, a group of company-level officers and soldiers who have made great contributions are also specially selected to carry out the training. A three-month short-term special training group for officers is divided into two classes, one is a special training class at the company commander level, which will be awarded the position of battalion commander after graduation, and the other is a special training class at the captain level. The rank of company commander is awarded upon graduation.

In Ning Yu's vision, this kind of special training class for officers will be long-term, that is, soldiers who have made military exploits will be regularly selected from the army for intensive training.In addition, training regiments for mid-level officers at the regiment and battalion level will also be launched one after another. As for the training regiments for higher-level military divisions, it is still only on paper.

Deng Zi also caught up with such a good opportunity. He killed four Qing soldiers one after another on the battlefield, and was later promoted to captain. Later, his team killed 48 enemies in the First Battle of Jiujiang, so Deng Ziyi Ziyi then successfully became the company commander again, and was recommended by his superiors to enter the special training camp for officers.

"Changsha people, okay, we fellows from Huguang, all of us are not afraid of death in a war!"

Dong Ce clenched his fist and punched Deng Ziyi on the chest, and then said to the officer below: "The governor arranged for me to pick you up for nothing else. Each of you has proved yourself on the battlefield. You have shed blood and sweat. Here, I salute you!"

All the people behind saluted together, but this scene made the eyes of these officers a little red, and they returned the salute very solemnly.

"Recovering the country of my Han family is the true character of my soldier."

After Dong Ce checked the list of everyone, he took these soldiers and sent them to the barracks of various divisions outside the city. After all, in Ning Yu's plan, Anqing, as the base camp of the Eastern Expedition, will also become the base camp after Wuchang. Another major strategic fulcrum of the city, so the construction of the permanent military camp has already begun, and the divisions are currently temporarily in the permanent military camp outside the city.

In addition, there are also some military camps in Anqing City, but they only accommodate the Governor's Guards Brigade stationed here, so most of the officers were sent by Dong Ce to the nearby divisions, where there are still many recruits. Waiting for training, thinking that it will be ready to go east to Jiangnan in May.

Most of the officers have gradually left, but there are still a dozen or so officers who have nowhere to go. They looked at Dong Ce longingly, wondering where they would be assigned, and Deng Zi also felt a little bit worried. expect.

Dong Ce looked at the sun that was gradually setting, but he smiled and pointed to Anqing City, "You guys will go to the Imperial Guard Brigade in the future, naturally you will enter Anqing City."

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this. As an officer, the more elite the troops, the faster they will be promoted. The Guards Brigade is naturally a great place to go. Besides, Anqing City is much more prosperous after all. Compared with those divisions in the wild, they The situation can be regarded as much stronger.

Dong Ce chuckled, "You guys, don't be too happy. For the governor, the troops around him are the best! You have to go to the most dangerous and difficult places on the battlefield! Let's fight During the Kangxi period, my good fellow, those elite troops fought so terribly! There were 1000 people in the grenadier battalion, and less than 100 people survived the whole process!"

Everyone smiled slightly after hearing this, but Deng Ziyi was the only one who smiled and said: "The governor said that since he was a soldier of the Fuhan Army, he naturally had to hold a share of the blame. He didn't expect us to be able to It’s a great achievement, but at least you have to keep your duty as a soldier, if it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t want to go to the Guards Brigade.”

"Hahahaha. You are a good seed, but you don't want to go to the Guards Brigade!" The smile on Dong Ce's face became brighter.

"Then where am I going?"

Deng Zi also didn't understand, and the others were also a little curious, so they had to go to other places.

Dong Ce said in a deep voice: "Originally, I shouldn't have revealed it in advance, but because I recruited you, I will simply reveal that it is the Chief of Staff of the Governor's Mansion, and it is not an easy job. !"

It was only when everyone heard this that they suddenly realized, but they looked at Deng Ziyi with sympathy.

The reason is very simple. Although the staff office is a second-line department, it does not mean that it cannot go to the front line. Except for the staff officers who do drawing work, most of them need to go to the front line, especially the investigation department. They are even more advanced than the front-line troops. , It is necessary to cooperate with the Military Intelligence Department to pass complete military intelligence information to the staff office and the divisions and regiments. Hard work is hard work, and the danger is really dangerous.

"It's hard to find people who work with their heads up and are brave and careful. I also searched for a long time before I found out that you are a seedling. Your current level is considered to have been raised by half a level."

The Staff Office of the Governor's Mansion is at the deputy division level, while the investigation department is at the deputy regimental level. Deng Ziyi was originally a battalion-level officer, but now he has been raised by half a rank. .

All the officers had been sent away, only Deng Ziyi remained by Dong Ce's side. Dong Ce was now the head of the General Staff Office, Deng Ziyi's immediate boss.

"General Dong, will I still have a chance to lead troops to fight against dogs in the future?"

"Why not? You are by my side, the danger is no worse than that of the first-line army!"

"I just miss those brothers from back then."

"The hardest battle has already been fought, so are you afraid that you won't see them?"

As the sun set, the shadows of the two gradually elongated, and were finally swallowed up in the night, with only a few stars shining on the road under their feet.

The Fuhan army is sharpening their knives, and other people are not idle, especially for the other two rebel forces. Now that the power of the Qing court has been greatly attenuated, it is naturally an excellent opportunity to expand its power. Contrary to everyone's expectations, the Fuhan army did not lose both sides, but fought a big and beautiful victory, but in this way, the oppression of the Qing court became greater and greater.

The two envoys sent by the White Lotus Sect to the Fuhan Army earlier, after failing to ask for the saint, licked their faces and asked for weapons and artillery. This made Ning Zhongyuan a little helpless, after all, the other party is currently fighting against the Qing Dynasty. , It was not good to force the opponent too hard, so he allocated [-] shots of the captured Qing army shotguns, and ten pieces of mother and child guns, and sent them away with some gunpowder.

Although it is a little bit less, it is also a great comfort to the White Lotus Sect who is still retreating in Ruzhou Prefecture. Through this transaction, they have also confirmed that the Fuhan Army will not attack them, so they can rest assured It came out that under the leadership of Liu Ruhan, an army of [-] mightily launched an attack on Xuzhou.

The so-called 10 army sounds like that. It is much larger than the current Fuhan army, but in fact these [-] people are old, weak, sick and disabled. Without a single spear, in Ning Zhongyi's words, to deal with this so-called [-] army, his second division is enough to deal with it.

But the question is, where is the Qing army guarding Xuzhou today?Most of the Qing army was exhausted in previous battles against the Fuhan army, leaving only a small part of the Qing army, plus the local regiment training, naturally it would not be Liu Ruhan's opponent.

On the seventh day of April, Xuzhou was captured by the Bailian Rebel Army. The magistrate Sun Ze committed suicide and died for his country. All property in the city was looted, and a large number of women and children were sent back to Ruzhou. In addition to the loss of troops this time, it has also increased greatly.

Having won this victory, Liu Ruhan's prestige in the White Lotus Sect has further increased, but he also considered that the name of the White Lotus Sect is not very good, so he changed it to a nondescript Great Rebel Army.The so-called righteous people are their teachings like monsters and ghosts.

After taking Xuzhou, Liu Ruhan set his sights on Yancheng again. It's not that he didn't want to take down Dengfeng, Xingyang, Luoyang and other big cities, but he also understood what the so-called Great Rebel Army is now. The stubble Qing army, let alone 2 to [-], even [-] to [-], is enough to destroy itself.

Even when the Dayi Army was expanding wantonly, Zhu Yigui was not idle, but he did not choose to attack the Qing Army, but took advantage of the Qing Army's weak strength and was unable to attack, he eradicated the internal rebellion and sent Du Junying and Du Huisan Killing the father and son, and then accepting his followers, he has completely stabilized his own internal affairs, and began to focus on landing in Fujian.

The governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, Man Bao, rushed to Xiamen to supervise the battle at night, but at this time the strength of the Qing army was also greatly weakened. Lan Tingzhen, the general soldier of South Australia, died in the battle, and Shi Shibiao, the admiral of the Fujian Navy, was also marching, and suddenly encountered a heavy rain. Attack, but Shi Shibiao stood up all night, and he was really old, so he couldn't get sick, but it was a pity.

In addition to the lack of generals, the quality of the current Qing army has also been greatly reduced.In the previous battle with the Han army, the Qing army lost most of its elite forces. Now the urgent expansion of the army recruits farmers who have just put down their hoes. Fujian and Fujian have become very difficult.

It was also at this time that Yongzheng realized what a terrible mess he had inherited.

 The overtime work in the past two days has been serious, so there is one shift every day, and two shifts will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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