Cutting 1719

Chapter 286 Reshuffle

Chapter 286 Reshuffle
Ning Yu briefly explained to Li Fu the idea of ​​compiling "The Biography of Two Officials". If this matter is to be handled well, it is not simply a list of some names, but it also involves many other issues, which may even affect the future unification. .

Li Fu didn't feel strange about Ning Yu's idea, but he had some doubts in his heart, "It is not a problem to write "The Biography of Second Officials", but most of the descendants of these people hold military power in their hands, and to a large extent They are all soldiers from the Green Battalion, if we stick to strict rules, I am afraid it will be detrimental to the great cause of unification in the future."

Ning Yu naturally understands this truth, but in this matter, he is more stubborn, "The foundation of my restoration of the Han army is to rejuvenate the country of the Han family, to inherit the great tradition of the Ming Dynasty, and to go back to the source. , to calm people's hearts. If these people are lenient in the future, what is the foundation of our army's foundation?"

Li Fu was a little silent. It's not that he didn't understand the righteousness in Ning Yu's heart, but he thought it was too unworthy to do so. The interests involved behind those people were too great. Even if they wanted to settle old scores, they could wait until the great cause was unified. No matter how slow the liquidation is, it would be irrational to put these people into another book so straightforwardly.

However, Li Fu is not good at openly opposing what Ning Yu wants to do, so he took his order and retreated. Now that Jiang Ning is established, many things are still inextricably linked. The place is always brightly lit, and everyone is too busy to stop.

As night fell, Ning Yu walked out of the tent wearing a single coat. The smell of gunpowder smoke in the air had not completely dissipated, and there was a little blood mixed in it, which made people feel a little pungent.

There was a bright light in the dark night in the distance. A large pit had been dug there, and the firewood piled inside was burning fiercely. Many soldiers of the Fuhan Army were carrying corpses and throwing them in, and then kept adding more firewood. , making the flame burn more and more vigorously.

This is the practice of the Fuhan Army after every battle. Ning Yu started to do this as early as when he raised his troops. In this era, there are often major epidemics after major disasters. The reason is that the corpses were not processed in time, resulting in a large number of people. The virus is spreading wantonly, so the dead bodies must be disposed of in time to avoid a major epidemic as much as possible.

"Long live the governor!"

A group of soldiers around the fire found Ning Yu in single clothes, and there was a bit of admiration and fanaticism in his expression. The ideological education in the Fuhan Army has never stopped, especially the imperial guards. All the seedlings in the army are even more loyal to Ning Yu.

Ning Yu hadn't been so close to the officers and soldiers below for a long time, so seeing the faces of these soldiers now, most of them were a little strange, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Which regiment are you in?"

The leading soldier, however, stood at attention and gave a military salute, saying respectfully, "I would like to report to the Commander-in-Chief, my subordinate is Zhao Chengli, the accountant of the Second Battalion of the Third Regiment of the Imperial Guard Brigade, and his troops are ordered to carry out the task of burning the corpses."

Ning Yu quickly went through it in his mind, but there was an impression in his heart, and he said with emotion: "I remember you, you were the first group of people who rushed to the front after the Battle of Jiujiang. At that time, many people died, but You survived."

In the current Fu-Han army, regardless of middle and high-level officers, those at the bottom, such as captains, company commanders, and even battalion commanders, if they want to be promoted, the easiest way is to go up first, that is, rush to the front.If you can survive, that is meritorious service, if you die, you can only die.

Even officers who come out of the martial arts hall have to go through such a experience on the battlefield. To put it bluntly, fighting at the bottom is a matter of morale. It depends on who can resist and who is less afraid of death. At this time, the role of the officer in the lead, It will become very large, and it has even appeared in the military camp that if the officer does not take the lead, he will be kicked down soon, and the people below will not be convinced.

This has also caused the current casualty rate of the middle and low-level officers of the Fuhan Army to be terrible, but just like this, there are still many people who want to become low-level officers. The reason is naturally that the Fuhan Army rewards officers very generously. The minions are much stronger.And officers will not pay attention to charging until they reach the regiment level. After all, this time is more of a test of command ability.

Zhao Chengli is a relatively simple and honest man, his face flushed, "I didn't expect the governor to remember the humble position. The humble position is really." As he spoke, his eye circles turned red.

There is no soldier who does not want to be remembered by the general, because remembering is not only remembering, but also acknowledging.

Ning Yu patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Recently, the Wuchang Lecture Hall will open the second officer training group, mainly for officers at the company and battalion level. I have already written your name on it, go back Study hard after Wuchang."


Zhao Chengli's face was flushed, he clenched his fist and punched his chest hard, his whole body was trembling slightly.

The soldiers on the side looked at Zhao Chengli enviously. Who in the army doesn't know?The officer training regiment is not easy, especially for ordinary soldiers, if they want to be promoted to the company and battalion level, as long as they are not afraid of death and a little luck, it is not impossible, but if they want to be promoted to the regiment level or above, the officer training regiment becomes a entanglement A hurdle that cannot be opened.

The next day, the gate of Jiangning City was opened wide, and a large banner of the Fuhan Army was planted on the city tower. The fiery red banner had a big word "Ning" written on it, fluttering in the wind.

After a whole night of fear, the people in Jiangning City finally opened the door of their house. Many people came out with their heads out, only to find that the street was not a scene of corpses strewn all over the place, except for some dry red marks on the ground. Other than that, you can only see deformed lead bullets inlaid on some walls.

Many people gathered around a wall, where several neatly dressed soldiers of the Fuhan Army were reciting loudly some relevant policies of the Fuhan Army, while many people shouted hello from time to time.

"The officers and soldiers of the Fu Han army entering the city are strictly forbidden to harass the people, rape and plunder are strictly forbidden, and forced buying and selling are strictly forbidden. Any violations will be severely punished by the military law!"

"The Fuhan Army will organize the Military Law Office to temporarily control Jiangning City. All matters related to people's livelihood will be jointly handled by the Governor's Mansion and the Military Law Office. If anyone has grievances, they can go to the Military Law Office to file a complaint!"

The city began to become very lively, and the soldiers of the Fuhan Army also lined up in a neat line and began to march towards the city. Everyone's faces were filled with confident and eager smiles.

The people on the side were a little flustered when they saw the army entering the city, but seeing that the Fuhan army did not intend to kill at all, they slowly let down their vigilance and just looked at the figure of the Fuhan army and sighed.

"Teacher of the king, teacher of the king!"

An old man with gray hair sighed again and again, he had experienced the chaos of war, so he naturally knew what the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were, how could he be so innocent like this?
When the army entered the city, the entire Jiangning City was not completely harmonious. The soldiers of the Fuhan Army had already blocked all the gentry and nobles who were attached to the Qing court in Jiangning City, especially the Jiangnan Weaving Cao Mansion, which has now become There was a chill.

Everyone in Cao's mansion has been kicked out of the mansion and locked in the compound. There are rows of soldiers of the Han army standing nearby. Their faces are very serious, especially looking at the man behind Cao's man The braids were even more ironic.

Cao Fu is not in Jiangning now, he was sent by Fan Shiyi to Yang Zongren's side to be in charge of recruiting regiments for training, so when the Cao family broke down in Jiangning City, they had no backbone, and they didn't even know where to run , so that the entire family has been blocked in the mansion.

Cao Zhan, who was only ten years old, knelt in the middle of the yard with his mother. His face was a bit dazed. The men with bayonets looked at him with contempt in their eyes, as if they were watching A chicken about to be slaughtered.

The female relatives on the side originally planned to commit suicide, but found that these soldiers did nothing but drive everyone out, so their hearts were half relieved, and the idea of ​​suicide no longer existed.

It's just that the soldiers didn't let them go, but it made the Cao family feel shocked. Speaking of identity, the Cao family was naturally a prominent family in the Qing Dynasty, but on the side of the Fuhan Army, they were real traitors. up.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps coming from outside the mansion gate, and a general of the Fu Han army in a red uniform walked in. He was wearing black cowhide boots, and his expression was calm and majestic.

"According to the order of the governor of Dadu, the Cao family, since the ancestor Cao Zhenyan, was an old official of the Ming Dynasty, but they threw themselves into the Manchus to kill the children of our Han family, and bloodbathed the people of Datong. Their crimes are unforgivable. Now the thief is dead. Special General Cao Zhenyan As well as Cao Xi and his son digging graves, their bones and ashes were scattered, and all members of the Cao clan were thrown into coolie camps, where they will not be pardoned for life!"

The bloody words almost made the kneeling members of the Cao clan go limp in fright. Some of them even lost control of their bladder and bowels, so they just fell to the ground and began to howl in pain, but no one dared to stand up and object.

The liquidation actions of the Fuhan Army were brutal and ruthless. The Cao family's mansion was quickly sealed off, and all members of the tribe, big and small, were directly escorted into prison cars. Their destination may be a certain mine, or a certain construction site. After the young Cao Zhan was crushed into the prison car, he looked at the huge Cao Mansion behind him, but he let out a sigh that was different from that of a child.

"It seems that all this should not be like this."

In the history of later generations, it will take several years for the Cao family to completely collapse, and it will only be confiscation of all property, but it is not like now, where the whole family is imprisoned, and the future is completely bleak.

In fact, when Ning Yu dealt with the Cao family, he hesitated in his heart. The reason is very simple. The death of the Cao family is not a pity, but the Cao family produced a Cao Xueqin and wrote a masterpiece "Dream of Red Mansions". If it is handled like this, then this work may not be able to come out.

It's just that after Ning Yu checked what Cao Zhenyan did, the unbearable feeling in his heart was completely dispelled. It turned out that this Cao Zhenyan was originally an official of the Ming Dynasty, but he took refuge in the Qing army, and even became a coated slave under Dorgon's command. Later, he repeatedly made military exploits, and that’s all. Cao Zhenyan and his eldest son Cao Xi (the father of Cao Yin) also participated in the Datong massacre. Under the knife.

Later, a stone tablet was erected in Datong, which recorded the massacre of the Cao family by his father and son. Disastrous forests, city fires and fish, this is also the reason and the situation must come. Look at this Wucheng, compare it to the Wu Palace and Jin Dynasty, and call it the lush grass. It is the field of lonely ghosts. Five years of Spring and Autumn. Philosophers feel the sorrow of millet separation The Insatiable."

Under such circumstances, Ning Yu would not hesitate even if there were ten copies, let alone one copy of "Dream of Red Mansions". While Cao Zhenyan and Cao Xi were devastated, Ning Yu was kind of lenient. He didn't directly execute the rest of the Cao family, but sent them to the coolie camp.

For Jiangning, Ning Yu has deep expectations, but if he wants to completely take control of Jiangning, he needs to continue to clean up Jiangning thoroughly. Unlike Anhui and Jiangxi, Ning Yu is unwilling to continue to compromise in Jiangning. At least now, there is no need to worry about those Jiangnan gentry who have been scared to death.

At the same time, the people in Jiangning City cheered loudly, because the Fuhan Army has issued a new announcement, abolishing all exorbitant taxes, and also abolishing the so-called fire consumption and showdown. Exempted, until next year will need to pay the regular tax.

Of course, this step is actually a common measure taken by the Fuhan Army since it came to the present. The purpose is naturally to stabilize people’s hearts in the shortest possible time, and then achieve a smooth transition, so that the land of conquest can be brought into the scope of rule faster. From this point of view, it is much more important than those tax money.

Of course, the effect of this move is also very good. At least the thinking of many people in Jiangning City has begun to change. The distance between Chu Ni and Wang Shizhengshuo is not very far. At least these decrees of the Fuhan Army are enough to make people worry. changed.

After all, since ancient times, the common people's requirements have not been high. As long as they can guarantee a mouthful of food, even if they are very busy every day, they will not make any noise. After all, living is the greatest purpose.But if they don't even have the right to live, then they can only do it with a knife.

While people's hearts were gradually turning towards the Fuhan Army, the scissors in the city began to get busy. Many people directly twisted off their braids to show their support for the Fuhan Army.Of course, there are still some old and stubborn people who are loyal to the Qing Dynasty. They would rather not go out than cut off that pig's tail to show their loyalty to the Qing Dynasty.

However, for Ning Yu, these people are at most old and stubborn people who don't know what is good and what is wrong. Anyway, those who leave their braids in and out of the city are charged five taels of silver braid tax. This business is not bad for Ning Yu.

On July 22, more than a dozen ships loaded with captives from the Fu Han Army and the Qing Army headed west along the Yangtze River, with the goal of Wuchang. These captives will be sent to the mines around Wuchang, and there are some well-performing Prisoners will be selected for some short-term light labor.

Of course, there are a group of special people on board, that is, a group of gentry from Jiangnan who joined the Fuhan army. This time, they went to Wuchang to pay a visit to the obvious masters, and to discuss the post-war situation in Jiangnan. .

After all, after this battle is over, the world will enter a stage of reshuffle.

(End of this chapter)

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