Cutting 1719

Chapter 281

Chapter 281
Teams of soldiers filed out from the yamen of the governor's mansion, and under the leadership of the general, they headed towards Zhou's house with murderous looks on their faces. Naturally, this movement could not be hidden from the other people in the city, and everyone poked their heads out Waiting and watching, only to find that the soldiers were heading south of the city.

The Zhou family is a big family in Jiangning. It took root in Jiangning City during the Ming Dynasty. Later, after the Manchus entered the customs, they took the lead in shaving their braids and joining the Qing army. The Qing court attached great importance to it, so it has always been in Jiangning, and it can be regarded as a downright snake.

Later, by coincidence, he walked away from Longkodo's door, and then he trembled in Jiangning.But before it really started shaking, Fan Shiyi, the new governor, lent his head to stand up, and even the whole family would suffer.

The soldiers raised their knives and guns like wolves and surrounded the Zhou family, but after all, the Zhou family had been cultivating in Jiangning for a long time, and although many family members ran away from the mansion, there were still a group of sons holding knives and guns , with a murderous look in his eyes, he leaned against the courtyard wall and confronted the Qing soldiers.

Ordinary people may not know that the fighting power of the servants is much stronger than that of the green battalion these days. This is also a habit inherited from the previous Ming Dynasty. It is the generals who lead their family members as the main force.

Even when the Fuhan Army first raised its troops, a group of elite servants from the Ning Mansion took the green battalion of the Hanyang Camp as the main force, and killed the Hubei governor's standard battalion at that time, and Yue Lingfeng was captured alive.Later, the Young Eagle Camp also carried the name of the servant on the surface.

Therefore, this group of Zhou family's sons far surpassed the Qing army in terms of equipment, training, and morale, and the Qing army did not hesitate at all when fighting this kind of battle. At the order of the Qing Army General Qian, hundreds of Qing soldiers shot at the wall with shotguns.

After this round of shooting, only three of the servants of the Zhou family fell down, and the rest leveled the shotguns in their hands and pulled the trigger. With a roar, the Qing army fell down. A dozen people went down.

General Qian of the Qing army was a little annoyed, and he stopped pointing the gun, but brandished the waist knife in his hand, and asked someone to carry a giant tree to directly attack the gate of Zhou's house.How could the wooden door withstand the impact, and soon fell directly to the ground.

The soldiers of the Qing army also rushed into the mansion brandishing long knives, and fought with the family members of the Zhou family. The sound of beating and killing was heard endlessly for several miles, but it scared the surrounding people to close their houses, fearing that the Qing army would kill them. Red-eyed, they were chopped off as rebels.

The fight lasted until midnight, and it was not known whether it was the Qing army or the Zhou family. They set a fire and set the house on fire. The fire was blazing, and the surrounding houses were also set ablaze. Black smoke rose into the sky in the city, straight into the sky.

The surrounding people saw that their houses were all set ablaze, and they no longer cared about being a tortoise, and began to actively fight the fire, but in the face of water and fire, manpower was so limited, and the fire was burning more and more, but it turned red half the sky.

When the city was in chaos, a man dressed in black stood in the dark and stared coldly at the scene in front of him. He watched for a long time before turning his head away. This person was Sun Wencheng of Hangzhou Weaving.

Long before the Fu Han army entered Jiangning, Sun Wencheng had already sneaked into Jiangning City, but his whereabouts were very concealed, so he was not discovered by anyone. Can hide from his eyes.

Sun Wencheng was keenly aware that the time to turn against the water had come. If he didn't hurry up, after Jiangning City was completely captured, all the credit he had won would be lost. Therefore, he was still very concerned about this banquet. Now Seeing that the Zhou family was completely destroyed, he felt a little more sad.

The reason is naturally very simple. Now that there is such a good show about the death of a rabbit and a fox, no matter how weak the gentry in Jiangnan is, they will not let it go, because the Zhou family in Jiangning has been wiped out. Sometimes I have to whisper in my heart.

A man in black walked over quickly, and whispered softly in Sun Wencheng's ear for a while, but Sun Wencheng's heart was shocked when he heard it, but he turned his head and left without looking at the burning house .

After all, Jiangning is a thousand-year-old capital, and there is a dark mist hidden under the prosperity. It is the place where the major forces in Jiangning City secretly confront each other. It is Shangyuan County, which is under the same government as Jiangning County.

Surrounded by several men in black, Sun Wencheng came to a restaurant in Shangyuan County, and then he was blindfolded with cloth strips and loaded into a carriage, creaking Go deep into the street.

After a lot of tossing, Sun Wencheng felt as if he had been put into a jar, staggering and unable to tell the difference between east, west and north. It wasn't until someone lifted the veil that he felt a dazzling light appearing in front of him, but It dimmed for an instant, and then he tried to open his eyes, only to find a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi standing in front of him.

The man was holding a book in his hand, which looked like an account book, and was reading it carefully. When he saw Sun Wencheng on the ground, he turned his head and said with a smile: "Master Sun, you will be safe this time!"

Sun Wencheng was still a little angry at first, but when he heard this sentence, he suddenly became extremely alert, as if he saw a natural enemy, and his hairs stood on end.

"Are you an owl?"

The middle-aged man smiled and clapped his hands lightly, but the two maids came forward and lit up all the candlesticks in the room, but now Sun Wencheng could clearly see that the middle-aged man in front of him was exactly The man in the shadow who fought against him back then—Xiao.Thinking of this, his voice couldn't help trembling.

As Kangxi's eyes and ears in Jiangnan, Sun Wencheng and Yingying fought against each other more than once or twice in Jiangnan, especially when the Military Intelligence Department had not yet arrived in Jiangnan, Yingying was almost Sun Wencheng's nightmare. During this year, Shadows are almost all over the south of the Yangtze River, and stealing intelligence and secret assassinations almost always happen.

Among them, Xiao was in charge of the shadow in the south of the Yangtze River. Since Sun Wencheng fought against him, he had suffered many losses, and he remembered this person even more. Later, before the battle between Kangxi and the Han army, Sun Wencheng and Xiao had a real fight. The person almost passed by, so Sun Wencheng recognized it quickly.

The middle-aged man had a smile on his face, and said softly: "Xiao is my code name, not my real name. Now that Mr. Sun has turned his back on the dark and turned to the light, he has joined my Han army. Naturally, there is no need to hide it from my lord. My surname is Ning, and my name is Luo Yuan. The head of the intelligence department of the Jufu Han Army, that is what you call the shadow."

Sun Wencheng's eyes narrowed, then he said with a smile: "General Ning, this encounter is unexpected, but I have offended you a lot earlier, I hope General Ning will forgive me."

With a smile on Ning Luoyuan's face, he stretched out his hand to help Sun Wencheng up, "It's really a great fortune for me to return to the Han army now, Sir Sun! , my lord can come, and all conditions can be agreed!"

Hearing this, Sun Wencheng knew in his heart that what the other party said might be exaggerated, but his heart was still warm. Compared with the Qing court, Sun Wencheng couldn't help but want to scold his mother, how much did he do for Kangxi when he was in the Hangzhou weaving office? Shameless thing?
Kangxi was going to tour the south, and Sun Wencheng’s first major event after taking office was to prepare for the pick-up. In order for Emperor Kangxi to take a boat from Zhizao Mansion to the West Lake, Sun Wencheng directly opened the Yongjin Water Gate to divert water into the city. The river is five feet wide and eight feet deep. It turns south at the third bridge, turns east again, and reaches the gate of Zhizao Mansion. The purpose is to win Kangxi's favor, but in the end Kangxi failed to go, but it was a waste. How much people's fat and people's ointment.

As for the other things Sun Wencheng did, there are too many to count. What helped Kangxi acquire Gao Shiqi’s collection of calligraphy and painting, and what passed on Qiu Zhaoao’s personal belongings for Kangxi, there were quite a lot. How did the shortfall come from?Didn't he do these stupid things to take care of Kangxi's face!

But when the time came, Kangxi left. When Yongzheng came up, he began to want to bloodlet Jiangnan Sanzhi. How could Sun Wencheng bear it? He said: "Sun is willing to go through fire and water for the great cause of restoring the Han Dynasty, and he will do whatever he wants!"

With such a remark, it can be regarded as Sun Wencheng officially joined the Fuhan Army. He felt as if he had unloaded a heavy burden. After this identity and position changed, the whole person's spirit was completely different, and he began to think Made meritorious service in front of the new master.

"My lord, since the Great Governor is about to besiege Jiangning, the lowly position may as well be in Jiangning City as an internal response. When the time comes, Jiangning will naturally be at your fingertips."

Ning Luoyuan shook his head lightly, and said slowly: "The governor's intention is to let you go back to Hangzhou to cooperate with Yang Zongren's team training plan. The key is for you to be able to master part of the team training and do it at the critical moment. The key thing."


Sun Wencheng is a smart person, he quickly thought of the key to the problem, and couldn't help but gasped.

Ning Luoyuan had a bit of admiration on his face, "This is the decision made by the governor himself. You are the right person to do this job. If you can succeed, then the group training will be completely changed. No matter how bold Yongzheng is at that time, he will not dare to force the regiment training policy against the opposition of the court!"

After Yongzheng decided to use Yang Zongren to implement the group training policy, Ning Yu's attitude towards group training changed a lot. The reason is very simple. If only Fan Shiyi and the gentry in Jiangnan engage in this group training, the taste will definitely change. In the end, it's up to both to say whether it can be done.

But Yang Zongren, who represents Yongzheng, can bypass these interests in Jiangnan and do it from a higher level of perspective. As long as the regiments in Jiangnan are practiced, it means that the Qing court has such A hole card can be implemented in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places at a critical time, so the plan of restoring the Han army to unify the south will naturally be affected.

Because of this, Ning Yu decided on the strategy of buying and dividing. He originally planned to buy the Cao family, but Sun Wencheng jumped out at this time, but he was a more suitable candidate than the Cao family. It will completely draw a dividing line between the Eight Banners and the Han people in the world, and trust will become a big problem.

At that time, Yang Zongren himself will be boycotted, because his identity is always a Han, and the group training is also inseparable from the Han. This is the real pain of the Qing court today.

"It's even better like this." Sun Wencheng was amazed, but he was also a little unwilling, "I will return to Hangzhou to master the team training in Zhejiang, but now Jiangning is close at hand, and I will take the blame if I don't take it today." ah"

Ning Luoyuan chuckled, and said softly: "Jiang Ning has something to do with the fundamentals of the battle, how could it be wrong? Now there is someone who is more suitable as an internal response than you."

Jiang Ning's open and secret fights made people in the game very exciting, but to people outside the game, it seemed chaotic.Under such circumstances, the Imperial Guard Brigade, First Division, and Third Division led by Ning Yu, with a total of 8000 people, rushed all the way to Dasheng Pass.

For Jiang Ning, the geographical location of Dashengguan is extremely important. As early as the pre-Ming Dynasty, Ming Taizu set up an ambush here and defeated Chen Youliang's attack of hundreds of thousands of troops. Later, it was renamed Dashengguan. It can be seen from the danger that it has always been Jiangning's Jiangfang fortress and transit port.

Naturally, Fan Shiyi would not understand. He had already arranged for [-] green battalions to be stationed at Dasheng Pass. The purpose was naturally to guard the entire gate to the west of Jiangning.It's just that the so-called green battalion of [-] Qing troops, in Ning Yu's eyes, looked like chickens and dogs, and it was really vulnerable.

The next day, the Fuhan army formed a formation at Dasheng Pass, and the first division once again shouldered the responsibility of taking the lead. They all stood up and wore bright iron armor. The formation was very neat and majestic. On the contrary, the Qing troops who closed the Dasheng Pass were all emaciated, and the shotguns in their hands were almost equivalent to firesticks, which were difficult to use.

The outbreak of war is always very fast. Li Shihu led a regiment of the first division directly to the front, and rushed towards the direction of Dasheng Pass with his troops. A large number of artillery roared and flew all over the sky Among the projectiles, the resistance of the Qing army was almost like a piece of tattered cotton cloth, which was almost pierced by someone.

The Green Battalion soldiers of the Qing army stationed at the Dasheng Pass simply fired a few shotguns before they were captured by the Fu Han army. They ran towards the outside of the pass almost crying for their father and mother, and then He was hit by the artillery of the Fuhan Army again, causing a series of tragedies.

Ning Yu had already expected this scene in his heart, and he was not surprised at all. He just squinted his eyes and looked at the Dasheng Pass in front of him. I'm just waiting for someone from Ning to pick it up, but I don't know, does this regiment have two brushes?
(End of this chapter)

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