Cutting 1719

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

Ma Qi's words can be regarded as completely exposing the current scene of harmony between the monarch and his ministers, but he can't do without saying these words, because if he doesn't say them, the situation in the entire Qing Dynasty may really collapse completely.

Nowadays, it is not one or two officials who are opposing, nor is it a family or two Eight Banners who are opposing, but almost most of the officials of the Qing Dynasty, as well as the nobles of the Eight Banners, think that Yongzheng's move is too much. It's harsh, especially those Eight Banners disciples. When they learned that they were going to form a new Eight Banners army and recruit Han Chinese, they all gathered together and attacked them.

What is the Eight Banners?That is the treatment of being able to eat iron crops every day while lying at home, a status that is not exchanged for a thousand dollars. Since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, there are only a million or so people. In normal seasons, even if the Han people work hard , can't even earn a qualification to raise the flag.

However, right now, Yongzheng intends to use the Manchu, Han, and Mongolian tribes to form a new Eight Banners army. This is almost equivalent to pulling many Han people directly into the Eight Banners system, which will naturally damage many original troops. The interests of the bannermen have also been opposed by many people.In addition, many banner people have never let go of their defenses against the Han people. How can they accept that the Han people hold guns like themselves?

According to the past, Yongzheng would never use such a method, but he has no better way now, he is not an emperor who is still immersed in the "eight banners are less than ten thousand, full ten thousand are invincible".After Kangxi's previous personal conquest, Yongzheng's understanding of the war has actually been very deep.

Yongzheng himself is very thorough in his mind, and the way of fighting today is more cruel than ever before, just like Ning Yu's original thinking. In the war of the fuzzi era, human life is more of a consumable. One round of shooting me and one round of shooting killed people's lives.The outcome of the two sides is determined by who can bear the greater loss.

The Han army can accept the dead, 10 dead, or even 100 million dead, will not affect the status of the Han people, because the Han people have tens of millions of people, but the Banner people are different, there are more than 100 million children of the Eight Banners , Even if the old, weak, sick and disabled are included, there will be no more than 20 soldiers available for battle.

Under such circumstances, the young and strong bannermen have already lost 8 to [-] people, how can they withstand even greater losses?The mixed compilation of the Manchu, Han and Mongolian tribes has become a means worth thinking about at present.However, even such a measure has been understood by many Eight Banners children that the Han people are coming to grab their hard-core crops.

Under such a premise, Yongzheng would use such means to make up for the loss of these people in the Qing Dynasty. Of course, this is also based on the fact that the whole world is already at the juncture of chaos, so he will do this.Like the Qing Dynasty in real history, the situation facing Yongzheng is much better. At least there is no so-called Fuhan army, so it can naturally take its time.

But for Ma Qi, a veteran of the former court, Yongzheng no longer wanted to tolerate it.

"For example, Bi Maqi, Gao Qizhuo, Wei Tingzhen, Gan Guobi, etc., are not incapable of doing things, but they have learned skillful techniques. They claim to protect themselves and harm them, and use them as a way to shirk. This trend is harmful to politics and not beneficial to the country. , in the future, the latecomers will follow suit, and the disadvantages are indescribable.”

Yongzheng severely reprimanded Ma Qi, Gao Qizhuo, Wei Tingzhen, Gan Guobi and others. Although there were no substantive punishment measures, he had already expressed his attitude in the words.

Ma Qi was originally in his 70s, he was older than Kangxi, how could he not understand the true meaning of Yongzheng?He kowtowed slowly and thanked him, then dragged his old body and limped out of the main hall. The remaining two Long Kedo and Zhang Tingyu in the hall felt their hairs stand on end.

Without an old minister like Ma Qi standing in front, it would be a great joy to let go of other dynasties. After all, there is no one in front, and those behind will rise quickly, but in the Yongzheng Dynasty, it was a blessing and a disaster. up.

After all, with such a powerful emperor like Yongzheng staring at him, any minister would probably feel like he was on his back.But right now, Longkodo and Zhang Tingyu both knew that if they pleaded at this time, they might have to leave with Ma Qi.

After all this happened, Yongzheng held the brochure of Nian Gengyao's letter of good news, with a somewhat complicated look on his face. This incident had already made him deeply aware of a problem, that is, internal problems. Solve it, even if it is a few more victories, it will be meaningless.

Yongzheng's heart moved a little, so he sent the little eunuch to the Yujing Pavilion of Duixiu Mountain in the Royal Garden, and delivered a message to the guards there. In front of Yongzheng.

"The slave sticks to Tang A and kowtows to the emperor."

The so-called sticky pole Baitang'a refers to sticky pole guards, an intelligence organization established by Yongzheng since the time of Prince Yong.After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he specially selected the outstanding sons of the Eight Banners as the deacons, and he was in charge of supporting the public opinion, the lid, and the sparrow during the emperor's hunting tour. In fact, he was in charge of inspecting the officials and imperial clan.

Nowadays, most of the sticky poles are old people from the Yongzheng Mansion, so they are very powerful. In addition to being in charge of inspections, they can even order the guards in the Shangyu Spare Office to arrest them. It can be called the Qing version of Jinyiwei.

Yongzheng said slowly: "What happened to those two people recently?"

The man in Tsing Yi knelt on the ground and said in a low voice: "My Majesty, those two people have been under the surveillance of the servants, and nothing unusual has been found so far."

"Well, that's good. The manpower needs to be doubled. Don't let go of any clues. If there is an emergency, you can arrest them directly."

There was a gloomy look on Yongzheng's face, and now, he no longer wants to leave any trouble for himself.

At the beginning of July, the land camp of the Fuhan Army under the city of Jiangning had been set up. A series of camps and military tents were protected in the central tent of the Chinese Army. Soldiers of the Fuhan Army were patrolling around the camp, and the atmosphere was very serious. .

As the fourth and fifth divisions gradually arrived at the prepared location, the entire Jiangning city was surrounded on three sides except the east, and the day of the general offensive was getting closer and closer.

A series of messengers hurried out from Ning Yu's command tent, and they went to various divisions with the orders on their backs. When the day of the general offensive came, the entire Jiangning City would be engulfed in flames.

For Ning Yu, there are actually two ways to fight against Jiangning: civil attack and military attack. The so-called civil attack is a change in the city, and they surrender directly, so everyone will fight less and will not be injured. Harmonious, and less unnecessary casualties.Ning Yu is more inclined to this path, and he is not the kind of lunatic who can't sleep without killing people.

However, Ning Yu will not completely pin his hopes on this step. Preparations for the military campaign still need to be done. It is also a deterrent to the city, and there may be a chance to fight to promote surrender.It's just that whether you want to do this or not, you have to wait for a person to come back.

Time passed by little by little, but a man walked in from outside the tent, with a faint smile on his face, it was Ning Luoyuan who came out of Jiangning City.

"Governor, the great work has been accomplished! Sun Wencheng is willing to be our army's internal response. When there is a need in the future, he will lead the regiment to practice anyway." Ning Luoyuan had a smile on his face, this kind look, It is really hard to believe that he is a murderous monster.

Ning Yu frowned slightly, "Is this person trustworthy?"

"To show sincerity, Sun Wencheng has handed over his family to the shadow. If he has a different intention, the consequences will be self-evident." Ning Luoyuan sneered.

"Well, that's fine, remember to treat him well, we can't chill the heart of the hero."


Ning Yu pondered for a while, "Our army is basically in place now, and we will be able to launch an attack in three days. What does that person mean?"

Ning Luoyuan frowned slightly, and then slowly said: "He has this idea, but his worries are too deep. Shadow managed to gain his trust, but he couldn't make him go any further."

"Hehe, it's really difficult for him to do it directly. We can take a step back and tell him that we will attack the city in three days, but he needs to cooperate from inside the city. When Jiang Ning takes it, I will give him the first prize."

Ning Yu tapped the location of Jiangning City lightly. He no longer has that patience. Even if the loss is a bit bigger, it is enough to win Jiangning.After all, for Ning Yu today, his eyes can't just be on Jiangning City.


After Ning Luoyuan left, Ning Yu walked into another tent, and there were several people waiting in the tent.They wore thick coir raincoats, and they were very mysteriously dressed.

Seeing Ning Yu walking in, these people knelt down on the ground with a bit of panic on their faces, and said in a low voice: "I have seen the governor, and I ask the governor to forgive me for my previous sins."

Ning Yu snorted coldly, "I thought you wouldn't come to see me until after I captured Jiang Ning."

The leading man gave a wry smile, "Governor Huwei, how dare we offend the common people? What happened earlier was that the Salt Gang didn't know Mount Tai, but they offended them. I hereby bring 200 million taels of silver. Please make atonement for the governor."

This group of people was the Huaibei Salt Gang who instigated the Taohuashan gangsters to rebel. After the Taohuashan was destroyed, they thought about revenge, but before they had any real action, the Fuhan Army had already launched The uprising shocked these private salt dealers.

At the beginning, the Huaibei Salt Gang members were still gloating, waiting for the Qing army to completely wipe out the Ning family, but what happened later was beyond their expectations. The Ning family and the Fuhan army actually became stronger and stronger, and even Kangxi The army of conscripts was defeated, and even Kangxi died after returning!
Seeing the soldiers of the Fuhan army besieging Jiangning now, the people of the Huaibei Salt Gang understand that if they don't take the initiative to ease the relationship with the Fuhan army, they may have no chance to regret it when they hit Huaibei in the future.

Seeing that the other party was submissive, Ning Yu sneered, and said meaningfully: "If it's only 200 million taels, you can take the money back now, and I can get it myself in the future."

This is clearly a bamboo stick that came to your door. If you don't knock it, you don't knock it. Besides, you want to settle the matter with 200 million taels of silver. It's really too beautiful to think about it.

The man sighed. Before he came, he already knew in his heart that this trip was not that simple, but his form was stronger than others, but he had to bow his head.

"The governor has orders, please speak up."

Ning Yu walked a few steps in front of the man, and then said with a smile: "Your envoy is a visitor from afar, and he still doesn't know his name? What is his position in your gang?"

The man Ning Yu's attitude was no longer so aggressive, but he felt a little flattered, and quickly said: "The villain's name is Zheng Kui, he can't be so polite as the governor, and now he is the head of the Salt Gang."

Ning Yu was a little surprised when he heard it, and he also knew a little about the Salt Gang. Strictly speaking, the current Salt Gang is not such a strict organization, and it is much looser than a church like the White Lotus Sect. It is also scattered in salt-producing areas all over the country, among which the Huaibei Salt Gang is such an existence.

Although the organization of the Salt Gang is very loose, it is also very complicated. Salt mining can be divided into two types: sea salt and well salt, that is, Tanshang Gang and Jingshang Gang. The positions in the gang usually include Tanzhu, Wangzhu, Tanshang leader and Wang Shang is the first-class ranker, and then there are kitchen gangs who are in charge of frying salt, including the kitchen, shopkeeper, account manager and other positions. Salt transportation is a separate team, such as Tuozitou is the leader of salt transportation.

Hearing that there was actually a tuozitou on the opposite side, Ning Yu was a little puzzled. Strictly speaking, although the tuotoutou was related to the lifeline of the Salt Gang, it was generally difficult to participate in these matters, and there was some suspicion in his eyes.

Zheng Kui was a little embarrassed, and said with a wry smile: "Although the villain is a Tuozi, my father is the head of the Salt Gang. This mission is in the name of my father."

Speaking of this, Ning Yu remembered that the current chief rudder of the Huaibei Salt Gang seems to be a person named Zheng Yuanzhen, but there is not much relevant information, so Ning Yu does not have a deep impression of him.

"In that case, you can be the master. Two million taels of silver is good or bad, but the governor is not short of silver now, understand?"

Ning Yu had a meaningful smile on his face, what is money?After winning Jiangning, millions of taels of silver are really not a problem. The key point is that Ning Yu wants to completely control the Salt Gang, especially the fleet under the Yan Gang, which is a real sea-going ship. The foundation of the navy.

"What does the governor mean?" Zheng Kui didn't quite understand, and he felt a little uneasy.

Ning Yu said with a smile on his face, "It's very simple, you don't have to spend a single cent of your money if you join my Fuhan Army, and you will still retain your position as Marquis in the future."


The pupils of Zheng Kui's eyes constricted a little, and his heart was beating a little bit. For members of the Salt Gang, no matter how much money they earned, it was nothing, and they would be taken away at any time. Only by going on the right path , to avoid this situation.

In the final analysis, Feng Hou not only promised them a piece of glory and wealth, but also accommodated them, the low-class poor people, into the system of the Fuhan Army, gaining a rare sense of security.And this sense of security is what the members of the Salt Gang desire most.

For this sense of security, they are willing to pay any price.

Zheng Kui closed his eyes, he felt his hands trembling slightly.That golden avenue is now in front of him, just waiting for him to walk up it.

(End of this chapter)

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