Cutting 1719

Chapter 266 Fiscal Reform

Chapter 266 Fiscal Reform
When Yongzheng got the news, he felt full of depression. He really didn't want to lose the awards one after another at this juncture, especially Shi Shibiao was of great significance to Fujian. If the bandits are suppressed, it may not be so easy.

"Shi Shibiao has served for a long time, and he has worked hard. He is very proficient in coastal naval operations. He is simply an admiral, and he is dedicated to his duties. When Taiwan's bandits steal their money, they dispatch officers and soldiers to cross the ocean in person. Mi, it is commendable! The important place in the sea and the frontier, the data is right, and I suddenly heard that the star has fallen, and my heart is deeply mourned!

"Written as a gift to the Crown Prince Taibao, and given a sympathy according to the law. The 1 taels of silver borrowed from the treasury were exempted from repayment. He was buried in Fujian and the place where his wife stayed, and he did as requested. The funeral was like a ceremony, and his posthumous title was Yongguo .”

At the same time, who to send to succeed the admiral of the Fujian Navy has also become Yongzheng's current worry. He really doesn't want to send another waste, and it will ruin the overall situation for nothing.

The chief academician Ma Qi stood up and said, "My majesty, this servant thinks that to put down the turmoil in Taiwan, it is necessary to send a person who is familiar with Taiwan's geography, and this person must be good at running the army to take on this important task."

When Yongzheng heard this, he became interested, and said curiously, "Since the Grand Scholar said so, there must be a ready candidate? Please tell me quickly, the Grand Scholar."

Ma Qi didn't dare to show off, so he lay on the ground and said: "I dare you, there is indeed a good candidate, who may be able to take on the important task. This person's name is Yao Tang, and now he is the Admiral of Guangdong."

Yao Tang
Yongzheng tried his best to recall in his mind, he seemed to have some impression of this name, "Guangdong Admiral Yao Tang. This person is Yao Ken'an who was the commander-in-chief of Fujian and Taiwan ten years ago?"

Ma Qi said with a smile: "My Majesty, it is this person. Although Yao Ken'an is from Shandong, his military registration is in Fujian. He has been in the army since he was 20 years old. Counting this person, he has been in Fujian for many years." of the head."

After such a reminder, Yongzheng was hooked in his mind, and he said with a smile: "I still vaguely remember that Yao Tang was in Gubeikou at the beginning, and it was from Gubeikou when Huang Kao personally conquered Galdan, Mongolia. It started. At that time, the guard for Huang Kao was the Shixia Camp at Gubeikou, and Yao Tang was the head of the Shixia Camp.”

Ma Qi was a little emotional, "I didn't expect the emperor to remember it, it has been decades."

"Since this person was the commander-in-chief of Fujian and Taiwan, he probably has a good understanding of Taiwan's geography. It is appropriate to transfer him now, but this person is quite old."

Thinking of Shi Shibiao who died just now, and looking at Yao Tang, who was not too young, Yongzheng felt a little hesitant in his heart, but right now the lack of generals in the entire Qing Dynasty has become an urgent problem.

"That's all. Now as long as the situation is stabilized first, other things are easy to talk about."

"An order to the University Scholars: Shi Shibiao, Admiral of the Fujian Navy, died of illness. The shortage is very urgent. I ask Yao Tang, the admiral of Guangdong, to make up for it and go to the post as soon as possible. For the affairs of the admiral of Guangdong, Feng Yi, the deputy governor of Guangzhou, will act as his agent."

After receiving the order, Ma Qi took out a memorial from his sleeve and handed it to Yongzheng after the matter was settled. "Report to the emperor, the temple name and posthumous title of the former emperor, the cabinet has now produced a charter, please look over it to the emperor."

Yongzheng picked it up and took a look. When the cabinet gave Kangxi the temple name, it first gave the word "ancestor" to highlight Kangxi's achievements, and then gave it the word "sage", which was a precedent in history.Because of the previous emperors, no one has used the word 'Holy'.

But for Yongzheng, it is written in his heart, because he has just succeeded to the throne, and he does not have too much prestige at present. For the opposition such as the eighth and the fourteenth, we can only win over first. Therefore, only by raising Emperor Kangxi high can he demonstrate the righteousness of his name and unite people in this way.

"Huang Kao lived for 60 years and was called Shoucheng. In fact, he was the founder and the holy ancestor. It is really appropriate."

Strictly speaking, if there was no such thing as the recovery of the Han army, Yongzheng's words could barely be regarded as passable, but since the recovery of the Han army came out, the Qing army had lost consecutive battles, and even Kangxi's imperial conquests were defeated. Almost half of the country in the south To fall into the enemy's hands, it is a bit far-fetched to say anything about the ancestor at this time.

Yongzheng didn't have any scruples about these things at all, and continued to read. The posthumous title given to Kangxi by the cabinet was "He Tianhong, Wenwu, Ruizhe, Respectful, Frugal, Plentiful, Filial, Honest, Merit, Great Chengren Emperor", which is also a beautiful word.However, the so-called posthumous title system has long been played to pieces, so it is not surprising that such a posthumous title is given.

"So be it."

Yongzheng exhaled lightly, but issued another decree: "Confer Belle Yunyu as Prince Lian, Yunyu as King of Lujun, and abolish Prince Yunyu's son Hongxi as King of Lijun. Also, let Fuguo Gongyan The letter is General Xi'an, and the military affairs of the general Fuyuan, let the general come back first!"

Ma Qi was emotional for a while, and he naturally understood that the previous ones were sweets for the Baye Party, and the condition was naturally that the general Yunxi would come back, so as to completely remove the military power in his hands.This move can't be said to be ruthless, and it can even be said that with this move, General Fuyuan Yunzhen is no longer a threat.

The meaning of these words to Ma Qi is naturally to let Ma Qi act as the middleman to talk with the Baye Party.Yongzheng was very smart on this point, and he quickly saw through the gap between Lao Ba and Lao 14, that is, Lao Ba had the support of the court ministers, but had no military power.The old fourteen has military power, but has no imperial foundation.

If the two are combined into one, Yongzheng will naturally not dare to act rashly, but the problem is that these two people are two people no matter what, even if they are good enough to wear a pair of trousers, they are still two people, and they have their own little calculations. Fight, how can we help each other at this time?
After Ma Qi retreated, Yongzheng wrote another secret letter and sent someone to Yanxin. It was not until this matter was completed that he breathed a sigh of satisfaction and sent someone to invite Prince Yi Yunxiang.

Prince Yi Yunxiang suffered a lot of suffering and grievances in the early years, his braids are all gray, and he usually looks desolate, but since the last time he went to Fengtai Daying to surrender his military power, his spirits have risen , now being named Prince Yi, although he is very busy, his whole state is completely different.

"Report to the emperor, this slave pays his respects to the emperor." Although the two brothers were very harmonious, Yunxiang never dared to overstep, and every time he came to see Yongzheng, he would respectfully salute him.

Yongzheng helped Yunxiang up, and said softly: "Thirteenth brother, if there is no outsider present, you should still call me fourth brother."

Prince Yi Yunxiang had no choice but to reply, "Your Majesty, etiquette cannot be abolished, and slaves will never dare to exceed half a point."

Yongzheng also had no choice but to hold Yunxiang's hand, sat on the stool, sighed and said: "It's really wrong to be an emperor. I don't know, this is the biggest chore in the world."

Yun Xiang said with emotion: "The world is as big as the emperor alone, so naturally it is more important than a thousand jun."

"I have received a note from the people below. This Chu Ni is now in Anqing to prepare troops. I am afraid that he will send troops to the south of the Yangtze River at the latest in June. In addition, the Zhu bandits in Taiwan are also sorting out the interior. I am afraid that they will also look for opportunities to enter Fujian. Zhe, those lunatics from the White Lotus Sect are doing more mischief in Henan, the smoke is everywhere here, I really can't sleep at night!"

Yongzheng selected a few papers from the royal case and handed them to Yunxiang. The latter read each word carefully in fear and trepidation, but the more he looked at it, the paler his face became, and the top of his head was sweating. cold sweat.

"Your Majesty, the world is probably in chaos!"

What Yunxiang said is not nonsense, but before Kangxi, the Eight Banners Group of the Qing Dynasty did not take these gangsters seriously. Of course, there are many reasons for this, but after Yunxiang finished reading these After that, a great fear emerged in his heart, that is, if the Qing Dynasty did not cheer up, it would be only a short distance away from perishing.

A wry smile appeared on Yongzheng's face, and he sighed, "The country that Huang Kao entrusted to me must not be thrown away in my hands, but for me, there are really too many things to do right now. If we have to cheer up, we must clarify the administration of officials, rectify corruption, we must train new troops, and forge firearms, all of which must be worked hard by our brothers!"

Yun Xiang knelt directly on the ground, his eyes were already red, "Your Majesty, for the sake of Qing Dynasty, Yun Xiang will never dare to disappoint His Majesty!"

Yongzheng's face looked a little better now, he helped Yunxiang up, and sighed: "Now the most difficult thing for my Qing Dynasty is not these, but the treasury is completely empty of money."

Speaking of the financial problems of the Qing Dynasty, the two brothers looked at each other, but they could see the helplessness in each other's hearts, because this problem was really unsolvable.

Strictly speaking, the Kangxi Dynasty was not short of money, but no matter how strong the family was, it could not withstand the consumption of years of wars, not to mention the previous wars against Zhuanger, let alone the last five years of Kangxi. During the time, troops were mobilized in the Northwest successively, and later they fought with the Fuhan army in Huguang, and lost a lot of Eight Banners young and strong, the key is that the treasury of the Qing court was indeed emptied.

Yongzheng sighed, "Thirteenth brother, I want to hand over the household department to you, so that I can replenish the treasury of the Qing Dynasty as soon as possible. Only in this way can I train more new troops. Forge more firearms and fight Chu Ni to the death."

With tears on his face, Yun Xiang lay down on the ground and kowtowed: "Your slave is willing to fight for me and spare no effort!"

The lecturers on Jingyan Day who were present wrote hard and recorded this scene of brotherly love in the history books. It was just a few years ago that Kangxi abolished the daily life note system, so it was just restored by Yongzheng , but failed to record Yongzheng's real good intentions.

All that Yongzheng did was actually setting the tone for future financial reforms, and letting Yunxiang assist in the management of the household department. Although on the one hand, there was a reason to feel the brotherhood, on the other hand, it was to set up a shield for himself , used to attract courtiers' firepower during future reforms.

Regarding this point, Yunxiang is not necessarily not clear, but he also understands that no matter whether it is Yongzheng or Qing Dynasty, it is impossible to retreat, and if they retreat, they will really perish.And the monarchs of the Qing Dynasty were never inferior to anyone in terms of ruthlessness.

While the Qing court was licking its wounds, Wuchang began to really sort out its financial basics. In fact, this step has been brewing for a long time, but it is just taking advantage of this great opportunity to launch it.

Regarding this financial reform, on the surface it is led by Ning Zhongjing, the right counselor of the Fuhan Military Political Affairs Hall, but in fact everyone knows that the real mastermind behind the scenes is the King of Chu, Ning Zhongyuan, and the governor who is far away on the front line. Ning Yu, it can even be said that Ning Yu has the greatest influence in this reform.

When Li Fu returned to Wuchang to negotiate with the Huguang Chamber of Commerce last time, he brought a letter from Ning Yu to the Chu Palace. Chu Wang Ning Zhongyuan read this letter of only a thousand words, but read it all night , It's really because the idea Ning Yu put forward is too appalling.

To put it simply, Ning Yu's idea is to further support industry and commerce, especially after Jiangnan is completely taken over, new regulations on industry and commerce will be formulated in Jiangnan. The key is to further improve the status of industry and commerce, and impose heavy taxes on industry and commerce. In order to expand the financial resources, and then use the industrial and commercial wealth to further reduce the rent, and give real benefits to the farmers all over the world.

When Ning Zhongyuan gave the letter to Ning Zhongjing and Cui Wancai to read, the two sighed together, and then said a word, but their attitudes were very strange.

After Ning Zhongjing finished reading it, what he said was 'the heart of a Bodhisattva', while Cui Wancai said it was 'bold and bold'.But both Ning Zhongjing and Cui Wancai euphemistically expressed that it was not feasible.

The reason is very simple, this measure is to cut the roots of those gentry's old foundations, in the view of those gentry and landowners, the ideal way to get rich should be to earn huge profits from business first, but after making money, they will not continue Instead of expanding production, they began to buy land, cultivate family scholars, and let them become officials.

After this group of scholars became officials, they started to turn around to protect their low taxes in business. fields, and then cultivate scholars, thus forming such a vicious circle.

To put it bluntly, it's not that they don't know that industry and commerce can make big profits, but the big profits have already been taken by these big landlords, so naturally they don't want to spit it out, let alone be cut off by the court.As for the other so-called theories that business is cheap, it only further consolidates their interests.

Before Ning Yu wrote the letter, he knew in his heart that this era belongs to the era of pioneering and adventure. If he wants to continue to research something in the land, he is really waiting to fight, so no matter what, he will To promote the progress of this matter, even this matter is more important than the upcoming Eastern Expedition.

(End of this chapter)

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