Cutting 1719

Chapter 282

Chapter 282

In the weather in June, Jiangnan is relatively hot and rainy. The light rain keeps falling, and the gray sky is somewhat depressing. A thunderstorm is likely to come at any time.

Ning Yu was wearing a raincoat, and surrounded by a group of people, hurried through the Dasheng Pass. His black leather boots left red footprints on the ground, and the sewage mixed with blood flowed wantonly.

"Order Qian Ying, quicken your pace, take down Hushu, and watch out for the Qing army from Zhenjiang to come to help!"

Ning Yu gave orders while walking, shaking the whip up and down in his hand, but seemed a little absent-minded.Dong Ce wrote down the order on the side, and then several people rode away on fast horses. The horseshoes stepped on the muddy ground, causing blood to splatter and sprinkle on the Qing army prisoners on the side.

Several soldiers of the Fuhan Army were holding scissors and cutting the braids of the prisoners of the Qing Army. The black braids were piled up in front of everyone.The faces of the captives were grateful for their survival, so no one had any resistance. After all, no one dared to be a so-called warrior in front of the bayonet. If they were shot by someone, they would be dead. Death in vain.

Dong Ce pointed to the long line of captured soldiers in front of him, and said softly: "This group of people are really useless. I heard that they have run away from top to bottom. Gao Si, the commander-in-chief guarding the Dasheng Pass, was still on the tower before firing the cannon. , and then disappeared. The result was very simple, except for one general who was still resisting, the others didn’t want to fight.”

Ning Yu sneered, and he naturally understood the reason. The Fuhan Army took down the Dasheng Pass, which is known as the Jiangning barrier, almost effortlessly. The so-called 1 Green Battalion soldiers were actually only more than [-] old and weak Sick and disabled, naturally unable to resist the front of the first division of the Fuhan Army.

In this battle, the Fuhan army suffered no more than dozens of casualties, while the Qing army killed or injured more than a thousand people, and thousands of people fled to Jiangning from the rear after the first cannon fire of the Fuhan army. They were all scattered shotguns and knives. The speed of this escape was almost beyond the reach of the pursuers of the Fuhan army.

Of course, there were more people lying on the ground and pretending to be dead during the first wave of the Fuhan army's attack.Afterwards, the Han army checked again and found that the number of captured Qing troops alone was as high as 8000 and more than 500. This is also a sequela of the Qing army in the previous war. Can't stand it.

The crowd surrounded Ning Yu and walked towards several houses in Dasheng Pass, which had been opened up as the residence of the Fuhan Army's governor's mansion. A big blood-red banner was flying above the mansion, with a big "rather".

Ning Yu walked absent-mindedly, and when he turned a street corner, he saw dozens of generals from the Qing army tied up in a row, kneeling on the ground, and dozens of soldiers from the Fu-Han army stood behind them. The man held a big knife in his hand, and with a flash of light from the knife, dozens of human heads fell to the ground, staining the ground with blood.

This scene is extremely terrifying to others, but to Ning Yu, it is nothing more than an ordinary scene. He has seen countless times bloodier than this scene, so he just frowned and said lightly. talk.

"Killing is farther away. Deal with it cleanly!"

Dong Ce's face was also a bit ugly, he hurried over, waved his hand, "Hurry up and drag it away, don't let this place be bad luck" and then hurriedly followed the team's footsteps.

After entering the temporary Dudu Mansion, Ning Yu wiped his face with a hot towel, but heaved a long sigh.

Dong Ce thought that Ning Yuwei was a little unhappy about what happened just now, so he explained aloud: "These people are some of the most heinous generals of the Qing army. It's just a little sloppy"

"These people will be killed if they are killed, I am not because of this. Look at this, Yongzheng is indeed more difficult to deal with than Kangxi!" Ning Yu threw a plain letter from his arms without any words on it. .

Dong Ce took the letter and opened it to read, but the more he read it, the more frightened he became.

"Yongzheng Household Department has achieved success in clearing debts. It is estimated that nearly ten million taels of treasury silver will be recovered within half a year. Now it is planning to organize and train the Eight Banners New Army, with Manchu, Han, and Mongolian tribes co-organized. The initial training number is as high as 10. "The handwriting on it is very delicate, but the written content is enough to make people sweat.

Ning Yu smiled wryly and said: "Yongzheng is really amazing. He first pursued the outstanding debts through the Ministry of Households, and then organized and practiced regiments in Jiangnan. When his new army is successfully organized and trained, then he will be able to face off with my Fuhan army again."

Li Fu, who had been silent by the side, nodded lightly at this time, and said solemnly: "It seems that Yongzheng is more difficult to deal with than Kangxi, and he is more difficult to deal with than Kangxi. It's a little strange, since this person is acting so aggressively, civil strife must have already occurred, but why hasn't it erupted yet?"

It is not only Li Fu who has this question, but also Ning Yu himself. He knows that in the real history, Yongzheng's process of seizing power was not smooth, and there were many troubles in the middle, and Yongzheng's behavior at that time was also more serious. Gentle, how can there be such an eagerness and no room for it now?

Of course, this is also a good thing for Ning Yu, because this superficial calm can't explain any problems. It is very likely that the internal reactionary forces are accumulating strength, so they didn't erupt immediately, but once it erupts, I'm afraid It will be a bloody accident.

"I'm afraid this rain will last for a long time"

After all, Ning Yu sighed leisurely, Yongzheng refused to die obediently, which really made him feel very embarrassed.

The south of the Yangtze River and the capital seem to have become one at this time, and they are both experiencing the last peace before the storm.At this time, above Qinghai-Tibet, there is a large army marching forward. They are wearing Qing army uniforms, but they all look relatively strong, and they look like veterans who have fought in wars.

At the end of the crowd is the vast Hengduan Mountain. From south to north, like a giant axe, it splits the sky and the earth in half. At the place where the sky and the earth are connected, a puddle of green water dots the earth, and the nearby grass is green. Wanton growth, like pastoral in general.It's just that today's world is full of Qing troops who came from an expedition.

The new Fuyuan General Nian Gengyao rode on the horse, looking at the green scenery in the distance, but he was in a good mood. He pointed to the eagle flying in the sky, and said with a smile: "Maybe Luo Bu Zang Danjin thought that I am the eagle in the sky, no one can tame him, and I am showing off my military exploits with an arrogant face."

Yue Zhongqi on the side glanced at the eagle in the sky, and nodded slightly, "Luobu Zangdanjin instigated more than [-] lamas and people from far and near to plunder cattle and horses, burn grass and valleys, resist officers and soldiers, and commit crimes in Xining. When he succeeded to the throne, he caught Da Qing by surprise, and he must have been planning for a long time, and his heart is terrible!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Nian Gengyao's mouth. He stretched out his hand, and a guard next to him hurriedly handed over the bow and arrow. Nian Gengyao, who was in his early forties, held the bow in one hand and pinched the arrow in the other, pulling the bowstring directly. When it became a full moon, the long arrow shot across the sky like a shooting star, but it shot down the eagle.

"The general is invincible with arrows! The general is invincible with arrows!"

Seeing that Nian Gengyao really shot down the eagle, the surrounding guards were in awe, they got off their horses and knelt on the ground and chanted loudly.Seeing this scene together with Yue Zhongqi, they felt a little unbelievable. This is really comparable to Li Guang shooting a tiger.

Seeing Yue Zhongqi's admiration, Nian Gengyao was also a little proud. After returning the bow and arrow to the guards, he said meaningfully: "Luo Buzang Danjin is this eagle, no matter how high he flies, no matter how high he flies, he will fly again and again." He is arrogant, but he will eventually die under the arrows of this general."

Yue Zhongqi said softly: "Luo Bu Zang Danjin is brave outside and cowardly inside, acting recklessly, as long as the arrow in the general's hand is fast and accurate, then this eagle will be shot down sooner or later.

The two chatted for a while, but they suddenly fell silent. They seemed to remember how they had never been so confident when they fought against the Fu Han army. Now that they have changed the enemy, they feel that everything is different. up.

Nian Gengyao looked into the distance quietly, and said: "I have fought against the Fuhan army, but I have not fought against Ning Yu, but from the previous battle reports, I can feel that kind of pressure."

"The battle of that day is still vivid in my mind. It is not easy to restore the Han army, and it is even more difficult for Ning Yu." Yue Zhongqi sighed. Time allowed him to fully understand the gap between the Qing army and the Fuhan army.

"The strength of the Fuhan army lies not only in their firearms, but also in the fact that their men dare to use their lives. They know that they have no way out, but our men do not have such courage, let alone such determination."

Yue Zhongqi recalled the days in Anqing, fighting and survival became the eternal theme, but the Qing army in the city could not persist, but the Fuhan army outside the city could persist until Ningyu completely defeated Kangxi's 7 Thousands of horses. ,

A young man, he sat down in the southeast war.Who rivals the heroes of the world?Cao Liu.Having children is like Sun Zhongmou.

He thought of a word, which is very suitable to describe Ning Yu, but one thing is different, Ning Yu is not like Sun Zhongmou, but more like Li Shimin, almost mentioning a weak brigade who has defeated Daqing one after another There is an army of one hundred thousand, so that today is the time to "sit and end the southeast war".

Nian Gengyao's expression was somewhat unwilling, and he snorted coldly: "Let me flatten Luo Bu Zang Danjin first, and sooner or later I will have a chance to fight Chu Ni again." As soon as the words came, he pointed to the front The ever-flowing Batang River.

"Come here, confiscate all the Tibetans here, make cattle and sheep skin bags for our army, and build bridges to cross the river!"

The army marched slowly, and the flags swept across the land as if passing by here. With the mind of making contributions, everyone set off all the way to Tibet, and the momentum was very magnificent.

However, at this time, neither Nian Gengyao nor Yue Zhongqi felt as relaxed as before. They knew very well that no matter how hateful Luo Bu Zang Danjin was, he was not the opponent that the emperor wanted to eradicate the most, the real enemy of the emperor. , not even the Fuhan army, but Prince Lian's Yunyu in the capital, and Yunyu who was trapped in Jingshan.

Today's emperor ascended the throne for the first time, and he is sweeping up the government officials, and there are still troubles in the future. If he can win a big victory in the northwest at this time, then for the emperor, he can better gather people's hearts and have a better chance. More strength to carry out the next thing.Of course, if he was frustrated again, neither Nian Gengyao nor Yue Zhongqi would have another chance.

Especially Yue Zhongqi, who was originally a guilty person. The deal with the Fuhan Army in Anqing has given him a lot of credit for these years, and it has left him with no other way out. Now I finally agree to fight for this opportunity to lead the troops, but it is a success or a benevolence.

Thinking of this, Yue Zhongqi didn't want to wait any longer, he was like a broken sword, now it was recast, and he was eager to find someone to test the sword with blood, and Luo Buzang Danjin became the last Good choice.

Yue Zhongqi got off her horse and knelt down in front of Nian Gengyao, with a serious look on her face, "To General, you need good arrows to hunt eagles. Bu Zang Danjin!"

"Okay! If you win, I will host a banquet for you!"

On the second day of July, Yue Zhongqi led an army to quickly raid Qinghai Lake, defeated the Luobu Zangdanjin garrison on the Hara River, beheaded hundreds of levels, completely occupied Qinghai Lake, and won the first big victory.

At this time, Yongzheng, after receiving the good news of his victory, also began to bear the backlash from the court.He looked at the thick stack of memorials in front of him with a livid face. Almost all of them were about the ministers' opposition to the New Army of the Eight Banners. Some people even took advantage of it and thought that it was a bit unreliable for two Han people, Nian Gengyao and Yue Zhongqi, to lead the army. , Asked the emperor to remove the two men and replace them with Manchu generals.

There were so many memorials like this, that after Yongzheng reviewed a few books, he no longer had the heart to review them. He called Ma Qi, Long Kedo, Zhang Tingyu and others over, and the anger in his heart disappeared. Unable to bear it any longer, he ruthlessly threw the booklet in front of Ma Qi and the others.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking! You are against the New Army of the Eight Banners, against Nian Gengyao and Yue Zhongqi leading troops, but what you are really against is me. What you are against is the settlement of debts by the household department. These officials are too harsh!"

After all, Yongzheng was a straightforward man, he was not as tough and soft as Kangxi, so he naturally wouldn't get used to a courtier like Ma Qi, but now he used this excuse to let out all the fire in his heart.

But Ma Qi sighed, he knelt down and said slowly: "I'm going to die, but I also have something to say. Your Majesty, I think that things will be smooth if things go smoothly this day. Now this move is really too radical. If it goes on like this , the hearts of the people in the world will disperse! The hearts of my Qing Dynasty will also disperse!"

He knocked his head hard on the ground, only to see that blood had already oozed from his forehead, which looked quite scary.

"Your Majesty, Mingcha!"

 I would like to recommend a good historical text to everyone - "Struggling for the Ding Chu and Han Dynasty", the type of fighting for hegemony, you can go and read it

(End of this chapter)

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