Cutting 1719

Chapter 280 Soldiers Surround Jiangning

Chapter 280 Soldiers Surround Jiangning
At the end of June, the Fuhan army drove straight in, and the four divisions were divided into three directions to advance. Ning Yu led the Imperial Guard Brigade of the Governor's Mansion, as well as the first and fourth divisions, along Jiangning Town, Banqiao and Dasheng Pass. Direction, all the way straight to the core of Jiangning.

In addition to this road, there are two other roads that outflank Jiangning from the outside to cut off the connection between Jiangning and the outside world. Under the leadership of Cheng Ming, the third division will attack along Hezhou, Qiaolin, Jiangpu and other places in the north of the Yangtze River. , so as to cut off the support of the Qing army in northern Anhui, and also attack Jiangning from the direction of Yanziji.

There is also the last road, the newly formed fourth division, led by the division commander Qian Ying, heading towards Lukou, Longdu and Jurong, thereby cutting off the Qing army in the direction of Zhenjiang and Changzhou, and turning Jiangning into a city. lonely city.

Jiangning City has become turbulent, and everyone's morale has become very low. Everyone does not think that Jiangning City can survive the offensive of the Fuhan Army at this time. Everyone is waiting for the advance of the Fuhan Army. city.

In this environment, Governor Fan Shiyi was also in a dilemma. Although he now has [-] soldiers and horses, the combat power of these people is almost tantamount to nothing, and the money in his hand is not too much. Enough, so it is very difficult to train a strong army.

Therefore, in order to be able to hold on, Fan Shiyi no longer had any scruples about eating, and directly asked the soldiers to organize the young and strong in the city with knives and guns, and catch up to the top of the city wall.But how can the young and strong recruited in this way be willing to use their lives?

Of course, the situation in the city is becoming more and more chaotic, and Ning Yu will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity. The shadow and the military intelligence department have planted nails in Jiangning a few months ago, and now they have also been activated. The leaflets are all related to the relevant policies of the Fuhan Army. For example, the Fuhan Army strictly abides by battlefield discipline and will never disturb the people and looting.

Under such circumstances, the atmosphere in Jiangning City became more and more ambiguous, but for Fan Shiyi, there was no better way. On the one hand, he sent someone to find Yang Zongren and asked the other party to quickly recruit troops for support; All the big households in Jiangning City were invited to the governor's office.

The Governor’s Yamen in Jiangning City was originally rebuilt from the palace, so it is very luxurious and grand. In the past, if there were a grand event, there would always be lights and festoons everywhere, and it would be very lively. A feeling of dead silence.

All the gentry in Jiangning City were invited to the banquet, but they just looked at the green battalion soldiers inside and outside, with shotguns in their hands and knives hanging on their waists.

Of course, this is impossible. Just after the gentry gathered in the Governor's Yamen, the soldiers outside completely blocked the road. The evil villain assassinated.

In this strange atmosphere, the governor's yamen also began to deliver food like flowing water. Everyone was worried, and they toasted and drank with wry smiles. It was a good feast, but it was like a funeral. mat surface.

Before Governor Fan Shiyi arrived, the gentry began to whisper in the audience, and the big guys greeted and chatted with each other. For them, the current situation was like a mountain rolling over, but the people present But there is no way to resist, and the only way to keep safe is to wait for the situation to change.

Governor Fan Shiyi held up his cup and looked around at the crowd, but he had already made up his mind, so he clapped his hands.I saw the servants in the mansion coming forward carrying two baskets of goods.

"Everyone, today's banquet is definitely not for me, the governor. The governor understands these gifts from you, but the governor will never accept them!"

Everyone looked at the righteous governor, and some couldn't believe their eyes. There are still officials who don't accept gifts in the Qing Dynasty these days?Not to mention giving gifts at this kind of banquet, which is very common. Even the emperor would not say anything if he knew about it. After all, this is an unspoken rule that everyone knows well.

However, looking at the upright Governor Fan Shiyi, many people were a little confused, so they could only watch the Governor's performance in silence.

Fan Shiyi didn't speak any more, but sat down and glanced lightly at Jiangsu Governor Wu Cunli, which seemed a little meaningful.

But at this time, Wu Cunli, the governor of Jiangsu, felt as if he was sitting on a nail, and he was uncomfortable. When Fan Shiyi looked at him, Wu Cunli was almost terrified. It wasn't that he was naturally timid. .

In Jiangsu official circles, Wu Cunli, governor of Jiangsu, is definitely a legendary figure. He was promoted to governor of Jiangsu in the 55th year of Kangxi. Come and praise Wu Cunli.

"It is recorded that in the 12 years since Lin Wu, the literary style is outstanding and can be passed down. Yu Huai always thinks about the poor and poor, and encourages Erqin to be a good official."

This poem is known to everyone in Jiangsu official circles, but this good official who is so admired by Kangxi is actually an actor through and through. day.

This is also due to the settlement of the debts by the Ministry of Accounts, which made Wu Cunli fall into the prototype after all. During the investigation by the Ministry of Accounts, it was found that there was a deficit of 21 taels of silver in the Dao Treasury. This made Fan Shiyi very happy. On the one hand, he explained the reason to Emperor Yongzheng, on the other hand, he used this excuse to threaten Wu Cunli, with the purpose of getting him to cooperate with his actions this time.

Wu Cunli had been the governor of Jiangsu for five years, so the relationship between the upper and lower levels had already been sorted out. Most of the people present had gone through Wu Cunli's relationship, and Wu Cunli was naturally their official backer, so Fan Shiyi planned to use He did the opposite, using Wu Cunli as a knife to force the gentry in Jiangsu to submit.

The effect of this action is naturally very good. Wu Cunli got up slowly, looked at the gentlemen, and said: "I am very happy that you can come here today, but when I think of the arrival of the bandits, my heart is pulled. It hurts, the devastation of Huguang is still vaguely visible, but now it's the turn of Jiangnan." Just after saying this, her eyes turned red.

"Everyone, since the rebellion of the Chu Rebellion, many provinces of my Qing Dynasty have been brutally poisoned. There is no smoke for thousands of miles, and the bones are born in the wild. Those scenes have appeared in front of my eyes for a long time. I am really ashamed!"

The crowd also wailed along with the governor, but while they forced out a few tears, they had already raised their vigilance in their hearts. Facts have proved that once this old thief behaves like this, he must be deceitful.

Wu Cunli stopped crying, looked at the people slowly, and said in a low voice: "Now Jiangning is under heavy siege, but there are less than [-] soldiers in the city, and the weapons and armor are even more rotten, and there is no way to boost morale. Yinliang, seeing that Jiang Ning is about to lose his life, all of you should do your part."

Wu Cunli's words were touching, while Fan Shiyi kept watching with cold eyes, without saying a word, as if he was watching a group of clowns perform.

As soon as everyone heard this, the stone in their hearts was put down. It turned out that they wanted money!As long as it is not fatal, it is easy to discuss.At that moment, the Zhou family, a wealthy family in Jiangning City, came out and said, "My lord, it is our duty to fight against the rebellion. My Zhou family is small and weak, so I would like to give you 500 taels of silver!"

Seeing this situation, other people also started to talk in a hurry, what are you paying for 500 taels and mine for 300 taels?

Seeing this scene, Wu Cunli was a little anxious. When he wanted to continue to say something, Fan Shiyi waved his hand to stop him. He stood up slowly, but his expression was very serious. Looking at this group of ignorant people, he sneered.

"The money you gave me to Fan was a full 10 taels of silver, but the money you gave to the Qing Dynasty was only 400 taels!"

There was a little chill in Fan Shiyi's voice. He pointed to the direction outside the city and said loudly: "It's there, it's there! The Chu Ni army is coming, and my country, Jiangning, is now in danger. City break, do you think that Chu Ni will be as talkative as this old man? They will only assassinate you one by one and take away all your money!"

"The current situation in Jiangning, I don't need to say much, you know what's going on in your heart! The emperor asked me to come to Jiangnan, not to make a fortune with you! Jiangnan, we have to guard it. If we want to guard it, we must have money. !"

"If you don't give money to Ben Du, don't blame Ben Du for being ruthless!"

Everyone in the audience fell into a deathly silence. Of course, everyone understood what the current situation was like, but it was absolutely impossible to expect them to be buried with the Qing Dynasty. The army has a little more confidence, doesn't it?
It's just that Fan Shiyi's attitude at this time is very clear, give money or die, there is no other choice.This made the big guys a little unsure of what to do. No matter what, they had at most a group of servants in their hands. How could they fight against the Qing army?But just paying the money like this is absolutely unacceptable in my heart.

Time flows slowly, but to everyone, it seems that it has been a long time, and finally some people can't bear the pressure in their hearts, but they choose to overweight.

"The old man's family has no floating wealth, and he couldn't spend any more silver at first, but this fundraising army is also to protect us from peace. The old man will also do his best out of emotion and reason. My Xu family is willing to donate 300 taels of silver. Share your worries for adults!"

Looking at the situation again, the others couldn't help but sighed, but right now they didn't dare to be tough, so they had to increase the donation one by one, but it didn't increase too much, it just changed from a few hundred taels to two to 3000 taels , but even so, the amount of silver has increased to more than 3 taels.

The face of the head of the Zhou family was as black as charcoal. He looked at these people and sneered, and then he said slowly: "Mr. Donate another 500 taels, and donate another two thousand shi of rice grain to Mr. Xiantai for military rations!"

Two thousand stones of rice grain is a lot to say, but in the current situation, it is more like humiliating Fan Shiyi and Wu Cunli, so it is not only Fan Shiyi's face full of anger, but even Wu Cunli's expression on his face. The eyes are also a little more cold.

The power of a first-rank official in the court cannot be resisted by a small family, Fan Shiyi almost roared out in an angry voice.

"Come on, take it!"

The soldiers from outside quickly rushed in, and the leader, one at the head, punched the Patriarch of the Zhou family, smashing him to the ground, and then being tied upside down on the ground.

"Let go, Fan Shiyi, I am Lord Longkodo's confidant, and you treat me like this, waiting for me to write to Lord Long, killing you! Let me go! You people will die! "

Wu Cunli sighed softly, and whispered in Fan Shiyi's ear: "My lord, just teach this kind of scoundrel a lesson. After all, he is also Long Kedo's confidant, so it's not good to go too far."

But before Wu Cunli could finish speaking, Fan Shiyi stepped forward quickly, pulled out the saber of the guard at the side, and slashed down fiercely, but it cut a big hole in the head of the Patriarch of the Zhou family. Not caring about the splashed blood, he slashed down again, cutting off half of his head.

This bloody scene shocked everyone, many people even collapsed on the ground, their feces and urine were frightened, making this space smelly and unpleasant.

"Lonkodo? The old man just wait!"

Fan Shiyi claimed to be a spoiled son from the Fan family, so why was he afraid of a Longkodo who relied on the new king to take the throne?What's more, even if Yongzheng came now, he would only praise him for killing well!Not killing is not enough to witness people's hearts!Not killing is not enough to guard Jiangnan!

"This person has repeatedly obstructed the governor's actions. I think he is the traitor of Chu. It is a crime that cannot be forgiven! Come, carry the body out of the hut, and the soldiers will arrest all of his family, interrogate them severely, and confiscate all their money. !"

Either don't do it, or do it absolutely.Fan Shiyi quickly accused the other party of being a spy, and arrested the entire family of the other party. Naturally, the property belonged to Fan Shiyi, and his actions were extremely ruthless.In just one night, the Zhou family, a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River, disappeared.

After having such an example, Fan Shiyi didn't need to teach him earnestly and earnestly, and everyone didn't want to be the second dead soul under the knife of Governor Fan, so they simply raised the money a little more. carry.This time, he really took out his own money, just to save his own life.

As you said, the money poured in like flowing water. The big guys donated thousands of taels this time, but tens of thousands of taels. Besides the taels of silver, there were some people who really didn’t have enough taels of silver. Then donated rice grains to replace it, but the rice grains were not the so-called two thousand stones, but the scale of ten thousand stones.As for other medicinal materials, horses and even servants, they were all sent out.

After such a final integration, there were as much as 35 taels of silver, more than a hundred thousand shi of rice grain, and countless other medicinal materials. The gentlemen who became quail were sent back.

It was just the smell of blood in the air, but it never dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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